Aversion to Tyranny

“I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”  Thomas Jefferson to Dr. Benjamin Rush – Monticello, Sep. 23, 1800

I have an aversion to tyranny.  And to be clear, by tyranny I mean an oppressive person(s) or government who exercises oppressive rule and control.  Excessive control is contradictory to the nature of freedom.  And I really value freedom.  Speaking of which, what is freedom really?

Look at all the definitions Encarta provides for freedom and tell me which one(s) should not be available to an American (or any human for that matter):

  • Ability to act freely – a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions
  • Release from captivity or slavery – release or rescue from being physically bound or from being confined, enslaved, captured or imprisoned
  • Country’s right to self-rule – without interference from, or domination by, another country or power
  • Right to act or speak freely – without restriction, interference or fear
  • Ease of movement – the ability to move easily without being limited by something
  • Right to occupy place – the right to use or occupy a place and treat it as your own
  • Frankness – openness and friendliness in speech or behavior

America is either a free country or it is not.  My personal observation is that it is free in theory but not in application.  We are not able to act freely in America (within moral bounds).  There are places you cannot gather rain water on your own property.  There are places you cannot make your own choices for food, medicine, or decisions for your child.  In fact, you cannot even operate your own personal property (vehicle) in freedom of choice for seat restraints.  [Which is a gross violation of “freedom” that practically everyone has submitted to.]

In fact, freedom of speech is under fierce attack in America today.  You’d think we were living in Russia or China, the way people are being fired for their personal opinions not even expressed on their job.  Voices that contradict a mainstream narrative are being silenced by the hundreds or even thousands.  That is not freedom of speech or expression.  That is not the ability to be frank and open.

Every doctor or nurse’s voice who has countered the narrative about Covid has been repressed, removed or silenced.  This is not a “free country” when this happens in America.  I should have the freedom to hear voices of dissent as well as speak a voice of dissent.  You are taking away my freedom to evaluate information with my own brain when you silence voices of dissent.  You have not only violated the freedom of speech and expression for the speaker, you have also violated the freedom for the listener.  These are gross violations that are being violated daily here in Amerika. 

What is the end of such policies and actions?  Where is this going?  If employers can fire an employee because of something he believes and expresses outside of work, what message are we really sending?  Message:  You do not have the freedom of independent thought if it contradicts my own thoughts.  Is that freedom?  Is that even fair or just?

Gleanings from personal experience

A lot of you know I was raised by a tyrant.  There was no deviation from my mother’s rules, and the rules were absolute control.  It wasn’t just a list of rules I was to perfectly follow, it encompassed facial expression, body language, attitude, and even thought.  If I dared to make a mistake or break a rule (many of which were unspoken), I must also answer for my thoughts in that process.  I was punished not only for what I did or didn’t do, but also for how I thought in the process.

I read George Orwell’s 1984 with discomfort.  The Thought Police was too close to home for me.  For most, that was probably fiction.  It was not fiction for me.

[Please don’t write me to express sympathy for this.   I am healed, recovered and whole now, all praise to God.  I just use these examples for examples because I’m keenly familiar with them.]

There was the time I had disobeyed my mother or in some way broken a rule.  After being confronted with the error of my ways, my mother demanded an accounting of why I did such.  I told her why I did what I did.  She disagreed with me, accused me of lying, and made me sit on a stool in the kitchen until I was ready to confess “why” (thoughts) I did what I did.  I was weary of this game of having to admit to thoughts that were not my own, but were instead my mother’s assumptions about me.  While it was easier just to tell her what she wanted to hear, I determined this time I would speak the truth as I knew it and let the chips fall.

I think I was eleven or twelve years old. 

I sat on that stool for literal hours.  About every half hour or hour, my mother would walk up to me and ask me if I was ready to tell her why I did what I did.  I would reply, “I did tell you, but you choose to believe what you want to believe.”  She’d express her disgust and walk on.

The afternoon turned to evening and the family gathered in the same room for dinner, while I sat.  Evening turned to nightfall and one by one, members of my family went to bed.  After everyone had gone to bed and the house was dark, I resigned myself that I’d spend the night on the stool.

Sometime later my mother came in and asked me if I was ready to be “honest” now with my thoughts.  I gave the same reply, probably a bit wearier.  She told me to get my shoes on and get in the car.  When I got in the car she asked me again if I was ready to be “honest”.  I gave the same reply.  She said, “Fine.  I can’t deal with a liar so I’m taking you back.”  Back where?  I asked.  She said to a foster home, then drove to the end of the driveway.

I’ll never forget those moments driving down the driveway.  An internal war raged in me.  I did not want to go to a foster home.  I did not want to leave at all.  I just wanted to go to bed and live my life.  Was this stand for truth worth my abandonment and rejection?  Where would this end?  If I didn’t “confess” to her will, would I then be an orphan, again?

We reached the end of the driveway and my mother idled the car there.  We were in the rural countryside in the middle of the night.  There were no cars coming.  She turned to me and asked again, “Why did you do it?”  I don’t know how long I paused before I answered but it felt like forever.  If I stood my ground and refused to be intimidated, I’d be an orphan.  If I lied to acquiesce my mother, I’d be a fraud but I’d still have a home.  I took a deep breath and told her what I knew she wanted to hear (we’d been down this road a few other times).  She said, “Was that so hard?”  Put the car in reverse and we went back home. 

I’ve always wished I had called her bluff.  Would she have really taken me “back” and abandoned me?  She might have.  There are plenty of examples that indicate she would. 

My literal existence for thirteen years in that home was a fight for freedom.  Freedom to think independently, freedom to speak and express myself, freedom to act according to my own convictions.  Every step of the way was a battle for my freedom, and it cost me dearly.  I was eventually disowned, and that story is too long to tell.  It hinged on my willingness to submit to more tyranny.  This time I was sixteen years old and resisted.  My consequence was becoming an orphan, again.

Why I don’t wear a mask, in a state the government has mandated I wear one

Because I am healthy and well.  I have no fear of disease, and I carry no disease.  I will not infect someone with something I do not have, and I do not fear getting it from someone who does. 

Because I have done my own research and reached my own convictions.  I have reinforced my immune system with the knowledge I have obtained.  No one has provided evidence the disease is transmittable by contagion.  What I have learned about covid contradicts what the government is telling me.

Because I have an aversion to tyranny.  My “ruler” (Dictator Governor Laura Kelly) has not convinced me the threat is worth the restriction on my freedom to move and make my own decisions about my health.  My experience has taught me that undue restrictions on freedom lead to further restrictions on freedom. 

Because my allegiance is to God first.  As John Hancock said at the Provincial Congress, Resolution to Massachusetts Bay, in October 1774:  “Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.”  My dependence is on God, not a mask, not a government, not a “health” agency.  I understand the rights heaven has given me and that no man ought to take from me.  Therefore I exercise my rights in the face of tyranny.

Because wearing a mask symbolizes a lie to me.  And I have sworn I would not knowingly propagate a lie for the assurance of the tyrant ever again. 

[The follow up to my last article can be found here.]

Answering the accusation that Q is a great deception

My reply to J.D. Farag’s July 19, 2020 sermon regarding Qanon, which can be viewed here

First the good:  I believe his heart is good and his motives are pure.  I believe he means well.  I love his passion for the Word of God and defense of the rightful position of God as Sovereign. 

I don’t think he’s a bad guy, I just think he’s wrong.  Most of his errant points come from a lack of understanding of what Q really is, and taking things out of context.  We can do that all day, from news stories, to movie quotes, to book excerpts, to conversations, etc.  If you don’t have the right context, your conclusions are usually wrong.

I don’t have a lot of time to spend on this, the over an hour of this was more time than I had to start with, so here’s my main points.  The maddening thing about Mr. Farag’s contention is he acts like Q is pretending to be a leader for Christianity.  Know your audience.  Q is about the patriot movement.  There are Christians in that movement and non-believers and everything in between.  Q isn’t talking just to Christians.  Taking his language as though he is, is disingenuous. 

By the definition of “cult”, Christianity is a cult as well.  Take that as you wish.  There’s a negative connotation with the word cult, and he used cult to describe the Qanon movement, then he defined cult by the Merriam Webster Dictionary.  By the definition he used, Christianity is a cult too. 

He starts off contending that Q called for an oath to be taken.  Then he makes a big to do about taking the oath to uphold the Constitution is “anti-Christ”.  Oh wow.  This is going to be exhausting if it’s starting like this.  Again, the Qanon movement is a patriot movement.  Q is highlighting allegiance to the Constitution in a day that allegiances to social justice issues, political parties, and pet issues are wildly rampant.  He’s focusing the patriots to the founding document our government is derived from.  He’s emphasizing and focusing the army of digital soldiers that have enlisted, and that they need to have as their foundation an allegiance to the Constitution, not to thoughts and feelings and creeds.  It is that simple. 

Declaring an oath to the Constitution to focus one’s motives and actions is not anti-christ.  Just wow.  Just what about that would be?  He implies it’s taking the place of Christ.  No.  In America today, people are all over the place in declarations about what should and shouldn’t be.  Focusing an American on civic duties to the Constitution that defines American law is not anti-Christ.

Then he begins to go through select Q drops and phrases.  I’m going to breeze through these as quickly as I can.

“Sheep no more….”  (from 1797 and others)  Again, context please.  We’re still talking about our nation, not a belief system or Christianity.  Yet Mr. Farag insists that this is somehow blasphemous to the concept that Christ is the Shepherd and His people are often referenced as sheep.  THAT’S NOT WHAT Q IS TALKING ABOUT HERE.  He’s talking about people dulled into mindless submission and compliance to propaganda and unrighteous government acts.   This has nothing to do with our position in Christ. It’s ignorant and deceptive to pretend that Q is referring to who Christians should or should not be. He’s talking about Americans, not Christians.

“Dark to light….”  (from  3014 and others) Mr. Farag takes this phrase and selects Q post 666 that says “follow the light” and springboards off it to refer to it as a “Luciferian light”.  Please note that Q posted “dark to light” first in Q drop #134.  He disregards that Q drop 666 is about the stock market crashing at the number “666”, and that the entire drop is about bad actors hiding their bad deeds and the need for truth to illuminate their darkness, which is why he ends with “follow the light”, which here refers to following the exposure of these dark deeds so the people behind them can be exposed.  The post references Rothschild, Soros, Saudi kings, and ilk selling assets and making alliances through marriages to keep their secrets in the dark.  Yet Mr. Farag alleges Q is cryptically calling readers to follow Lucifer. Reading the post in context can reveal its meaning. Taking a phrase out of context will obscure it.

He further goes on to allege Q is implying believers are in the dark.  This is yet another example of lacking context to make a point.  Again, Q posts are targeted at patriots intent on restoring the Republic, not Christians looking for spiritual guidance.  It’s exhausting to have to keep pointing this out, but he carries this same mistake throughout his presentation.

What’s also exhausting about this entire line of thought and accusation throughout his presentation subtly disguised as a “warning”, is the concept of what he’s suggesting.  Q has been primarily a conduit for information that exposes dark deeds, (human trafficking, pedophile rings, vile and abhorrent deeds done in darkness, corrupt governments and government black operations, etc.).  Why would satan expose his own deeds in an effort to enlist followers?  Christ Himself was plain that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  This makes no sense whatsoever.  [See Mt. 12:25 or Luke 11:17]

“trust the plan”….  Mr. Farag takes offense to the phrase “trust the plan”, again failing to recognize it’s a military action plan to restore the Republic that it’s referring to.  He spiritualizes it as though this is an affront to Christianity to put our trust somewhere other than God.  This is yet another attempt to infer Q’s references are specifically for Christians.  Again, they are not.  Q is about restoring the Republic of the United States, not building the Church of God.

He takes further offense when Q says “trust and believe in yourself” (numerous posts).  Farag says, “It’s not trust in self, it’s die to self.”  And I wholeheartedly agree with him where it’s concerning our faith, and living our lives for Christ.  Again, context matters.  Q is speaking to a group of patriots that are from all different walks of life and are riddled with doubts about how to walk out their patriotism –when to speak, when to act — and he is encouraging patriots to act with confidence in the face of great opposition and many adversaries.  Mr. Farag is correct in his sentiment and I agree, but he has misapplied the intention of Q’s statements.

“Where We Go One We Go All”  [from 2788 and others]…. I feel I’m just being redundant here.  It’s the same thing.  If you don’t understand Q’s references, you can make them sound like just about anything.  Mr. Farag says this “smacks of the world” and then references Scriptures talking about loving the world, etc.  The phrase “where we go one we go all” is a phrase from the movie “White Squall” where the ship captain teaches the crew that all of their efforts affect everyone else.  It’s a team creed if you will to understand our individual efforts at restoring the republic benefit all patriots.  Mr. Farag accuses this is a new world order motto just in other phraseology.  Except it’s not.  That’s not what Q is saying or means.

Mr. Farag took the Q post 4249 that had a meme with Mark 11:22 and the words “Have faith in God” as an opportunity to accuse this was not the God of the Bible, because the picture meme Q posted didn’t have “Jesus said” in it.  He asserted that Q never mentions Jesus Himself, and reminds us that Satan quotes the Scripture and knows Bible prophecy better than anyone.  This is an outright accusation that Q is satanic. 

He leaves out the knowledge that Q posted in 3708, on December 17, 2019:  “Though nothing should ever replace Christ in Christmas.  Merry Christmas , Anons/Patriots.”  Sure, it’s not a “Jesus” reference, but it is a reference to Jesus Himself.

Mr. Farag also neglects to mention the multiple times Q posts Ephesians 6:10-18 about putting on the whole armor of God, ending with praying for all the saints.

I would agree with Mr. Farag on the wording in Q post 2450 when he says a “beautiful brave new world lies ahead”.  The wording in this bothered me at the time as well and I don’t have a reason for it, because I don’t know the reason for that wording, other than Q maintains that bringing the workers of gross iniquity to justice will improve our world.

And lastly, he makes a big deal about Q using the phrase “the Great Awakening” [post 3858] and calls it “a great deception”.  He doesn’t actually frame Q’s post 3858 with the 520 other words in the post that explain what Q means.  He does as he did on all the others and assumed the meaning and placed his own spin on it. [You can read this and any other Q post here.]

He then segued into something he called “the great awakening map” by a “Champ Parinya”.  And this is where I lost my patience.  I have never heard of the “great awakening map”.  It is not something Q has ever posted about, mentioned, or pointed to.  It is an offshoot that someone else created, borrowing phrases from Q.  It is clearly and obviously new age, but it has nothing to do with Q.  It is not Q.  Attributing it to Q as though these are Q ideas and thoughts is deceptive itself.  It has nothing to do with Q. I can’t emphasize this enough. “The great awakening map” is not from Q.

Someone took license from the Qanon movement to make their own new age interpretation of things.  It’s dishonest to attribute that to Q, and I can’t express appropriate disgust that someone would be so dishonest as to misrepresent this.  I can only assume Mr. Farag is basing his “information” on hearsay, because it is not on firsthand knowledge.

I was pretty much done listening to this man’s religious rhetoric steeped in misinformation, but I did hear him suggest that Qanon is a form of a Hegelian Dialectic.  He said Q has pitted the right against the left, Democrats against Republicans, conservatives against liberals, etc.  Which only serves to prove he has no idea what or who Q is or is about.  He further makes the mistake of assuming Q thinks the Deep State are the liberal Democrats.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Q has called out President Bush (R) and John McCain (R) and Mitt Romney (R) and other Republicans as well.  The Deep State is both and neither political parties. It is actors from America and Europe and several other countries. It’s not a left/right thing. It’s an evil group of people who use whatever vehicle and/or person available to accomplish their deeds.

Mr. Farag suggests his “warning” is obedience to God, but how can it be when it is full of so much misinformation and error?  Q is not to be worshipped, and is not a replacement for faith and obedience to God.  And Q has never asserted such either.  Q is an operation for restoring the rule of law and justice to our Republic, and has painstakingly exposed satanic clubs and rituals and actors in the effort to expose the deeds of darkness that have stained our nation.  An honest assessment of Q posts would reveal such. 

Mr. Farag’s presentation is woefully misguided and in error and not at all representative of Q or the Qanon movement.

I think we’re wrapping up

In a nutshell, why I think we’re in the final years on earth has little to do with politics, current events, the (sorry) state of the Church, or interpretations of Revelation.  I happen to be in the school of thought that most of end times prophecy is already completed.  We’re not waiting for bowls, seals and trumpets.  They’ve already happened and our church leaders have misled us.

There is no “rapture” before some mythical 7-year tribulation.  The great tribulation has come and gone.  You can read about it in the history records.  The only “rapture” is when Christ Himself returns to the earth and His believers still on earth are caught up (the phrase that depicts the rapture) to meet him in the air.  We then will accompany Him back to the earth where He will be crowned King of the earth.

God has a timetable and God’s purposes will not be thwarted.  (If you’ve followed Q at all, this should be easy for you to understand.  The QClock and the timestamps indicate a plan bigger than the present.  If human minds can do this, imagine the mind of God and His clock.) 

Remember this, and be assured;  Recall it to mind, you transgressors.

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done,

Saying, ‘ My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;

Isaiah 46:8-10 NASU

God laid out a template from the first act on Earth:  Creation.  The template was a seven day week – the last day being a rest (representative in the Sabbath).  Each day represented a thousand years on earth.  “Remember the former things long past.” 

The math is easy; it’s belief that is difficult.  After six thousand years, the earth gets its Sabbath.  Christ is our Sabbath, and His millennial reign is the Seventh Year.   “Declaring the end from the beginning…”

If we had kept our calendars correctly and didn’t make any human errors (or deliberate deceptions), the Seventh Year should have started in 2000.  But, we didn’t.  So we have to take into account the errors, and that’s a hat trick.  (I personally think that’s purposeful.)

I’ve spent two decades studying this and these concepts and principles, and it took me over forty hours and five months to teach it in a class, so this is a nutshell without the details.  God declared in Isaiah that He declares things from the ancient past for things that are yet to be:  “… from ancient times things which have not been done.”  To see the future, we have to look back.  [To borrow from Q, “future proves past.”]

Remember the preacher’s words in Eccl 1:9-11?  We fail to remember the earlier things – aiding our ignorance and lack of knowledge.

That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.  So there is nothing new under the sun.

Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new”?  Already it has existed for ages which were before us.

There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, there will be for them no remembrance among those who will come later still.

This is the current generation of both believers and unbelievers.  There’s nothing new.  It has all existed ages prior, and because there is no effort to remember them (and learn), we fail to recognize the same errors in our day.  Human trafficking, adrenochrome, organ harvesting, transhumanism, etc.  These are not new evils.  They are in fact, very, very old.  We just failed to recall them, address them, learn from them, arrest (stop) them. 

But God.  God’s purposes will be established.  This is where we hang our hats.  And He purposed  a six thousand year earth with humanity at various stages being given the opportunity to align with Him.  And we are drawing to the end of that six thousand years. 

So all the talk and speculation about an antichrist, the mark of the beast, etc. does not dissuade me from the time we are living.  We are at the end.  If the whole of Revelation was accomplished (historicist) view or only a partial fulfillment with a future fulfillment is true, it will not change the timeline of God.  He has allotted humanity so much time on earth, and then the end.  We will not and cannot change His timeline and His purpose.

I understand the need to discern the signs of the times.  I have that urge myself.  Those are the details that are fun (and exhausting) to throw around and weigh evidence with Scripture.  I don’t have that neatly tied up.  I still change my mind on what some things mean and if they are particular signs.  But it does not change me that we are at the end.

Just when is that end?  That’s the golden question….  Messianic Hebrew scholars say it cannot be later than 2038, yet the Hebrew calendar has us at year 5780, which would leave 220 years yet to fulfillment.  For a lot of reasons they do not believe that is accurate either. 

The Spirit of God began speaking to me in elevens  I think around 2010.  It took me months of praying and seeking to understand what He was saying.  After several months of this, He gave me Matthew 20:6 through a third party who had no idea what I was praying about:  “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day long?’”

And the Spirit spoke as I read it, “It’s the eleventh hour.”  Again, I had no real understanding at that time what that meant.  I had an idea, but it would be years before I was able to discern the intent.  My understanding is an hour is the equivalent of 41.6 years.  So in 2010, God began speaking to me about being in the “eleventh hour”, or the last 41.6 years on earth.  Were we at the beginning of the eleventh hour?  The middle, or the end?  I do not know and He has not said more to me regarding this.  I know the Messianic Rabbis believe 2038 is the last possible year before the Seventh Day, but it could be any time in between.

It’s too long to get into here, but there have been dozens of studies and things I’ve learned between now and then that reaffirm this to me.  In Genesis 6:3 God declared the number of man on earth would be 120 years.  Scholars way more scholarly than me can explain how that is 120 Jubilees, or six thousand years.  This is not a new teaching.  It’s just not talked about in the modern western Church.

So in a nutshell, yes, I believe Christ is returning in my lifetime, and I believe it will be in the next 15-20 years, but could also be in the next couple.  And I don’t believe that because of any interpretation of Revelation, or any particular current signs.  I believe it because I believe God has ordained the time and it is upon us.

I reserve the right to change my mind as I gain new knowledge and revelation, but at my current knowledge and understanding, this is where I am. 

Concerning America…  When you realize that America is the tribe of Manasseh, and that it is half of the birthright tribes of Israel, there is a peace that floods your being.  God made some promises and He keeps His promises.  He calls them covenants, and they are dependent upon His integrity not mine.  So I can count on them.

I’ve taught on this before, so I’m not going to expound here – though it is one of my favorite teachings.  The holy writ of the Bible is deliberate.  There are no wasted words in the Bible.  Everything has a meaning and a purpose.  The “acharit-hayamim” are deliberate words for a deliberate time.  Look up my teachings on them if you want a starting point for your own studies.  Every single time “acharit-hayamim” is used in the Scripture has a very specific meaning.

Genesis 49:1 (from the Complete Jewish Bible):  Then Ya‘akov called for his sons and said, “Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the acharit-hayamim.”

He then proceeds to go through the sons of Jacob and tells them their lot – but not for them personally, for their progeny, and just for the “acharait-hayamim” (last days).  We read this blessing on the birthright tribe of Joseph, of which Manasseh and Ephraim inherit…

Gen 49:22-26  (still from the Complete Jewish Bible)

“Yosef is a fruitful plant, a fruitful plant by a spring, with branches climbing over the wall.

The archers attacked him fiercely, shooting at him and pressing him hard; but his bow remained taut; and his arms were made nimble by the hands of the Mighty One of Ya‘akov, from there, from the Shepherd, the Stone of Isra’el, by the God of your father, who will help you, by El Shaddai, who will bless you with blessings from heaven above, blessings from the deep, lying below, blessings from the breasts and the womb.

“The blessings of your father are more powerful than the blessings of my parents, extending to the farthest of the everlasting hills; they will be on the head of Yosef, on the brow of the prince among his brothers.”

You have a prophecy here, uttered on the deathbed of the namesake for Israel, Jacob.  He prophesies over each of his sons their lot in the “acharit-hayamim”, the last days.  The birthright blessing of Joseph prophesied being attacked by archers fiercely, “shooting at him and pressing him hard”.  The word for “archers” there translates as a “piercer” (as in with a weapon). 

So from that, I read that to mean the people of the birthright blessing of Israel, the tribe of Joseph (of which America is half), will come under attack with weapons that fly through the air and pierce.  (I think of missiles in modern day speak, and/or gunfire with piercing bullets.)  The attack will be fierce and hard. 

Look at the phrasing here (that’s so hard to really capture with our words):

Gen 49:23 in the King James Version: The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him:

Gen 49:23 in the Young’s Literal Translation: And embitter him — yea, they have striven, Yea, hate him do archers;

Gen 49:23 in the New American Standard: The archers bitterly attacked him, and shot at him and harassed him;

The original Hebrew here may help:

The archers [chets] a piercer, an arrow, a wound

Have sorely grieved him [marar] to trickle, to be bitter (provoke, vex)

And shot [rabab] projection, to shoot an arrow

And hated him [satam] to lurk for, persecute, hate

We have a people group classified as archers who have lurked for to persecute America, and have provoked America in a trickle (slow, methodical) with bitterness, and will shoot at America in an attempt to destroy or subdue her.

Any number of people could classify in this, but doesn’t the Deep State strike you as a near perfect fit?  America has stood in the way for their worldwide agenda, and they have slowly and meticulously, with great bitterness, been plotting against America and inflicting damage to America’s foundations.  It will culminate in an outright physical attack with projectiles.

In this passage the archers are unnamed.  We only know them as “archers” who have come against Joseph’s progeny.  Oh there’s so much to this I don’t have time for!

BUT Joseph, the birthright people of this prophecy, will stand firm and “his bow remained taut”….  And that word for “bow” is “qesheth” which means “bending a bow for shooting” but comes from the word “qowsh” to bend to set a trap or lay a snare.

Do you see???  America will come under attack in the acharit-hayamim by a people bitter against her.  Whether they know or understand that America is the birthright inheritance of Abraham is irrelevant.  The one who provokes these people to hate America knows, and he is using a body of people to take vengeance on the people of the ancient covenant of Abraham, to usurp the works of God and supplant them with his own. 

But Joseph will respond in strength, and in fact God will have laid a trap for these people who have come against his covenant people.  And then get this, God Himself will strengthen Joseph’s arms!  Don’t miss this!  “From the shepherd, the stone of Israel” does this!  Who is this shepherd?  Who is this stone?  None other than the cornerstone, Christ!

I am not worried for America.  We have rough days ahead, but God’s purposes will be established and he will accomplish all His good pleasure.  To be in the will of God is the perfect place of security.  That’s why in all these days of sorting out the details of white hats and black hats, and political agendas and treasons, and Bible prophecies and interpretations, the only thing that really matters is aligning with God’s purposes

I might be totally off in my interpretations of current events and where they fit in the alleged schematics of supposed prophecy of Revelation, but if I have my eyes on my God, I can still walk out obedience and rest in the wings of the Almighty.  Whether the Beast’s kingdom has come and gone or is currently underway or is yet to come, if I have my faith solid in my Savior and King, I’m going to still be able to follow His lead as the days unfold.  Knowing we’re in treacherous times only makes me more vigilant.  Knowing we’re in the last scenes of the play called “Life on Earth”, I gain perspective and greater focus. 

Christ told us in parable to occupy until He comes.  (Luke 19:12-27)  And that word “occupy” means to busy oneself with, to trade, to conduct business, to work.  The ones who were found faithful to be doing such at His absence were rewarded.  So there is much to do and be done as we await the return of the King, but there is little to fear because He has been plain about how it will end. 


 [A working hypothesis]

I have a theory I’m mulling over.  Q makes posts that are deltas (delays) – sometimes one year, or two, or three…  What if these posts were three year deltas:

Granted, this (alleged arrest day) would be a Friday, which makes sense in the light of bombshell news…. Merely speculation here but look at this one:

While Tony Podesta encountered some turbulence around this time in 2017, he was never arrested and there were no public riots.  What if this is a three year delta?  It could also be about John.  The assumption is Tony because of current events at the time, but John is just as corrupt.  Look at this tweet from POTUS in February:

Why was POTUS drawing attention to Podesta in February?  They closed the investigation in September 2019.  Now either Q was really off in his assertions (arrest of Podesta, public riots to deter from senior official arrests, military and special ops , EMS activated) OR this was a delta….  [Looking Glass comes to mind…]

That Tony Podesta overlapped with Manafort and Flynn, yet escaped virtually unscathed, is covered well in this article.  We learned that in September 2019 the Department of Justice ended its investigation into Podesta without any charges being filed (incredulous as that sounds).  But get this, the (corrupt) FBI handed the investigation off to none other than SDNY – the corrupt US District Court that has protected all the mafia and political criminals.  There will not be justice for political and mafia criminals there.  (Though SDNY is recently undergoing some changes in leadership….)

Now if Q post 34 is a three year delta, this would fall in line with both the visions in the Pastor Coverstone dream, and the concept of an overtime of national unrest.  Remember Q said these actions (arresting Podesta) would not be openly accepted.  We’ve had over three years to prep the public as much as possible as to the corruption of these people and their sick crimes, yet there is still a populace that cannot or will not see.

Hillary Clinton’s arrest at the end of October and a Podesta arrest the first of November would be bomb shells. It would bring every black hat out of the shadows. Can you imagine??

Additionally, look at the timing of Ghislaine being arrested and upcoming trials.  It’s already July.  If trials go forward, August is optimistic for public exposure and details to be brought out.  It could easily be September before things are starting to be brought to the light.  If the media handles it like they did NXIM it will be bare minimum coverage coupled with false flags and other media-driven narratives to push it to the back page (so to speak). 

What if Maxwell’s testimony and/or trial brings Podesta to light?  Where’s all the Huma evidence if she was a cooperating witness?  Where’s Weiner’s laptop evidence???? Where’s Durham’s investigation leading?  Look at this:

[Back to Q #34]:  “Temporary military control and special ops” tells me the White Hats will have measures in place.  But the dream tells me not to underestimate the Deep State’s resolve.  If I’m reading any of these signs correctly, it will be an ugly display of an insurrection.  And if Super Bowl LI was a foreshadow, this overtime will end in victory for the Patriots, but WHEN????  By inauguration? 

POTUS has been aggressive against China in tariffs and trades, in condemning the lab in Wuhan and the authorities, in removing TicToc for backdoor spying on Americans.  Newsome is allegedly laundering money through China, (buying masks in exchange for arms for insurrection groups – Antifa, BLM, etc.).  Chinese soldiers were part of the Coverstone dream.

This is merely speculation and a working hypothesis, based on putting some loose pieces in a logical sequence.  I could be way off on this theory, but I’m kicking it around for now.  Don’t judge me for it – this is in the raw and merely deductive speculation.

Some thoughts on the spiritual aspect of that dream

I’m going to touch on three (and a half) aspects of this topic…


Scripture is consistent that God speaks to His people in dreams.  For instance, Numbers 12:6 [NASU]:

“Hear now My words:  If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, shall make Myself known to him in a vision.  I shall speak with him in a dream.”

The first dream was recorded in Genesis 20:3, when Abimelech was warned in a dream about Sarah being Abraham’s wife.    Joseph had a series of dreams that came to pass.  Two people in prison with Joseph had dreams, both came to pass, but interestingly, one was favorable and the other was not.  (One man was restored and the other was killed.)

Pharaoh had two dreams of warning of severe famine coming to the land that also passed.  His dreams were warnings that saved many people’s lives and also transferred wealth and reset people group’s boundaries.

In Judges 7, Gideon overheard someone telling about a dream and another man interpreting it, and he was encouraged and emboldened.  [It wasn’t even his own dream OR interpretation!]

When God removed His favor from Saul’s life, he was no longer able to hear from Him in dreams as well as other methods of God’s communication:  1 Samuel 28:6 [NASU], “When Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord did not answer him, either by dreams or by Urim or by prophets.”   Dreams are clearly a method of communication from God.

But there are also false dreams…

Jeremiah 23 recounts that the false prophets of Jeremiah’s day were telling false dreams and misleading the people, telling them via false dreams that calamity would not come when indeed God was saying it would!  For a minute let’s look at what God says in Jeremiah 23 because He has brought this to me numerous times in my life:

Jeremiah 23:16-20 [NASU]

Thus says the Lord of hosts,” Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.  They are leading you into futility; They speak a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord.  They keep saying to those who despise Me, ‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”‘; And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, they say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’   But who has stood in the council of the Lord, that he should see and hear His word? Who has given heed to His word and listened?  Behold, the storm of the Lord has gone forth in wrath, Even a whirling tempest; It will swirl down on the head of the wicked.  The anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it.”

Here we have a period of time God has been telling the people through Jeremiah (for eight years before the first deportation and nineteen years cumulative until the second deportation) that judgment was coming.  That’s a long time to prophesy “doom and gloom” with no fulfillment.  Surely he was mocked as a false prophet?  Surely he was doubted?  In the meantime, others in the church (if you will) were saying quite the opposite.  (“Calamity will not come upon you.”  And “you will have peace.”)

The phrase God continually speaks to me in here is:  But who has stood in the council of the Lord, that he should see and hear His word?  See that’s the key.  All kinds of voices are saying all kinds of things, but seating myself in the “council of the Lord” will cause me to see and hear His word.  Keep that in mind as we move on.

[Another side note I want to make about Jeremiah 23 is that phrase there in verse 20:  The anger of the Lord will not turn back until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it.  That’s the “acharit-hayamim” I’ve written so much about.  The last days, the days of the Holy Spirit after Christ’s resurrection and ascension.  Now.  Why do you suppose the Judeans would not clearly understand until “the last days”?  — That’s another topic for another day; I just wanted to pause and make mention of it.]

Another time we hear about false dreams is in Zechariah 10:2  [NASU].  Again, the false dreams are “comforting in vain” which causes the people to wander without proper leadership.

For the teraphim speak iniquity,

And the diviners see lying visions

And tell false dreams;

They comfort in vain.

Therefore the people wander like sheep,

They are afflicted, because there is no shepherd.

It’s interesting to me that the false dreams we’re told about in Scripture are ones that mislead the people that it is a time of peace or rescue when it is not at all.

We’re going to segue into my half point here, which is, dreams can and do cause fear.

In Daniel 2:3 we read that King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and that his “spirit [was] anxious to understand the dream.”  Then again in Daniel 4:5 King Nebuchadnezzar had another dream and he says, “I saw a dream which made me afraid, and the thoughts upon my bed and the visions of my head troubled me.”

When Daniel was shown the same dream that the King had, and also the interpretation, we learn that “Then Daniel … was astonished (troubled, appalled) for one hour, and his thoughts troubled him.”  From these accounts we learn that dreams can cause fear, turmoil, and other unpleasant reactions.  Because they do does not make them false or mean someone is “walking in fear”.  Our job when this happens is to what?  Stand in the council of the Lord to hear and understand His word.

The last time we find the mention of dreams in the Old Testament is in Joel 2:28-32, who is speaking of a future day that we later learn takes place after Christ’s ascension, and was initiated on the Day of Pentecost, fulfilling another Feast of the Lord:

It will come about after this

That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;

And your sons and daughters will prophesy,

Your old men will dream dreams,

Your young men will see visions.

Even on the male and female servants

I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth,

Blood, fire and columns of smoke.

The sun will be turned into darkness

And the moon into blood

Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord

Will be delivered;

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

There will be those who escape,

As the Lord has said,

Even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

So a future day to Joel’s people, (the people of Judah and Jerusalem), he tells us will entail prophecy, dreams and visions.  Before that day, however, God still spoke and warned through dreams.  The wise men were warned in a dream to not return to Herod in Matthew 2:12.  Joseph was warned in a dream to flee to Egypt because Herod was going to search for the Christ child. (Matthew 2:13)

Then Joseph was instructed in a dream while he was in Egypt to return to Israel.  After he did, he was warned in another dream to find refuge in the region of Galilee.  (Matthew 2:19-23)

In Matthew 27:19 we learn that Pilate’s wife “suffered greatly in a dream” because of Christ, and warned Pilate to have nothing to do with Christ’s trial.  We know that Pilate did not heed his wife completely and was swayed by the mob.  Why the dream of warning if it was not going to change the outcome?

 Scripturally we can see that God instructs, reveals, and warns through dreams.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever, so there’s no reason to think He is not still communicating through dreams.

“Brace yourself, brace yourself”

These are the parts of Pastor Coverstone’s dreams that spoke the loudest to me.  That phrase, “brace yourself”, is uttered twice in Scripture, both times in Job (38:3, 40:7).  Depending on your translation, it also translates as “gird up your loins as a man”.  This is a fascinating phrase, one that was spoken from God’s own lips, so we’d do well to pay special heed to it.

I’m going to quote from Barnes’ Notes because he says it so well:

“To gird up the loins, is a phrase which has allusion to the mode of dress in ancient times. The loose flowing robe which was commonly worn, was fastened with a girdle when men ran, or labored, or engaged in conflict…  The idea here is, ‘Make thyself as strong and vigorous as possible; be prepared to put forth the highest effort.’  God was about to put him to a task which would require all his ability…”

Now when we take that phrase in the context of upending national events, we’re given specific instructions.  To understand how to apply this, look at the first dream.  The first dream occurred in December 2019 – well before any knowledge of covid existed, well before a racial injustice incited riots.  How could one project what would occur across our nation in the next six months?  So Pastor Coverstone did what I would have done:  he waited and watched.  Then it unfolded and he had understanding he did not have previously.

This is the single most reason I am heeding Pastor Coverstone’s dreams.  The first dream has happened and we have the interpretation from hindsight.  Hindsight shows us the dates were specific to events, and the images were specific to events.  Hindsight tells us these events were orchestrated by our nation’s enemies (the Deep State).  We can look at the state of our nation from this vantage now, and apply understanding where we lacked it before. 

An otherwise unspectacular virus was identified and labeled a threat to humanity.  The narrative was commandeered and hysteria took over the medical, political and social arenas.  Truth was the first casualty of this war, and now America is tottering on the edge of a 1984 backdrop.  Unprecedented violations of our civil rights have occurred, our nation has had unprecedented lockdowns and literal behavior mandates (six foot rule and masks, etc.).  No, nothing about our current scenario is “normal”.

Two months later, in what seemed a bizarrely staged police arrest that ended in murder, erupted practically overnight in what could only be manufactured riots, as we watched our cities and businesses burn, and people get assaulted and even killed.  An unprecedented call for dismantling police forces and an equally unprecedented commandeering of city blocks (autonomous zones) occurred as well.  No, nothing about this scenario was normal either. 

These things were depicted in the dreams and played out in real life.  The instruction of the Lord was to “brace yourself”.  Move from a casual position to a position of readiness.  What would it have looked like if believers and patriots alike were braced, and were in a state of readiness when such events occurred?  Would the outcome have looked different?

Now apply that to the second dream.  Should the images of the second dream also be true, what then is our response to be?  Fear?  Shall we stock up some supplies and hunker down barricaded?  Or maybe despair?  Shall we fret and wring our hands with unrestrained emotion, unable to act or move?  I don’t think those are our instructions.  We’re to get ourselves in a state of readiness.  We’re to make ourselves as strong and vigorous as possible and put forth our highest efforts. 

What if fourth quarter rolls into overtime?

I wrote an article over three years ago on some things I thought the Spirit was showing me that keep coming to mind this week.  Basically it was about Super Bowl LI between the Patriots and the Falcons.  I speculated that if the game was a sign, what could it be signaling?  Here’s an excerpt:

Pay attention to the words that were used to describe this game and one recurring word I heard was “historical”.  Remember that it was the game that broke a number of records:  first team to overcome a deficit larger than ten points, first game to go into overtime, first coach to win five Super Bowls, first quarterback to win five Super Bowls.

And then I looked at some small details, like this:

  • Twelve is the number of divine government. (Brady’s #)
  • Patriots represent the citizens of a nation that uphold and pledge allegiance to the nation’s identity.  (think Constitution, original founding, spirit of intent, etc.)
  • Two is the number of division or separation*. (Ryan’s #)                                                              *(It also means witness or testimony.)
  • A falcon is a hawk that is trained to sport, and “falcon” is given to the female alone. The male hawk trained to sport is considered smaller, weaker, and less courageous and is called a tircelet or tarsel.  (from the 1828 first edition Webster dictionary)  So a falcon is a stalker or predator of female origin.

Again, this isn’t a “word from God” and I’m not saying God has told me this.  I am saying I have learned to watch and see how things unfold as God orders them.  Is it coincidental that the Patriots played the Falcons at a time our nation is divided (#2)?  Is it a coincidence that a falcon is a female hawk trained to sport and operating as a stalker or predator at the same time Hillary lost an election to a man who wants to give the people the power back (another Constitutional principle)?

Could we simplify it to say our nation is engaged in a battle between patriots in support of the Constitution and upholding the Constitutional Law of the land which preserves freedom, and predators seeking to destroy our freedoms, finances, and security?  That it is God’s government in battle against a divisive spirit?  (#12 vs. #2)

If God could possibly be speaking through any of this, what might we be able to learn?  If we base it loosely and look at it generally speaking, maybe we could observe that God has given the upper hand to the true Patriots for this season, and that the adversity is a predator (consider 1 Peter 5:8).  The first part of the battle had a stalemate, but the second quarter brought the predator ahead significantly (21-3).  The third quarter saw a modest attempt by the Patriots to regain ground while the predator gained some as well 28-9, while the last quarter saw a surge in Patriot ground gained, leveling the battle ground (28-28), and catapulting further battle in overtime.  The Patriots gained the victory in a historical relentless drive and historical conclusion.

Translation:  We should be encouraged.  We, the People, the patriots of the Constitution and the nation it serves, should be relentless and never give up in our advancement of righteousness in our nation.  The battle will look like we’re losing for awhile, but if we are relentless, we will come back.  Then the battle will be extended for a brief time and if we remain relentless and focused, we will get the victory.

The reason this keeps coming to mind is because in Coverstone’s  second dream the calendar was rocked in November, and DC was burning.  I feel like this is the game finale:  election day.  But the (Super Bowl) game went into overtime – historical overtime.  What would be overtime in a presidential term?  That time between Election Day and Inauguration Day?

Then this came to mind from brilliant decoder NeonRevolt:

Some people have been looking at Coverstone’s dreams like an Armageddon.  I’m not convinced that’s what they are.  I think they’re just revelation of the enemy’s plans and God is telling His people to prepare ourselves to counter the works of darkness.  Brace yourselves, get ready; it’s going to get dicey in some areas.  Get a game plan together and ready yourself for war, or work, or whatever God shows you.

Now, from the very first Q post we were told to “expect massive riots”, “organized riots are being planned”, and this one from last month:

So we know that our intelligence departments have been and are aware of the riot plans.  If Election Day November 3 rolls around and President Trump is re-elected, I expect massive riots almost immediately.  If so, by Coverstone’s dream and Q’s forewarning, the White Hats are aware.  I would expect they would have countermeasures.  (Remember he did not see any sign of President Trump in D.C.  I think he took that as a negative, but I take it as a positive:  the White Hats are one step ahead.)  But if Neon’s assessment is accurate, D.C. may very well burn as the Black Hats attempt to overthrow our government. 

Anyone who has been following Q nominally will understand that they have been insistent that the American people will have to be shown the works of darkness in order to be led to the truth.  Burning D.C. would indeed reveal the black hearts of these people.  (though some people will sadly never see)  If the Super Bowl LI was a sign of President Trump’s first term as President, then the historic overtime would be symbolic of the national state of suspension after the election.  Just a theory, but it’s plausible if the interpretations and signs are being read correctly.

But back to my original premise, we should indeed stand in the council of the Lord that we should see and hear His word.  Then we will know what to do to be in His will.

A Day of reckoning

An unassuming Kentucky pastor has been thrust into the limelight because of some dreams he shared that have gone viral.  You can hear him tell about his dreams here.  You can read a transcript of his dreams here.  I’ve spent a week seeking God about this, and here’s what I have to say about that, and my projections for America in the near future.

Pastor Coverstone had a dream in December 2019 that pretty much played out a few months later as he saw it in his dream [covid, riots, civil unrest, etc.].  Then he had a second dream mid-June that he was told was “part two”.  Here’s part two:

I saw a calendar… the calendar was [on a wall when], a white figure appeared.  … I heard the voice say, “part two, part two”.

I saw June, go, I saw July. I saw August, and then I saw September, and I saw the finger underneath the word September and it like emphasized it and tapped it three times.

Then I saw October come up, and then I saw November and this is when it got real to me in the dream… the intensity for me [was extreme]…  (when I woke up my heart rate was about 180).

 …The minute the finger underlined November three times instead of tapping it, I saw a fist ball up and it hit the calendar.

And literally, the calendar exploded into the wall, the numbers seemed that they were 3D and they were falling everywhere.

There was a cloud of chaos that started in there. The next thing I saw was I saw armed protesters. I saw fighting in the streets, I saw people pummeling one another.  I saw businesses shuttered and shut up.

I saw schools closed. I saw school rooms with cobwebs hanging in them and like things like papers falling off the wall and posters…  like no one had been in them for months.

I saw banks.  Bank buildings with the roof being taken off.  It looked almost like an alien abduction because money was flying through the roof into some type of like a vacuum cleaner.  It sounds kind of strange, but I was watching wealth, just being taken. I saw politicians in back rooms, making deals with people. Patting people on the back and laughing and smiling and smirking.

I saw monuments.  I saw Washington DC, burning. I saw Washington DC blazing. I saw fires, everywhere. I saw people being rounded up. I saw Chinese and Russian soldiers on the ground.  The Russian soldiers would tell the Chinese soldiers to go “pick up these people”…” secure this quadrant”….” secure this area”…  I saw blue helmets of the UN.  I saw military things taking place. I also saw no sign of President Trump. I saw no sign of leadership in Washington DC.

The vultures that I had seen were like gargoyles.  They were 10 feet off the ground…. 10 to 15 feet off the ground.  They were just attacking people mercilessly. I saw people hiding in their homes and garages. I saw churches, being burned, I saw homes, being burned.

I saw absolute chaos.  The fist punch on the November of 2020 is what got my attention. Then I heard the words again. “Brace yourself, Brace yourself. Brace yourself.”

Now if we’re a believer, born of the Spirit of God, we have the Spirit of God within us.  We need to make every effort to align with the Spirit of God to see what He’s saying.  Some things that will inhibit us from hearing from Him are fear, preconceived ideologies, and beliefs that enforce cognitive dissonance.  When we receive data that challenges our status quo of how we think things should be, we have to make a concerted effort to reject normalcy bias.  Normalcy bias is when our sense of what is normal is disrupted with things out of our comfort zone, so we reject those things to keep in our comfort zone.

I’m not saying the things in Pastor Coverstone dreams are going to come true, but I’m not saying they aren’t.  I’ve sought the Lord and feel it’s just wisdom to heed the words.  If nothing comes of them, I am no worse off.  If the words come true and I don’t heed them in advance, I will be unprepared and I will indeed be worse off.

Here’s what I think the Spirit of God has been showing me as I have sought Him regarding this…

Reject a spirit of fear

While the images of the dream are frightening, we should not be frightened.  Knowing pending danger is ahead, we can take precautions and prepare.  That’s the advantage of a warning versus a surprise.  (I’d guess a large percentage of America was caught by surprise at the June violent riots.)

If God has shown us the danger, He will show us the solution.  We must seek Him for our preparation, and for His counsel on how we are to proceed.  Make a concerted effort to not make provisions out of fear.  Make deliberate steps of preparation as He leads you.  Fear will sabotage progress and cripple clear thinking.

Speaking of God showing a solution, some things He’ll show us in advance, and some things will be as they happen.  If we have it all figured out before it happens, we have no need for faith.  Faith is taking the unseen hand of God and walking presently as He leads where we cannot see.

This was a revelation of the enemy’s plans

Pastor Coverstone’s first dream depicted the “virus outbreak” of March, and the riots of June.  Both of those things were works of darkness.  Both of those things were manufactured by the Deep State and its actors.  They were designed to destroy economies and dismantle the U.S. Constitution. 

Look at this second dream the same way.  Instead of letting fear drive your reactions, sit back and analyze critically.  If this is what the enemy of our nation (which is also the enemy of our souls) has planned, we have a jump start on circumventing as much as possible.  If you’re not on offense, you’re on defense.  Offense is better.  Shift your thinking and get on offense.

This has everything to do with the November elections.  The timing in the dreams indicates this.  The dates are valuable clues.  The Deep State’s resources are getting smaller and the threat against their exposure has gotten greater.  Justice is breathing down their necks and they are unhinged.  They are desperate to regain control of the nation and the narrative, and implement their agenda for global dominion.

How it could play out

This reveals to me a few things.  There’s going to be something that will upset the national climate in September.  It could be a false flag – another shooting, some sort of racial divide, etc.  It could be a new wave of covid or even a “new” virus. 

Allegedly the Starlink satellites are supposed to be launched in September, pummeling earth with 5G waves from the upper atmosphere.  The implications of that alone have neither been tested on the natural world, nor potential serious health risks honestly disclosed.  Easily the human body could be affected in dramatic and harmful ways.  They would never admit technology is making humanity sick, so they would have to discover, create, or blame a new virus as the culprit of the waves of illness it may cause.

I’m speculating that the summer is going to be rife with exposure of Deep State crimes.  The Trump administration has been trying to clean up our judicial system for over three years so an honest trial for crimes could occur.  The recent upset at SDNY came just before the arrest of Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.  Maxwell is allegedly ready to spill her secrets.  If she isn’t killed first, she could be the catalyst for a number of high profile arrests.

With these exposures, the Deep State is going to pull out the stops to hide exposure and change the narrative.  I expect a number of things are going to be manufactured for this.  However, I’m speculating the damage of the exposure to their deeds will happen and people will be waking up.  September will bring something nationally critical, in an effort to thwart the elections.

My projection is that President Trump will be re-elected, along with a number of new and fresh patriotic faces intent on restoring the rule of law, justice, the voice of the American people, and ultimately the Republic.  My guess is this will completely unhinge the Deep State.  They will bring everything out of their arsenal and attempt to burn down the country to regain control.  I don’t think we’ve seen the extent of their wickedness even yet.

As I pondered how foreign troops get on American soil, I felt it could be through Deep State mafia actors like de Blasio, Cuomo, Newsome, and other Governors and ilk that are beholden to their masters.  They may very well call the U.N. to intervene in their created crisis and paid riots and hand the keys of their cities and states over to the U.N.  China and Russia’s involvement is less clear to me, unless they are contracted by the U.N.  Is that possible?  And whether it will be actual Chinese and Russian military or mercenaries from those countries is another question. 

Regardless, a plan like this doesn’t happen overnight.  This has been in the works for a long time.  The Deep State is hoping they can regain the reigns of the control at the election, but they have a very serious, very severe backup plan if they don’t.  They have no problem burning the whole thing to the ground and rebuilding from the ashes.  This is why I think President Trump is going to win and they are going to implement their severe plans.  They simply cannot afford more damage to their plans and this will be the last straw for them.  Their days are numbered and they will not go down in surrender.

Plan of action

As I prayed, I felt the Lord indicate we must use the summer to get prepared.  The fall projects to be a nightmare.  If the visions of the dream are true indicators, school will not reconvene, the financial institutions are going to collapse, and it will not be business as usual.  The dollar is going to hit hyperinflation and our battle weary law enforcements are going to be compromised. 

As much as I’d like to believe the military are aligned with the Republic, I think the last round of riots indicates they are compromised as well.  There are people calling the shots that have ordered our troops to stand down in the face of great evils against both American laws and Americans. 

Catherine Austin-Fitts pointed out that out of 37 cities that hold Federal Treasury locations (12 banks, 24 branches, 1 headquarter), 33 of them had violent protests.  She argued that very precious little happens in America by surprise.  American’s (unconstitutional) surveillance system via NSA, CIA, FBI, etc. leaves little to be surprised about.  If we need protected from enemies within and we don’t get that protection, someone doesn’t want it to happen and has prevented it.

Yes, our military and our law enforcements are compromised.

Fitts said, “Once you understand Covid-19 is part of a currency war, everything else makes sense.”  They need our economy to fail, and it has been propped up and positioned for that failure for years now.  When that happens, life in America will be dramatically altered. 

Summer 2020

Seek the Lord and His wisdom.  Protection from God comes from position in God.  Get sin and compromise out of your life, and learn how to abide in Him.  Learn and understand the Blood covering. Obedience to God is like insurance.  I can rest assured if I am in obedience to God that what comes my way is under His control.  [Ultimately everything is under God’s control, but He withholds His covering in areas that are willfully in disobedience.]

Use the summer to prepare.  Seek God about what to do with your finances and assets in the event of a financial collapse and hyperinflation.  Seek God for basic necessities preparation (food, water, seeds/gardening, etc.).  Seek like-minded individuals to co-op with — someone who has skills in gardening, someone who has space for storage, someone who has vital knowledge, medical and dental supplies and needs, someone who understands natural healing, etc. and co-op together.  Pool your resources and learn how to be a community.

Consider the widows, the single moms, people with health needs or handicaps, families with babies and young children, the elderly.  Think of ways to minister to their needs, as mobility is more difficult. 

Build a personal relationship with your sheriff.  I can’t emphasize this enough.  In the event that our government and our military are compromised, the sheriff can deputize armed citizens for law enforcement and/or protection.  This is what the 2nd Amendment is all about.  If you sheriff doesn’t understand this, help him/her!  Give them the resources to educate themselves.  Help them think in terms of territory protection in the case of invasion (foreign or domestic). 

Do some target shooting this summer.  Get as comfortable with your arms as possible.  If you’re not a shooter, help someone else who is or wants to be.  Buy ammo or guns for others.  If you have land, find places people can target shoot.  In a word:  prepare.

Find communication methods for emergency situations.  If the internet goes down, if the cell towers are disabled, if an EMP hits, what is the contingency plan?  How are you going to enact emergency plans for food, water, shelter and/or protection?  Think like that – without being fearful. 

Put yourself in a position to hear from God, and trust His leading even in the face of doubt.  Memorize Psalm 91 and passages God gives you so you can call on His Word when you need it.  Pray for the best; prepare for the worst.  It’ll probably be somewhere in between.

For now, check out these two resources:

I’ll cover in another article the spiritual aspects of what I’m seeing.  I’m out of space for now.