At the risk of causing more angst, I would like to offer my position at current events, particularly my projections about the Presidential election and the current sitting POTUS, theories, etc.

I sincerely apologize for anyone I have grieved or angered or disappointed by my earlier projections.  I sincerely was sure Joe Biden would not be inaugurated.  I misread some signs and would like to attempt to clarify.

About a week before Jan. 20, I began hearing in the spirit, “And besides all this it is the third day.”  I questioned the Lord at the application.  I felt like He was preparing me for a perceived disappointment.  The eve of Jan. 19 the Spirit showed me Biden would be inaugurated and there would not be a military show of force to change that outcome.

Before that, on the evening of January 13 I had an encounter with the Spirit that will be hard for me to describe.  I was sitting before God and felt the grief of the wickedness and corruption of our nation’s leaders.  It was an overwhelming grief that caused me to weep and cry out to God for justice in our nation.  The entire experience probably lasted about an hour or ninety minutes.  Somewhere in the last 20-30 minutes I felt, experientially, the anger of God.  I can only assume it was but a glimmer of insight for it caused me to tremble and I was literally terrified.  Whatever portion He allowed me to experience in regards to feeling His anger was pure terror.  Then it passed, but I cannot forget.

What I knew in that period, was the judgment of God was at the door in our nation.  An accounting for wickedness was slated.  I have some other thoughts on that, but not the time right now. 

So I was of course disappointed when the actors of darkness were put in positions to wreak great havoc on our nation.  But as I set before Him in that encounter and the days to follow, this is what He said to me:

After the inauguration I began to understand that I had misunderstood the signs.  (“Besides all this it is the third day.” – Luke 24:21 In other words, we thought we knew how this was going to end and it didn’t work out like we thought.)  But what did Christ do after they said that?  Luke 24:27, He walked them through the signs, explaining to them again until they could see the outcome was indeed what they perceived, just not HOW they perceived it would manifest. 

In Q post 97 we see the following….

The first part is relevant to current events, but I believe the next parts were setting the stage for other things.  One of those things is to be plain that in the Q posts they put deliberate false information because their enemies are reading them too.  This is a big deal, and part of the reason critics of Q have misunderstood the purpose of Q and called it a psyop, a deception, and false.  Just keep in the back of your mind that Q drops contain deliberate disinfo.

Think about it. If we know and understand their plans, so does the enemy. Some things have to be obscured for that reason. It’s probably not going to work out the way I think. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work out.

Another thing in this drop we learn is that General Flynn is integral to the plan and purposes of Q and team.  Q encourages us to revisit data points on Flynn’s experience and exposures.  Among those data points we find that General Flynn was promoted to Lt. Gen and also assigned assistant director of national intelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in 2011.  In 2012, Obama appointed General Flynn as the Director of National Intelligence.  At that time he also served in the dual role of commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board. 

General Flynn was “fired” by Obama two years later, and Obama made a point to “counsel” President Trump to NOT hire General Flynn.  I don’t have time to get into these important data points, but you can get a broad overview about these things here and here.  [Keep in mind General Flynn was then framed by the corrupt Intel officers.]

What we also learn in Q drop #97 is General Flynn may know considerable important information that an Obama Administration and that group may prefer hidden.

Then Q says something intriguing:  10 days.  Darkness.  (spelled wrong in drop)  War.  Good v. Evil.

From that the inferred interpretation among anons (studies of Q drops) that there were going to be ten days of darkness.  Q was later asked about this in a Q&A on the boards, here:

Most of the anons I know took that to mean there’d be ten days of Q silence marked at a government shutdown.  I’m suggesting we (or maybe just I) interpreted that message incorrectly.  Now there were three government shutdowns in the Trump Presidency.  One was one day, one was three, and one was 34 days.  In the first two, there were no periods of silence on Q drops.  In the third 34-day shutdown, there were actually two periods of Q silence:  one was 14 days, the other 19.  There were no “ten days of darkness” during a government shutdown.

What I think this may have been referring to was January 21-31, 2021.  Think about it.  The Presidency has gone to a thief, the government institutions have failed us (justice, congressional), and we have been plummeted into a darkness of evil policies headed by Swamp Creatures.  After his farewell address, President Trump has stepped away from the mouthpieces of communication (social media, press conf, etc.), and Q will not be posting again.  His last post was December 8, 2020. 

Now look at this Q post [4461] from June 13, 2020…

I believe Q was preparing us last summer for right now.  The evidence of who they are needs to be brought to the forefront.  The people need to SEE IT to believe it.  Then he says two very cryptic things:  “It had to be this way.”  What way?  I believe this was foreshadowing for right now. 

And:  “This is not another 4-year election.”  This was our clue that the emphasis and application of the sentiments above apply to the 11.3 election.

Now look at:

Nine days after the election Q circles back to the topic of showing the public the truth.  He then speaks of the integrity of not just the 2020 election, but also future elections.  Then he says these two vital things:  “It had to be this way.”  This is to assure us today, that where we are right now was always part of the plan.  Because we were going to question that 😉   We thought that when Q inferred the elections were secure, that the steal was going to be stopped before or while it happened.  That was not the plan.

POTUS spent an enormous amount of time and attention to telling us to get out and vote.  Not because he doubted his win-ability in the elections, but because he knew what they were doing to steal it.  The more votes they had to manufacture, the more glaring the crime.  He wanted it exposed, not stopped.  He wanted the public to be able to SEE it.

Then he says, “Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.”  That, I believe, was our clue that the ten days of darkness were yet to come. 

President Trump has long been known to be a student of the Art of War.  Now look at the events that happened between January 6 and January 20.  Consider the confusion of the “Capitol breach” which POTUS well in advance knew was planned by his enemies.  Then watch the way he responded that day and in the following days.  After giving the required public statement that any insurrectionists needed to go home, he began diminishing in his appearances and dialogue.

While he never conceded the election, he did finally come out saying there would be a transfer of power.  Pay special attention to his word choices and also his demeanor in these presentations from January 6 on.  [Article here.] And consider them in the light of this explanation of Sun Tzu’s teaching:

I’m suggesting there was an adaptation going on to the Deep State’s plans from Jan. 6 on.  Watch their mouthpieces’ words and hesitancy to things.  Notice the scramble to “secure the White House”, call in the Guard, cancel two rehearsals, etc.

Trust the Plan

Let me back up for a minute and explain something.  The Q movement has caught a lot of flak for the “Trust the Plan” statement.  To be clear, anons have never known “the plan”.  We have only ever been privy to intel and peeks under the tent.  Sure, hints have been dropped, but so has disinformation.  We’ve been trying to keep up and follow along, and sometimes we get it wrong.  That doesn’t mean the plan is wrong.

I think the White Hats have an end game in mind.  But it’s warfare.  Remember Q 97?  “War.  Good v Evil.  Roadmap of big picture is here.”  What do you have on a roadmap?  You select your destination, right?  Then you pick your route.  What happens if part of your route is obstructed?  Do you turn around and go back?  No, you take another road.

The plan has an end goal:  Justice to the workers of iniquity and for the victims.  Restore the Republic. 

There may have been a plan A route, but it’s contingent on the obstructions of the enemy.  Remember this is war.  They blow up bridges, obfuscate paths, sabotage with spies and double agents, etc.  When those inevitable actions occur, there is a counter action.  They reroute to Plan B or C or F or L….  The end goal is the same, but the path to get there may change a hundred times.

Just a tentative possibility:  So when the election was stolen, the plan was rerouted to the judicial system.  But the judicial system is broken too.  No worries, they need to SHOW THE PEOPLE how corrupt the judicial system is.  So they turn to the state governments to act upon their electoral certificates.  Guess what, now they can SHOW THE PEOPLE the states are corrupt too.  No worries, we turn to the Representatives and Senators so they can stand on their oaths to defend the Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies, but they also fail.  Now THE PEOPLE CAN SEE even those institutions are corrupt.  What’s left?  The ten days of darkness.

Now look….

All of our institutions are corrupt.  Q told us at the beginning the military would be the only way.  The people just need to see it for themselves.   “Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.” 

What do you do when the criminals are running the most powerful nation in the world, and the tools the U.S. Constitution gave us to hold our government in check are corrupted?  Now look at Q 2658. I’m just gonna show you the last half, but you can see the whole thing here.

It’s always been about restoring the power of the Republic of the United States BACK to the PEOPLE.

I don’t know how the end goal is going to be met.  But I think we’re going to see the vengeance of God upon His enemies through the hands of some people He has given a plan to.  I think Jan. 21-31 are ten days of darkness.  Darkness because the enemy is ruling by fraud and the wickedness is being exposed in the evil policies being implemented, and darkness because our leaders have gone to stealth mode and silence while implementing their plans.  But I feel like Q gave us the clue for the breakthrough….

Play on words:  Day of Days.  Use the brackets and you get D of D….Department of Defense. 

So let’s see what happens on or around Freedom Day, 2021.

I still have reason to hope.

I denounce Simon parkes and his work and sever any connection

I cannot in good conscience promote or align with any work of Simon Parkes.  Mr. Parkes claims he was conceived by a nine foot alien with eight fingers.  Mr. Parkes claims he is abducted four times a year to have sex with an alien (named “Cat Queen”), and that he and this alien have produced an offspring named Zarka.

I denounce the works of Simon Parkes and regret and retract any former promotion of him or his works that I made out of ignorance of his origin. 

His claims can be seen here, here and here.  (and undoubtedly several other places across the internet)  His official website can be perused here

I have no interest in proving or disproving Mr. Parkes’ claims.  But I will explain why I cannot endorse such a person and why I think it’s dangerous for especially a Christian (but really anyone) to align with Mr. Parkes.

There are really only two options with Mr. Parkes’s claims:  they are either true or false.  If they are false, he is delusional and his mental state of mind cannot be trusted. 

If they are true (or partially true), he is aligned with the demonic realm.  All extradimensional life forms that present themselves to humanity are spiritual beings.  There are two kingdoms in the spirit realm:  light and dark/good and evil.  Those who present as “aliens” are of satan’s realm.  The angelic is of God’s realm, and they rarely present themselves to humanity.  When they do, it is normally to assist or to bring a message.  The word of God is explicit in our behavior toward the angelic realm.  I don’t have time to delve into that right now.

If Mr. Parkes’ is the product of a human/demonic union, he is Nephilim.  Nephilim cannot inherit the kingdom of God.  Therefore, they are not working for the good of humanity or God’s Kingdom.  Every partnership or cooperation with such a person is to the detriment of humanity.  Read the (original) book of Enoch (the one from Ethiopia) if you have questions about this.

Mr. Parkes’ “sources” may or may not be human.  He has claimed to speak with the original Q for ninety minutes in a phone call.  I doubt that, (and if it be true, we are all in trouble).  People who work in the dimensions of the (fallen) angelic realm, use the tools of that realm.  They can astral project, they can shape shift, they can use any number of those tools and others, to put themselves or their “consciousness” into another location.  They can hear conversations and see scenes in that realm, separate from their body, and have a record of such. 

The demonic realm is never for the good of humanity, as its ultimate purpose is to usurp the kingdom of God and His works.  So even if that realm is pretending to be benevolent, it is a deception.    

One must question Mr. Parkes’ motives at his recent (in the last year) effort at aligning with the Q movement and the American patriot movement, while Mr. Parkes is not American at all.  What could he possibly gain by building an audience and following here in America for those intending to restore the Republic to its original intent? 

I have no doubt that Mr. Parkes may have (some) correct intel.  I understand the ability of those who operate in that realm to obtain information.  So if he would be using his abilities in that domain to gain an audience and trust, but his origin is of the demonic realm, what is his motive?  This should trouble every Christian for sure, and even every human.  His alliances are not with the kingdom of light and good, no matter what he says.  Remember, he has already exposed himself as either a fraud or a Nephilim. 

Aligning oneself with the kingdom of darkness opens oneself up to much deception, and ultimately much damage.  I encourage every true Believer of Christ and in the Kingdom of God, to seek the wisdom of the true God in this matter.  Once an opening has been given (in thought, in agreement, etc.), the demonic has access to your own soul and mind.  This is why I have publicly denounced him and his works.  I cannot allow any opening or any sort of agreement with the demonic realm.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.  God bless you, and God bless America.  God protect us from infiltrators of every dimension, in the powerful name of Yeshua.

January 6, 2020 thoughts

Basically what we have is the White Hats pulled off their own false flag at the end of the Jan. 6 rally, using their own people they infiltrated antifa to lock down the White House and set the stage for the final acts of this show.

We should be so excited! The whole plan is HAPPENING HERE AND NOW!

I don’t have all the pieces but I’ll give you what I have and I hope you can fill in some more. [And I’m keenly aware this is just a theory and I’m taking my own advice to not expect it a certain way. :)]

Cindy was telling me POTUS, while speaking in Georgia, injected the number 28 at an odd spot in his speech. I haven’t heard it, but she linked it to Q #28. Look at it. It tells how the Military are used to bypass the three letter agencies (CIA, FBI, etc.) and how the military now was being used to infiltrate antifa. Q affirmed this was correct.

We learned here that the marines infiltrated antifa and put some of their own guys in.

We saw that the alleged girl shot was an actress in this play as well, see here:

[It’s actually hilarious that they are using the very propaganda machine that sold and promoted all the deep state false flags to sell the white hat false flag. Let’s see if the media is interested in the real story all of a sudden.]

Now look at the January timeline…

January 1, through a series of tweets, Pompeo sent us the message THIRTY. See the tweets here:

I speculated if it was zero dark thirty, but then POTUS said something (and I can’t find it right now so if someone has it somewhere please post it?) that was basically “30 and done”. That told me a clock started January 1.

Now yesterday, Jan. 5 POTUS tweeted about the VP, and the timestamp was 6:45. Q #645 has the phrase “activate sleeper cells” and “general threat to others”. Was he letting us know about the events to come the next day? Were the sleeper antifa infiltrators going to be activated?

Now we’re going to back out to try to get a bigger picture.

Q told us from almost the beginning (Nov. 1, 2017) that the show would begin November 3. He just didn’t say a year. He told us the proof would start on November 3, only he meant 2020.

In the next drop Q told us the military was the only way, and then said again that Nov. 3 would be the first marker.

Earlier that day, over three years ago, he explained the National Guard was the key, and that the National Guard works with the Marines. We were given the assignment to study and prepare for this day, including understanding the conditions for the National Guard’s deployment. One of those conditions a President of the United States can call in the National Guard is to help states put down an insurrection, OR if a federal law is being defied.

We all thought it was going to be an insurrection, but I think instead it might be for defying the Constitution of the United States on the process for a federal election. I’ll explain in a minute.

Q #23 explained that the Military Intelligence has the same Special Access Programs as the NSA and CIA. (This is a really, really, really valuable clue on the military operation to save our Republic that we’ve been under for the past four years.) He explained how the CIA has held the POTUS under their thumb by their multi-billion dollar black funds and also could use their bottomless funds to employ foreign actors to do their dirty work to keep America at the mercy of the control of the Deep State. Kennedy and Reagan knew this and tried to stop it. You know where that got them.

But Q pointed out a very valuable point: the CIA has no power over the military here at home. That power was given in the Constitution to the Executive Branch, i.e. the POTUS.

So what we have been watching for the past four years is a brilliant plan of setting a trap and waiting for them to spring it. But the trap had specific rules. It had to fall in the jurisdiction of American soil and Federal Law. The White Hats know that for our Republic to be rescued and survive, everything has to be done by the rule of law so it cannot be thrown out or undone and our Constitution isn’t damaged.

Q has asked us to be patient and “trust the plan”. We just didn’t realize how long it was going to take.

Look at Q #4413. He defines the mission and it is 100% about the Constitution and the Republic of the United States. He defines in this drop who the “Loyalists” are by allegiances. This lays the groundwork and sets the stage for the next drop right behind it, where he practically lays out how the whole thing is going to go down.

Q #4414 tells us a whole list of things are going to happen: the POTUS twitter will be removed, there will be a blackout of communications, the VP and Speaker will be moved to a classified location, military assets will be put in place…. And we’re going to stop right there for a minute, because I think that’s where we are in today’s timeline.

I think today’s false flag was to set in motion the optics of an insurrection to get the black hats to move.

They think POTUS is going to use the Insurrection Act to use the military, so they have told their people to stand down and stop rioting. Go back and look at the timeline. They stopped rioting around election season.

And POTUS has set this up beautifully, dropping hints at using the Insurrection Act for riots, and provoking the media to incite all kinds of media propaganda about whether he could do this or not.

POTUS then called on the patriots to help him finish this trap. He invited the patriots to DC on the day of the election casting, and the black hats took the bait. They called on their thugs to set up the patriots as rioters so they could paint a picture of instability on President Trump’s side and maybe even attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment.

But the marines had infiltrated the group and they knew their plans. They were supposed to “blend in” so they looked like patriots, but some were careless and did not, or they were smug, or whatever. The corrupt law enforcement (DC police and the mayor) helped them set the stage for the “breach”, even opening the gates for them. Give me a break! The Capitol is one of the most secure public buildings in the nation. This was completely planned.

Now look back to Q #4494 where Q lays out the China plot at interfering in our elections. He told us over the summer what was coming today. No, this did not catch him by surprise. Three days later he said something invaluable: “All assets [F][D] have been deployed. [D] + China = 11.3”. All foreign and domestic assets were deployed for the election. He KNEW China was going to interfere, hence the Democrats and China equal the election (steal). THIS WAS IN JUNE.

He could’ve stopped it at any time, even by now. It’s played out this long why?? Because it was about saving our Republic, not just winning an election. A trap was set and the timing was important. It had to happen on domestic soil and it had to break Federal law.

If he waits until they confirm the illegal votes that are clearly fraud, every participant is breaking the federal law. If they’re doing it knowingly, there are treason charges for trying to overthrow the government. So he set a trap to make it look like he was going to enact the Insurrection Act by staging a riot, forcing their move. This sets off the twitter removal, the movement of Pence/Pelosi, and the military has already been staged. Which leads us to…. RED5: National Military Command Center.

What happens at the National Military Command Center? The EAM.

Where is the National Military Command Center? The Pentagon. Who oversees this? The Secretary of Defense. Who did POTUS fire November 9? The Director.

What did Q tell us about the emergency messages in Q #34? “Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.”

If I’m reading this right, we’re on the cusp of this motion…

Now catch this post from David.

He shows us Potus’s tweet after the rally which points us to Q #601. Message: “Almost time.”

Which also gives us Q #104. Message: “Now is the time to pray. We’re operational.”

And then today Pompeo tweeted at 5:16 about “storming…”, which I think was a message that the storm is here. And Q #516 simply says “confirmed”.

Interestingly, Q told us we’d know when the storm had arrived because it would be announced on Twitter….

At 5:16 Secretary Pompeo gave us the cryptic message the storm was here, and then at 6:17 Patriot 1776 (or “John F Kennedy”) gave us the critical words. It’s right there for us to know now. Yes. The Storm is here.

So was the rally a guise for a riot to enact the Insurrection Act to deploy the military? Or was it to set a trap for the black hats to hurry and forge ahead to break Constitutional and Federal laws, forcing the Executive Branch to deploy the military and expose the deeds of darkness against our Republic?

So if this is a possibility, POTUS will need the Congress to go ahead and certify the fraudulent election so he can act. Which they did in the wee hours of the night.

As Lin Wood said, now the crime is complete. It’s time for justice.

[*I feel like I should add, “But I could be wrong” here….]

Cleansing your home of unclean spirits

[I hurried this just to get it out for a few people, so it’s just a quick overview versus more of an article where I spend more time in explanations and references. This is meant to be a quick tutorial.]

I’m piggy-tailing off MonkeyWerx’s thread on his this topic, which you can read here:

Overview tutorial:

The most important thing (to me), is before you begin, pray over yourself.  Anoint yourself and plead the Blood of Christ over yourself.  If there’s any unrepentant or unforgiven sin in you, you will lack the authority to remove unclean spirits.  YOU must be clean first, and it’s not difficult to do this.  DO IT FIRST.

Anoint any family members in the home with oil, and anoint any pets with oil and ALSO CAST out any spirits out of your pets before you begin.  [Pets can carry unclean spirits.]  Plead the Blood of Christ over yourself, your family members and your pets.  Ask God to seal and protect each of you that nothing can attach to you that is being expelled.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and aide you, and ask Him to dispatch angels to war on your behalf.  Next…

Take your anointing oil with you (more on this below), and start at the furthermost room of your house.  The idea is to move in a thorough way room by room, sealing each room as you go, expelling spirits room by room.  There may not be spirits in every room, but they are crafty.  You will command them to go, and some will leave that room and just go to another room.   They like to hide.  This is why you seal the rooms as you go.

UNDERSTAND YOUR AUTHORITY BEFORE YOU BEGIN.   You have spiritual authority over everything you own, including your home (even if you rent, because there’s a legal contract – written or oral does not matter – for you to be there).   By your legal authority (of ownership), and by your spiritual authority as a disciple of Christ, you have authority over this realm.  It’s important you understand your authority because spirits know when you’re afraid or have doubt.  KNOW THIS before you begin.  KNOW that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Christ, and you are representing Christ.    [Mt. 28:18] 

Know that you have been given the authority and ability to do even GREATER WORKS than Christ did.  ANYTHING Christ did on earth you have the same ability and authority.  Christ healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, fed the multitudes, stilled the storm, etc.  YOU have that same authority.

John 14:12-14  NASU

12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.   Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.   If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”

When in the room, command all unclean spirits to leave your home.  You can use the illustrations or templates MonkeyWerx provided, or you can use your own words, or another prayer you have selected.  I know MonkeyWerx has you do this by prayer and then command, and that’s fine.  But let me be clear:  You don’t pray to expel a demon.  You can pray in accordance with God’s word and to make the statements of your faith and reliance upon God, but you always COMMAND a demon. 

Again, pray before you begin, and then exercise your authority.  At the point of cleansing your home, you COMMAND spirits to leave.  DO NOT ASK.  DO NOT WAVER; DO NOT BE UNCERTAIN IN ANY WAY.

Once you have commanded the spirits to leave your home, anoint the windows and doorways as an act of sealing.  After or as I’m anointing I then pray something like, “Thank you Father.  I seal this room by the anointing oil and the Blood of Christ,” declaring the Blood of Christ covers the room as I’m leaving it.  I then move to the next room and the next in the same manner.

If you have a multi-leveled house, leave the floor with your front door last.  Start at the farthest point of your home from your front door.  I know Monkey Werx tells you to open cabinet and closet doors.  You can do this.  I have never opened cabinet doors, but I have closet.  Seal all windows and doors as you leave a room by putting oil at the top beam across the windows and doors.  Some people like to make the shape of a cross, but I don’t think it’s necessary unless you want to. 

As you whittle your house room to room – including hallways – down to the last room where your front door is, go through the same procedure you’ve been going through in this room, only open your front door.  Command any remaining spirits to leave the house, declare the Blood over this room and your entire house, and when you are done, shut the front door and seal it with the oil and Blood.

I then plead the Blood over my enter property.  I pray something like this, “Father thank you for the perfect provision of Christ, who took on the curse that I may receive the blessing, who was afflicted that I may be set free and healthy, who died that I may live in You.  Send your angels throughout my property to remove any lingering spirits.  I break and cancel all assignments and curses in the Name above every name:  Christ.  I draw a Blood line from the four corners and around the entire perimeter of my property, from the depths of the soil beneath to the heights of the heavens above, and I thank you that nothing can penetrate that Blood line without your permission.”

Thank and praise Him for His faithfulness, for the perfect work of Christ, for the blessing, for His provision and protection.

Miscellaneous notes…

Pay special attention to mirrors.  It is rare that I have cleansed a home that there were not spirits in the mirrors.  They like to assign themselves to mirrors to speak to your image of yourself.  I frequently anoint mirrors as I go through rooms.

If you know there’s a place an unclean spirit is residing, make sure you anoint that place as well.  Spirits can be assigned to pieces of furniture, pictures, etc.  If you know there’s one in a specific location, break the assignment of the spirit, loosen it from its assignment and send it out. 

In one home, I knew there was a spirit on the landing of a stairway between two floors.  I don’t know why it was assigned there, but it was there and it was intimidating.  As I and a team were anointing the place and breaking the assignment, we got the word of knowledge that it was the spirit of murder.  We could then address the spirit of murder by name and break its assignment and loosen it from that place.

I don’t have time to go into the details, but walls hold spirits, and walls hold memories, words, etc.  There are numerous places I’ve prayed over where I was able to hear words when I placed my hands on a wall, or leaned against it.  They were usually angry words from domestic or other disputes and arguments.  Words are extremely powerful and they carry through perpetually until their power is broken.  I usually have to break the power of words in homes, especially rentals. 

Anointing oil…

You can use any oil.  Once when I was called in the middle of the night for what someone thought was a home intrusion (cabinet doors were being opened and the candy dish lid was being taken off and on, doors to rooms were opening and closing), I didn’t have my usual anointing oil.  Don’t make it too complicated.  I grabbed a bottle of olive oil as I flew out of the house.  It was fine.  It works just the same.

When I pray over people I like to get the anointing oils with special blends because they smell good and they’re in pretty cool little jars.  But again, it’s not necessary.  I just like it.  Besides, when anointing a home, you can use quite a bit of oil.  Anointing a person or animal uses less.

Just a couple weeks ago a lady brought her daughter who was a senior in high school and on the varsity basketball team over, because she had injured her knee and they had told her she had torn her ACL.  I anointed her forehead and laid hands on her leg and prayed with two other women.  I got the report a few days later that there was now NOT a tear and she was released to play basketball, all praise to God.


I’ve heard all kinds of reports about using sage to clean a room.  I have no problem with that, as there’s actually a physical explanation for the burning of sage for unclean air and it being extremely effective for such.  However, for spirits I prefer to use the Biblical method of anointing with oil and pleading the Blood.  I just trust God’s Word so much.  There’s probably no reason you couldn’t do both, but I’d never try to cleanse a room with sage only.  But that’s just me.

Bigger assignments….

Faith is like any other activity.  The more you practice it, the better you get.  I’ve been on prayer teams for land and buildings and even assignments for city cleansing.  That’s a whole other animal.  When you’re in the realm of principalities and world forces of darkness, there’s a whole other level you are dealing with.  There are places I’ve gone that God has told me outright, “do not address this spirit, it has a legal right to be here.”  When you combat a spirit of the level of principalities over regions or land, you have to know what you’re doing and you have to have the legal authority in the spiritual realm to move it.  This is not ordinary every day cleansing.  This is something our teams did after weeks of preparation.

I’ve been in places I knew I was over my head, and by the grace of God He covered me with the Blood and I left unharmed.  This is not always the case.  You can pick up spirits you’re trying to cleanse a location for if you are not clean and perfectly under the Blood of Christ.  It’s NOT a light matter.  Those spirits can wreak havoc in your life if they follow you home.

I have cast spirits out of cars and computers.  Spirits can attach to pretty much anything. 


There is simply no greater resource than studying and understanding the power of the Blood of Christ.  The spirit realm answers to the Blood of Christ.  It is the final authority because it has overcome everything in this world.  When you know and understand the power of the Blood of Christ, EVERYTHING BENDS ITS KNEE TO IT.  And the spirits you’re encountering will KNOW if you know and understand the power of the Blood of Christ.  So I strongly recommend diligent study on the Blood.  My favorite resources besides the Bible, hands down, are The Atonement by Derek Prince and The Blood of Christ by Andrew Murray.

To learn how to remove things from your home and life read Blessing or Curse, You can Choose by Derek Prince.  To learn how to expel demons from your own life (not property), read They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince.

There’s an outstanding book called Cross Wise by Henry Gruver.  If you’re serious about breaking curses in locations, THIS IS THE BOOK TO GET.  Not to be sacrilegious but this is the Holy Grail for this topic.  It’s a small little handbook , just under a hundred easy to read pages.  Your life will change and you will change the lives of many people.  Henry died in October 2019, but you can buy his book direct from his ministry for a mere $5.  He was so serious about getting knowledge into the hands of believers.  Here’s a link:

There is also a free pdf link here:

Gruver lays out and explains the remittance of sins and how that breaks curses over the land.  He has a prayer that I have used as a template for years.  It is in the last few pages of this book cited above.

I studied principalities and regional cleansings through Connie Fisher and Katie Souza.  They had invaluable information that I used again and again, explaining the legal authorities that regional spirits (principalities) have and how to navigate those waters.

Shoot me an email or message if you have specific questions.  God bless and  be free!