The Great Reversal…

The Solution’s Foundation Must be Laid Before We Address the Problems

I was a pretty damaged person in my early adulthood, (from some painful childhood experiences). As I became an adult, the damage I carried prevented me from wholeness and health. I knew it; I could feel it, but I couldn’t seem to get out of it. I didn’t know how. Damaged people damage people, and I knew that my reactions were damaging to those around me. I needed free, and it would take me many, many years to get there.

Along the course of seeking healing and wholeness, I had to learn (and unlearn) a lot of things. Primarily I sought God, because He was truly the only one I trusted, and I was certain He held every solution to every problem I had. I just rarely had the understanding I needed. So I took it one slow step at a time because it’s all I could handle at that point.

Once I had a direction to go, the Spirit led me to a book by Derek Prince called The Atonement, and God very plainly told me to start with that. (I had several other options at that time and God made plain I was not to move in any other direction until I had read it, contrary to what I actually wanted to do at that point.) Later I read the much more detailed book The Blood of Christ by Andrew Murray.

In a place of chaos, the way out is difficult to find. There are too many (chaotic) things flying around that make it difficult to discern up from down, left from right, in from out. You must have something solid to ground you, to give you a footing and help you gain a vision for how to move strategically forward out of the chaos.

This is why God started my healing and deliverance process with the foundation of the atonement of Christ. As I began to move through the chaotic traumas in my heart and mind, I could plant my feet on the foundation of the atonement to navigate the flying memories, emotions, and baggage that constantly accosted me, threw me off balance, and threatened to drag me into dangerously swirling emotions and pain. I began to learn to take everything back to the foundation of Christ, who He is, what He had accomplished, to gain my bearings on how to move in the midst of all that pain and chaos. Eventually I was able to make my way through it all and end the presence of chaos in my life.

This is how I know to help Christians find their way in today’s chaos. We’re inundated with evil all around us and a host of threats of which even just one could destroy us, not to mention the hundreds coming at us. Our food, water and air are polluted and poisonous. Our media and public mouthpieces are lying to us, manipulating us. Our government has betrayed us. There are physical threats, mental threats, and emotional threats on about a thousand fronts right now. Many of us have some sort of real trauma operating in our lives presently. All of this and much more swirls around us constantly.

If we try to move forward as victims, we will be defeated. If we try to find our way out by raging at the darkness, it will consume us. If we ignore it, we will become prey to it. There is but one way to navigate the chaos of the world in 2024 and come through victorious. There is only one way.

The Supremacy of Christ.

The Great Reversal

The sons of God “…did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode”. Jude 6 calls them angels. The Hebrew refers to them as sons of God, but the Greek as angels from the Greek word aggelos meaning “a messenger”, taken from the Greek ago which is a verb that means “to lead”.

If we discount that these created beings of the heavenly realm were referenced as “sons of God”, we’re going to miss some important details. Enoch tells us a more detailed history of Genesis 6, and Enoch 6:1 says it like this:

And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw and lusted after them…”

Genesis 6:1 says it like this:

Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.”

Those read startlingly similar. Enoch calls them “children of heaven” and Genesis calls them “sons of God”.

If I could summarize… created beings of heaven called “sons of God” and “children of heaven”, left their appropriate domain and abandoned their proper abode [in heaven] to interfere with the created realm of earth. Not only did they procreate (heavenly beings with earthly beings), but they began to teach these earthly beings all kinds of wickedness. In fact, Enoch tells that one of the watchers named Azazel was ascribed all the sin of the earth for the wickedness he taught. (10:8)

There’s a lot I’m not getting into (which is why I encourage reading Enoch), but the essence of these sons of God leading man into wickedness and then turning on man and destroying them (Enoch 7), and that these sons of God produced offspring with the daughters of men is what I want to focus on.

These sons of God who corrupted themselves and humanity, and produced offspring to further the corruption, continued to lead humanity astray by establishing religions to their names. They are the Babylonian gods of old, who were renamed by region to be Egyptian gods, Mesopotamian gods, Roman gods, Greek gods, and the list goes on and on and on.

Matthew meticulously records the fourteen generations from Abraham to David, the fourteen generations from David to the Babylonian deportation (diaspora), and the fourteen from the Babylonian deportation to Christ. Then Matthew tells us that at this last fourteenth generation, the Messiah would be born of a woman and the Spirit of God and we know He would be known as the SON OF GOD.

Only unlike these other sons of God who cohabited with women and brought wickedness to the earth, this Son of God through the union of flesh and spirit would bring righteousness.

Unlike the sons of God who brought death and destruction to the earth, this Son of God would bring life and abundance.

Unlike the sons of God who taught violence, revenge, and selfish ambition, this Son of God would teach love and peace, forgiveness and reconciliation, and personal sacrifice for the good of others.

Unlike the sons of God who demanded blood sacrifices from humans to appease their wicked appetites, this Son of God would become the blood sacrifice to atone for the wickedness of humans.

Unlike the sons of God who had priests of sexual depravity and altars of death and destruction, this Son of God would be the final sacrifice, eliminating the lust for flesh-filled altars, and become the High Priest to God, doing away with earthly priests.

Unlike the sons of God who alienated us from God, the Son of God reconciled humanity back to God.

Unlike the sons of God who made humanity slaves to sin, the Son of God delivered us from the curse of sin.

Then the Son of God gave those who would believe on Him the power to become sons of God.

The sons of God left their heavenly abode for an earthly existence and have been condemned to judgment. How ironic that through the Son of God we who are earthly can attain a heavenly existence.

Everything about Jesus addresses everything that has stymied and sabotaged man. It’s important we understand this before we move forward to some very real, very complex, and very dangerous threats to humanity. There is no problem facing humanity today that is not resolved in the person of Christ. Absolutely all and every one of our needs are met in Him.

We are in a place of chaos (by design). The ancient gods have regrouped and found a lethargic, compromised society that is easily ensnared. The weaknesses of humanity have taken care of the rest. If we’re going to be victorious in this fight, we have to be solidly planted on a foundation that won’t shift as the chaos blows around us. In some ways we’ll learn as we go, but in all ways we have to be planted firmly on the Rock.

The gods the powers-that-be are worshiping today demand the same things they did then: homage, adulation, loyalty, obedience, and yes, blood sacrifice. In exchange, they gift their adherents with resources, power, and things that stoke the flesh, like fame and notoriety, and substances that feed lusts (sex, drugs, indulgences, etc).

I’m learning to look behind the circumstance before me to see what’s operating. It’s the most liberating thing in the world to declare, “That’s not my god.” Half-time show of rituals and feeding the flesh? That’s not my god. (I won’t participate.) Latest promoted fear (whether it be war, disease, economic, etc.)? That’s not my god. (I won’t participate.) Awards ceremonies for entertainers? That’s not my god. (I won’t participate.) Technology must-haves? That’s not my god. (I won’t participate.)

When you know who your God is, the counterfeit is easier to spot. You reject the counterfeit. You don’t use it. You don’t participate in its actions and schemes. There’s a place where Christ shows us to be shrewd with the things of this world in order to advance the Kingdom of God, and we have to learn how to do that without compromising our faith and convictions and without sullying the Name of Christ. The parable of the shrewd manager is an excellent example of this.

We are now the authentic sons and daughters of God. We have the authority given us by Christ. The unrighteous sons of God have been defeated. The only power they have now is the power someone gives them. Don’t give it to them.

A few articles back I encouraged you to listen to a Jamie Winship presentation at a conference. There were two prominent takeaways: hearing the voice of God and walking in your identity. Both of those things are key for how we move in the chaos around us. Jamie was in war zones for decades, but was himself at peace. He raised a family in hostile environments, and his family was safe. When you know your identity, the circumstances around you are not your prison. When you can hear the voice of God, you can navigate around the obstacles and landmines of the battle scene you’re in.

If you didn’t get a chance to listen, here it is. If you glean value in it, it has three more parts.

We must set our foundation solidly on Christ in order to be victorious in the chaotic days ahead. Knowing who He is, and how He has defeated the enemies of God and man is critical for laying that foundation. It gives us the position we both stand and rest in.

Symbolism will be their downfall

What kind of gods are they?

In my zeal to present the gods gone astray that Psalm 82 calls the Divine Council or the congregation of the mighty, I mis-characterized them by saying they co-reigned with God, Supreme God. Let me correct my mistake and clarify: these gods of Psalm 82, these sons of God of Genesis 6 and Job, are created beings, unlike the Supreme God, who is uncreated, who has always been.

Whether these other beings should be called gods or something else is debatable. The scripture calls them gods — Elhohyim — so it’s not errant, but our connotations inferred may be. They are spiritual beings of a higher order, possibly (probably) the highest order under God Himself. I think the four archangels listed in Enoch are probably a step above them…. Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel….

They did not/do not co-reign with God in that they share God’s power. They are created beings given much power to serve God, like the seraphim, cherubim, angels, and whatever other heavenly created beings God has created. Just like satan, they were created for a function and they abused their powers and subverted their original purpose for selfish ambitions. Their task, it appears, was some sort of service to God in the affairs of the created world on earth.

I am genuinely sorry if I confused or misrepresented anything by poor word choice or description. I never intend or want to misrepresent anything of God (or anything at all).

Some may prefer to call them angels, and that may be a better descriptor for connotation. But the actual words Scripture uses is “sons of God” and “gods” (Hebrew eloyhim), which is why I use that term, but I know it causes a bit of confusion when we’ve been taught there are no other gods but God. That is in fact true when you’re talking about the uncreated Being who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. There is only One. But the Bible and other works do call these lesser (yet quite powerful) other beings gods as well.

Both Daniel and Enoch call these beings “Watchers”, which is ’iyr in the Aramaic that literally means watcher, but the translators have implied as angels or guardians. It comes from the root word ‘uwr meaning “through the idea of opening the eyes”, from the root “to be bare”. Best hypothesis is these are created beings with the task of watching creation. They’re listed three times in Daniel in chapter four and each time they are coupled with the “holy ones” (which is also an Aramaic word) which loosely translates one made sacred. Each time in Daniel they’re used is to issue a decree.

According to Enoch (and corroborated in Genesis 6), it would seem that there were two hundred of these beings who left their abode in heaven, perhaps they were just doing their task they were created for (watching, reporting?), but at the leadership of Semjaza rebelled against their heavenly assignments and copulated with human women. Enoch 6:6 tells us, “And they were in all two hundred who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.” Interestingly, “Hermon” comes from an ancient Hebrew word “charam” which means “to seclude, specifically by a ban, to devote to religious uses especially destruction”. Like Heiser said, Mount Hermon is ground zero for the rebellious gods/watchers/angels.

I realize I’ve ruffled some feathers addressing and expounding on other “gods”, but I’m going to repeat something I explained in an earlier article. In the Ten Commandments, the first one is “you shall have no other gods before me.” There’s no reason for God to command this if it’s not an issue. The very next commandment is not to make idols. If idols (graven images) were the sole concern, is the first commandment necessary? And why wouldn’t God have said, “you shall have no idols before me”? He didn’t. He said gods.

There were lesser gods being worshiped and God was setting aside a nation as an example to the world of a people who worshiped only the supreme God. He goes on into verse five to say He is a “jealous” God. It literally means jealous and roots back to the primitive root qana’ meaning “to be zealous, (that is in a bad sense) jealous or envious”.

I don’t have time to keep breaking this down for people who think it’s heresy. It’s solid exegesis. A serious Biblical word study of the times eloyhim is used and its context, a serious word study of the “sons of God” and its context, should help people (who aren’t insistent that the western church’s teaching is without error) understand better. I’m really just laying this out for those with ears to hear and a heart to seek God for understanding. I realize it will sound like heresy to those entrenched in western church christianity.

If it is or if it isn’t gods, there’s still this other thing….

There is a group of people that think they are gods and they serve them. So our belief, understanding, traditions don’t matter in the context of what this other people group is doing. THEY worship other “gods”, whether you think they exist or not. They have ordered their lives around serving these other “gods”. (Just like Abraham’s dad and uncle did, just like the Israelites did when they forsook God for the gods of other nations.)

Jonathan Cahn (in his book Return of the Gods) laid it out like this… Before Christ the majority of the world was serving and worshiping other gods. They made temples to them, they made sacrifices to them, they held festivals and parades to them, their calendars were set by them. You couldn’t walk through the major cities of the world without running into homage of some sort to the gods of that region. You might have heard of them as Zeus, Osiris, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Athena, Baal, and the list goes on and on by different regions and different languages.

After Christ, the disciples and the ever increasing Christians evangelized the “modern” world and were severely persecuted and even killed for their message of the one true God and His son. Yet little by little, the worship of the other gods gave way to Christianity and the foreign gods’ temples now lie in ruins all over the world, most are famous tourist spots.

As Cahn says, if you sweep the temple clean of unclean spirits but don’t fill it with the Holy Spirit, the unclean spirit eventually comes back and brings seven more with it and the state of the temple is worse than it was before it was swept clean. A world that converted (in large portion) to Christianity eventually apostatized and the (allegorical) temple was emptied. So the other gods have moved back in all over the world in places we’d now call post-Christian. Read Cahn’s book. It will help you understand so much.

The old gods are now modern and trendy

What used to be underground and backroom worships and rituals to other gods has now gone mainstream. What they used to do in the dark they now do in broad daylight. Sometimes they’re bold enough to put their god’s name or one of the many images of their gods right out there. Just a brief sampling:

  • Starbucks uses the Ishtar image on their cups… they say it’s a siren
  • Venus razors by Gilette…. goddess of love
  • Maseratti uses the Poseidon (Neptune) trident … god of the sea
  • NBC uses the peacock … Hera goddess of women, symbol of pride
  • CBS uses the all-seeing eye … Horus or Ra
  • Nike is named after the Greek goddess of victory
  • the iconic Statue of Liberty is actually a replica of the Babylonian goddess of fertility, Ishtar
  • Paramount’s logo is a towering mountain with 22 stars encircling its top which is strangely parallel to Mount Hermon, (the mount the ancient gods left their abode in Heaven to fornicate on earth). The 22 stars are strangely parallel to the 22 named gods or beings that led the 200 in the rebellion of their original corruption of earth.
  • And of course Apple, with a bite out of it, lauds the forbidden fruit as the key to knowledge. [Their first computer debuted for sale at $666.66.]

I’m not arguing that each of these (and the multitude that I didn’t list) are idol worshipers. Obviously some companies use mythology figures for market purposes. But it is telling that the market is saturated with emulations of foreign gods and idols. In fact, there’s not an industry in the public sphere that isn’t represented in some way, shape or form by foreign gods and idols.

The entertainment industry is ripe with god worship. In fact, watching a music video these days is like having a front seat to an occult ritual. Pretty much anything by Beyonce, Lady Gaga, JayZ, Marilyn Manson, Katy Perry, Madonna, Taylor Swift, and the list goes on and on….is witnessing some form of homage to their god(s) and/or some ritual.

Speaking of the entertainment industry, the NFL is classified as “sports entertainment”, (which releases them from liability for fixing games, among other things). For years now they have employed some of the biggest names in idol worship (idols to us, gods to them) for the half-time shows. Has anyone forgotten the half-time show where Madonna came in as Ishtar to perform her ritual under the watchful eye of Ra (Horus)? It has been a steady stream of idol rituals thanks to the prolific platform the NFL has.

NASA (the Hebrew word for “to deceive”) uses a forked tongue emblem, and names their rockets after a slew of gods, just look. (Atlas, Jupiter, Thor, Titan, Athena, Minotaur, Apollo, Nike, etc.) I wonder what NASA could be being used to deceive humanity about?

The days of the week, the months of the year – almost all are named after gods. Many holidays are rooted in ancient god worship celebrations.

Here’s an interesting one, “X” is supposedly symbolic for “Osiris risen”. Celebrities crossing their arms in an X is supposedly giving homage to the resurrection of Osiris, the Egyptian god of death and resurrection. There have been a rash of other X logos lately, notably: Elon Musk renamed Twitter “X”; Madonna has an alter ego named “Madame X”; the spacecraft manufacture in CA is called “SpaceX”; the Marvel comic superheroes are “X-Men”, etc.

Altiyan Childs, 2010 X-factor winner from Australia, had a near death experience where he attributes his life being saved by God. He did an about face after that and reevaluated his life, becoming very dedicated to God. In 2021 he released a five hour video where he went into great detail on the various forms of idolatry and cult worship in the entertainment industry. His video gives great detail to the symbols they use and their meanings. Video here.

Depending on the source, the ancient Roman God Saturn (where we get Saturday, aka Saturn’s Day) is either the god of time (Kronos or Father Time), Lord of the Rings, the originator of the cult of EL…. Or is symbolic of satan himself. Interestingly you’ll find the Saturn logo on a number of corporate logos of a circle with a ring, or the rings of Saturn, such as these….

Epstein Island has a temple modeled after the Mamluk Bathhouse in Aleppo, Syria. The name Mamluk means “slave soldiers”, and they were known for kidnapping young boys to force them to become warriors, and kidnapping young girls to force them into sex slavery. The blue and white stripes are said to be a nod to ancient Greece, where sex between adults and minors was commonplace. Interestingly, the set for Ellen Degeneres’s talk show had a similar background.

The point is….

I could go on and on about the various god/idol symbolism imagery that permeates our culture. I have files and files of images and history. But the point is, the people entrenched in service and worship of their gods (little g) pay homage to their gods in their various venues. Just like a Christian displays a fish, a cross, three crosses, various aspects of God in their lives both personal and public (think personalized license plates, bumper stickers, t-shirts, business logos, sports teams, scripture references, names of the real God, etc.), so do the adherents to foreign gods display their loyalty and adoration for their gods.

There was a time, perhaps, that brazen demonstrations of idolatry would be frowned upon in American society. But as American culture has become more and more debased, rejecting adherence to Christian morals and trading them for hedonistic displays and lifestyles, those who participate and have allegiance to the lesser gods have become emboldened to no longer hide their affections and loyalties. The scales have tipped and the idolatrous feel the weight of their power and are moving forward with their objectives.

It’s a brave new world where conservative morals are ridiculed and being outlawed while outright depravity, perversions and licentiousness are lauded and on open display. It’s a demonstration of allegiance to the gods one serves, or the God one serves.

If there was a time such loyalties hid in the shadows, that time is either over or quickly fading. The battle of the gods has commenced and loyalties will be the dividing lines in the coming days. If ever a true believer in the true God needed to evaluate their loyalties and the things they give affection to, I would think that time would be upon us. As the battle heightens, compromising affections with lesser gods will prove devastating to Christians.

Our nation and indeed our world are being led by Godless adherents to foreign gods intent on doing the bidding of their gods, and that is a dark and destructive place. We are and will further be deemed the enemy because our allegiance is to the true and supreme God. God is able to protect us, but we cannot afford to be found with one foot in allegiance to God and the other in the cesspools of idolatry.

As I alluded to earlier, the end outcome is guaranteed victory for the supreme God and His children, but the battle leading up to that end will be treacherous for us all. The gods do not fight fair and human suffering is nothing to such gods. In fact, they prefer humans to suffer. Fortunately, we have a God who does care and protects those found abiding in Him and has provided the way for us through Christ.

The Battle of the Gods

Joshua, an old testament type for Jesus, finished the work of Moses and brought the children of Israel into the Promised Land. His book details the overview of their deliverance, and at the end of his book, it records his final instructions to God’s people. Joshua reminded the people that their ancestors had lived beyond the Euphrates and he calls Abraham’s family out by name: Terah, his dad, and Nahor, his uncle and said, “They served other gods.” A bit later in his discourse he says this well known piece:

“Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell….”1

Most every Christian can quote the next part: “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

The “gods” their fathers served were the sons of God (and later their offspring) of Genesis 6 who intermarried with human women to create Nephilim who corrupted the earth. They were spiritual beings of a higher order than man. They took a physical form, just like God did when He walked in the Garden.

It’s a really, really old story that only changes in nuances as the centuries turn into millennia. The Supreme God created other gods to co-reign with Him, and then He created man. His co-reigning entities rebelled and altered the created order. I know it’s popular to blame the perpetual failures of humanity on Adam and Eve, but they had help.

It’s really a fascinating story that would leave any movie or novel in the dust. But we’ve sanitized it over the centuries, and taken turns both marginalizing and fantasizing it, and turned it into myths and legends, and done all but really learn from it.

Basically the fallen Watchers taught humans knowledge that corrupted humanity and were then imprisoned until the final judgment (Enoch 10:11-12, also Jude and Peter make reference to such). Before they were imprisoned in the dark underworld, they intermarried with human women and produced offspring called the Nephilim. (Don’t scorn me please, it’s in Genesis 6.)

The Nephilim

The Nephilim were giants. When the Nephilim were finally killed off (the Flood finished the last of them), they were cursed in that their bodies died but their spirits were left on earth. Enoch says plainly (En. 5:28) they are the source of demons on the earth, they roam around for things to inhabit because they can’t have their original bodies. (Usually they inhabit people, but they can inhabit animals and objects as well.)

The late Dr. Michael Heiser brought the hardcore Scriptural breakdown of the story to the forefront. I studied under his teaching for awhile before I said anything to anyone. I wanted to be able to follow up on the extensive bibliography and resources he provides. But I’ll never forget when I met my young adult son for lunch one day. We finished our burgers and caught up on details of life, and he said casually, “What’s new with you? What are you working on?”

I paused. Oh well, I thought, let’s see where this goes. I said, “Look up Psalm 82 and read the first verse to me. Tell me what you think.” He pulled out his phone and pulled up the Bible app. He began reading the first verse and just looked quizzical at me. “It’s the wrong version,” I said. “Look at it in the English Standard.”

He began reading aloud, “God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.” He stopped. I’ll never forget his face or what he said next, “Mom! This changes everything! This makes everything make sense.”

Yes. Yes it does.

Before I could get home (an hour and a half drive), he had called me to tell me of additional passages he had found that helped him. I hadn’t seen my son excited about things of God and faith in a long time. He was disillusioned with a lot of religious aspects of western Christianity. But this resonated with him, with his observations of the world, with his own experiences….

What are the rules for the gods?

I don’t know what the rules were for the sons of God. There had to be some that we’re not necessarily privy to. I was always stumped by the covenant God made with Abraham when He tells Abraham about his progeny being enslaved for four hundred years, but the fourth generation they will be released. Then He says this curious thing, “…for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete.”

We can know the Amorites were giants because Amos 2:9 tells us God said, “Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars and who was as strong as the oaks.” The Amorites lived in the known region of the giants in the region west of Sumer and ancient Babylon, and in fact were giants. (Remember, when you see “giants” think Nephilim, offspring of the fallen watchers and women.) Nephilim existed post-Flood too.

So basically God called Abraham and set him aside to establish a people group that would be faithful to Him in the face of a world of people groups serving other gods. But He did so with a future date in mind: four hundred years! Why not just wait four hundred years to do it? Why speak it four hundred years in advance? There must be some rules or protocols if He was unwilling to move Abraham and his seed into an established territory because the occupants’ iniquity was not “yet complete”.

We know the nations were divided according to the sons of God (Deut. 32:8-9), and God later judged them (in Psalm 82) as not ruling mankind justly. Hesier says it like this, “Recall that in Deuteronomy 32:8-9, the ‘Most High’ had disinherited the nations of the world, assigned them to the dominion of supernatural sons of God, and then created Israel from nothing. Those sons of God rebelled and became corrupt (Psalm 32:1-4), throwing God’s order into chaos (Psalm 82:1-5).” 2

So there must be some sort of rules in the council of the gods for being able to upend boundaries and people groups, otherwise wouldn’t God just be able to move them when and as He pleased? I’m just thinking we don’t know all the rules the gods are playing by. What’s the measurement for a collective iniquity to be complete? We’re talking about the Amorites — godless, ruthless giants. Why was there a waiting time before they could be removed? What constitutes completing the iniquity?? God was clearly keeping some standard or some set of rules there.

What was in the mind of God that He made a plan to interfere in the affairs of man and overthrow another god’s territory to establish one for Himself? He had already reset the world twice: at the flood and at the tower of Babel. Were there other purposes involved?

The Timing of God

Now think of this: if Christ was the solution to the sin problem that separates humanity from God set in motion by the first man and woman, why did God wait four thousand years to bring the solution? Why wasn’t it at some other point? Why then?? He reset the world twice in two thousand years (that we know of). What was going on, what had been put in motion or already established, that caused the remedy in Noah’s day to be a flood, and in Nimrod’s day to be confounding people languages, but wait another two thousand years to bring the perpetual, perfect and permanent solution?

Why does Paul write (in Galatians 4:5) that God sent Christ “when the fullness of time had come”? And in 1 Timothy 2:6 he said that Christ’s ransom for man was given “at the proper time”…. It’s almost as if there’s a timetable God is working on… a time for the nation of Israel to be formed… a time for the Nephilim to be eradicated… a time for the redemption of humanity to be unveiled…

Mesopotamian History is Important

Mesopotamia is the region the giants inhabited and that this drama is set against. Mesopotamia has numerous ancient documents and histories and legends passed down in written script. Dr. Heiser wisely argues that such script gives context to those blocks of history, and ignoring them makes one blind to seeing the bigger picture. The western institutional church strongly discourages (and worse in some cases) studying and reading such for a multitude of reasons. History is still history, and leaving context out hinders understanding. (to put it mildly) “My people perish for lack of knowledge” is certainly applicable here. Moreover, convincing argument and evidence is provided that indicate the disciples and children of God in Christ’s day and the early church history would have this same knowledge and understanding of ancient Mesopotamia.

Heiser explains that Mesopotamian history teaches that there were divine beings pre-flood called the “apkallu” who functioned as a go-between between heaven and earth, teaching humans things like “wisdom [including omens, magic, etc.], social forms and craftsmanship”. There were seven of these apkallu that were considered some form of “culture heroes who brought the arts of civilization to the land. During the time that follows this period, nothing new is invented, the original revelation is only transmitted and unfolded.”4

In fact, Heiser underscores the relevance of this with Genesis. He said, “It is difficult to do justice to the importance of the idea that the knowledge that made Mesopotamian civilization great – particularly in the case of Babylon – came from a divine source. It is a subject with immediate ties to Genesis.”5

Whether these are benign or malevolent beings is open to debate. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia thought they were good, and they developed their culture and society with instruction and learning from these. The ancient scripts depict a scenario of people gaining instruction and knowledge from divine beings, and establishing their civilizations according to such instruction.

Remember, this is pre-flood. The Bible says very little about pre-flood (comparatively to post). As followers of the Supreme God, we can assume the knowledge and instruction being given was NOT good because it led to the destruction of life on earth. This would also be in that time Enoch speaks quite thoroughly of regarding its wickedness and the pronouncement of God’s judgment on the (original 200) Watchers. God said, “You were in heaven, and no mystery was revealed to you; but a stolen mystery you learned; and this you made known to the women in your hardness of heart, and through this mystery the women and men are multiplying evils upon the earth.” (En. 16:3)

Seriously, read the book of Enoch. The foundation for the courses of history on earth are better understood when you evaluate as much of the history available that you can.

Understanding the premise of the early history on earth and the players involved will help understand current events and the players involved. Historical documents indicate the seven apkallu pre-flood were divine (not human), but the four apkallu recorded post-flood were “of human descent”, with the fourth (Gilgamesh) described as two-thirds apkallu. This presents a hybrid of people on the earth even post-flood, a mixture of divine with flesh.

These hybrid post-flood apkallu were known as giants. Those giants were later exterminated from the land God promised Abraham’s seed. God knew when He called Abraham to that land that the giants, (hybrids of the apkallu), lived on the land. For some reason, there was a timeline for when the land could be conquered for God’s people and it would have to wait for four hundred years.

The rest of the Bible gives plenty of opportunities to examine the continued presence of giants (Nephilim).

What happened to the sons of god with dominion over the other nations?

What I’m more interested in is the gods that created these giants and what happened to them. Pre-Christ we know they were given dominion over the nations and the nations served these other gods. Then Israel got ensnared with them, from Baal to Ashteroth, to Chemosh, Molech, etc. These gods existed and humanity was paying homage to them. Israel and Judah were both divorced from God for their unfaithfulness to Him in serving other gods.

These gods are consistent through all historical and archaeological records. Their names change with their locations but their functions and titles remain much the same.

When Christ came as the “son of God” – a title that competes with the rebellious fallen gods – He basically waged a war on not only the consequences of sin, but also the staked claim of the fallen gods. Christ was transfigured on Mount Hermon, the entry point for the Watchers when they descended from Heaven to earth. Mount Hermon is considered the mountain of the gods (not God). Christ was revealed for who He is on Mount Hermon, on enemy territory, in fact the enemy’s base camp!

Heiser reveals a subtle difference in Jesus’s encounter with the demon-possessed between Mark 1:24 and Mark 5:7. In Mark 1:24, they were in Capernaum (Jewish territory) when the demons (remember demons are fallen Nephilim spirits inhabiting humans) addressed Him as “Jesus of Nazareth”. But in the region of Bashan, when Jesus came into Gerasenes, the demons addressed Him as “son of the Most High God”. (Territorial spirits are also known as principalities.) These spirits in Gerasenes rightly identified Christ’s dominion even in their territory. The game was changing.

As Heiser said, “Bashan and Hermon were ground zero for spiritual evil, and in particular, the Watchers of 1 Enoch. The spiritual corruption of humanity would be healed by the atonement of the cross. His resurrection meant that no member of the kingdom of God would share living space with the Watchers in the underworld Abyss, the realm of the dead. Even an army of Watchers was overmatched by the Son of the Most High. They would be lords of nothing.”2

So the gods of old were defeated at Calvary and His resurrection from the grave. Jonathan Cahn in Return of the Gods does an excellent and careful exposition of this very topic. He lays out how the ancient gods of Rome and Greece and Babylon, etc. (they’re all the same gods with different names according to the language spoken) waged war against the early Christians as they turned the world upside down, liberating people from empty and vile worship of malevolent beings and showing them the benevolence of the true God in His son Christ, and the freedom Christ gives.

The ancient gods were silenced and eventually all but forgotten, relegated to underground sects and cults. Their temples and altars are now ancient ruins in what used to be hotbeds of parades and sacrifices and orgies to the gods. But these gods emerged in America in the last fifty-plus years, specifically Baal, Ishtar and Molech. In fact, they’ve resurfaced in many places in the last century or so. Cahn and Heiser have their own theories on the how and why, and while I see and understand and agree with them both (different angles), I have my own theories with another slant. But I’m out of space for today.

Resources for better learning:

The Unseen Realm, by Dr. Michael Heiser

Reversing Hermon, by Dr. Michael Heiser

Return of the Gods, by Jonathan Cahn

1Joshua 24

2Reversing Hermon, by Dr. Michael S. Heiser, pg 101

3Ibid. Pg 102

4Ibid. Pp 38-39


Defining WWIII

When you’re raised on the controllers of the narrative’s history, you view things like war kind of black and white. There are bad guys and there are good guys, and they fight each other with guns and tanks, submarines and planes. People die from direct and indirect fire. Espionage and spying happens in backrooms and shadowy streets, and the side with the best strategy, best fighters, and scariest weapons usually wins. There’s a mental imagery for this, and the media blasts it in movies and books and magazines. We envision things like mushroom clouds, mangled bloody bodies, low flying airplanes, dirty orphaned toddlers, etc.

So it’s hard to tell people WWIII is not in the future, it is now. Modern warfare has less to do with battle lines and territorial conflicts and more to do with controlling the flow of money and redrawing the power lines of people control. Modern warfare is less about moving boundaries between nations and more about making nations boundary-less. They don’t care about things like “borders” anymore. World dominion is the goal, not national upheaval. They’re not declaring war to achieve this, they’re actually committing acts of war to do it.

Modern warfare isn’t rolling tanks down the streets; it uses technology to roll ideology into the masses. They aren’t bombing the cities and military posts as much as they are controlling the information and infiltrating the mind. They don’t use war rations, they use things like “inflation” and “shortages”. There hasn’t been an official declaration of war, and yet today’s weapons of war are prolific and have been actively engaged for years now.

WWIII isn’t coming, it is here. And until people begin to see that, they will continue to be casualties of this war without a seeming shot being fired.

Humanity’s numbers are being decimated by this ignorance. They’ve gas lit humanity to think the enemy is a race or a gender or a socio-economic status or a political faction. How tragic. The enemy is none of those things, yet it commandeers all of those things to subvert the truth.

At the risk of oversimplifying it, the enemies of God are the enemies of humanity. The battle is cosmic, but the battleground is earth. The ignorant are the greatest losers in the current battle because they’re the pawns being used to advance the agenda.

Let’s look at two things today: the battle on the earth, and the battle in the other dimensions.

The Battle on the Earth

[I’m just going to broad stroke this for brevity. I encourage you to dig into areas of interest for further understanding.]

Currently in America and the world at large, the attacks can be categorized easily into four areas:

The Mind

Obviously the mind is the seat of thought; thought leads to belief; belief leads to action. If you control the mind, you control the action. They attack this on many fronts, the most obvious being indoctrination (via education and employment) and propaganda (via media and all forms of entertainment). I could write a series of articles on just those two and the various implementations they use.

There are a myriad of subsections to each of those that incorporate things like redefining words, attaching shame and ridicule to belief structures, scorning alternative ideas, and assigning social pressure to anything contrary to the accepted narrative. Those are actually the more benign methods.

More troublesome than that is their use of chemicals and toxins to suppress the mind, whether it be in the form of legal, prescribed, and/or illicit drugs or through fluoride in the water (a known developmental neurotoxin), or through genetically modified foods, or environmental toxins, etc. The alarming statistics of autism, childhood mental disorders, and geriatric diseases like dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. have startling connections to environmental toxins and heavy metals, and yes, vaccines. These aren’t accidental occurrences. One or two may be coincidental, but the epidemic-like increasing numbers cannot be. (What are they spraying in our skies 24/7??)

And even more nefarious than those are the technology advances they boast about through phones, frequencies, and other scientific and medical procedures. I’ll spend more time on this one in the near future. The obvious conclusion is if you cripple the mind or in some way interfere with its ability to function properly, you have a mentally handicapped population unable to assess the threats against it and/or form a resistance and response to it.

The Body

They need the body weak for three primary reasons:

1. A weak body makes one unable or less willing to engage in the battle. How many adult Americans (percentage wise) can actually run a block without being winded, or can even run a block at all? How many can walk several miles, carry a load, move heavy objects, breathe without difficulty? It’s hard to have a militia to stave off enemy combatants with weak-bodied people. Have you looked at America’s health statistics vs. other countries? Maybe compare today’s American’s health statistics with the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s….

2. A weak body consumes mental energy and distracts so that one’s attention is constantly engaged in fixing the ailments of the body. A weak body leads to a compromised mind. If one’s body is weak or compromised, it’s hard to learn a trade or skill that is beneficial because one is consumed with trying to fix the body. When one needs healing, mental energy goes to doing just the basic tasks at hand that are necessary. There is no energy or fortitude to look at problems outside of the immediate need(s). Current events, community threats, and national needs have to wait because there is not enough energy to dedicate oneself to educating and responding.

3. A weak body is a tool for a medical industry that makes the body dependent on a system governed by those who want total control, and robs the person(s) of valuable financial resources for other things. When one is consumed with “fixing” ailments, diseases, disorders, one’s finances are used to support the system in control. When that system is beholden to the slave masters wanting world dominion, the system produces exactly what the slave master tells it to. Healing cancer, disease, disorders, etc. will not fill their coffers, so they produce poisons to alleviate one symptom while creating ten more. The system has no interest in root cause or true healing. This cycle intensifies until the person is totally incapacitated or dead. A transference of wealth has happened because the persons’ money fed the system and left them penniless and broken. The system grows while the people languish and die, robbing their progeny of an inheritance and worse, it encumbers or steals resources that could otherwise be used for the betterment of humanity and/or to fight the true enemy.


If we can’t get along with one another, we can’t fight a common enemy. It’s that simple. Apparently their tactics are that simple as well: continually pit people groups against one another. If it’s not race it’s gender. If it’s not gender it’s income. If it’s not income it’s religion. If it’s not religion it’s education. If it’s not education it’s employment. The list goes on and on.

Humans have a lot of weaknesses, because humans (as a general rule) tend to glide through life without much intentional understanding. People like the path of least resistance. But people are woefully emotional. Emotions are most people’s Achilles heel. So they stoke emotional outbursts by thinly veiled public drama that if reason prevailed would show it for the inciting charade it is. Then they control the public narrative so reason cannot prevail. Emotions do the rest, from mobs and riots, to slander, and almost eventually always into violence (especially when it’s funded by the puppet masters).

It’s embarrassing how easily humanity allows this manipulation. The end result is we refuse to work together for the good of humanity, because we’ve foolishly agreed upon an emotional delineation of pitting people into modern caste systems. It’s selfish and foolish and plays right into the scheme of those in control.

The solution is quite simple, but emotions don’t want solutions, they want revenge. Selfishness doesn’t want solutions, it wants accommodation and preference.


Freedom is the antithesis of control. People cannot be free for this battle for world dominion to be successful. So laws must be made, and freedoms must be destroyed, and people must be forced (through fear and coercion and deceit and bribery and a whole host of other things) to choose to give up personal freedom and to force others to do the same.

They’ll have a hard time with this one in a direct attack. So they attack it on smaller fronts with clever cliches like “we’re all in this together” and “do it for your neighbor” and “it takes all of us” and “end racism” and “words hurt”, etc. The emotional ones will fall lockstep into this and agree that we must force some rules that restrict freedom for some exaggerated harm coming down the pike. That’s how we get things like the misnomer Patriot Act, the TSA, amnesty, vaccine mandates, etc. It is almost always based on fear.

There are solutions to each of these categories that I’ll address in coming articles.

The Battle in Other Dimensions

Because the average American (or person in general) is fighting battles in any or all of the four categories above, they are unable to see the battle actually has very little to do with them personally and is actually an epic battle of entities of far more power than flesh and blood.

It’ll take me a few articles to lay this battle out. Remember how I explained the Supreme God created a group of gods before He created humans? Psalm 82 calls them the “Divine Council” and Scripture refers to them as the “sons of god”. These sons of god, (lesser gods), rebelled against God by interfering in the affairs of men. This interference wrought the landscape on earth that is laid out by ancient texts, specifically Mesopotamian texts and in books not canonized in the Bible, as well as the Bible itself.

For most of human history, there was no one Bible, there were ancient scripts passed down from the scribes. We know them as books, but to those before us they were a collection of the history of man on the earth. That history included the interactions of men and women with the gods.

[I realize even addressing this is going to get me the coveted label of “heretic” (humor there), but I’m a seeker of truth AND a lover of God, and I have followed the truths to this point, which will offend mainstream Christianity that has neatly packaged a religion that creates more questions than it answers. If you’ll humor me and just look at the evidence of these things, you may not draw the same conclusions as I have, but you may be able to see, perceive and understand some things that actually help you navigate some otherwise difficult waters. Just at least look at some of the evidence? 🙂 ]

Without getting into the history (right here and now), the basic point is these “sons of god” were rejected by God. (Read Psalm 82) They appealed to Enoch to intercede for forgiveness for their transgressions, and after petitioning God, Enoch had to report back to them that there would be no forgiveness for them (Enoch 11-12). Their sins were not forgiven by God, and they would be punished. From there the battle escalated, with humanity the continual casualty of this war.

Many books and historical documents lay out that these gods are all the gods that the Bible lays out. Moloch, Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, etc. are just renames of older gods. The famous ten plagues of Exodus were specific plagues to reveal to the world (Egypt was the world power at the time) the inability of the pantheon of gods to thwart the Supreme God. God took on the gods of the most powerful nation at the time, and removed His people from their midst by defeating the Egyptian gods.

These gods trace back to Nimrod and the famous Babylon of old. Do you find it interesting at all that the gods on the landscape of Genesis are the same ones alluded to in Revelation? How can you explain the mighty angel’s words at the close of Revelation 18 that in Babylon was found the blood of “prophets and saints and all who have been slain on the earth”? Were all the prophets and all the saints of God murdered in Babylon? Is EVERYONE who has been slain on the earth from Babylon? Or is it describing the seat of the religion that slaughtered the men and women of God, and is responsible for the slaughter of countless men and women?

Ancient Babylon was the seat of the ancient gods who set up government, religion and culture in opposition to the Supreme God. The religion they set up was the worship and adherence to the sons of god, rather than the Supreme God. Their names change with the region and languages they’re in and from. Look at the days of the week and the names of the months. Each was named after a Roman god or its equivalent. Each Roman god is another name for an Egyptian god, for a Greek god, for a Norse god, for a Phoenician god, for a Babylonian god…

Enter Christ. The true Son of God. He took His disciples to what He called “the gates of hell” in the region of Caesarea Philippi, the northern part of Bashan at the foot of Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon is the place the Watchers (sons of god) descended to earth to commit their first crimes. Bashan was considered the gateway to the underworld. Dr. Heiser calls Bashan “ground zero for Old Testament geography”. He devotes a whole chapter (33) to Bashan and its history Biblically in his book The Unseen Realm.

In Jonathan Cahn’s book The Return of the Gods, he carefully lays out the origin of words in Scripture that depicts these gods. He addressed the clash of the gods against the Son of God and the resulting war against the message His followers brought. Their gods were being challenged and they responded with violence, killing the Christians in an attempt to negate the message that there was a God higher than the ones they worshiped. He told a fascinating story of the Roman pagan emperor Julian the Apostate who attempted to restore the Oracle of Delphi’s temple in 362 A.D. He sent for their version of a prophet to get guidance for the restoration. The recorded answer was deafening:

“Tell the emperor that my hall has fallen to the ground. Phoebus [the god Apollo] no longer has his house, nor his mantic bay nor his prophetic spring; the water has dried up.”

Christ had defeated the gods on their own turf, and the fallout was tremendous. We find ourselves in 2024 where the ancient gods who went underground have resurfaced with a vengeance. The scene on the earth has changed since they were dethroned, and their tactics have changed. This is what we’ll get into in the coming weeks.

In my next article I’ll expound on this and attempt to link current events to this battle, as well as speculate on why it has crescendoed so incredibly in the last couple decades.