
Your life may be a symphony, but mine is one allegory after another. 

A symphony would be nice.  I’d like a symphony.  Some nice strings contending with some pan flutes as the occasion arises for change….a slow rhythmic bass drum in the routine sections of normal living… crescendos to a snare solo leading to some brass as a life situation gets more dramatic, slowing back down to a woodwind melody as it evens out… Yeah, a symphony would be nice.

But my life seems intent on playing out in prophetical allegory.  It probably wouldn’t make a difference if I actually wanted something different.  This seems one of the ways God gets my attention, draws parallels from scenarios to help me understand.  Sometimes it’s pretty cool, like the time my husband bought me a mini cooper and the Spirit indicated a new season of ministry for me by characteristics of the car.  It wasn’t so cool when the rod broke in a flash flood – that was an allegory too. 

When my daughter totaled our new favorite car days before Christmas a few years ago, I resisted the allegory God put in my spirit that our family was totaled by a seeming small thing.  In real life she had my small dog in the car, and she said he distracted her and she swerved into a parked car.  This was a painful lesson on about every front, but the Spirit incessantly whispered, “But your daughter is unharmed.” 

I knew we weren’t out of the woods when we replaced the car.  It seemed like just a fill in for some reason, not as good as the one we delighted in.  Bill was never really content with it and ended up selling it for a loss to our daughter’s boyfriend to help him out.  The car we replaced that one with has been the bane of Bill’s car existence for the duration of this car.  It was in a front end accident and completely refurbished.  On the outside it looked so good – for about a month.  Then we noticed the paint job was shoddy, and the door was bent.  There were paint drips and bubbles we missed at first inspection, and some rust spots on the hood.  The stereo only partially worked, the dash had a small crack that grew larger the longer we had the car.  One of the consoles didn’t always close correctly.  I was endangered when two weeks after buying the car I was stuck in a snow storm in western Colorado and learned while driving through a blizzard that the windshield wiper was disconnected to the reservoir.  That was literally life and death scary. 

Somewhere in the disillusion of the new car that was continually surprising me with weak points, the Spirit indicated it was the current condition of our family.  I didn’t care for that analogy so I ignored it – until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.  My family had been in an accident and the damage was manifesting in a myriad of “lesser” ways as the days turned into months. 

As Bill grumbled about the continuing and increasing car issues, the Spirit quietly paralleled them to our family issues.  The only consolation I received in these times was “but the engine is good”.  All of the flaws on the car were cosmetic and minimal.  They did not impact the cars drive-ability or its road worthiness.  (minus the blizzard drive that one time)  It was crazy low miles on the car, with an engine that was rock solid.  So that is what I would tell Bill as he would complain about something else he discovered.  “It’s okay, dear.  The engine is good.”

This is not a favorite lesson of mine.  I have a feeling we’ll have this car until resolution in our family happens.  That’s just the way my life works.  The allegory God is using to speak to me about a condition in my life exists until I either learn what I need to understand, or the allegory is resolved.

The interesting lesson in this is we bought a used car with crazy low miles.  It was a salvage title and we were told it was because it had some minor repair work.  After owning the car we realized it was a bit more than minor.  There was a front-end collision once upon a time and the damage from that accident lent itself to the current less than optimal “fixes”.  I was unaware of the accident of the car, just as I was unaware of the accident in my family. 

Because of my own childhood and the issues I brought into our marriage and subsequently our family, you could say I was a salvage title.  Because of my state in the early years of our family, before healing and before deliverance, there was damage in our earlier family that somehow was masked with some paint jobs and hastily reconstructed repair work.  Now, years later, it is manifesting in similar ways.

So when my beloved cat uncharacteristically disappeared a few weeks ago and normal efforts at locating him failed, I figured this was another lesson for me.  As the hours turned to days turned to weeks, I countered my husband’s optimism of Hobbes’ return with carefully meted out realism:  Hobbes will not return until I have learned what I need to learn from his disappearance.

I wrote about the time I was attacked by a dog and it was an allegory for a belief system that was dangerous.  Sometimes the allegory speaks louder than the actuality.  I’m not here to argue about whether all of the extra circumstances in one’s life are allegories.  I wouldn’t pretend that God speaks to everyone the same.  I know in fact that He does not.  But over the years, I have learned to pay attention to how God may be speaking to me.  If it’s out of the ordinary, if it doesn’t follow regular routine and my normal circumstances, more times than not God is using it to illustrate a concept to me I may not otherwise receive.

Hobbes’ disappearance was another of these for me.

The way it works for me….

God is so much a personal God that all I can do is tell how it works for me but with the disclaimer that it will be different for you.  But maybe in the telling of my own experience it will help someone seek out how God speaks to them.

I am wired to search for meaning.  I seek understanding and meaning in practically everything.  It’s how I’m wired.  I have a daughter who is wired to see art.  I have another daughter who is wired to see sequence and logic.  If we think for a minute that God is going to show each of them the same thing in the same way, we don’t understand God.  He speaks to us individually.

To the best of my ability, I have submitted my life to God.  It’s a process, but it’s a process that I’m continually growing in.  God knows how I think and process, and He speaks to me through my understanding of my own particular process.  This is how I know when a life circumstance out of the ordinary is an allegory for understanding that God is using to teach or illustrate something to me. 

In the case of Hobbes, here’s my reality that God was using to speak through:  I live on a busy street in the middle of a capital city.  I used to live on a farm.  Because I live on a busy street in a busy city, I did not want an outdoor cat.  I did not want the heartache of it being hit by a car.

A couple Christmases ago, Bill thought I needed a cat and got me an adorable kitten. 

I kept Hobbes inside for the winter, and let him out in the backyard in the spring to acclimate.  But as is the reality for cats, they love to explore.  Hobbes eventually outgrew the backyard and was off about the neighborhood. 

It was too stressful for me to worry about Hobbes’ welfare outside of my property so I had a chat with God.  I told Him I knew Hobbes was more important to God than even to me, and I was trusting that God would care for Hobbes outside of my jurisdiction.  I plead the Blood of Christ over my home, my property, and all that pertains to me daily.  I entrusted Hobbes into God’s care, and that is how I manage to have a cat that I love in the middle of the city.

So when Hobbes disappeared, it was never a question to me that it was an accident.  I knew it was not.  I have deliberately entrusted my cat into the care of my Father.  When Hobbes hadn’t returned in a few days, I began the normal process I normally go through when the routine has been changed:  I asked God what I was supposed to learn or understand. 

There was an immediate parallel my mind drew to some actions of some of my daughters, but I pushed it away because I didn’t like the parallel and I ignored it.  After so many days of this, I was forced to look at it again by my own hard-wiring of seeking understanding and meaning.  I was annoyed and maybe a little angry.  I’ve suffered a lot of loss lately, and the loss of my cat was personal to the inclusion of just me.  I lashed out at God, said something like, “I’m getting a little tired of all these lessons!”  He responded, “Break it down.  What does it [Hobbes’ disappearance/loss] speak to you in its simplest terms?” 

After some thought, I hard-lined it like this:  “I’ve lost something precious to me.”  He let me sit on that a few days and He asked me what that could parallel.  To me, it parallels intimate relationship I’ve lost with my daughter(s).  After a few days, I asked Him what I was supposed to be learning.  (It took me a few days because the pain was so poignant.)  He said, “What could you have done differently to keep Hobbes from leaving?  What do you think you did that caused it?” 

After some thought, I replied, “I don’t know.  I couldn’t have loved him more.  I met all his needs.  He was well loved, well cared for.  I don’t know what I could have done differently.”  And God said, “Exactly.  It wasn’t anything you did or didn’t do.”

Then He said, “I knew you wouldn’t believe it with your daughters so I used your cat.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  They didn’t leave because of you.  It’s not your fault.”

You see, I lost something precious to me, precious relationship with my daughter(s).  And I have believed for a long time it was my fault.  They may even believe it is my fault.  But God says it isn’t.  And I have a choice to believe God or not. 

I usually can’t explain these things to others.  It’s one of those things that I’ve learned over time on how God speaks to me.  I realize it may sound fantastical or over-imaginative to some.  I can’t help that, nor do I want to.  All I know is God is real.  He speaks to me through dozens of things:  songs, nature, my husband, numbers, dreams, and my circumstances, to name a few. 

He knows I seek meaning and look for purpose.  He speaks to me in things I have no control over so I don’t question whether I manipulated (even inadvertently) a situation.  He knows I pay attention to the details and I ask the difficult question.  He knows I get angry or annoyed or confused.  So He takes those things into account.  I knew Hobbes was going to stay missing until I learned what God was trying to show me.

So just past midnight two nights ago, Hobbes showed up.  I asked God for Hobbes to come home on Christmas, but I knew he wouldn’t.  I felt like God wasn’t going to allow him to show up when someone else was here, because it was a lesson just for me.  He showed up just past midnight when I was in bed about to go to sleep.  Bill was at work for another 20 minutes.

Besides thanking God for Hobbes’ safe return, I’ve had a few conversations with Him about what all I’m supposed to be learning.  Here’s what he showed me yesterday:  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”  (Psalm 24:1)  I entrusted my cat to God’s care, and God can be trusted.  Even more so, I entrusted my children to God’s care.  They could not be in better hands. 

I know the nature of a cat is to explore, and I have not desired for a moment to restrain my cat from its natural instincts.  It’s more important to me that Hobbes is free to come and go, than to restrain him in my home unable to leave.  I am willing to suffer the uncertainty of Hobbes’ return in order for him to be free to operate as he was created.  I have done the same with my children.  It is more important to me that they be free, than carefully restrained in limitations I design for their safety.  I don’t find a life restrained from its original purposes of freedom a fair life, and so I have entrusted all that the Lord has given me to the Lord to keep and preserve.  It may at times have undesirable outcomes for me, but I am not willing to circumvent freedom to change outcomes.

Sometimes it’s hard, these allegories and the realities they represent.  But sometimes it’s redeeming.  Either way, I’m grateful God reaches out to me to help me on this journey of life.  One day we’ll get a new car, an undamaged car.  I’m gonna guess when that happens, our family will be mended quite nicely by then.

This Sifting Season We’re In

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan [the accuser] has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”  Luke 22:31-32  NASU

And that word translated “demanded permission” can also be translated “obtained by asking” and comes from the Greek root “exaiteomai” which means “to demand for trial”.  Most of us know the rest of that story, that Simon went on to deny Christ at great personal cost to himself, but was later restored and led the disciples in upheaving the world for the Gospel.  [literally the good news of Christ]

The concept of sifting wheat is to remove the chaff from the grain.  The chaff is the inedible part, the worthless part (for use).  Some of the implication we can draw from this is that the enemy is used to separate the worthless from the good.

The season we are in….

This is part of the season we are in; the sifting has started.  The interesting part is it’s going to vary person to person.  The chaff that I need removed from my life is probably not the same chaff you need removed from your life.  God is a personal God, and the powers of darkness are not ignorant to the weaknesses and compromises of humans either corporately or individually.  I don’t think time is going to be wasted taking you through financial hardship if it won’t address the chaff in your life.  Your trial is more likely to come in an area that will put a finger on the sensitive area that will bring the areas of correction needed for you, if you heed the lessons before you.

There are precious few people I know right now that are not going through some sort of direct or indirect (someone they love) trial or tribulation of varying degree.  Our nation as a whole is going through a sifting, and there’s a lot of chaff here.  There are a lot of worthless attitudes, belief systems, demonstrations, etc. that permeate our society and culture.  Do I think they’ll be eradicated by this sifting process?  Some, but not most. 

The purpose of the sifting will be to expose, to lay bare that which is worthless.  Dealing with humanity we still have the reality that choices are still options.  Because a particular music or entertainment “star” is exposed for worthless or vile activity, does not necessarily mean they will be shut down.  What it will do is lay bare their intentions and alliances.  Now we can choose with better information if we want to align with them.  (And believe me, even with exposure, some will still choose the vile.  They will ignore or excuse it, and they will not turn from it.)

So on a national level, industries and organizations, persons and personalities are being sifted.  We should be watching for the chaff that is coming to the surface.  We should be reassessing our own views of these institutions (including the U.S. Government).  We should be breaking alliances and allegiances to things found worthless and vile

It’s a painful process, but a necessary one. 

Sifting is separation. 

What is God separating?  The worthless from the useful or valuable.  We should be grateful God is allowing this sifting season.  If we were to hit the season of judgment before the season of sifting, we’d all fall condemned.  But because He is sifting FIRST, we have the opportunity to be cleansed of what would condemn us.  We have the opportunity to let the sifting process do its work in us that we may be found of value as judgments are released. 

Study Ezekiel 9 to begin to understand the implications of this season.  Here’s an excerpt for emphasis:

The Lord said to him [angelic servant of God], “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” But to the others He said in my hearing, “Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare.  Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary.”

Ezekiel 9:4-6 NASU

During the sifting process, the records of Heaven are taking note.  Are you sighing and groaning over the abominations in our midst?  Or have you turned a blind eye?  Or worse, are you joining with them?  Applauding them?

[Don’t miss that He starts in the sanctuary.  The Church is the first place He begins. (1Peter 4:17)  Watch the idols of the church be exposed.  Watch practicing sin be exposed.]

There’s a marking going on.  Remember Malachi 3:16-18?

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name.  “They will be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”  So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.

God is paying attention to our conversations.  It’s not lost on Him.  A book of remembrance is taken down of those who esteem Him.  He makes plain that there will be a distinction between the righteous and wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.  Those who He has marked will be spared on a future day of calamity and judgment.

I can already hear some of the protests.  But if that’s true, why is evil so prevalent?  Why hasn’t there been an accounting before now?  Why have I suffered for doing good while my neighbor or family member has prospered who is friends with the ways of this world?  Because God has a timetable.

Recall that when God was making His covenant with Abraham, He said there would be a delay for the promise for four hundred years.  Why?  Because the “iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete”.   [See Gen. 15:16]

Last time I checked, God has not revealed His timetable for judgment.  What it takes for the sins of a people to become complete unto judgment has not been disclosed to me.  Why it took four hundred more years for a people group who served other gods to be judged I do not know.  Why America has not been judged for the increasing and prevalent wickedness in its midst, I do not know.  I do know, that his patience is mercy, but there is a time patience is spent and mercy is set aside.  When that time comes, being positioned under the shadow of the Almighty is the only place of protection.

There are two places a sieve (tool for sifting) is used in Scripture.  Notice that both times it is an expression of judgment.

We should posture ourselves correctly during this sifting

Remember what Peter admonished:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;

1 Peter 4:12-13 NASU

This trial, this tribulation you and/or those you love are facing right now, Peter calls a “fiery ordeal”.  I would say the same for the trial my family is under right now, and even those around me in the midst of fiery ordeals and trials.  What did Peter say it is here for?  Your testing

And he should know.

While the national sifting is one thing, our personal sifting is another.  There are areas in each of our lives that will not withstand the winds of judgment.  (and they are coming)  God, in His mercy, has unfurled a season of sifting to get our attention to things that need put under the Sovereignty of God and the Lordship of Christ. 

Learn to seek Him in your trial in a way that isn’t just asking for reprieve or rescue.  Learn to ask what you’re supposed to be learning.  Learn to listen and observe what He is bringing to the forefront in your own thoughts, attitudes, words and actions.  There are clues in them.  They will show areas not submitted to God, areas of pain or anger (or other things) that we’re holding on to that are keeping us bound. 

I thought it was interesting that the words of Christ to Peter warning him of his upcoming trial, the word “sift” was selected as opposed to other word(s) usually associated with trials.  Thayer defined that word as, “to sift, shake in a sieve, by inward agitation to try one’s faith to the verge of overthrow”.

Are you being sifted right now?  Is there a trial in your life that is shaking you?  Do you feel inward agitation?  Do you realize it is designed to try your faith in order to overthrow it?  Get rid of the chaff so that the kernel of value is not lost because you’re holding on to the chaff (which will be burned).  Let the sifting process have its way so the worthless is removed and you can be protected in the shelter of the Most High. 

Let the chaff be separated from you and then…

Lastly, remember what Christ told Peter:  that He prayed for him.  He prayed that Peter’s faith not fail. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you.  Recall Paul’s instruction in Romans 8:26-27…

 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;  and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Then remember Christ’s instruction about what we’re to do when we get through our own trial(s) of faith:  strengthen your brother. 

Take your strengthened faith and reach out to your brothers and sisters still in their trials.  Pray for them, minister to them, encourage them in the faith to hold to the teachings of Christ, to submit to the discipline of the Spirit, to respond with repentance at exposure of sin, wrong thinking, wrong attitudes, disobedience, etc. 

Meditate on Psalms 51 and 91.  Psalm 51 for your cleansing, healing and restoration.  Psalm 91 for your position in Him and for your protection.  Let the sifting prepare you for the days ahead.  Understand the separating is for your benefit (if you submit) and not your harm.  His mercy is available for this process, but will not be as readily available for the next.  Thank Him for His mercies.

Investigate Covid Vaccines from a Chemical Standpoint

German chemist Dr. Andreas Noack has released an explosive video on findings with the covid vaccines.  To keep this from being too long, I’m going to insert resources within the text for corroborating data points instead of expounding on them in the text.

Dr. Noack released this video on November 23, 2021, and it was transcribed (from German to English) on November 25.  On Wednesday, November 24, Dr. Noack gave an interview with German Harald Thiers.  On Saturday, November 27, Dr. Noack’s wife made a video presentation stating Dr. Noack was dead, with the implication of foul play.  I have not been able to validate the details of Dr. Noack’s death.

[I don’t have time or space to get into the speculations about Dr. Noack’s death right now, but it needs investigated.  It’s extremely difficult to ascertain information about German affairs from a desk in America.]

Dr. Noack explained in his video that, “There is a professor from the University of Almeira, Dr. Pablo Campra.  He studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using micro-raman spectroscopy.  It is the study of frequencies.  There are frequency bands.  Two of those bands are important.  They show that it is not graphene oxide but rather graphene hydroxide.”

Dr. Campra’s seventeen page report was published June 28, 2021.  Biostatistican Richard Delgado, (Ricardo Delgado Martin of Spain*), was working with Dr. Jose Luis Sevillanos (a Spanish doctor in France) to scientifically examine the covid vaccines when they discovered the presence of graphene oxide in them from micro-raman spectroscopy tests.  These tests measure the thermal conductivity of carbon fibers, carbon nanotubes, and graphene.  (Obviously it would be hard to measure the conductivity if the material wasn’t even present.)  They provided magnified photos of what was found in the vaccine. 

*(not to be confused with the Marxist Richard Delgado from the University of Alabama and CRT architect)

Dr. Noack explains that the substance they classified as graphene oxide is actually a reduced graphene oxide called graphene hydroxide because of its monoatomic layers of carbon that form chains 50nm long and .1nm thick.  He said its qualities are comprised of jagged edges he likens to razor blades.  I’ll quote him further down.

Look at the pictures provided in the Campra report linked above, or a recap here.  Here is a picture comparison of the covid vaccine magnified to 200 nanometers beside a 500 nanometer magnification of graphene.  It was pretty obvious to those who work with graphene that graphene is indeed present in the vaccines.

Now this next photo is a comparison of the vaccine using an optical microscopy at a much lower magnification than the nanometer measurements.  They found that the vaccine sample has the same characteristic of folding as graphene oxide does.

They released their findings and the academia and talking heads scrambled to discredit it, but the pictures don’t lie.  The people involved with this scientific analysis concluded the vaccines were largely constructed of graphene oxide.  The talking heads argue that the patents don’t have graphene oxide as an ingredient, but ignore the fact that they don’t have to disclose “trade secrets” in the patent ingredients, (and the covid vaccines contain undisclosed trade secrets).

Dr. Noack is a specialist in activated carbon.  When he evaluated and examined this material, he concluded that the substance was not graphene oxide, but graphene hydroxide.  He explained it (in the video) like this:

I would like to explain what graphene hydroxide is.  It is mono-layer activated carbon.  There are C6 rings.  He found them in all samples.  Every corner is a carbon atom.  This is on a nano-scale.  If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row.  These are hydroxy groups (OH). 

In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen.  In graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. 

The electrons are delocalized (fully mobile).  The piece is 50nm long but only .1nm thick.  These C6 structures are extremely stable.  You can make brake pads out of this.  It is not biologically decomposable.  These nano scale structures can best be described as razor blades.  These razor blades are injected into the body – nanoscale tiny razor blades, only one atom layer thick – relatively wide and high.  They are razors, biologically not decomposable.

The OH (hydroxyl) groups can be split off a proton.  When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.  It is basically an acid.  It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. 

So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. 

This was a fascinating chemistry abstract that explained the characteristics of graphene hydroxide.  It explains that while a single hydroxyl causes magnetic properties (remember those videos with metal sticking to people’s arms at the injection site?), there’s a greater tendency for them to double adsorb on graphene as pairs which is NOT magnetic.  Notice what it says here:  “It is possible to build graphene-based electronic circuits from graphene hydroxide without the need for cutting or etching.”  Does this indicate the quality of sharpness Dr. Noack is speaking of when he calls them “razor blades”?  I’m asking because I don’t know.

Another interesting thing was the quality of hydroxyl to adsorb to graphene.  Adsorb (NOT absorb) is the ability to “cause a substance to form a very thin layer on the surface of another”.  This is demonstrated in the second set of pictures above with the optical microscopy.  Clearly the substance is adsorbing.

This article indicates the electrical capabilities of graphene hydroxide, which state it transports electrons and they even call it a “supercapacitor”.  Do you remember the testimonies of the Travis Scott concert?  Young people described chest pains and breathing difficulties akin to heart attacks.  I’ve talked about this before, but the human body carries electrical charges and is in fact an electrical field.  There is a very real scenario of the human electrical field coming into contact with other electrical fields and frequencies.  Sometimes this results in injury, disease, or death.

Would the presence of graphene hydroxide in the human body cause an enhancement to the electron load in the cells?  One of the concert goers said when the music was playing they were laboring to breathe, but that when the music stopped between songs, they were able to inhale again.  If there are additional storages of electricity coursing through the body and it’s exposed to additional frequencies, how does the human body handle the surges of electrons?  Where or how does it release the abundance of electrons the human electrical field cannot handle?

Dr. Noack goes on to say that the injection of graphene hydroxide into the human body becomes a game of chance.  He says it like this:

This is basically Russian Roulette. 

You can see it very clearly in this woman. [He showed a photo of a woman whose breasts were engorged.]   It cuts the blood vessels.  The blood vessels have epithelial cells in their inner lining.   The epithelial is extremely smooth, like a mirror.  And it is cut up by these razor blades.  That is what is so dangerous. 

If you inject a vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithelial. 

The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes.  And there you will not find anything. 

These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.  This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. 

I am a specialist in activated carbon.  In my doctoral thesis I have converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide.  I joined the world leading activated carbon manufacturer.  After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products.  We bought a small company near Newcastle, England.  I was in charge of new carbon products Europe wide.  I was in application scouting.  If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything.  Toxicologists do their tests in Petri dishes.  They cannot imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. 

There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose.  People bleed to death on the inside.  Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast-flowing blood.  The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do. 

As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer.  It’s a new material.  Toxicologists are not aware of it yet.  Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this.  [image of woman with engorged breasts]  And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead.  You see people immediately collapse after vaccination and have a seizure.  These people had bad luck in the Russian Roulette – very likely a vein was hit by the syringe. 

The question you have to ask politicians and doctors, the question doctors should ask Pfizer, is why are there these razor blades in the vaccine?  Now they want to force vaccinate  children from the age of five. 

An important concept in science is disputation – a scientific debate.  The basis of medicine or pharmaceuticals is chemistry.  This doctor has no idea about chemistry.  Completely new substances unknown to nature are brought in (with the vaccines). 

Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA which has complex effects.  The theory of mRNA is complex.  But every chemist understands what this (the graphene hydroxide) does.  The mRNA story is possibly a diversion. 

I cannot imagine anyone will be able to give me as a carbon specialist a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine. 

This is war.

They distract us with the messenger RNA.  But people cannot collapse that quickly from right after the injection.  Something else is going on.  And this effect should be studied. 

After the Spanish doctor’s study, it is official that nano scale graphene (hydr)oxide is in the vaccine.  So it is clear that razor blades are injected…  If you want to inject a whole population by force, you have to do your homework extremely carefully.  Because if there is something wrong in the injection, you will kill the whole population of a country.  You have to weigh the risk.  How dangerous is corona?  How dangerous is the injection?  This guy (Dr. Szekers, president of the Austrian medical board) wonders if people should be tied up before being injected.  And he’s the top doctor?!  Are the doctors in Austria so incompetent that they don’t understand the basic chemistry medicine is based on?  Then they should surrender their license! 

Any doctor in Austria, who, after this information is now public continues to inject this, is a murderer. 

I am not some guy in the carbon field.  I doctored in this area.  I worked for the world’s biggest activated carbon manufacturer.  In the area of new carbon experts, I was the only expert in Europe.  I’m pretty much the only European who visited other experts in Pittsburgh.  After this I started my own activated carbon company.  I resinified (sic) paper and turned it into activated carbon membranes.  You could cut your hands with this charred paper.  It was extremely sharp.  I have a good idea what the graphene hydroxide does. 

Do you think a pediatrician understands what graphene oxide is?  There is another interview where he (Szekers) says he thinks it’s “good” from a medical standpoint to vaccinate the population by force. 

In Germany or Austria, there is nobody with my expertise.  The leading German carbon specialist, Dr. Harmut von Kienle, was my mentor for one year.  I wrote my thesis in this field.  I started my company in this field and won a business plan competition in Wolfsburg.  I won DM 175,000 in the competition.  I received venture capital to the tune of six million DM.  I had ten developers to develop these new carbon products.  I know what I am talking about.  Any chemist in the chat is invited to refute me or give another opinion.  You are all invited.  Tell me I am wrong.  Sir Karl Popper explained the fundamentals of science.  Hypothesis – refutation.  Popper said it is better to kill theories than to kill humans.

It is Russian Roulette.  Do you hit the vein or not?  Does it stay in the muscle?  Then it is less toxic.  But if you hit a vein and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people up from the inside.  And it is a highly intelligent poison, because a normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes cannot find it, because it doesn’t move.  Toxicologists just don’t expect any nano scale razors. 

But I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely certain that the graphene hydroxide is in there.  These are nano scale razor blades.  Now they want to inject children with these nano-sized razors. 

As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades.  You can make brake pads from carbon structures which last forever.  This material has zero biological degradability.  It stays in the body forever.  Even if people don’t drop dead immediately it cuts up the blood vessels little by little.  It destroys the heart….all the heart attacks….all the strokes…

As a doctor you have to ask, where is this coming from?  If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear.  The heart is cut up.  The brain is cut up.  Blood vessels are cut up.  These graphene structures (aka monolayer carbon or monolayer graphite) are so stable.  Every chemist knows this.  They are not degradable.  The structure is 50nm long and .1nm thick.  Of course it is a razor!  Every chemist knows it is. 

The epithelial cells are extremely smooth for good reason, but become rough when cut up like this, and things stick to it.  By now, every idiot can inject this.  And when they hit a vein… to me this is Russian Roulette. 

Here’s a Petri dish.  [visual on screen]  A normal toxicologist tests using a Petri dish.

This material is declared an “experimental vaccine” for a reason.  They don’t know what will happen.  Every vaccinated subject has to sign that they will take full responsibility.  It will take fifty years until the contracts with Pfizer will be published.  What is in these contracts?  Why fifty years? 

I am ready to talk to anyone about this material.  As a chemist, I say these are razor blades.  And I notice how little doctors know about chemistry.  But they are doing chemistry in the body, in small children, in pregnant women.  And now you doctors know what you are doing.  And if you continue to inject, you are murderers.  Go out.  Type this out.  Give it to your doctor; give it to your politicians.  And if you continue, I promise you, no court in the world will save you.  What you are doing is mass murder.  Austria has the responsibility.  They started the vaccine mandate.  Share the video.  Write it down.  Put it on a USB stick and send it to politicians and doctors.  Make it clear to them:  If you continue this, you are murderers. 

[Talk by Dr. Andreas Noack, Translated by Stefan Reich (info@botcompany.de) November 25, 2021, originally published Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 10a.m.]

These claims must be investigated and examined thoroughly by nonpolitical parties interested only in the truth and in human health for the good of humans, not for political agendas, money or fame. 

In the meantime, there are options for removing or detoxing the body from nano graphene oxide/hydroxide particles.  One suggestion is the French Montmorillonite clay.  (Interestingly, Montmorillonite clay is an acid absorber, and Dr. Noack explained in his video that the graphene hydroxide’s electrical charge breaks down into an acid.)  Another is the mineral zeolite chelator “Clean Slate” by Root Brand.
