Boot Barn and other decisions we need to make

I was ousted from my first business today for not wearing a mask.  (I have never worn a mask.)

My husband drives for UPS.  Those in the delivery business know that they haven’t had a break in, well, almost a year.  Once covid was declared a “pandemic” and draconian measures were set (“two weeks to flatten the curve”), it was like Christmas every day in the shipping business.  Everyone started buying online.  And it never slowed down.  Covid ran into Christmas which ran into 2021, and well, I get to see my husband on the weekends, when he’s not catching up on stuff he couldn’t get done throughout the week.

Kansas has been slammed for over two weeks of arctic weather, snow and ice.  That makes delivering even more challenging, and with longer hours.  So when I received the call from him today (Next Day Air was late, and his workday went from getting off maybe around eight, to getting off around ten if he’s lucky), asking me to please find some waterproof, warm boots for him, it seemed priority.  For the last two weeks he has come home frozen to the bone, peeled his boots and wet socks off, and laid them by the fire to hope they dry out enough by morning.

I can’t recall the last time I bought a pair of boots; I wasn’t sure where to look.  Then I remembered a Boot Barn opened up in town about a year ago.  I went there.  It was 3:45 in the afternoon, and by my line of sight, there were no other customers there.  (unless the one I thought was an employee was a customer)  The parking lot was empty.  I was asked if I had a mask, to which I replied I have an exemption.  By State ordinance (not law), people with exemptions are, well, exempt from the ordinance. 

No matter!  The lady kindly explained there were no exemptions honored in the Boot Barn.  They offer curbside pickup and delivery for those who won’t or can’t wear a mask, regardless of State ordinances.  (which I agree are silly things anyway)

The truth is, I’d gladly shop online for pretty much anything anymore, but boots for my husband to have that day does not afford me that option.  I simply got in my car, drove across the street to an Academy Sports and was in and out in fifteen minutes, with boots in hand.  Maskless.  (Apparently Karen does not work at Academy.)

I mean, it’s your business.  I guess.  I don’t ever have to shop in your store again.  There are plenty of other places to get merchandise.  It’s the lack of logic I can’t seem to get around.

The State “mandate” is masks UNLESS you can socially distance.  Three people in a 3000+ square foot building meant I could “socially distance”.  Stores are required by this mandate to require masks, but are excused for exemptions.  So it was a company decision to not follow the State guidelines, and a company decision to not honor my exemption.  Okay.  I can do business with another company.  (Like Academy.)  Isn’t that the premise of a free country anyway?

Actions have consequences.  Brick and mortar is struggling.  Overhead is greater than online shopping.  I don’t get hassled shopping online.  It’s a no-brainer for me, but still, the logic….

I think the thing that I can’t seem to wrap my head around, the tenet that pulses in my homegrown American veins, is do I have the ability to make decisions for my own life or not?  At what point did we shift to the State being our overlord?  I’ve read the Constitution and that’s not the intention of the Founding Fathers. 

The inconsistencies and contradictions in this fiasco exhaust me.  Plenty of parodies have been made about them, it seems a waste of time to revisit them.  (e.g. wear a mask from the door to the table, then take it off when seated – in the same restaurant – walkways =  covid vs. tables =  no covid; no public gatherings but “protests” and riots are fine; arresting a lone individual on a beach because covid, but mobs burning down businesses is fine; the list goes on and on and on….)

Now we’re being instructed on [the absurdity of] wearing multiple masks (but make sure you can breathe).  If masks work why do we need to social distance?  If social distancing works, why do we need to wear masks?  If the vaccine works, why do we need to wear masks and socially distance? 

[But for kicks, here’s a pretty exhaustive list of the debunking of the effectiveness of facemasks.]

The entire conversation is exhausting and I have no ambition to revisit all of the contradictions, but let it be known that there is no “settled science” as to masks, social distancing, lockdowns, the alleged vaccine, or even coronavirus itself.  We have one group of individuals commandeering the narrative for their agenda and silencing every voice that questions it.  THAT is un-American.  THAT is communist.

We are well at the point in America that Americans better be clear about what defines us.  (Yes, yes, I understand the ignorant, unbalanced ever-growing confused crowd out there.  I’m not addressing these.)  We’re knocking on the door of 1984 and our ability to reel it in is dramatically declining.

I’m not addressing the literal millions who are ignorant or willfully socialist and communist.  I’m addressing Americans in the truest form of the word:  a country founded for liberty of the individual not order for the collective.  Every concession to our individual liberty for the mythical illusion of the collective good is another nail in our coffin.  The State (Big Brother) does not have the individual’s best interest in mind.  The State is not our friend.  The State neither cares about our liberties nor endeavors to preserve them.  The State is engaged in a deliberate plan to herd the individuals into a collective, to redistribute the wealth of individuals for a ruling class, to literally rule over a class of workers rather than foster a culture of creative pioneers.  The State has broken American law, dishonored American principles, and disgraced morality in its purest forms to achieve its end.

Whether the State is telling the truth or lying or even something in between about the alleged pandemic is not even the point.  The point is coronavirus and that narrative is the tool being used to dismantle America from its original intention and purpose.  Until President Trump is successfully placed back into the office he was elected to before the usurpers pulled off their heist, we are without American leadership in the cesspool known as the District of Columbia.  It has been commandeered by enemies of the People and allies of the CCP.  That means we must lead ourselves and our communities.  Exactly how that looks I cannot say for sure, I only have ideas.  But I can tell you what it does NOT look like:  it does not look like willful submission to tyranny.  In two words:  Civil Disobedience.

So I return to my original point, Americans better be clear about what defines us.  We must exercise every liberty we have to expose and arrest the tyranny spreading its tentacles across our beautiful land.  We must refuse to acquiesce to tyranny, even when it costs us.  Walking out of Boot Barn and shopping across the street, never to shop there again is elementary.  We need to accelerate our efforts on every level.

We’re never going to turn the tide until we remove the power we’ve given the global machine.  We must support patriots and Americans and penalize and cut off globalist agendas.  Move your money out of the big banks.  Take the face diaper off and support American businesses.  Get on a social media platform that doesn’t censor (Gab).  Deactivate and delete every account (business and social) that compromise American principles.  Every point of influence needs to be warred over.  Stop supporting the liberal platforms designed to destroy our nation.  Change banks, shopping venues, entertainment selections, schools, homes, jobs and even communities if that’s what it takes.  I know there’s a mass exodus out of California and New York, but there are more places that need to feel the sting of spitting on loyal Americans and incorporating communist policies.

Dan Schulze gave an excellent short presentation on what true patriotic Americans should be doing right now, with a very specific and simple way to return to conservative America in this video

The window to save our Republic from a communist regime is quickly closing.  Christ only needed twelve men.  Gideon only used 300.  David took on Goliath by himself.  We have plenty of examples of courageous leadership.  We must align with Heaven and walk it out. 

To paraphrase Esther, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise … from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty [in the Kingdom of God] for such a time as this?”

Gleanings from Enoch, part 2

I think part of what I love so much about Enoch is the glimmer we get to see of the other side, and the reminder that earth is merely the trial run.  Living here on earth, trudging through the days in and out of making a living, providing and protecting, nurturing and being nurtured, sometimes the eternal seems so surreal. 

Section Three of Enoch is titled “The Astronomical Book”, and starts with chapter 72.  Most likely I will not adequately comment on the richness of this section – for it moved me beyond what I think I’m able to convey.  But I can’t help but wonder if we had set ourselves to learning according to the revelations of God versus the study of man, if our understanding and paradigm on earth would be very different than what it is in my lifetime?

I’m reminded of my hero George Washington Carver, and how his education was in the laboratory of nature with the instructor of the Holy Spirit.  If ever there was a humble man who emulated the divine inspiration for understanding nature and the elements of how this life was ordered, to me it is he. 

Enoch begins this section with a discourse on the path of the sun.  I suppose the possibility exists that it was allegorical, but I do not think so.  And if you don’t take his discourse allegorically or symbolically, your mind will likely tilt, because his description defies modern science.

To begin, he references the laws of the sun, moon and luminaries (stars).  Uriel is the host who is showing him such grand behind the scenes, and it is made plain the order is a natural law.  In fact, he says at the end of verse one,

“…and he [Uriel] showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world and unto eternity, until the new creation is accomplished which endures until eternity.”

There is constant foreshadowing of a time after the time of earth.  Reading Enoch is an experience in learning of worlds that have been, worlds that are, and worlds that will be.  We almost have to leave behind preconceived ideology from the days of school rooms and lectures, and even the tidy lessons of Sunday School. 

Enoch calls the sun a luminary, and tells us the first law of the sun is “its rising in the eastern portals of the heaven, and its setting in the western portals of the heaven.”  Immediately we will have to consider that we have either been taught and/or believed a lie.  If the sun rises and sets out of portals of the heaven, then it is not stationary in the sky with globes revolving around it.

Enoch described six portals in both the eastern and western parts of the heaven, as well as multiple windows on each side of the portals.  He describes a sequence of days in which the sun departs one portal in the east, returns to one in the west for about thirty days, and then changes portals, which obviously shows the sun moves across the sky as the seasons progress.  It’s a fascinating depiction as it tells how the seasons move with the sun’s path, how the days get longer in some passages and shorter in others.

The chapter on the sun ends with:

“As he rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but as regards size they are both equal.”

When Enoch describes the moon’s course, he is very specific how the moon’s course runs separate from the sun’s, and how measuring time by the moon must take into account the discrepancies.  He explains that the moon falls behind the calendar record over eight years by eighty days.  And then he says something interesting, he addresses “world stations”.

I found some websites with people who have really taken some of these concepts Enoch shares and applied principles to them.  Here are a few I’d like to peruse sometime when I have more time:

Astronomy confirms the accuracy of the Book of Enoch

Revolutions of the Luminaries

Enoch and the still flat earth

What I also find interesting is that Enoch describes a year as 364 days (and as 52 weeks).  There are four intercalary days injected.  But it makes me wonder how off our calendars may or may not be from the variations over the millennia of measuring time into years….  For instance, if we failed to account for a year being 364 days by God’s calendar, just that one day over the course of 4000 years would make our calendars off by almost eleven years (10.9).  These are things that matter if we’re trying to keep God’s timetable.

Enoch segues into the course of the luminaries (stars) by explaining that the star courses set the intercalary days.  And then he says this fascinating thing (75:2):

“And owing to them men go wrong therein, for those luminaries truly render service on the world-stations, one in the first portal, one in the third portal of the heaven, one in the fourth portal, and one in the sixth portal, and the exactness of the year is accomplished through its separate three hundred and sixty-four stations.”

If we can temporarily set down our preconceived notions of the earth and its orbit around the sun, and just imagine, even if just to pretend, that Enoch’s descriptions are true, we find such fascinating courses of chariots and winds, windows and portals and world-stations. 

Remember when you read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for the first time?  I remember how I had to lay aside the laws of this earth as I was taught them, to embrace the world of Narnia.  It was similar but not the same.  It had elements that did not fit with the principles I was taught of earth and life by my earliest teachers.  This reminds me of that.  I don’t necessarily have to discard the original teachings I have of these concepts, but if I just set them aside to entertain a different way of looking at them, I may be able to glean something I would otherwise miss.

Wind has always been a mysterious concept to me.  What causes it?  Where does it come from and what causes it?  I know science has their theories, but Enoch puts science on its heels.  Enoch tells us the winds are found in the twelve portals that open to the four quarters of the earth, and to find these portals you must go to the ends of the earth!

He describes the purposes of the winds, some for good, some for harm.  He assigns the plagues to the winds.  And then he moves into the quarters….

How does a round globe have four quarters?  Enoch says the quarters are also called the north, south, east, and west.  He tells us what each quarter holds, calling the second quarter most special because the Most High descends from it, and it is also called the south.  The northern quarter is subdivided into three parts, a part each for:  man, seas & land, and the “garden of righteousness”.

Then Enoch circled back to the sun and moon, and gave us their names (two for the sun and four for the moon) and their luminous abilities.  Enoch concludes this section with three chapters that I personally subtitled “the transgression”.  Here are some passages I found especially noteworthy:

[80:2)  “And in the days of the sinners the years will be shortened, and their seed will be tardy on their lands and fields, and all things on the earth will alter, and will not appear in their time.”

I grew up a farmer’s daughter.  I know that this is true even in my lifetime.

Enoch goes on in verse four to say, “And the moon will alter her order, and not appear at her time.”  This tells me the original discourse Enoch gave on the plight of the sun and moon through the portals will change.  Six thousand years later, I do believe it has changed.

Verse five tells us the sun will burn more brightly “than accords with the order of light”, and the following verses add:

“And many chiefs of the stars will transgress the order (prescribed).  And these will alter their orbits and tasks, and not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.  And the whole order of the stars will be concealed from the sinners, and the thoughts of those on the earth will err concerning them.”  (This gave me pause.  How much error is in our ways and interpretations?)

Enoch continues to hearken his son, Methuselah, (and future readers), to walk in the ways of righteousness and not depart from it.  We’re to teach the wisdom of heaven to our children and them to theirs, that the way not be lost.  He says in 82:3, “And those who understand it will not sleep but will listen with the ear that they may learn this wisdom…”

When Enoch goes on to explain the four luminaries that correct the calendar by their intercalary insertions, he admonishes:

“Owing to them men will be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year:  yea, men will be at fault, and not recognize them accurately.”  What point in the future was he prophesying about?   A hundred years?  A thousand?

 It’s as though Enoch looked forward through the passage of time and saw a future time that the wisdom given to him and made available by the faithful who passed it along through the millennia would hit a point that error would prevail to the detriment of those who profess to be knowing. 

If the descriptions of Enoch be true, then what we know as truth is a lie.  The earth does not spin on an axis and traverse in an orbit around a stationary sun.  That’s a difficult pill for most to swallow.  I do not portend to tell another what to think or what conclusions should be made.  I only wonder if the story has been obscured over time with the increasing wickedness of man and interference of the fallen spirits, and if there is a way to peel back the layers of fallacy to arise at honest truth that stems from the source of all Truth, God Himself.  To receive that, what must we be willing to lay down in our beliefs in order to embrace truths that contradict such? 

Surely it is not a salvation issue whether we believe the principles science and education have indoctrinated us with, or if we choose to believe ancient scripts from patriarchs of the faith.  I say that because I don’t think such topics are worth the division they cause.  They don’t impact our salvation.  Let people evaluate the data as they must, and arrive at the conclusions that their pursuit of truth leads them.  If it’s not a salvation issue, if it doesn’t deny the Lordship of Christ, let’s walk in grace toward one another.

That said, there are numerous passages of Scripture itself that indicate maybe our thoughts have been hijacked by the “reason of man”. 

Joshua 10:12-14  (NASU)

Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,

“O sun, stand still at Gibeon, and O moon in the valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.

Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.  There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel.

Now there’s no reason the Scripture couldn’t have called on the earth to stand still if it was rotating.  But it doesn’t.  It tells the sun to stand still and the moon to stop – for a whole day!  This was never corrected.  No translation staying as close to the original language as it could has altered that interpretation. 

And Revelation 7:1 practically reiterates Enoch’s discourse on the four winds in chapter 76.  Revelation says it like this:

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth,

And Enoch says it like this:

And at the ends of the earth I saw twelve portals open to all the quarters of the heaven from which the winds go out and blow over the earth.

The word translated “corners” in Revelation 7:1 is also translated “quarters” in Revelation 20:8.  In the Strong’s concordance they are interchangeable as corners or quarters. 

Maybe there’s more to Enoch and his revelations than the Church at large has allowed to come forth.

All this to say, Enoch was a refreshing book for me to read, full of wonder and revelation.  It presents images and explanations that make the Scripture come alive, and exposes stale or stagnant teachings that may need revisited, reevaluated, and possibly rethought. 

lessons from Carly Simon

This is just a personal experience I want to recount that I may learn from it and have it recorded should another occasion manifest that I can apply the lesson.

I became friends with a gal on facebook.  We’ll call her “Carly Simon”.  I loved Carly’s hunger for truth and the Word of God.  I watched her from afar for awhile.  She has a tremendous following, very well liked, very much venerated.   I watched for awhile because of the mixture I saw in some of her work.  But then she had a humbling experience and I watched her humble herself and repent, and it moved me. 

Carly and I struck up some personal conversations over time, away from the public eye, and bounced ideas and theories off of each other.  We shared experiences and revelations we had each had.  We actually met up and I thought we had a great first meeting.

But there was this weird undercurrent I kept perceiving.  It wasn’t always there – it kind of ebbed and flowed.  And I couldn’t pinpoint what it was about.  I usually mark such things off as something inherent in me.  I’ve been burned by so many, trust is difficult for me to achieve.  So I figure I’m too suspicious or too guarded.  Sometimes the damage of things experienced in the past cause me insecurities in the present, but I manage them relatively well.  Regardless, I thought Carly was real and honest, so I kept proceeding forward in a quasi friendship. 

There was a time I shared a very personal testimony of an encounter I had with the Lord several years back.  I think only four people know about it.  The next day she recounted the same encounter with my same talking points in a post, only as though it was her personal experience.  I didn’t know what to do with that, so I just made a mental note to not share too deeply in the future.  I gave her the benefit of the doubt and moved on.

Some of the digs Carly did I just didn’t understand.  Her mind worked in ways mine did not and I had trouble connecting the dots she connected.  If I didn’t understand what she was saying in a post, I usually scrolled on.  Plenty of people lauded her; her work was/is beneficial to hundreds to thousands of people.  And I couldn’t tell what this undercurrent that kept ebbing back in was about.

Then she made a post about Esau and the Edomites, and some very specific things connecting from the past to players in the present.  I didn’t get it, so I scrolled on.  A mutual friend tagged me on that post thinking I would appreciate it.  So I revisited the post, reread it with new eyes, and was troubled by it.  It didn’t resonate with me, and I wasn’t sure why. 

I wondered if it was pride on my part.  She had connected some genealogy lines from Esau into the present day, and I have studied a significant portion of genealogy over the past two decades.  Was my pride insulted that she had discovered something I never had before?  Was it disappointment in myself that I had studied so long and had missed a critical piece?  I couldn’t be sure my reaction was not my own flesh, so I was reluctant to do anything with it. 

Yet as I thought it over, I thought, maybe if I understood where she was coming from…. 

A constant private criticism I’ve had of Carly’s work is her lack of posting her sources and even her lack of giving credit to other works.  She has quoted other work without using quotations, which of course leads the reader to believe it’s the writer’s own words.  And although this is plagiarism, I overlooked these things as though she must not realize it – perhaps does not know proper writing technique.  Her content was good and insightful and I would have loved to have incorporated some of it in some of my own work, but I had nothing to source it to, so I felt unable to.

These conflicts were raging in me as I finished reading her post on Esau a second time.  And then I thought, just figure out where she’s getting her information.  So I quoted her:  “Esau swore to destroy every last Tribe of Israel member that ever existed.”  Can you tell me where you source that please? (smiley face)

When she replied, sometimes the comment section shows the most recent reply first, and she replied with Genesis 27:41:  Now Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, “The days of mourning for my father are approaching; then I will kill my brother Jacob.”

So I replied back that I was trying to clarify that Esau would destroy the tribes of Israel.  In the meantime, the other comment she left showed up after I posted that follow up question.  In it, she commented Jubilees 37:23.  After reading that, I deleted my follow up question and replied, “Sorry!  This one was blocked when I looked a minute ago.  Thanks!”  She gave it a thumb’s up.

I was disturbed as I sat there mulling this over, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  There were some fleeting thoughts that ran across my mind.  I stood up from my office chair and walked out of my office.  I can’t specifically recall the flurry of thoughts that ran across my mind, but I do remember that as I started walking down my hallway I said aloud, “No.  This is not a competition.  I will not compete for the knowledge of the things of God.”

I went to bed that night praying and asking God why I was troubled, with no clear answer.  The next morning I was in my kitchen doing dishes and I asked the Lord if this was just my flesh rising up?  I talked with God for a bit about it and I said to Him, “I will humble myself and learn from Carly.  You are able to speak to anyone, and it doesn’t matter how many years I’ve studied and researched.  If I’ve missed something, I’ve missed something.”  So I set myself to ask her  to help me understand how she reached her conclusions on Esau.

I sent her a personal message and told her I wanted to understand the Esau thoughts she had better.

Her reply was this: 

So what specifically would you like me to explain?  The is [sic] broad question and I’m sure you’re looking for me to try and convince you of something I believe.  I’m also not trying to be rude but I know what you were doing with your comment on my post the other day because the HS told me and because you deleted your comment.  I’m not sure what you’re looking to learn from me but rather prove me wrong?

….I’m not rude or mean but I am letting you know I believe you’re looking to discredit me.

If I’m wrong I apologize but that [sic] what my gut told me.

Now this isn’t really about the topic of Esau.  It’s about an accusation that I somehow have set out to discredit Carly.  And she told me the Holy Spirit told her that.  (I’m not sure it was the same Holy Spirit I was talking to, though, because that’s not how my conversation with Him went.)

I sought the Lord for quite some time on this.  The last thing I want is my flesh sabotaging the work of the Spirit in my life or others.  For starters, the Spirit told me that was an accusation, and accusations come from the accuser (satan).  [Revelation 12:10]  So immediately I know the spirit behind this is not the Holy Spirit. 

I placed my heart upon the altar and asked God to search it, in case there was some unclean way in it.  [For the record, I would assume there is.  If I am not constantly taking my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, then I can rest assured the enemy can creep into them.]  I immediately went back to the exchange on the post in my comments.  I wondered if I was off in my flesh and thought I must have been…..  Then the Spirit reminded me of the statement I made aloud when I walked out of my office.  I rebuked that thought line and rejected it.

What I think He showed me was that a spirit of contention, strife and maybe competition was working between us, and it was working on me when I read her post, and it worked on her when I commented on it.  I think the Lord showed me it was an unclean spirit trying to move on my thoughts, and that same spirit accused me before Carly.  It was an assignment to bring contention and strife.  And it worked. 

I’m really quite sad about the whole thing, because now that the accusation has been made, and though I denied it, [I told her, “Not at all my intention.  I’m sorry you feel that way.”], there has been no effort for reconciliation. 

As I further searched my heart the Lord asked me, “Would you discredit Carly, Michelle?”  After honest thought I could say no.  No I wouldn’t.  I may disagree with her if my own findings differed, but I would not set out to publicly discredit a friend who I trust is seeking God for truth.  I would either stay silent (most likely) or just simply disagree in a respectful “agree to disagree” sort of way.  It is not my ambition EVER to discredit brothers and sisters seeking God.  So no, it is not even my nature or inclination to do such.

And I just offer this here for myself really.  As a reminder of the cunningness of the enemy to speak into our minds, to sow seeds of doubt, and contention, strife, even competition.  These are not fruits of the Spirit of God.  I must reject them as they come to me, and I must rightly identify them.

Carly and I have not spoken since then.  I bless her and her work.  I have prayed for her and that God would use her mightily for His Kingdom purposes.  I am resolved to not allow any more damage to the work of the Kingdom in this matter.  I just thought I’d need this reminder to take thoughts captive, look at the fruit of the thoughts, and discern their origin.  I must crucify the flesh, and cast out darkness.  To God be all the Glory.

Gleanings from Enoch, part 1

From my rough timetable, I have that Enoch was born in the 622nd year on earth (from a timetable calculating Adam at year zero).  His father, Jared, would have been born in the 460th year.  Enoch’s great grandson Noah would have been born in year 1056, and the Great Flood would have been about year 1656.

That means Enoch spoke of the events to come in a thousand years, roughly [at Chapter 54 the word about the coming destruction through flood begins].  He tells us that in the days of his father, Jared, the Watchers came to earth to copulate with the daughters of men.  The Watchers numbered 200, and descended onto Mount Hermon.  He lists nineteen of their leaders by name, and calls Semjaza, Samlazaz Azazel various specific leaders.    

These Watchers wrought havoc on the earth by their fornication with humanity and the introduction of the Nephilim, also called giants.  They taught humanity all sorts of knowledge that would lead to ultimate destruction.  The earth got filled with a lot of bloodshed, and the Most High slated destruction to the earth because of the bloodshed and wickedness.

Enoch was given insight and revelation to the events in his day, the structure of the heavenly realm, and things to come on the earth.

I love the first chapter because it speaks of the Holy Great One, the eternal God, coming out of His chambers to execute justice upon the earth.  It is quoted by Jude, but I like the passage right before Jude’s citation, [Enoch 1:8]:

But with the righteous He will make peace.  And will protect the elect, and mercy will be upon them.  And they will all belong to God, and they will be prospered, and they will all be blessed.  And He will help them all, and light will appear unto them, and He will make peace with them.

Then verse nine is what is quoted in Jude 14-15:

And, behold, He comes with tens of thousands of His holy ones to execute judgement upon all, and to destroy the ungodly:  And to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.

The violence against mankind on earth was noted in chapter 8, verse 3:  “And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.”

Chapter nine continues noting the lawlessness on earth, and verse three says:

And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, “Bring our cause before the Most High.”

Azazel was marked in verse six for teaching “all unrighteousness on earth and [revealing] the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were trying to learn.”

The following chapters spell out the judgement forthcoming to the angelic realm for their sin.  The Watchers learn of the anger of God and seek Enoch to intercede for them.  The Lord is not pleased and remarks in chapter 15, verse 2 that Enoch should point out to them:  “You should intercede for men and not men for you.” 

The whole chapter is vital for hearing the Lord’s judgment on the Watchers.  In verse eight and nine the Lord decrees and defines the definition of giants:

And now the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, will be called evil spirits upon the earth, and on the earth will be their dwelling.  Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin; they will be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits will they be called.

Probably a decade or more ago when I was down the rabbit hole of UFOs and aliens, the Spirit spoke to me that aliens were just demonic spirits manifesting under new titles.  Here I learn through Enoch that the product of the union of fallen angel and man is decreed an “evil spirit”.  When we consider that a whole other world is going on in tunnels and labs and undisclosed locations across the earth with entities the like most human eyes will never lay upon, we can know for certain that such evil is what Enoch said wreaked the earth in the days of his father leading up to the Great Flood.

Enoch goes on with the words of the Lord to him, explaining what the Church has been neglectful to teach:

[As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven will be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth will be their dwelling.]  And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble:  they take no food, but nevertheless hunger and thirst and cause offences.  And these spirits will rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them.

Men and women before me have labored to expose what goes on in the dark.  They have been ridiculed and scorned, neglected and rejected.  It doesn’t change the truth because one denies it exists.  The truth is still the truth.  We have enemies who have set themselves against the order of the Creator, and in so doing have endeavored to corrupt and destroy mankind. 

They are teaching insidious and irreversible techniques and methods to corrupt the flesh of humanity, to remove the God piece in humanity.  These methods come in the form of artificial intelligence, transhumanism, androgyny, nano particles and involuntary genetic modifications, gene splicing, cloning, and DNA manipulations.  How are we none the wiser today to these tactics of the enemy?

Gratefully, this passage in chapter sixteen stood out to me as a beacon of great comfort and hope:

And now as to the watchers who have sent you to intercede for them, who had been previously in heaven, (say to them):  “You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth.”  Say to them therefore:  “You have no peace.”

All the mysteries have not been revealed.  There is a higher wisdom; there are deeper mysteries, greater knowledge, and more encompassing truths.  The works of Freemasonry, the Illuminati and Satanic fraternities and organizations, the revelation of alien technologies, they are not the fullness of the mysteries of the wisdom of Heaven and the Holy One.

Oh that the servants of God would implore the Maker of Creation for the tools and wisdom to thwart these works of darkness!

Chapter 42 tells us that “Wisdom went out to make her dwelling among the children of men and found no dwelling place:  Wisdom returned to her place and took her seat among the angels.”  We must enter the courts of Heaven to find the Wisdom we need.  It does not exist in the channels of earth.

Chapter 46 reads so much like Daniel 7:9-10; I highlighted the whole chapter.  Chapter 48 tells us of the inexhaustible fountain of righteousness and the Son of Man and this great encouragement is found in it.  It says the Son of Man has preserved the lot of the righteous, “…because they have hated and despised this world of unrighteousness and have hated all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of Spirits.”

This was particularly encouraging to me.  I have been so weary of this world, feel so alien here, want very much to depart and abide in the abode of the spirit.  I am reminded of these passages….

1 John 2:15-17  [NASU]   Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. 17  The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.

John 12:25  [NASU]  He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.

Heb 11:37-38 [NASU]   They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38 (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground.

In chapter sixty-two verse seven we read:  “For from the beginning the Son of Man was hidden, and the Most High preserved him in the presence of His might and revealed him to the elect.”  Which has beautiful echoes of Colossians 1:15-18 and John 1:1. 

And at the end of that chapter we read about the garments given to the righteous and elect:  “And they will have been clothed with garments of glory, and these will be the garments of life from the Lord of Spirits:  And your garments will not grow old, nor your glory pass away before the Lord of Spirits.”  Which has echoes of Rev 3:5 [NASU], “He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”

The Book of Enoch was not canonized, and part of me wonders if it was because parts of it were excerpts from the Book of Noah.  For example, critics have used Enoch 60:1 to contend the book is faulty – because it says, “In the year 500….in the life of Enoch….”  Obviously a literal interpretation indicates that would be errant.  Enoch was not alive in the year 500 of earth, nor did he live 500 years.  However, this was understood to be about Noah, in Noah’s 500th year.  When reading the context of the 60th chapter we learn that Leviathan and Behemoth were placed one in the sea and the other in the wilderness to beget judgement upon the earth in part.  The judgement that subsequent chapters portray are those of the days of Noah.  Obviously Enoch was not on the earth in those days.  It seems to me to be a mixture of Enoch’s revelation of those days and Noah’s experience in those days. 

While many have discounted the work of Enoch for these seeming discrepancies, I think it’s a great loss to dismiss this work on such grounds.  The uncanny overlap of themes and even descriptions in Enoch that parallel other passages of Scripture cannot be missed.  If we want a better understanding of the “Days of Noah” here in our 21st century, perhaps an account of one who was there and one who foretold of it would be valuable for at least consideration. 

For instance, chapter sixty-four has just two sentences, but the second sentence elucidates the reason for the destruction on earth (via the Flood):  “These are the angels who descended to the earth and revealed what was hidden to the children of men and seduced the children of men into committing sin.”

Simply put, the angelic realm crossed into the earthly realm and seduced humanity to sin against God.  In the following chapter it further details, “…because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels and all the violence of the devils, and all their powers – the most secret ones – and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth.”

We know that it is Noah speaking in this chapter because he says so plainly in verse 9 (Chapter 65).  Enoch told Noah, “Because of their unrighteousness their judgement has been determined upon and will not be withheld by Me forever. [quoting God’s words to him]  Because of the sorceries which they have searched out and learnt, the earth and those who dwell upon it will be destroyed.  And these – they have no place of repentance forever, because they have shown them what was hidden, and they are the damned.”

But Enoch was clear to point out Noah was innocent of knowing these secrets.

There is so much we can learn from this, especially in the light of current events.  When we hear of  Jeffrey Epstein’s tunnels and underground rooms on his island, and that as a private citizen he held an office in Harvard, wanted to “seed the human race with his DNA” and cryogenically freeze his penis and brain to be brought back at a future date, there are questions that should arise in our minds.  This New York Post story tells us:

Epstein used his own key card and campus passcode to make at least 40 visits to an office known as “Jeffrey’s Office” at the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. He had showered the program with $6.5 million before he served time for soliciting sex with a minor.

“Program for Evolutionary Dynamics”….wonder what that was about?  He helped start the program with his hefty donation, which includes population genetic s.  He was also quoted as wanting to “strengthen the human gene pool” through eugenics. 

Couple that with tidbits coming out on Bill Gates’ and those like him and their research into genetic modifications, transhumanism, cloning, etc., and we should be realizing we’re dabbling in realms of human reconstruction that will surely facilitate the judgement of God.  If humans were meant to live forever, it was surely before there was sin.  The wage of sin is death, and if we think we need to circumvent death by clones and unnaturally extending the human lifespan, what are the implications of that?  Surely that is playing God with no fear of the Creator.

The examples that have gone before us would indicate that will not work out well for humanity on planet earth.   In Noah’s day, the fallen angels were the source of the secrets that led to the wickedness encompassing the earth.  It doesn’t take too long of research to realize the likes of people in the Illuminati, Freemasonry, DUMBs, the Nazi medical labs, and other laboratories and fraternity circles are getting instructions from extradimensional beings.

Chapter 69 lists the fallen angels’ crimes with an interesting sidebar about an oath requested by Kasbeel  (requested of Michael) and called the “chief of the oath” that immediately made me think of Freemasonry and the secrets of that order based on oaths.  (This starts at verse 13 and is fascinating.)

In verse 26 we learn the Name of the Son of Man was revealed to those in this angelic order, and that the “sum of judgement” was given to Him.  Beautifully, section two ends with chapter 72 with the Son of Man proclaiming “peace in the name of the world to come”. 

And these are just the first two sections of Enoch’s work. 

Myanmar, Election Fraud, and a Coup

In my pursuit to understand the dynamics of national events in Myanmar (Burma), I found some of these cross-stories fascinating….

Myanmar has been ruled by their military since 1962.  Their armed forces are called Tatmadan.  It would seem the nation made a shift in 2011 when the military agreed to share power with the people in an effort to move to democracy.  A third and current Constitution was adopted in 2008, and in it the military is given 25% of the seats in Parliament.  There are 440 seats in their Parliament, of which 330 are elected by the general population and 110 are appointed by the Tatmadan.

In Myanmar’s 2015 elections, Nobel Peace Prize winner and democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi was elected for State Counselor, which operates much like a Prime Minister, and is considered the de facto head of government.  She was elected by the general population.  The President of Myanmar, (Win Myint), is considered the de jure head and is elected by members of Parliament, not the general public.

On November 8, 2020, Myanmar held their general elections.  Since then the Tatmadan has contended there was significant election fraud and called for an investigation into it.  The State Union Election Commission rejected their claims, bringing us to current events.

On Monday, February 1, 2021, the newly elected Parliament was set to convene its first session.  Instead, the military detained the State Counselor Suu Kyi and other Parliament and prominent figures, while declaring election fraud necessitated such actions.  The Tatmadan announced it would take control of the country for one year, and hold new elections at the end of that year.

In the meantime, internet and mobile services were reported down, passenger flights had been grounded, MRTV  – the state run TV – had no transforming  signal, and banks shut down early for inaccessibility because of internet outages.  It was reported lines of people at ATMs and markets, and numerous businesses closing early.

At first glance it would appear that democracy has been set back in Myanmar under allegations of a coup attempt by the military.  In fact, the U.N. led the call for condemnation on Myanmar’s military action, have called it a coup, and have begun making demands of what should now happen.  The U.S. (including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R), Tom Andrews, the Secretary of State Blinken, the White House, etc.) has followed suit in condemning the actions in Myanmar. 

Ironically, the illegitimate White House released a statement with the following, “The United States opposes any attempt to alter the outcome of recent elections or impede Myanmar’s democratic transition, and will take action against those responsible if these steps are not reversed.” 

The European Commission President, the U.K. Prime Minister Johnson, and spokespersons from Japan and Australia have followed suit in condemning these actions.  India and Singapore have expressed “concern”, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Thai, along with statements by Malaysia and the Philippines have abstained from making a stand and called it “internal affairs” that were none of their business.

Hilariously, Russia’s statement (as of Feb. 1 mid-day) was the most reasonable stating that they, “…carefully monitor and analyze all the information, of course; it is premature to make any assessments.”  [According to this Sputnik article.]

Over time on these world events, I’ve learned to be hesitant in making hasty or quick assessments because we really don’t know what’s true, versus what’s a state-driven, agenda-driven narrative.  In fact, if the mainstream media is shaping the narrative a specific way, I resist and look for all the angles I can find.  In the light of that, here are some interesting data points I’m taking into consideration regarding Myanmar.

Drug and other trafficking is a hot commerce in Myanmar

Myanmar is home to a portion of the “Golden Triangle” – one of the largest drug trafficking routes in the world.  The U.S. established a heroin drug trade route there around the Korean War.  In 1993, half of the heroin in the world came from there.  In 2015 the heroin from that region was estimated as a $16.3B trade, with 762 tons of opium which produce about 76 tons of heroin.  Since then, Afghanistan (another CIA drug trafficking operation) is now the epicenter for heroin. 

However, last year Myanmar and the Golden Triangle were pegged for the largest distributor of Fentanyl.  From this May 2020 AP article, “According to the agency, in addition to 3,748.5 liters (990 gallons) of methyl fentanyl, police seized 193.5 million methamphetamine tablets weighting 17.4 tons; more than 500 kilograms. (1,100 pounds) of crystal methamphetamine; 292 kg. (644 lb.) of heroin; 588 kg. (1,296 lb.) of opium; 49 kg. (108 lb.) of morphine; and 6.8 kg. (15 lb.) of ketamine.”

This tells me there is most likely a power struggle between actors for control of illicit funding.  I wonder which side falls where….

Speaking of trafficking, Myanmar is also considered one of the worst places for human trafficking.  And if there is a prominent market for drug and human trafficking, who else can we find in such locations?

Deep state actors connected to Myanmar

In 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Suu Kyi in Myanmar.  Knowing the CIA’s modus operandi for setting up puppet governments, I have both eyes open here.

In 2012, Obama was the first U.S. President to visit Myanmar.  Ever.  He praised their democratic reform and their “shaking off military rule”.  He met President Thein Sein (elected in 2011), a former junta member, and he praised Sein’s efforts as well as commended “democratic and economic reform”. 

Following Obama’s appearance in Myanmar, the USAID sent $170M to Myanmar for years 2012-13.  (Myanmar is a Tier-3 country partially because of its unwillingness to combat trafficking in their nation.  Their officials allegedly promote trafficking and prostitution.  As a Tier-3 under those terms, US Aid is usually denied.)

Then in 2014, the Clinton Foundation through their Clinton Global Initiative established their “Myanmar Action Network”.  This new initiative focused on investments in their social and economic development and called Myanmar an “important frontier market”.  They then created the “Women’s Empowerment in Myanmar:  Change for the Future” program, which partnered with the Coca Cola Foundation, with the goal of “empowering 5M women entrepreneurs by 2020.”

Now I’m all for democratic processes and economic reform, but when it comes in an initiative by someone called Obama or Clinton, I get red flags.  When the nation in question has significant CIA ties to human and drug trafficking AND an Obama or Clinton gets involved, well, that usually means they have a hand in the corrupt money and are engaged in forms of quid pro quo of usually the most unethical forms.

Then consider that there’s a Soros connection, and well…..

Wait, one more.  After all those flags, to know that Smartmatic took over the Myanmar elections in 2017, well…..

Let’s just say, I don’t think things are as they appear.

Interestingly, in all of the articles I perused (additional links at the end), there were zero main stream articles that gave credence to the alleged election fraud.  In fact, the AP article said outright, “The military has charged that there was massive fraud in the election — particularly with regard to voter lists — though it has not offered any convincing evidence. The state Union Election Commission last week rejected its allegations.”

The National File is the only American media source I found that actually bothered to list some of the election fraud claims, including, “On January 15, the USDP released 94,242 cases of election fraud in six townships, and subsequently called for a new, fair election supervised by the military and the country’s election commission.”  [I’ve sourced additional claims at the end.]

94,242 claims of election fraud seems significant to me.

And then there’s some new money….

The IMF sent $350M to Myanmar just days before the start of the new Parliament was set to begin, and the military takeover. Of course, you have to go to international news to find these reports. The funds were allegedly sent for COVID relief.

Covid….the catch all for government otherwise purposes it seems. Need a cover? Covid. Need a reason? Covid. Need an excuse? Covid…

If these funds (IMF, ESF, OSS, etc.) are used for money laundering under the guise of “charity” or “outreach” or whatever palatable title applied, then who was sending the funds to whom and for what? Was it intended for the arrangements and agreements Soros, Obama and Clinton had set up for their patsy, Kyi, and the military intercepted to prevent their plans? Or was it intended for the military and they had to take over the government to get control of it?

Another possible monkey wrench…

Erik Prince’s company, Frontier Services Group, is a Hong Kong based business and is chaired by the Chinese state-owned conglomerate:  Citic Group Corp.  Citic Group Corp is FSG’s largest shareholder, in fact. 

In 2019, FSG set up some operations in Myanmar to provide service to customers in China, Japan and Thailand.  They had advertised for 30 security personnel in February of that year in implied preparation for this venture.

I’m still trying to put the pieces together on this one, but I present some data points for consideration.

In 2016, Frontier Services Group (FSG) partnered with the Belt and Road Initiative.  They opened an operating base in Yunnan, China to serve Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Xinjiang.  Oddly, this region is the northern tip of the Golden Triangle mentioned above. 

According to this article in the Myanmar Times, FSG provides training, communication, risk mitigation and assessment, information gathering, medevac, and joint operation centers on security, logistics and aviation, to “capitalize on China’s One Belt One Road development initiative.”

Knowing that through his former business, Blackwater, Erik Prince contracted with the CIA and was considered a CIA asset, doing much dirty work in the Middle East and elsewhere, to quote an anonymous source, he “knows where the bodies are buried.”  He had teams in the Middle East when John McCain conducted his “secret” trip to Syria to commit treason.  Interestingly, McCain was very outspoken in his criticism of Blackwater, and what he couldn’t say his wife did.

Prince made no secret that the CIA threw him and his company under the bus.  Prince is an interesting character, kind of a shadow behind so many things.  The implication is he worked in the shadowlands during the Trump Administration – never fully proven, but enough evidence to cause the conjecture.  He’s been around long enough from Navy Seal to government contractor, to who knows exactly what?

He’s has been doing some contract work in Myanmar and other places, but for whom?  It’s interesting he’s a shadow in Myanmar during this time, set up just a year or two before this event. 

It’s interesting he has bases near the Golden Triangle.  It’s interesting he’s providing security and training for clients in that region, that he is sourced from state-owned entities of China, and that he is a man who has been burned by the CIA. 

It’s interesting the military has seized Myanmar’s government for election fraud and their voting equipment is linked to Dominion and SmartMatic. 

It’s interesting Soros, Obama and Hillary chummed up to Suu Kyi a couple years before her election and began infusing money into their projects and economy.

Knowing the deep state runs drug and human trafficking rings through the CIA programs and alleged charities [Red Cross, Clinton Foundation, McCain Institute, etc.]  Are current events in Myanmar black hat or white hat originated?  There’s a challenge to someone’s power going on, but the players seem a bit murky with current data. 

The Biden Administration has come out with a warning to Myanmar, but it’s strangely missing the then part of if-then.  The question raised is if China is behind the alleged “coup”?  And if it is, can Beijing Biden afford to cross his Master? 

Is Pompeo egging the Biden Administration on to expose their allegiance to China?  Or is Pompeo convinced democracy is under attack in Myanmar?  How much of what we see is optics and theatre, and how much is actual? 

I have more questions than answers, but I’m not willing to receive the mainstream media rhetoric to satisfy them.  I’ve been lied to too much already.

Additional sources for the background of this article:

Sputnik (Russian news) on Myanmar with a timeline and national leaders’ statements

Reuters article

Myanmar USDP list of alleged election fraud.

Election commission rejected the military finding of fraud in this article from The Hindu.