Unpopular theories I’m pondering

I’m working on some theories and still need to organize my notes.  But I’m going to put a few thoughts out here in the hope that it will spur others to weigh in on some of my thoughts in case I have some blind spots that are preventing better perspective.  I’m going to touch on three things that aren’t necessarily connected but may well be.  I think you’ll see where I’m going. 

I’m going to present in broad strokes.

Devolution, President-in-Exile, and Donald J. Trump

I’ve been off the beaten path on this topic enough to know it holds merit and could very well be true.  There’s enough circumstantial evidence to allow hope that it is true, and if true, it still seems like the best option for the immediate future for America.

The current alleged U.S. administration is taking us on a crash course to complete tyranny under the pretty guise of inclusion and perceived safety (from government promoted threats), among other things.  There is no happy future for America in the true spirit of America on our current path.  I am well aware of that.

I understand some of the tactics of war that are confusing for the foot soldier and observers.  For example, appearing weak when you are strong (and vice versa), disinformation to hide or mislead from your movements and intentions to gain ground and the element of surprise, theatrics for illusion, etc.  That said I believe all of that is going on. 

The front man (woman, whoever is the public lead) of the “side” one is on, must instill confidence and trust to his/her counterparts in the battle.  There are times we’ll be confused, times we won’t understand the strategy on the board.  I understand that is all part of the war. 

Two main things (there are lesser things as well) give me pause about Trump’s leadership for the cause of liberty and national sovereignty in America:  his relentless push for the covid vaccine, and his seeming ineptness for January 6.

Knowing what we know about the vaccine and the thousands who have been harmed by it and even killed, why would he push it as “good”?  Why not just stay silent?  Why not just reiterate we’re still the United States of America, founded on independent sovereignty and personal liberty, and remove himself from the public argument?  His base does not agree with his stance and have made it clear.  I’ve heard the argument that “Operation Warp Speed” was code name for a military operation.  (insert eye roll)  I’ve heard the argument that he had to hurry a vaccine to quell the growing public fear.  While elements of that argument make some sense in the scheme of politics, the ruse could have been dropped after the election and it was reinforced.

Even now public information on the vaccines has been coming out of grave consequences.  This would be the perfect time to feign shock and recant your stance.  But he doesn’t.  Why?

Trump knew the FBI set up the “insurrection” narrative for January 6.  Why did he encourage his group to go to the Capitol?  Why has he allowed average American citizens be put through the American gulag system and be left there almost defenseless, under abuse and suffering?  Didn’t he campaign on statements like this:

VOA tells us a Presidential pardon for all persons involved January 6 was an option on the table. 

While we still have American patriots suffering without Constitutional provisions (6th and 14th Amendments for due process and a speedy trial), while evidence is being hidden and not permitted, and Revolver has been relentless on its reporting of the injustice of it all, why has DJT remained relatively silent through it?  Why weren’t there pardons or public statements of weight?  Why is there continued silence? 

These aren’t small matters to me.  These are literal life and death matters of American people.  People are dying and facing grave health concerns for the promotion of a serum that has not proven effective for the thing it was allegedly created for.  People who did not commit crimes have been set up by a corrupt judicial and legislative system in the American government and are languishing as political prisoners in the alleged home of the free and brave.  These aren’t inconsequential oversights.  Are these people just casualties of the war? 

[This doesn’t even touch on Ivanka’s membership in the World Economic Forum or Jared’s monetary ties to serious conflicts of freedom’s interests.  I don’t have time for that and I give it a surface pass because it’s not Trump personally.]

The powers that be are intent on recreating their version of prophecy

Study will show that modern Israel was founded by Rothschilds and their cohorts.  I totally understand that God can use the wicked as pieces on a chess board to accomplish his purposes, and this may be that.  But hang with me a minute because this will lead to the next thing, and remember, these are just working theories I’m looking for other insight for.

Why would the powers in the shadows want to recreate prophecy?  That ties to my third theory, so we’ll table it for just a moment.

How difficult would it be to recreate a version of Biblical prophecy if you held sway over the major political players of the world?  What if you held sway over, say, the religious institution as well?  If what was being taught and relatively wide-spread learned across the vehicle of Christian churches was a general apocalyptic rapture, future tribulation, future antichrist scenario, then orchestrating that wouldn’t be that difficult.  Just spend some time thinking about that and I think you’ll be able to see it.

Look at the current Ukraine-Russia conflict and see how many people and places are saying Russia is the antichrist or Russia is Magog and Putin is Gog, or similar proclamations.  Only (and I don’t have time to prove this now but I will soon) Magog is Ukraine, not Russia. 

Just think about this for a minute.  If you’re the enemy of God and your endeavors are works for darkness, wouldn’t you want to subvert the truths of God and especially the prophecies?  After all, these are things that work against you and the kingdom of darkness.  If you could divert attention to arenas you painted as targets, the activities going on in other arenas would fade into the background.  This would be a reason (not the only reason) for recreating prophecy. 

Again, I’m speaking in broad strokes right now, but I will hone it down in the coming weeks. 

Ultimately life on terrestrial earth is the epic battle between light and dark, the friends of God and the enemies of God.  The only middle ground is ignorance. Let’s be real.  The vast majority of humanity is happy in the middle ground of nominal awareness of the spiritual forces around them.  As long as their basic needs are met and they are sufficiently entertained or otherwise distracted, involvement in the spiritual arena is not at the forefront.  

Regardless, as long as I’ve been alive there has been talk about the end of the earth, the coming apocalypse, a ten headed beast, an antichrist and his kingdom, a mark in the forehead, etc.  What are the chances the powers of darkness can utilize the prophecies for their agenda?  Would they try?  Wouldn’t they just somehow suppress the truths of the Scripture – a kind of 1984 tyranny that prevents disclosure?  If they couldn’t do that, then wouldn’t another strategy be to pervert it? 

Which leads me to my third realm of hypothesis….

What are the chances we’re post-millennial? 

I used to scoff at this idea.  (I was, after all, raised in the religious institution with its systems and constructs.)  I used to think that was ludicrous.  If Christ was reigning on the earth, wouldn’t the earth know it???  It’s still a valid question.  But there have been things that have blown some holes into my original thoughts.

So before you poo-poo this or mark me off as some radical fringe person, think about some of these things….

 Rev 20:7-8  (NASU)

“When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore.”

In that one sentence, how much time is it covering?  How long do you think it will take Satan to deceive the nations after the world had been sitting under Christ’s millennial reign?  A few years? 

What would have to occur to convince the inhabitants of the earth that they should reject the rule of righteousness in exchange for ….what?  What are they exchanging it for?  How does this transition happen?

How do you go from the righteous reign of Christ on the earth to the nations assembling for battle against God?  How long would it take to get from point A (righteous reign) to point B (demonic rule)?  Prophecy sums up the whole thing in one sentence.  How many years, decades or centuries does that one sentence span?

The word used there is deceive not conquer.  So Satan is getting out of the abyss and heading back to the inhabitants of earth to “trick, mislead, hide the truth” from them.  How long would that take if they were under righteous rule?  Satan won’t have the authority over earth, remember?  He no longer holds the title deed to earth; Christ does.  His only M.O. will have to be deception because he’s been stripped of his legal authority.  How will he deceive the nations?

Another question, where is Christ when this happens?  If Christ has set up an earthly reign – reigning here on earth from some physical location – where is he when Satan is released from the abyss?  Why isn’t there a confrontation when this happens?  If Christ’s millennial reign is physically on the earth, what happens to it when Satan is released?  Is Christ physically reigning on the earth and Satan just kind of slithers around the background whispering lies in people’s ears?

There are really only two possibilities here:  Either Christ’s millennial reign is spiritual, or it is physical.

If it’s spiritual, then Christ rules from Heaven through His saints on earth (and in heaven) at the time of the millennial.  If it’s physical, then He reigns from a physical location on earth.  Who really thinks that in a physical reign of Christ on the earth that Satan is going to be able to come on the scene and deceive people away from peace and righteousness while Christ is still ruling on the earth?  What extraordinary circumstances would enable that scenario?  And if such a scenario would occur, where is Christ in the time Satan is deceiving the world?  Is He still on earth?  Or is He in heaven? 

These questions matter.  That one sentence doesn’t give us any of those answers.  How can we find them? 

Let’s evaluate this:

Revelation 12:9 tells us Satan was thrown down to the earth.  Who saw that happen?  Was that a physical occurrence or a spiritual?  Could we see it with our physical eyes?  Did Satan suddenly appear on the earth with a host of fallen angels with him?  If we didn’t see it with our eyes and there isn’t a historical record of it in the annals of time from witnesses (apart from Scripture), how did it happen?  When did it happen?  Where did he set up camp on earth?  Don’t we just automatically assume or recognize that this happened in the spiritual dimension hidden from our eyes? 

Rev 20:1-3

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand.  And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time.

Is this release after the bondage in the Abyss any different?  Is Satan suddenly going to manifest physically NOW?  Or are we still talking about the spirit realm that corresponds and parallels life on earth, but must be discerned apart from our five senses?

And IF Satan’s appearance on earth is in the spiritual realm, and these occurrences are connected with Christ’s reign “on earth”, could Christ’s reign be in the spirit realm as well? 

For the sake of hypotheses and theories, let’s assume Christ’s millennial reign is in the spirit realm, just as Satan’s deception operates from the spirit realm. Now how does life on terrestrial earth look?  Revelation 20:6 tells us the saints of God will reign as priests of God and Christ during the millennial.  But the saints John is telling us of are those faithful during the mark of the beast that “came to life”, meaning they had physically died.  So are they reigning with Christ from Heaven or in physical form on the earth? 

If resurrected saints and the resurrected Christ are reigning on earth in physical form, how is the dragon from the abyss going to be able to deceive the nations?  And where are the reigning Christ and his saints when the dragon of old comes to deceive the earth?  If they’re still on the earth, how are people deceived? 

For these reasons and more I have yet to get into, I am pursuing the possibility that we are post millennial.  I’ll spend time on that in another article, but for the sake of running down this theory, let’s pretend this working theory is correct for now and wind it back to my second point.

IF we’re post-millennial and we’re in the season of Satan deceiving the earth, why would he want to recreate the end time prophecies of Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah, etc.?  I suggest it would be part of the deception.  The Word of God is not absent post-millennial.  We have no indication from Scripture that it is struck from the public record.  What we do know is God’s adversary will deceive earth’s inhabitants.

We know Satan’s end time game is to deceive the nations and “gather them for the war”.  I’ll get into this in detail in the coming weeks, but for now, just mull over in your head how Satan could derail Christians in his scheme.  If he can’t all out get them to join him in the deception, what could he do to mislead them (a variant of the word deceive)?  I’m contemplating the possibility that he uses the prophecies to recreate a scenario that keeps the children of God from rightly perceiving the hour at hand for the purpose of establishing an army we can’t recognize for what it is.  More on that to come….

Which wraps us around to the first point of inconsistencies or discrepancies in DJT.  Why would the anti-establishment president support and promote a vaccine that we now have the increasing data is neither benevolent nor beneficial?  Either he’s playing a war game too strategic for my brain to understand at the cost of millions of lives, or he himself is deceived, or he’s part of the end time game.

This is the part where I ask for your input.

These are theories that have been percolating in my brain for a couple years now, as I’ve been scraping together miscellaneous data points to try to bring clarity to the picture.  I’ve presented in broad strokes but in the coming days I’ll start honing down with finer pictures and hope to bring it from an impressionist painting to more of either a tenebrism or viewpoint painting. 

If you have thoughts that would either cast light or even doubt on these thoughts, I welcome them.

14 thoughts on “Unpopular theories I’m pondering”

  1. Hello Michelle,
    I’m so interested in these topics so I am delighted when I get to read your thoughts about them. I don’t have much to say right now but I love that you are so willing to put your thoughts out there and I appreciate that you are looking for feedback. Thank you very much! I can hardly wait for your next article. ps. I am learning alot from you!

    1. Thank you Dawn! Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me, but don’t feel obligated either. Sometimes just a nagging is enough to give one pause to revisit a topic to see if something was missed.

  2. I think you’re on the right path to question it all.

    In 2018 the Holy Spirit asked me, “Exactly how much of this existence labeled as life is an outright lie? Since then I’ve been led with resolve and surety that everything I was told by the Rockefeller funded religious institutions is suspect. Marks, Temples, the theft of Prophecy?

    For 2 years the Spirit has had me looking into and asking me questions about “the mark” and I just posted part 1 the other day. https://soundfoundations.com/the-mark-whos-mark/

    Yes Luciferians would tell us lies through “trusted experts” to make us think the end times will be a certain way, when it not will not be so. 1000 years included.

    We haven’t arrived with clarity on this yet, but can you surmise what has come out of labs in Gog has already attacked Israel?

    These are “The Ponder Stops”.
    Looking forward to the rest of your thoughts, but I’m with you in putting the Q to everything.

    1. Thank you David. It’s funny how certain phrases of your comments immediately evoke imagery from my own research.

      Looking forward to reading your own thoughts.

      What do you think and are referring to about the labs and Israel?

      God bless you as you pursue Him.

      1. The Holy Spirit brings unity in understanding as we follow His lead! Your phrases do a similar thing in me.

        Re: Labs and Israel [I was being speculative and I should have said Magog], but following your thoughts, we have yet to see what those Level 4 labs were “making” before they were blown up. We do know they were burning the evidence and the US embassy website scrubbed all info about them, within about 72 hours of the “invasion”.

        Israel being one of the most jabbed countries, the imagery of Ez 38 [though Gog] and an attack on an unwalled city of secure people is what I was thinking . The Jab has seen no walls and we have yet to get the full picture on it’s origins, maybe Ukraine is involved too?

        Just musing with Him outside the box.
        I wait and watch, seeking in His word, listening for His voice of TRUTH.

        1. Good thoughts! I would think Ukraine is intricately involved on the origins. There have been reports coming out of just how interconnected Ukraine and America are, but now links to Israel are coming out. And I believe Russia alleged that contents of at least one lab were moved to Australia….

  3. Michelle,

    I believe the Kingdom is a spiritual Kingdom. The Jews weren’t looking for Jesus because they wanted an Earthly kingdom. Part of the reason they rejected Jesus when he tried to teach them that the kingdom of God is within. Jesus plainly said that if they say, look, the Christ is in the wilderness, don’t believe them. We even learn from the scriptures that we are kings and queens in Christ here on Earth, now! I believe yes, we are either in the 1,000 year reign now, or post, like you believe. The 1,000 years is symbolic for the perfect completion of time. 1,000 is a perfect reign. Like how long someone rules. In Hebrew it doesn’t mean Satan reigned for 1000 years. Just like the number 40 doesn’t always mean 40.
    also fascinating, in the mathematical base seven, 1000 is the number following 666, the number of the Beast of the Revelation. Nothing is coincidence. In revelation the event takes place where the beast (666) went 1st, then put in chains for 1000 years before it will be released, so to be defeated and thrown in the lake of fire where the false prophet is.

    Also, 1000 is symbolic of ONE, Perfection!!!

    Many as ONE in the occults it symbolizes ONE WORLD order, many as ONE, Satan’s one world order is counterfeit of the True Christ & his church. The world coming into unity thru satan’s spirit (ep2:2)

    In the bible Many as ONE in Christ (Ro 12:5/Ro 15:6 Zec 14:9/1cor10:17 /1cor 12:20 Ep 4:3/ Ep 4:13 unity of faith 1cor12:13).

    Just my thoughts as to confirm, 1,000 isn’t literally, 1,000.

    And King Solomon had a thousand women who turned his heart cold. 1kings 11:3

    Also, Zec14:9 God name is one!

    Jn 17:21-23 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

    Isaiah 66:8 Nation in one day…
    We have been in labor for 7000 years
    But In one day in the twinkling of eye we will birthed forth the manchild = righteousness … This is a very deep topic w/ alots of revelation!

    I believe that the deceiver is for sure using prophecy against us!!! This is just fascinating and I am so thankful you bring up this deep topics!!!!

    1. Oh wow, Suzi! I love what you’ve brought to the table! Thank you! I love it! I’m gonna delve into the passages you shared.

      This is such a vast subject with so many intricacies, there’s no way any one of us have all the details. I’m so grateful you and David and Dawn and everyone else are bringing the truths each have found. This is so exciting to me 🙂 God bless you abundantly with His presence and His provision.

    2. I believe that the deceiver is for sure using prophecy against us!!! I agree, but the deceiver doesn’t have the Holy Spirit!

      …and the only other reference to 666 is in relation to Solomon and his talents of Gold. 😳

      7 Resurrection; Spiritual completeness; Fathers perfection
      1000 Divine completeness and Fathers glory
      6000 Deception of Antichrist; Second advent
      7000 Final judgement; Zadok

      666 Antichrist

  4. I believe in “post millenialism” and that we, the body of Christ were given the task of bringing the kingdom of god to earth (as in the Lord’s prayer-thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven) I believe the “rapture” eschatology has been used to weaken the church and has caused us to withdraw from society (because Jesus said “my kingdom is not of the earth”). His authority did not come from here-not that we were not to be involved in taking “all things to the obedience of christ”.-education, government, laws etc-ALL should be operating under the instructions of God’s word. It’s either man’s law or god’s law-there is no other. We were to take dominion in gen 1:26; we haven’t Christ will return when His enemies are made His footstool Ps. 100. The word “rapture” is not in the bible. Parables show the tares are taken out-not the wheat. The righteous shall inherit the earth; the righteous shall never be removed. Mathew 24 and Revelation are prophesies of what would “shortly come to pass”-not 2,000 years later. Jesus was letting the christians know of the coming destruction of the Jews in Jerusalem for rejecting Him as the Messiah. This shall “shortly” come to pass; when you see it, flee Jerusalem, etc. Research from Gary DeMar American vision, Resistance Chicks has a LONG study on the history of all this and what early Christians knew.

  5. The Bible is quite clear on this point – we cannot yet be in the millennium:

    “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-10)

    As Christ Jesus taught plainly:
    “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) then let them which be in Judæa flee into the mountains: let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.” (Matthew 24:13-28)

    We haven’t seen someone enter the Jewish Temple and claim to be God – the so-called abomination of desolation. The Church has not preached the gospel to every nation. Jesus says His return will not be a quiet or secret affair: it will be as a blaze of light across the sky. The millennium cannot have started yet or we would definitely have known it.

    As for the 2020 Presidential election outcome, have you not ever read: “ And Elisha came to Damascus; and Ben-hadad the king of Syria was sick; and it was told him, saying, The man of God is come hither. And the king said unto Hazael, Take a present in thine hand, and go, meet the man of God, and enquire of the Lord by him, saying, Shall I recover of this disease? So Hazael went to meet him, and took a present with him, even of every good thing of Damascus, forty camels’ burden, and came and stood before him, and said, Thy son Ben-hadad king of Syria hath sent me to thee, saying, Shall I recover of this disease? And Elisha said unto him, Go, say unto him, Thou mayest certainly recover: howbeit the Lord hath shewed me that he shall surely die. And he settled his countenance stedfastly, until he was ashamed: and the man of God wept. And Hazael said, Why weepeth my lord? And he answered, Because I know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of Israel: their strong holds wilt thou set on fire, and their young men wilt thou slay with the sword, and wilt dash their children, and rip up their women with child. And Hazael said, But what, is thy servant a dog, that he should do this great thing? And Elisha answered, The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be king over Syria. So he departed from Elisha, and came to his master; who said to him, What said Elisha to thee? And he answered, He told me that thou shouldest surely recover. And it came to pass on the morrow, that he took a thick cloth, and dipped it in water, and spread it on his face, so that he died: and Hazael reigned in his stead.” (2 Kings 8:7-15)

    Here you have a true prophecy about the outcome of the king’s sickness, yet events did not turn out as you would expect based on understanding that prophecy. I believe most of the modern-day prophets asked God who would win the election rather than who would be the next President, and they didn’t ask any follow up questions about voting fraud.

    1. Hi John, Thanks for writing. 2 Thessalonians 3 is only “quite clear” if you view it through a futurist lens and sit under western Christianity’s modern teachers. Adam Clarke himself (apologist and theologian) said this: “Now the question is: Whether does the apostle mean, the coming of Christ to execute judgment upon the Jews and destroy their polity, or his coming, at the end of time, to judge the world.” It’s only cut and dried if you look through a futurist lens, of which I used to do so, but after further study learned it wasn’t as cut and dried as it first appeared through western Christianity’s indoctrinations. There are precious few theologians before modern times who saw this passage as nothing else but the Papacy and its succession.

      I don’t need to “sell” this interpretation. There are plenty of far better theologians and researchers than I, and their works are thoroughly published, albeit suppressed in modern churches. If you’re interested in pursuing it to weigh its merits, it would prove fruitful, even if you don’t think you can subscribe to it conclusions.

      Additionally, the Olivet Discourse is rather handily laid out in the events leading up to and into 70 A.D., right on to the point of “where the carcass is, there the eagles will gather”, and there are plenty of notable works on that as well. The cool thing about Biblical prophecy is you don’t have to subscribe to any one person or church’s doctrinal theories to evaluate the facts and truths they present. You can look across the board at a variety of different theologians and researches and evaluate the data separately as opposed to everything having to fall under one specific theory. Sometimes when you look at individual pieces, the whole picture being sold carte blanche no longer makes sense.

      I don’t claim any particular denomination as my own, as I prefer to be a Christ follower and let that stand on its own. That said, Walter Veith (Total Onslaught series) has incredible research and documentation of prophecies, even though I don’t subscribe to his particular denomination and I don’t always arrive at the same conclusions he draws. John Keyser has done some of the best presentations of research of the fulfilled prophecies from 70 A.D. (right up to a thorough compilation of Josephus and other 70 A.D. contemporaries eye witness accounts of what they saw in the sky as the temple was being destroyed. And there are numerous others, those just came to mind off the cuff. Speaking of commentaries, Adam Clark really lays out the 2 Thessalonians 2 and how the church of the early 1800s viewed it as being the Papacy. It’s not until you get to the last 100+ years that the modern theologians disregard seemingly all that preceded them.

      Your illustration from 2Kings is spot on, and I’ve dwelled on it numerous times. The prophecy was clearly thwarted by the king’s assistant, and yet still accurately foretold. I’ve often wondered if Hazael would have become king of Syria had he not been emboldened by Elisha’s words, and Elisha had stayed silent? I don’t know if today’s scenario is any more cut and dried than Ben-hadad’s situation. The assumption is modern prophets asked who would win the election, but I don’t think that’s how it happened for many of them. How do we know for certain that a word of God come to them unsolicited or by request? I’m not comfortable assuming. I’ve received words from God without solicitation, and that doesn’t mean I understood their fulfillment each time by the unsolicited word I received either. We don’t know that they didn’t follow up about voter fraud, and I do know that was a prevalent concern so I wouldn’t assume it was not broached in petitions to the Throne.

      Again, thanks for your thoughts and God bless!

      1. For a long time, I was taught all about the modern Christian interpretation of the end times. I read a lot of different teachers on the subject and became well-grounded in such teachings – rapture readiness and all.

        Then after I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I started to more diligently study this topic. Before it was possible to make any headway, I had to repent of any and all of man’s doctrines and purpose to only know what the Bible itself says on the end times. Only then has the Holy Spirit been able to reveal a more accurate view of eschatology to me. Even now I don’t have answers to everything. However, what I do know is very reliable and it is well grounded.

        The words of Jesus on the end times form the key for unlocking everything else. The Old Testament prophecies fit in around that – particularly Joel and Daniel. Paul expounds on some points as well, and the Book of Revelations provides a more comprehensive vision of events but it does so in a way where an absolute time line of events is not very clear.

        Jesus Christ’s prophecies have multiple fulfillment. He Himself came once as Messiah and comes again as King and Conquerer. Parts of the Olivet Discourse may have been by A.D. 70, but the gospel has not yet been preached unto every nation.

        If we set aside Jesus’ teachings so as to pay more attention to some theologian who came after Him, then we will be darkened in our understanding. Doing so will grieve the Holy Spirit and He will stop providing interpretation for the Scriptures, leaving us to our own vain imaginings and input from unclean spirits. “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” (Matthew 6:22)

        1. Thanks again, John. Far be it from me to set aside the teachings of Christ. I merely mentioned past theologians to show the rapture theory and most futuristic eschatology is not how our forefathers interpreted Scripture, albeit is how modern theologians in the Western culture do.

          The book of Revelation, much like the book of Danial, is written in chiastic form, not chronological. I have yet to hear that taught in a western church. In fact, I have met almost zero Christians who understand the book of Daniel is out of chronological order and is a chiasm.

          Thankfully as long as we have breath, we have time to learn and unlearn as we pursue our King.

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