I think we’re wrapping up

In a nutshell, why I think we’re in the final years on earth has little to do with politics, current events, the (sorry) state of the Church, or interpretations of Revelation.  I happen to be in the school of thought that most of end times prophecy is already completed.  We’re not waiting for bowls, seals and trumpets.  They’ve already happened and our church leaders have misled us.

There is no “rapture” before some mythical 7-year tribulation.  The great tribulation has come and gone.  You can read about it in the history records.  The only “rapture” is when Christ Himself returns to the earth and His believers still on earth are caught up (the phrase that depicts the rapture) to meet him in the air.  We then will accompany Him back to the earth where He will be crowned King of the earth.

God has a timetable and God’s purposes will not be thwarted.  (If you’ve followed Q at all, this should be easy for you to understand.  The QClock and the timestamps indicate a plan bigger than the present.  If human minds can do this, imagine the mind of God and His clock.) 

Remember this, and be assured;  Recall it to mind, you transgressors.

Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me,

Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done,

Saying, ‘ My purpose will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;

Isaiah 46:8-10 NASU

God laid out a template from the first act on Earth:  Creation.  The template was a seven day week – the last day being a rest (representative in the Sabbath).  Each day represented a thousand years on earth.  “Remember the former things long past.” 

The math is easy; it’s belief that is difficult.  After six thousand years, the earth gets its Sabbath.  Christ is our Sabbath, and His millennial reign is the Seventh Year.   “Declaring the end from the beginning…”

If we had kept our calendars correctly and didn’t make any human errors (or deliberate deceptions), the Seventh Year should have started in 2000.  But, we didn’t.  So we have to take into account the errors, and that’s a hat trick.  (I personally think that’s purposeful.)

I’ve spent two decades studying this and these concepts and principles, and it took me over forty hours and five months to teach it in a class, so this is a nutshell without the details.  God declared in Isaiah that He declares things from the ancient past for things that are yet to be:  “… from ancient times things which have not been done.”  To see the future, we have to look back.  [To borrow from Q, “future proves past.”]

Remember the preacher’s words in Eccl 1:9-11?  We fail to remember the earlier things – aiding our ignorance and lack of knowledge.

That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.  So there is nothing new under the sun.

Is there anything of which one might say, “See this, it is new”?  Already it has existed for ages which were before us.

There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, there will be for them no remembrance among those who will come later still.

This is the current generation of both believers and unbelievers.  There’s nothing new.  It has all existed ages prior, and because there is no effort to remember them (and learn), we fail to recognize the same errors in our day.  Human trafficking, adrenochrome, organ harvesting, transhumanism, etc.  These are not new evils.  They are in fact, very, very old.  We just failed to recall them, address them, learn from them, arrest (stop) them. 

But God.  God’s purposes will be established.  This is where we hang our hats.  And He purposed  a six thousand year earth with humanity at various stages being given the opportunity to align with Him.  And we are drawing to the end of that six thousand years. 

So all the talk and speculation about an antichrist, the mark of the beast, etc. does not dissuade me from the time we are living.  We are at the end.  If the whole of Revelation was accomplished (historicist) view or only a partial fulfillment with a future fulfillment is true, it will not change the timeline of God.  He has allotted humanity so much time on earth, and then the end.  We will not and cannot change His timeline and His purpose.

I understand the need to discern the signs of the times.  I have that urge myself.  Those are the details that are fun (and exhausting) to throw around and weigh evidence with Scripture.  I don’t have that neatly tied up.  I still change my mind on what some things mean and if they are particular signs.  But it does not change me that we are at the end.

Just when is that end?  That’s the golden question….  Messianic Hebrew scholars say it cannot be later than 2038, yet the Hebrew calendar has us at year 5780, which would leave 220 years yet to fulfillment.  For a lot of reasons they do not believe that is accurate either. 

The Spirit of God began speaking to me in elevens  I think around 2010.  It took me months of praying and seeking to understand what He was saying.  After several months of this, He gave me Matthew 20:6 through a third party who had no idea what I was praying about:  “And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day long?’”

And the Spirit spoke as I read it, “It’s the eleventh hour.”  Again, I had no real understanding at that time what that meant.  I had an idea, but it would be years before I was able to discern the intent.  My understanding is an hour is the equivalent of 41.6 years.  So in 2010, God began speaking to me about being in the “eleventh hour”, or the last 41.6 years on earth.  Were we at the beginning of the eleventh hour?  The middle, or the end?  I do not know and He has not said more to me regarding this.  I know the Messianic Rabbis believe 2038 is the last possible year before the Seventh Day, but it could be any time in between.

It’s too long to get into here, but there have been dozens of studies and things I’ve learned between now and then that reaffirm this to me.  In Genesis 6:3 God declared the number of man on earth would be 120 years.  Scholars way more scholarly than me can explain how that is 120 Jubilees, or six thousand years.  This is not a new teaching.  It’s just not talked about in the modern western Church.

So in a nutshell, yes, I believe Christ is returning in my lifetime, and I believe it will be in the next 15-20 years, but could also be in the next couple.  And I don’t believe that because of any interpretation of Revelation, or any particular current signs.  I believe it because I believe God has ordained the time and it is upon us.

I reserve the right to change my mind as I gain new knowledge and revelation, but at my current knowledge and understanding, this is where I am. 

Concerning America…  When you realize that America is the tribe of Manasseh, and that it is half of the birthright tribes of Israel, there is a peace that floods your being.  God made some promises and He keeps His promises.  He calls them covenants, and they are dependent upon His integrity not mine.  So I can count on them.

I’ve taught on this before, so I’m not going to expound here – though it is one of my favorite teachings.  The holy writ of the Bible is deliberate.  There are no wasted words in the Bible.  Everything has a meaning and a purpose.  The “acharit-hayamim” are deliberate words for a deliberate time.  Look up my teachings on them if you want a starting point for your own studies.  Every single time “acharit-hayamim” is used in the Scripture has a very specific meaning.

Genesis 49:1 (from the Complete Jewish Bible):  Then Ya‘akov called for his sons and said, “Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the acharit-hayamim.”

He then proceeds to go through the sons of Jacob and tells them their lot – but not for them personally, for their progeny, and just for the “acharait-hayamim” (last days).  We read this blessing on the birthright tribe of Joseph, of which Manasseh and Ephraim inherit…

Gen 49:22-26  (still from the Complete Jewish Bible)

“Yosef is a fruitful plant, a fruitful plant by a spring, with branches climbing over the wall.

The archers attacked him fiercely, shooting at him and pressing him hard; but his bow remained taut; and his arms were made nimble by the hands of the Mighty One of Ya‘akov, from there, from the Shepherd, the Stone of Isra’el, by the God of your father, who will help you, by El Shaddai, who will bless you with blessings from heaven above, blessings from the deep, lying below, blessings from the breasts and the womb.

“The blessings of your father are more powerful than the blessings of my parents, extending to the farthest of the everlasting hills; they will be on the head of Yosef, on the brow of the prince among his brothers.”

You have a prophecy here, uttered on the deathbed of the namesake for Israel, Jacob.  He prophesies over each of his sons their lot in the “acharit-hayamim”, the last days.  The birthright blessing of Joseph prophesied being attacked by archers fiercely, “shooting at him and pressing him hard”.  The word for “archers” there translates as a “piercer” (as in with a weapon). 

So from that, I read that to mean the people of the birthright blessing of Israel, the tribe of Joseph (of which America is half), will come under attack with weapons that fly through the air and pierce.  (I think of missiles in modern day speak, and/or gunfire with piercing bullets.)  The attack will be fierce and hard. 

Look at the phrasing here (that’s so hard to really capture with our words):

Gen 49:23 in the King James Version: The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him:

Gen 49:23 in the Young’s Literal Translation: And embitter him — yea, they have striven, Yea, hate him do archers;

Gen 49:23 in the New American Standard: The archers bitterly attacked him, and shot at him and harassed him;

The original Hebrew here may help:

The archers [chets] a piercer, an arrow, a wound

Have sorely grieved him [marar] to trickle, to be bitter (provoke, vex)

And shot [rabab] projection, to shoot an arrow

And hated him [satam] to lurk for, persecute, hate

We have a people group classified as archers who have lurked for to persecute America, and have provoked America in a trickle (slow, methodical) with bitterness, and will shoot at America in an attempt to destroy or subdue her.

Any number of people could classify in this, but doesn’t the Deep State strike you as a near perfect fit?  America has stood in the way for their worldwide agenda, and they have slowly and meticulously, with great bitterness, been plotting against America and inflicting damage to America’s foundations.  It will culminate in an outright physical attack with projectiles.

In this passage the archers are unnamed.  We only know them as “archers” who have come against Joseph’s progeny.  Oh there’s so much to this I don’t have time for!

BUT Joseph, the birthright people of this prophecy, will stand firm and “his bow remained taut”….  And that word for “bow” is “qesheth” which means “bending a bow for shooting” but comes from the word “qowsh” to bend to set a trap or lay a snare.

Do you see???  America will come under attack in the acharit-hayamim by a people bitter against her.  Whether they know or understand that America is the birthright inheritance of Abraham is irrelevant.  The one who provokes these people to hate America knows, and he is using a body of people to take vengeance on the people of the ancient covenant of Abraham, to usurp the works of God and supplant them with his own. 

But Joseph will respond in strength, and in fact God will have laid a trap for these people who have come against his covenant people.  And then get this, God Himself will strengthen Joseph’s arms!  Don’t miss this!  “From the shepherd, the stone of Israel” does this!  Who is this shepherd?  Who is this stone?  None other than the cornerstone, Christ!

I am not worried for America.  We have rough days ahead, but God’s purposes will be established and he will accomplish all His good pleasure.  To be in the will of God is the perfect place of security.  That’s why in all these days of sorting out the details of white hats and black hats, and political agendas and treasons, and Bible prophecies and interpretations, the only thing that really matters is aligning with God’s purposes

I might be totally off in my interpretations of current events and where they fit in the alleged schematics of supposed prophecy of Revelation, but if I have my eyes on my God, I can still walk out obedience and rest in the wings of the Almighty.  Whether the Beast’s kingdom has come and gone or is currently underway or is yet to come, if I have my faith solid in my Savior and King, I’m going to still be able to follow His lead as the days unfold.  Knowing we’re in treacherous times only makes me more vigilant.  Knowing we’re in the last scenes of the play called “Life on Earth”, I gain perspective and greater focus. 

Christ told us in parable to occupy until He comes.  (Luke 19:12-27)  And that word “occupy” means to busy oneself with, to trade, to conduct business, to work.  The ones who were found faithful to be doing such at His absence were rewarded.  So there is much to do and be done as we await the return of the King, but there is little to fear because He has been plain about how it will end. 

5 thoughts on “I think we’re wrapping up”

  1. Thank you for sharing this Michelle. I really enjoy your thoughts and ideas. Your articles/writing enhance my life. I look forward to each new one. Thank you!

  2. You had me until you said, “Concerning America… When you realize that America is the tribe of Manasseh, and that it is half of the birthright tribes of Israel, there is a peace that floods your being.” Where are you getting this from please?

    1. Hi Vivian, There are a few historians out there that have followed the immigration patterns since the Diaspora. My favorite is Steve Collins, which should be linked in my links section. He has a four part book series that follows the ancient tribes – though his is not the only one. If I can remember the other historian others have told me about, I’ll comment back here to you. (It’s in some emails a few years back….) The two I’m referring to (Collins and his contemporary) differ on Ephraim and Manasseh. Collins traces Manasseh to America and Ephraim to the U.K., and the other guy is the other way around. America fits the personality profile of Manasseh versus Ephraim, in my opinion. God bless!

  3. Let us live
    In obedience
    In faith
    In hope
    In love
    Knowing what we know because we ask
    the Lord
    to show us
    Going forward each day in Him
    Lord let your plan unfold
    Let your destiny for me and those around me find fulfillment
    in your perfect will!
    God be God no matter the time, or place – for seasons come and go
    but you remain the God of all
    The God who was and is and will be

    I seek to know you and your perfect will in all things

    I know so little
    You are so much
    Have mercy Lord on my every unknowing

    May all that I am, which isn’t much – be led and conformed into every aspect of that which is of you. (Your perfect will)

    Lord God I cry, “I delight in You!”
    In Jesus name. Amen

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