I denounce Simon parkes and his work and sever any connection

I cannot in good conscience promote or align with any work of Simon Parkes.  Mr. Parkes claims he was conceived by a nine foot alien with eight fingers.  Mr. Parkes claims he is abducted four times a year to have sex with an alien (named “Cat Queen”), and that he and this alien have produced an offspring named Zarka.

I denounce the works of Simon Parkes and regret and retract any former promotion of him or his works that I made out of ignorance of his origin. 

His claims can be seen here, here and here.  (and undoubtedly several other places across the internet)  His official website can be perused here

I have no interest in proving or disproving Mr. Parkes’ claims.  But I will explain why I cannot endorse such a person and why I think it’s dangerous for especially a Christian (but really anyone) to align with Mr. Parkes.

There are really only two options with Mr. Parkes’s claims:  they are either true or false.  If they are false, he is delusional and his mental state of mind cannot be trusted. 

If they are true (or partially true), he is aligned with the demonic realm.  All extradimensional life forms that present themselves to humanity are spiritual beings.  There are two kingdoms in the spirit realm:  light and dark/good and evil.  Those who present as “aliens” are of satan’s realm.  The angelic is of God’s realm, and they rarely present themselves to humanity.  When they do, it is normally to assist or to bring a message.  The word of God is explicit in our behavior toward the angelic realm.  I don’t have time to delve into that right now.

If Mr. Parkes’ is the product of a human/demonic union, he is Nephilim.  Nephilim cannot inherit the kingdom of God.  Therefore, they are not working for the good of humanity or God’s Kingdom.  Every partnership or cooperation with such a person is to the detriment of humanity.  Read the (original) book of Enoch (the one from Ethiopia) if you have questions about this.

Mr. Parkes’ “sources” may or may not be human.  He has claimed to speak with the original Q for ninety minutes in a phone call.  I doubt that, (and if it be true, we are all in trouble).  People who work in the dimensions of the (fallen) angelic realm, use the tools of that realm.  They can astral project, they can shape shift, they can use any number of those tools and others, to put themselves or their “consciousness” into another location.  They can hear conversations and see scenes in that realm, separate from their body, and have a record of such. 

The demonic realm is never for the good of humanity, as its ultimate purpose is to usurp the kingdom of God and His works.  So even if that realm is pretending to be benevolent, it is a deception.    

One must question Mr. Parkes’ motives at his recent (in the last year) effort at aligning with the Q movement and the American patriot movement, while Mr. Parkes is not American at all.  What could he possibly gain by building an audience and following here in America for those intending to restore the Republic to its original intent? 

I have no doubt that Mr. Parkes may have (some) correct intel.  I understand the ability of those who operate in that realm to obtain information.  So if he would be using his abilities in that domain to gain an audience and trust, but his origin is of the demonic realm, what is his motive?  This should trouble every Christian for sure, and even every human.  His alliances are not with the kingdom of light and good, no matter what he says.  Remember, he has already exposed himself as either a fraud or a Nephilim. 

Aligning oneself with the kingdom of darkness opens oneself up to much deception, and ultimately much damage.  I encourage every true Believer of Christ and in the Kingdom of God, to seek the wisdom of the true God in this matter.  Once an opening has been given (in thought, in agreement, etc.), the demonic has access to your own soul and mind.  This is why I have publicly denounced him and his works.  I cannot allow any opening or any sort of agreement with the demonic realm.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions.  God bless you, and God bless America.  God protect us from infiltrators of every dimension, in the powerful name of Yeshua.

18 thoughts on “I denounce Simon parkes and his work and sever any connection”

  1. Thank you very much for this extremely important essay! You are such a blessing to me and I appreciate you so much! I have listened to Simon a few times and had no idea! I will not be listening to him anymore. God bless you, Michelle! Dawn

  2. I had listened to some of Simon’s video updates and was curious. When he mentioned his conversation with “the” Q, [no outside comms came to mind] I became skeptical and then began to research his history of belief and encounters.

    Your conclusion is wisdom.

    1. It has nothing to do with belief to me. I need neither to believe nor disbelieve Mr. Parkes. I’m sorry if I poorly phrased my intention. I just need to stay away from him. He is not someone I, as a believer and follower of Christ, will benefit from — quite the opposite.

      He may have good information. He may not. But his premise is faulty and his allegiance is demonic. There is no benefit or health in it for me to listen to Mr. Parkes. I had a number of patriots sending me his videos, and I got tired of explaining to them why I wasn’t interested, so I wrote this.

      God bless.

  3. I’m am so pleased to have seen this.
    I was troubled in my spirit about mr parkes. At first I was half heartedly falling into the false hope he was giving. I was abruptly stopped and I believe god led me to search for others who had felt the same. I found this.
    I also denounce any of what Simon parkes has said or is about.
    I can only feel in my soul, that he is consorting with demonic entities. I’m can’t say if his aware or not, but I’m going to end it there. Thanks for advise.

      1. I wonder how you also feel about Charlie Ward, David Nino Rodriguez, Robert Steele, and Juan O Savin? David and Charlie appear very New Age, is this whole thing they all speak of the Military take over and Trump false?

        1. I’m reluctant to speak on what I haven’t researched or prayed about. I know Charlie Ward aligns with Simon Parkes, which is enough reason for me to just stay away. I have heard Robert Steele is a disinfo agent, but I have not looked into him much. There was something about Juan O’Savin, and I can’t recall off the top of my head, but it was someone I hold in high esteem who outed O’Savin as a disinfo agent as well. But I don’t know this to be true, so I don’t want to spread false rumors. Generally speaking, I don’t have a lot of time to sit and listen to youtube videos – and maybe that’s to my disadvantage. I only say that because I don’t really listen to any of them regularly. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Charlie Ward. I’ve listened to Steele a time or two, tried to listen to O’Savin but couldn’t get into it, and listened to Parkes maybe three times.

          That said, I don’t know what they are currently saying about a military takeover. There’s a whole other vein on this with PEADS and the Granite Shadow Operations that may have credibility. I spent a considerable period digging into it and even drafted a paper I may go ahead and publish. I only say that because I still have reason to believe all is not as it seems, and there may very well be activities going on behind the scenes, militarily and other. I have not heard clearly from God about this aspect of our nation since about the last week of January, so I’ve stayed mostly silent.

          I’m sorry I cannot be more help. I have some theories I may pen in the coming days. For now I am digging on something else that has occupied my time and attention.

    1. Where did you see that? I followed him for awhile and then realized he was def a fraud. nothing he said came true. the dates kept being pushed back. I know several people who follow him diligently . It troubles me deeply as he is from the dark side. They are very new age, they can’t see it. I see now he is going to build a healing HQ in Florida, where I live. This is very upsetting to me. I don’t know what to do other than pray to Jesus to keep this from occurring. I know people who are interested in having him work with them. Dear God Help us Please.

    2. Simon Parkes stated that he, as a child, referred the White Reptilian, not Satan, as “Dad”. Satan, a fictitious entity, was created by the Vatican as a means to induce great fear in the masses in order to acquire control and power over the same. Evil however, is quite real!

  4. Dear “eternalissues”,
    Very much appreciated your denunciation of Simon Parkes, enlightening. I’d received a video link from a friend with “Simon, Charles & Mel” discussing current events, sharing opinions with which I agreed, infused with Christian-like comments, causing me to think their opinions were biblically-based. Your revelation of Simon’s “alien” beliefs were eye-opening. Thank you.
    For my edification & understanding – besides what’s related in your About The Author link, what’s your name, i.e. who are you?

  5. Dear eternalissues@cox.net:

    I just happenstance upon your site on the net. I am ladyinwaiting2012 and enjoyed reading the above article. Your discernment of Mr. Parkes is more over the target than you know. I comment to simply give a few warnings to the Body of Christ. There are many wolves amongst the Body of Christ and they have knowingly & unknowingly been beguiled by silver tongue agents of the dark camp.

    Normally, I do not spark on other names unless deception is presented and it harms the Body of Christ. I will simply say as above deception has gotten to many peoples attention. Disinformation is the perfect platform satan loves to use. These folks are such: Mr. Parkes, Mr. Ward, Juan O Savin (also known by “W” & other handles as an Intel agent/ NOT) others have been on platforms as Doug Billings, Mel K, Flyover Conservatives…more. Just beware when “believers” have them on their platform in the “interest of an open platform!” A few of the common phraseology: for common good of mankind, we can have different view points and still…, it’s our passion to help humankind as a whole, nesara and gesara/qfs (quantum financial system(satan tool for ones ability to buy/sell), list goes on…as you can see with the slight of hand deception is very deep with words and gives “sense of peace/safety/security.”

    snakeobama was the start of logistics and movement of placing plants in our nation even tho the take down of our nation has been decades in the works. Christ is our only hope and our focus must stay on Him and bring others into the Harvest!
    Sincerely, God bless

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