At the risk of causing more angst, I would like to offer my position at current events, particularly my projections about the Presidential election and the current sitting POTUS, theories, etc.

I sincerely apologize for anyone I have grieved or angered or disappointed by my earlier projections.  I sincerely was sure Joe Biden would not be inaugurated.  I misread some signs and would like to attempt to clarify.

About a week before Jan. 20, I began hearing in the spirit, “And besides all this it is the third day.”  I questioned the Lord at the application.  I felt like He was preparing me for a perceived disappointment.  The eve of Jan. 19 the Spirit showed me Biden would be inaugurated and there would not be a military show of force to change that outcome.

Before that, on the evening of January 13 I had an encounter with the Spirit that will be hard for me to describe.  I was sitting before God and felt the grief of the wickedness and corruption of our nation’s leaders.  It was an overwhelming grief that caused me to weep and cry out to God for justice in our nation.  The entire experience probably lasted about an hour or ninety minutes.  Somewhere in the last 20-30 minutes I felt, experientially, the anger of God.  I can only assume it was but a glimmer of insight for it caused me to tremble and I was literally terrified.  Whatever portion He allowed me to experience in regards to feeling His anger was pure terror.  Then it passed, but I cannot forget.

What I knew in that period, was the judgment of God was at the door in our nation.  An accounting for wickedness was slated.  I have some other thoughts on that, but not the time right now. 

So I was of course disappointed when the actors of darkness were put in positions to wreak great havoc on our nation.  But as I set before Him in that encounter and the days to follow, this is what He said to me:

After the inauguration I began to understand that I had misunderstood the signs.  (“Besides all this it is the third day.” – Luke 24:21 In other words, we thought we knew how this was going to end and it didn’t work out like we thought.)  But what did Christ do after they said that?  Luke 24:27, He walked them through the signs, explaining to them again until they could see the outcome was indeed what they perceived, just not HOW they perceived it would manifest. 

In Q post 97 we see the following….

The first part is relevant to current events, but I believe the next parts were setting the stage for other things.  One of those things is to be plain that in the Q posts they put deliberate false information because their enemies are reading them too.  This is a big deal, and part of the reason critics of Q have misunderstood the purpose of Q and called it a psyop, a deception, and false.  Just keep in the back of your mind that Q drops contain deliberate disinfo.

Think about it. If we know and understand their plans, so does the enemy. Some things have to be obscured for that reason. It’s probably not going to work out the way I think. But that doesn’t mean it won’t work out.

Another thing in this drop we learn is that General Flynn is integral to the plan and purposes of Q and team.  Q encourages us to revisit data points on Flynn’s experience and exposures.  Among those data points we find that General Flynn was promoted to Lt. Gen and also assigned assistant director of national intelligence in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in 2011.  In 2012, Obama appointed General Flynn as the Director of National Intelligence.  At that time he also served in the dual role of commander of the Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and chair of the Military Intelligence Board. 

General Flynn was “fired” by Obama two years later, and Obama made a point to “counsel” President Trump to NOT hire General Flynn.  I don’t have time to get into these important data points, but you can get a broad overview about these things here and here.  [Keep in mind General Flynn was then framed by the corrupt Intel officers.]

What we also learn in Q drop #97 is General Flynn may know considerable important information that an Obama Administration and that group may prefer hidden.

Then Q says something intriguing:  10 days.  Darkness.  (spelled wrong in drop)  War.  Good v. Evil.

From that the inferred interpretation among anons (studies of Q drops) that there were going to be ten days of darkness.  Q was later asked about this in a Q&A on the boards, here:

Most of the anons I know took that to mean there’d be ten days of Q silence marked at a government shutdown.  I’m suggesting we (or maybe just I) interpreted that message incorrectly.  Now there were three government shutdowns in the Trump Presidency.  One was one day, one was three, and one was 34 days.  In the first two, there were no periods of silence on Q drops.  In the third 34-day shutdown, there were actually two periods of Q silence:  one was 14 days, the other 19.  There were no “ten days of darkness” during a government shutdown.

What I think this may have been referring to was January 21-31, 2021.  Think about it.  The Presidency has gone to a thief, the government institutions have failed us (justice, congressional), and we have been plummeted into a darkness of evil policies headed by Swamp Creatures.  After his farewell address, President Trump has stepped away from the mouthpieces of communication (social media, press conf, etc.), and Q will not be posting again.  His last post was December 8, 2020. 

Now look at this Q post [4461] from June 13, 2020…

I believe Q was preparing us last summer for right now.  The evidence of who they are needs to be brought to the forefront.  The people need to SEE IT to believe it.  Then he says two very cryptic things:  “It had to be this way.”  What way?  I believe this was foreshadowing for right now. 

And:  “This is not another 4-year election.”  This was our clue that the emphasis and application of the sentiments above apply to the 11.3 election.

Now look at:

Nine days after the election Q circles back to the topic of showing the public the truth.  He then speaks of the integrity of not just the 2020 election, but also future elections.  Then he says these two vital things:  “It had to be this way.”  This is to assure us today, that where we are right now was always part of the plan.  Because we were going to question that 😉   We thought that when Q inferred the elections were secure, that the steal was going to be stopped before or while it happened.  That was not the plan.

POTUS spent an enormous amount of time and attention to telling us to get out and vote.  Not because he doubted his win-ability in the elections, but because he knew what they were doing to steal it.  The more votes they had to manufacture, the more glaring the crime.  He wanted it exposed, not stopped.  He wanted the public to be able to SEE it.

Then he says, “Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.”  That, I believe, was our clue that the ten days of darkness were yet to come. 

President Trump has long been known to be a student of the Art of War.  Now look at the events that happened between January 6 and January 20.  Consider the confusion of the “Capitol breach” which POTUS well in advance knew was planned by his enemies.  Then watch the way he responded that day and in the following days.  After giving the required public statement that any insurrectionists needed to go home, he began diminishing in his appearances and dialogue.

While he never conceded the election, he did finally come out saying there would be a transfer of power.  Pay special attention to his word choices and also his demeanor in these presentations from January 6 on.  [Article here.] And consider them in the light of this explanation of Sun Tzu’s teaching:

I’m suggesting there was an adaptation going on to the Deep State’s plans from Jan. 6 on.  Watch their mouthpieces’ words and hesitancy to things.  Notice the scramble to “secure the White House”, call in the Guard, cancel two rehearsals, etc.

Trust the Plan

Let me back up for a minute and explain something.  The Q movement has caught a lot of flak for the “Trust the Plan” statement.  To be clear, anons have never known “the plan”.  We have only ever been privy to intel and peeks under the tent.  Sure, hints have been dropped, but so has disinformation.  We’ve been trying to keep up and follow along, and sometimes we get it wrong.  That doesn’t mean the plan is wrong.

I think the White Hats have an end game in mind.  But it’s warfare.  Remember Q 97?  “War.  Good v Evil.  Roadmap of big picture is here.”  What do you have on a roadmap?  You select your destination, right?  Then you pick your route.  What happens if part of your route is obstructed?  Do you turn around and go back?  No, you take another road.

The plan has an end goal:  Justice to the workers of iniquity and for the victims.  Restore the Republic. 

There may have been a plan A route, but it’s contingent on the obstructions of the enemy.  Remember this is war.  They blow up bridges, obfuscate paths, sabotage with spies and double agents, etc.  When those inevitable actions occur, there is a counter action.  They reroute to Plan B or C or F or L….  The end goal is the same, but the path to get there may change a hundred times.

Just a tentative possibility:  So when the election was stolen, the plan was rerouted to the judicial system.  But the judicial system is broken too.  No worries, they need to SHOW THE PEOPLE how corrupt the judicial system is.  So they turn to the state governments to act upon their electoral certificates.  Guess what, now they can SHOW THE PEOPLE the states are corrupt too.  No worries, we turn to the Representatives and Senators so they can stand on their oaths to defend the Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies, but they also fail.  Now THE PEOPLE CAN SEE even those institutions are corrupt.  What’s left?  The ten days of darkness.

Now look….

All of our institutions are corrupt.  Q told us at the beginning the military would be the only way.  The people just need to see it for themselves.   “Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.” 

What do you do when the criminals are running the most powerful nation in the world, and the tools the U.S. Constitution gave us to hold our government in check are corrupted?  Now look at Q 2658. I’m just gonna show you the last half, but you can see the whole thing here.

It’s always been about restoring the power of the Republic of the United States BACK to the PEOPLE.

I don’t know how the end goal is going to be met.  But I think we’re going to see the vengeance of God upon His enemies through the hands of some people He has given a plan to.  I think Jan. 21-31 are ten days of darkness.  Darkness because the enemy is ruling by fraud and the wickedness is being exposed in the evil policies being implemented, and darkness because our leaders have gone to stealth mode and silence while implementing their plans.  But I feel like Q gave us the clue for the breakthrough….

Play on words:  Day of Days.  Use the brackets and you get D of D….Department of Defense. 

So let’s see what happens on or around Freedom Day, 2021.

I still have reason to hope.


    I am so excited!
    Thank you so very much, Michelle!
    I love your thoughts and the way you write.
    God bless you, and your family!

  2. Hope remains for me too!
    Here’s something to ponder if you haven’t seen it yet.

    The [D]ay [Of][D]ays
    Department Of Defense.

    The DOD Law of War Manual is laid out in an interesting fashion.
    They use section headings that look like this §

    Scrolling deep into the document we come to section 11.

    § 11.3 End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations
    § 11.4 Legal Position of the Occupying Power
    § 11.5 Duty of the Occupying Power to Ensure Public Order and Safety

    Seeing this, #26 takes on a new flavor for me.

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