Cleansing your home of unclean spirits

[I hurried this just to get it out for a few people, so it’s just a quick overview versus more of an article where I spend more time in explanations and references. This is meant to be a quick tutorial.]

I’m piggy-tailing off MonkeyWerx’s thread on his this topic, which you can read here:

Overview tutorial:

The most important thing (to me), is before you begin, pray over yourself.  Anoint yourself and plead the Blood of Christ over yourself.  If there’s any unrepentant or unforgiven sin in you, you will lack the authority to remove unclean spirits.  YOU must be clean first, and it’s not difficult to do this.  DO IT FIRST.

Anoint any family members in the home with oil, and anoint any pets with oil and ALSO CAST out any spirits out of your pets before you begin.  [Pets can carry unclean spirits.]  Plead the Blood of Christ over yourself, your family members and your pets.  Ask God to seal and protect each of you that nothing can attach to you that is being expelled.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and aide you, and ask Him to dispatch angels to war on your behalf.  Next…

Take your anointing oil with you (more on this below), and start at the furthermost room of your house.  The idea is to move in a thorough way room by room, sealing each room as you go, expelling spirits room by room.  There may not be spirits in every room, but they are crafty.  You will command them to go, and some will leave that room and just go to another room.   They like to hide.  This is why you seal the rooms as you go.

UNDERSTAND YOUR AUTHORITY BEFORE YOU BEGIN.   You have spiritual authority over everything you own, including your home (even if you rent, because there’s a legal contract – written or oral does not matter – for you to be there).   By your legal authority (of ownership), and by your spiritual authority as a disciple of Christ, you have authority over this realm.  It’s important you understand your authority because spirits know when you’re afraid or have doubt.  KNOW THIS before you begin.  KNOW that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Christ, and you are representing Christ.    [Mt. 28:18] 

Know that you have been given the authority and ability to do even GREATER WORKS than Christ did.  ANYTHING Christ did on earth you have the same ability and authority.  Christ healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, fed the multitudes, stilled the storm, etc.  YOU have that same authority.

John 14:12-14  NASU

12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.   Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.   If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”

When in the room, command all unclean spirits to leave your home.  You can use the illustrations or templates MonkeyWerx provided, or you can use your own words, or another prayer you have selected.  I know MonkeyWerx has you do this by prayer and then command, and that’s fine.  But let me be clear:  You don’t pray to expel a demon.  You can pray in accordance with God’s word and to make the statements of your faith and reliance upon God, but you always COMMAND a demon. 

Again, pray before you begin, and then exercise your authority.  At the point of cleansing your home, you COMMAND spirits to leave.  DO NOT ASK.  DO NOT WAVER; DO NOT BE UNCERTAIN IN ANY WAY.

Once you have commanded the spirits to leave your home, anoint the windows and doorways as an act of sealing.  After or as I’m anointing I then pray something like, “Thank you Father.  I seal this room by the anointing oil and the Blood of Christ,” declaring the Blood of Christ covers the room as I’m leaving it.  I then move to the next room and the next in the same manner.

If you have a multi-leveled house, leave the floor with your front door last.  Start at the farthest point of your home from your front door.  I know Monkey Werx tells you to open cabinet and closet doors.  You can do this.  I have never opened cabinet doors, but I have closet.  Seal all windows and doors as you leave a room by putting oil at the top beam across the windows and doors.  Some people like to make the shape of a cross, but I don’t think it’s necessary unless you want to. 

As you whittle your house room to room – including hallways – down to the last room where your front door is, go through the same procedure you’ve been going through in this room, only open your front door.  Command any remaining spirits to leave the house, declare the Blood over this room and your entire house, and when you are done, shut the front door and seal it with the oil and Blood.

I then plead the Blood over my enter property.  I pray something like this, “Father thank you for the perfect provision of Christ, who took on the curse that I may receive the blessing, who was afflicted that I may be set free and healthy, who died that I may live in You.  Send your angels throughout my property to remove any lingering spirits.  I break and cancel all assignments and curses in the Name above every name:  Christ.  I draw a Blood line from the four corners and around the entire perimeter of my property, from the depths of the soil beneath to the heights of the heavens above, and I thank you that nothing can penetrate that Blood line without your permission.”

Thank and praise Him for His faithfulness, for the perfect work of Christ, for the blessing, for His provision and protection.

Miscellaneous notes…

Pay special attention to mirrors.  It is rare that I have cleansed a home that there were not spirits in the mirrors.  They like to assign themselves to mirrors to speak to your image of yourself.  I frequently anoint mirrors as I go through rooms.

If you know there’s a place an unclean spirit is residing, make sure you anoint that place as well.  Spirits can be assigned to pieces of furniture, pictures, etc.  If you know there’s one in a specific location, break the assignment of the spirit, loosen it from its assignment and send it out. 

In one home, I knew there was a spirit on the landing of a stairway between two floors.  I don’t know why it was assigned there, but it was there and it was intimidating.  As I and a team were anointing the place and breaking the assignment, we got the word of knowledge that it was the spirit of murder.  We could then address the spirit of murder by name and break its assignment and loosen it from that place.

I don’t have time to go into the details, but walls hold spirits, and walls hold memories, words, etc.  There are numerous places I’ve prayed over where I was able to hear words when I placed my hands on a wall, or leaned against it.  They were usually angry words from domestic or other disputes and arguments.  Words are extremely powerful and they carry through perpetually until their power is broken.  I usually have to break the power of words in homes, especially rentals. 

Anointing oil…

You can use any oil.  Once when I was called in the middle of the night for what someone thought was a home intrusion (cabinet doors were being opened and the candy dish lid was being taken off and on, doors to rooms were opening and closing), I didn’t have my usual anointing oil.  Don’t make it too complicated.  I grabbed a bottle of olive oil as I flew out of the house.  It was fine.  It works just the same.

When I pray over people I like to get the anointing oils with special blends because they smell good and they’re in pretty cool little jars.  But again, it’s not necessary.  I just like it.  Besides, when anointing a home, you can use quite a bit of oil.  Anointing a person or animal uses less.

Just a couple weeks ago a lady brought her daughter who was a senior in high school and on the varsity basketball team over, because she had injured her knee and they had told her she had torn her ACL.  I anointed her forehead and laid hands on her leg and prayed with two other women.  I got the report a few days later that there was now NOT a tear and she was released to play basketball, all praise to God.


I’ve heard all kinds of reports about using sage to clean a room.  I have no problem with that, as there’s actually a physical explanation for the burning of sage for unclean air and it being extremely effective for such.  However, for spirits I prefer to use the Biblical method of anointing with oil and pleading the Blood.  I just trust God’s Word so much.  There’s probably no reason you couldn’t do both, but I’d never try to cleanse a room with sage only.  But that’s just me.

Bigger assignments….

Faith is like any other activity.  The more you practice it, the better you get.  I’ve been on prayer teams for land and buildings and even assignments for city cleansing.  That’s a whole other animal.  When you’re in the realm of principalities and world forces of darkness, there’s a whole other level you are dealing with.  There are places I’ve gone that God has told me outright, “do not address this spirit, it has a legal right to be here.”  When you combat a spirit of the level of principalities over regions or land, you have to know what you’re doing and you have to have the legal authority in the spiritual realm to move it.  This is not ordinary every day cleansing.  This is something our teams did after weeks of preparation.

I’ve been in places I knew I was over my head, and by the grace of God He covered me with the Blood and I left unharmed.  This is not always the case.  You can pick up spirits you’re trying to cleanse a location for if you are not clean and perfectly under the Blood of Christ.  It’s NOT a light matter.  Those spirits can wreak havoc in your life if they follow you home.

I have cast spirits out of cars and computers.  Spirits can attach to pretty much anything. 


There is simply no greater resource than studying and understanding the power of the Blood of Christ.  The spirit realm answers to the Blood of Christ.  It is the final authority because it has overcome everything in this world.  When you know and understand the power of the Blood of Christ, EVERYTHING BENDS ITS KNEE TO IT.  And the spirits you’re encountering will KNOW if you know and understand the power of the Blood of Christ.  So I strongly recommend diligent study on the Blood.  My favorite resources besides the Bible, hands down, are The Atonement by Derek Prince and The Blood of Christ by Andrew Murray.

To learn how to remove things from your home and life read Blessing or Curse, You can Choose by Derek Prince.  To learn how to expel demons from your own life (not property), read They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince.

There’s an outstanding book called Cross Wise by Henry Gruver.  If you’re serious about breaking curses in locations, THIS IS THE BOOK TO GET.  Not to be sacrilegious but this is the Holy Grail for this topic.  It’s a small little handbook , just under a hundred easy to read pages.  Your life will change and you will change the lives of many people.  Henry died in October 2019, but you can buy his book direct from his ministry for a mere $5.  He was so serious about getting knowledge into the hands of believers.  Here’s a link:

There is also a free pdf link here:

Gruver lays out and explains the remittance of sins and how that breaks curses over the land.  He has a prayer that I have used as a template for years.  It is in the last few pages of this book cited above.

I studied principalities and regional cleansings through Connie Fisher and Katie Souza.  They had invaluable information that I used again and again, explaining the legal authorities that regional spirits (principalities) have and how to navigate those waters.

Shoot me an email or message if you have specific questions.  God bless and  be free!

3 thoughts on “Cleansing your home of unclean spirits”

  1. Thank you so very much, Michelle! This is all new to me. I am learning so much from you and I appreciate you very much! Thank you for taking the time to put this together, and to include links for resources. You are such a blessing to me!

  2. Michelle, this is amazing, & I’m thrilled to see another YAHsome aspect of your skill set!
    I love smudging w/white sage, have been doing so for years. This is such good knowledge!!! Thank you, Sister!!!

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