Category Archives: Things I’ve Learned Along the Way

Refuse to Participate in the Works of Darkness

Let me start by saying who I am is not who I’ve always been.  In fact who I am today is not even who I was a year ago, and there is barely a resemblance to who I was ten years ago.  That said, dare I continue to expound and proclaim who I was 25+ years ago is not at all who I am today?

Yes, I have changed, and the truth of the difference between seasons of my life before and the season I am in now, is I was a much worse person the further back you go.  This is not to endorse myself as particularly superb at this point, but it is to say past deeds of error and failure cannot be denied, and such past deeds have indeed hurt people I love – even though it was not my desire to do so.

I will not justify past pains I have caused by dismissing them as errors and young folly, especially in the face of suffering such may have caused to others.  I regret every past sin, wish I had the wisdom and understanding and ability to behave differently then, and in an act of rectifying, try very hard to not be so today.

That said, if you are to view me today through the lens of my past failures, there is no hope for me.  Today I am not that person in essence.  Viewing me through the filter of yesterday will distort me today.  Sure, there are plenty of faults I carry today, but I am more than happy to be accountable for them and change as needed. 

Which leads to the lesson I wanted to share in the hopes of helping another….

Years ago, some that I love very dearly began a campaign (though they would never call it so) against me.  These are people I have laid down my life for, and would do so today.  Accusations (some true, some false) were flung against me from places of pain within themselves, pain from things I had done or said in the past (again some true, some false), and from misunderstandings.   At first I was unaware of the talk, but slowly it began to seep out to me.  Some was literally spoken to me, but most of it was veiled behind passive-aggressive behaviors.

At one point, the Spirit of God gave me visions of 2-3 of these people speaking amongst each other, and I saw whirlwinds of dark, polluted words over their heads.  When I inquired of the Lord, He simply told me they were bringing accusations and complaints about me to one another and stirring up dissension and strife in our family.

It took me awhile to understand what was going on.  I had been bewildered when some of their attitudes toward me changed, became hostile or combative, and especially accusatory.  At one point, the Spirit showed me two of them on the phone, showed a computer screen with my social media page pulled up, and showed condemning words over me from both parties.  I unfriended both from my social media page without comment, as I didn’t want more conflict.  I did so in an effort to remove gasoline from a burning fire.

Our family dynamics began to change.  Factions crept up, what seemed like alliances pitting some against others came to be.  Triangulating began between parties.  The worse it got, the more I distanced myself.  At first I tried to understand, tried to reach out to the offended parties.  I went through a very, very long season (a few years) of great angst.  My efforts to try to bridge growing chasms, to apologize or extend mending efforts only seemed to exacerbate the situation. 

In the thickest part of this darkness, I struggled a great deal trying very hard to not view those I love with my entire being as enemies.  The arrows kept coming; the sabotage was real; and I was being alienated and put outside of the people I cared the most about.  It rocked everything in me.  If it weren’t for God breaking in with His truths at critical times, I do not know where I’d be today.  It was destroying me and I was slowly dying.

It seemed to originate with one particular person, the one I called best friend and had felt the closest to by a long shot.  Over the years our relationship died.  I prayed about our relationship, prayed for this person, reached out less and less as the extensions were rebuffed.  Finally God Himself spoke to me and told me two things about where this person was, and one thing about what the future would bring.

The first thing He told me was proven within days.  The second thing I began to see and understand a few years later.  The promise of the future I just hold on to, sometimes I see it and sometimes I don’t.

But the lesson I want to share right now is this.  In the worst part of this, when the accusations and slander was flying, the behaviors were hostile and even cruel, I had to fight to not to want to defend myself, not to want to lash out.  My own thoughts became dark with questions and doubts, and I struggled to not retaliate out of my own pain.  I did not always overcome. 

One particular day as I was nursing wounds over recent events, I was struggling to find the right course of action and attitude when the Spirit spoke.  He paraphrased this passage from James 3:

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.  But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.  This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic.  For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder (confusion) and every evil thing.  But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.  And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.

Then said, “What kind of fruit is this producing, Michelle?” 

Then He led me to Galatians 5:19-24:

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,  envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Strife, enmities, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions were abounding in our family.  “Where do these come from, Michelle?” He asked.  These are “every evil thing”; these are the works of darkness.  And in that moment it was no longer about the people but about the spirits operating through the people.  For me to respond or react in anger, in defense even, in manners that would exacerbate the divisions and factions already produced, would be for me to partner with darkness to our family’s demise.  I did not want to be a vehicle for the devil’s work and to the demise of our family.  I had to choose to respond in wisdom and love, and if I couldn’t do that, I must keep silence.  I do not want my family’s demise.  I do not want any of the people involved to be damaged.

I posted the following on my wall where I would see it daily.

As the days proceeded to challenge my resolve, I remembered some instructions I learned back in the days I was getting deliverance.  When you remove the dark, you must replace it with light.  So I made a couple more notes and put them in prominent places I would see with the additional instruction.  This one is faded from being in the sun.

The people I love are manifesting works of darkness.  I must refuse to participate with the works of darkness.  I cannot retaliate; I cannot return like for like, and most of the time I am not even to defend myself.  In my silence, I run the risk of being misunderstood, (which is quite normal for me actually).  But I dare not disgrace my God, and this is the way I know to do so at this point.  (even though there are moments I still fail)

It’s interesting the different lessons I’ve been learning along the way.  I spend so much of my time raging against the machine and the evils of the world that I was caught off guard when the darkness manifested in the place that used to be my refuge.  It’s been equally devastating to watch the toll it has taken on my beloved.  I have a lifetime of rejections and abandonments that have in part “prepared” me.  He has had only one that nearly devastated him almost thirty years ago.  It has been particularly painful watching him suffer from the loss of those he loves.  It’s not what we think family is supposed to be.  It’s not what we endeavor family to be.  And dare I say it’s not what family was designed to be.

We live in a fallen world, and like never before I can see the powers of darkness clashing with the kingdom of Light – both externally and internally.  We have choices, albeit hard ones.  Ultimately, our allegiance will manifest in our behaviors, regardless of what our tongues say. 

I cannot help but think on the situation our family has been in for far too long now.  It is fractured, with clear strife, divisions and other manifestations of darkness.  Years ago the Spirit directed me to memorize 1 Corinthians 13.  Sometimes when I recount harsh words against me that have been left to stand as they were stated, have not been recanted, corrected or amended, the Spirit gently whispers to me, “That is not the nature of love.”  And if it’s not the nature of love, then it is in fact the nature of darkness.

God has broken in for me at precise moments to keep me from utter despair or a downward spiral of condemnation.  I do not write this from a point of need.  He has been faithful to me; has used even strangers to tell me what He thinks of some of this – strangers who knew nothing of my situation.  I only share because I think so many of us suffer from works of darkness manifesting in places we wish it wasn’t.  It’s so much easier to fight the battle outside than within.  The cost is so much greater when it is people we love than evil systems by unnamed or unknown people. 

When it’s people we love in an environment that’s supposed to be safe, we are called to personify love.  We must remember that love suffers long, that it is kind, that it does not behave rudely, that it does not seek its own, and that it keeps no record of wrong.  We can be assured that we do not rejoice in the iniquity that is challenging it, but we do indeed rejoice at the truth.  This has been a hard place especially for my husband, for he is unwilling to compromise what he knows to be truth to assuage emotions.  But ultimately, love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and even endures all things.  Love never fails.  The reason love never fails is because God is love.  We must choose our alliances, God or darkness.  The details rarely if ever work out or manifest the way we think or want them to.  It doesn’t matter, though.  We set our eyes upon our Master and try not to flinch as we emulate His character, even at great personal cost. 

“Refuse to participate in the works of darkness.  Walk in light.”

I pray this encourages someone to seek the Kingdom of Light while walking through the valley of death, and to demonstrate love even in the face of pain and darkness.

trial in the Valley

I’ll be sharing some learning moments from a family trauma we’ve been going through for a few years now.  I’m only sharing things we’ve learned from God, not the trauma itself, in an effort to testify to God’s great love for all of us and how He is in the midst of even the drudgery of human failures.

I’ve been watching my husband slowly inwardly dying from the pain of this trial.  [I have my own issues with it, but this is not about that right now.]  Several months ago I had a dream and in one part, Bill was swimming in a river with a water turtle (turtles are a passion of his), and an alligator came up and bit him.  He was too far away for me to get to because the river bank was so high, and I watched his lifeless body sinking to the river bed about 25 feet below as I heard myself screaming his name.  No other part of the dream was about Bill, so I was startled by this inset in the dream.  I looked up the symbolism of an alligator attack and this stood out:  a spiritual attack often manifesting in treachery, and then an issue, challenge, or person stopping one’s flow.  When I inquired of the Spirit upon waking, God told me Bill was inwardly dying from the treachery involved in the trial.

I’ve watched as has felt stuck, unable to move forward, but unwilling to compromise what he knows is truth – to the painful detriment of his heart.  It seems to come and go in waves, with sometimes obvious, sometimes not so obvious triggers that set him back again. It has manifested even in physical symptoms of physical pain, and I am grieved watching him in so much pain, but unable to assuage it. 

Last week revealed more pain for Bill, and much of this pain he shoulders alone, unwilling to share with me because of his desire to shield me from further affliction.  The simplest word for his pain is abandonment.  He (and our family) have been abandoned by one he (and our family) dearly loves.  He did not see it coming, and it has crippled him in ways I am not at liberty to discuss.

Bill is a fixer.  He cannot fix this, and every attempt he has made to fix it has only seemingly worsened it.  He has withdrawn outward efforts in an attempt to not make matters any worse.  [I withdrew years ago when it seemed my presence only intensified the matter.]

Which brings us up to recent events that found Bill incapacitated by physical pain that I believe was brought on by emotional pain.  As he poured out his heart to me, I felt unable to bring relief or comfort.  Yet I felt the Lord speak through me when I told him he had to stop processing this ordeal through a particular title/role he holds in it.  He has done all he can to demonstrate his love and acceptance of this person, and there is nothing more he can do that will not compromise him, his convictions, and his obedience to God in the matter.  He needs to lay that down and focus on his role as a son, a son of God.  How does God see him?  What does God think of him?  What is God asking of him?

The next morning he relayed a dream he had the night before.  He had rented a ground tamper from Dale Sharp Auto.  (hilarious because Dale Sharp sells cars, does not rent tools)  He was pulling it with his truck and got caught in a snow storm.  The storm was so bad he was starting to get stuck.  He felt like he was stuck in a part of our city called “Oakland”.  He got out his phone to call Dale Sharp to tell them he might be late to getting the tamper back because of the storm, when a young boy rolled up beside him outside on a child’s sized snowmobile.  The boy and his snowmobile were moving effortlessly in the storm, even moving snow out of the way.  He woke up.

The storm represents the trial he is in, and snow represents purifying.  God is using this present trial to purify Bill in specific ways.  Bill is trying to resolve the issue/conflict in the manner he knows but he is unable to labor his way out of this storm.  (He is not meant to.)  Oaks symbolize strength and power, and he is getting stuck in the place he is trying to maneuver in his own strength or power.  Dale means “valley”.  Bill is walking in the “valley of the shadow of death” (remember the alligator dream), but the valley will sharpen him.  God is showing him he can move through this purifying storm by returning to the childlike faith Christ speaks of.  He will then be able to move effortlessly, even move the snow in his way.

I love the takeaway in this, and how every one of us can apply it.  We all have situations and trials we get stuck in, and our best labors will not get us out.  But as children of God, we must choose to identify in our roles as sons and daughters of God.  The particular intricacies of our trials obviously all vary with the uniqueness of our personal lives.  But to be children of God is the keystone to our existence and our purposes in every relationship.  When we get stuck, maybe we just need to get back to that premise, that foundation of who we are.  Maybe then we will be able to move in the storms designed to take us out, but our roles as God’s children will instead move us through.

Lessons from the Stone

In my own life I have learned to view the circumstances of my life as potential learning avenues for my spirit.  Over time I have come to understand that God can and does speak to us through just about anything; we just have to learn to listen, to watch, and to wait.  When there is a variance to my daily routine, I’ve learned to be especially alert, inquisitive, and curious. 

Long ago I learned a phrase “the natural parallels the spiritual” that has been an accurate guide for my life.  It basically means that things going on in the natural world around me are frequently a parallel to things happening in the spirit world around me.  So when there is a disturbance in the normal flow of activity, my antennas are up and I am seeking the Spirit to see if there’s something I am supposed to be learning or doing.

A few weeks ago, I went from normal to intense pain in the span of a few hours.  Two days later we learned I had a kidney stone.  As a general rule I walk in excellent health and have not been to a doctor in over two decades.  (two exceptions, another story)  So when this occurred and I was finally able to concentrate apart from pain management, I began to seek God for understanding.  This is what I learned was going on in my spirit that my body paralleled.

First, understand the parts and roles of the scenario before you.

The kidney’s job is to filter your blood.  All the blood in your body passes through the kidney about forty times a day.  The kidneys remove waste in the blood, control the body’s fluid balance, keep electrolytes at the proper level, and adjust salt, water and minerals as needed, as a quick overview.  In my own thinking, it’s one of the primary waste processing plants of your body. 

The waste that gets filtered out at the kidney is turned into urine, and drains to the bladder where it exits the body.  The kidney has a million tiny filters called nephrons.

Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) are formed in the kidneys when minerals in the urine form crystals (stones).  They can grow large enough to block urine flow if they are not excreted through the urine when small enough.  They grow in size when there’s not enough water passing through the kidney to roll them through, and additional crystals layer upon existing crystals, making larger “stones”.

Some additional breakdown

Blood is the life force to the human body.  Here are some primary functions of blood:

  • Provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  • Transports nutrients and vitamins
  • Brings waste products to the liver and kidneys
  • Regulates body temperature

Basically blood is the conduit for life to the human body and the kidneys are processing plants for removing waste from the blood. 

Kidney stones hinder the kidneys work and can obstruct the flow of waste leaving the body.

“The natural parallels the spiritual” concept

The life force of my spirit has to run through a purifying filter (representative of the kidney) to remove impurities and things that hinder growth or may cause disease.  Our blood transports all the things our bodies are exposed to, whether from food, water or air.  In like manner, our spirits must be cleansed of contaminants in thought, word and deed, external forces, etc.  This happens through a variety of processes, like confession, repentance, tearing down strongholds of thought, deliverance from dark spirits, etc.

When we have extra stuff that doesn’t get flushed out by the water, it can lodge in our spirits.  If it stays long, stuff akin to the original material begins to layer upon it, sticking to the original crystal (thoughts, attitudes, whatever it is that is unhealthy) and it grows, hindering the cleansing process eventually and preventing a thorough elimination of waste from our spirit.

When I asked what my kidney stone represented in my own spiritual welfare, the Spirit showed me it was a rock of cynicism or distrust from the disappointments of the last few years.  Instead of allowing the Spirit to wash them out of me, I held onto a few of them and they have compounded with additional losses and disappointments over time.  The Body of Christ in its formal structure (the institution of the church) has dealt me some serious blows over time that have hardened me to the institutional church and bred great distrust in me of its members.  The wounds from those I call family over the last few years have hardened me toward trusting people in general and feeling safe to engage in intimate friendships of depth or trust. 

Interestingly, kidney stones are formed from excess minerals in your blood.  Do you know what minerals are? 

In other words, components of daily life.  And some of these daily life components have crystalized in my spirit.  Loss and failure and rejection and misunderstandings are common in life. 

What cleanses us from the things that may be crystalizing in our spirits?  The water.  What is the water?  The water is Christ. 

Let’s dig a little deeper…

John 4:10 tells us Christ is the Living Water and verse 14 tells us that whoever drinks of the water that Christ gives will never thirst again.  The water that Christ gives will become a well of water spring up to eternal life. 

This water WASHES…  [from my journal:]  And I wonder if I’ve been so busy, so preoccupied that I haven’t been filled with the Living Water to wash these deposits of earthly debris from my spirit.  And have they been rolling around in my spirit, crystallizing with other earthly debris – getting larger and larger – impeding the purifying of the Spirit’s washing…. 

We know that on the great day, the last day of the feast, that Jesus stood up and cried, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

[from my journal:]  And I wonder can I say that Christ’s living waters are flowing out of my heart?  For we know from the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.  And my mouth has at times been polluted with foul language – and has at times been cynical and untrusting….  It has been wary and weary and even hopeless at times.  Not all the time, mind you.  But enough to make the case that my heart is polluted, at least with some things that are unChristlike.  Sometimes I sound like the world.

1John 5:18 tells us there are three that testify:  the Spirit, the water, and the blood.  Now really ponder this.  In the body the blood brings nutrients to the body for performance and function and is a carrier for life and the carrier to remove harmful substances. 

The water is what washes the harmful substances out of and away from the body.  It cleanses and purifies.

Two of the three testimonies are analogous to the human body.

Revelation 7:17, 21:6, 22:1 and 22:17 tell us about the “water of life”.

Ephesians 5:26 tell us Christ “cleansed her (the ekklesia) by the washing of water with the word” – which tells me the Word of God and Christ Himself are vital for cleansing.

“washed by the water” is said by the great theologians to be symbolic of our baptism into faith.

Barnes tells us water is the emblem of purifying, that it cleanses the heart from pollutants.  He says it is the work of the Spirit by the process of purifying, which is commenced in the soul.

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown tell us it’s the putting away of sins by repentance (by which baptism is the sacramental seal).  He warns that in being washed we are not to return to our filth.

“washing of regeneration” is another term used in Scripture and by the theologians.  They say it is the process of washing away your sins.

Titus 3:5 speaks of this.  “…he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.”

This refers to the cleansing, purifying influences of the Spirit of God and His grace that cleanses and purifies.

The word in Titus 3:5 “washing” goes back to the vocabulary for bath, bathing, cleansing.

When cross-referenced with 1 Peter 3:21, “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Pause to process

So what has been happening with me is these daily life minerals, excess disappointments and failures, etc. have not been washed away by Christ and His Word because I have not been immersed in Him and His Word enough to wash some of these especially hard things out and away.  The solution is simple, confess and repent of the stone, and allow Christ to move it.  Chug a lot of water, immerse myself on what His Word says about these things, and let them move the hindrance out and away.

Let’s revisit 1 Peter because there’s something else there

“Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

What was the “this” Peter was speaking of that corresponds with baptism?  Look at the preceding verses and we’ll learn it was Noah and his family being saved out of the flood.  Apply this!  Washing, purifying through regeneration that comes from the Spirit saves us out of the judgment on the world.

God in His infinite mercy sent me some temporary pain to help me get my spirit regenerated to keep me from judgments coming on the world.  Oh His mercy is so great!  His love is so perfect!  I am in awe of Him.

And this removal of this stone, (this hardness of my own heart that has become too wary to be an instrument at times for God because it sits in cynicism and distrust that blinds me at times to what God is doing), creates a pathway for a good conscience before God by the power of Christ’s resurrection.  It makes me clean and purified, able to be preserved from worldly judgments and kept by Christ Himself.

All praise to God.

Gonna Need You to Kidney Stone That

A few weeks ago I was greeted with some lower left back pain.  We had just gotten done cutting wood where I was carrying some stumps, so I just assumed I had pulled a lower back muscle.  When the pain intensified, I was perplexed, but it was a weekend so I thought I’d just take some Tylenol and wait it out.

After a really good back massage by my husband, the pain quit and I slept well and thought it was taken care of.  About mid-morning the next day, Sunday, the back pain started coming back.  By early afternoon there was also abdominal pain.  We had some left over hydrocodone from a child’s earlier script, and I took one.  About an hour later I took another.  Nothing seemed to help.  The pain was as intense as labor pains and I had now begun vomiting.  We began to suspect a kidney stone. 

After watching me writhe in pain for over five hours, my husband couldn’t take it anymore and made the executive decision that I would be going to the Emergency Room, where a shot of morphine took care of my pain and a CT scan confirmed I had a 4.7mm stone about half way down the ureter. 

On that same Sunday I had awakened with a dream that my unofficial “mom” had died.  A phone call later that day confirmed it.  The funeral was pushed to two weekends later.

There was a lot of apprehension for me about the upcoming funeral.  Marilyn and I had met online, both of us writers, and we had developed a friendship.  As the time passed, she extended a genuine offer to adopt me.  We kind of laughed about it fondly, as the thought appealed to both of us for how our relationship had grown.  Then she said, “No I’m serious Michelle.  I want to adopt you.” 

I told her, “You don’t have to do that.  You’re like the mom I never had, and that is enough.  I simply love you.”  She did not let it go, and called me even one day and said she wanted to make it official and do it legally.  I was overwhelmed.  I put her off for a few months until she required an answer.  I explained to her that I didn’t want to interfere with her own family.  I had come into the picture quite late in the game (when she was 80 or so), and it was okay.  Besides, why ruin what we had?  [I have a history of family offers that ultimately failed, so this caused me anxiety to make it official.]

I knew that her children didn’t really know me.  She had spoken about me to them and they knew of me.  They are wonderful people, truly wonderful.  I entered Marilyn’s life at a time they had more distant relationships, and they lived in other parts of the country.  Marilyn and I probably bonded even more because she was longing for deeper connection with her children and I had no mother. 

So when she died and we were traveling to get to her funeral, I had some anxiety.  I knew what we had, but others did not.  Our relationship would most likely seem quaint or nostalgic to others, and not real.  But it was real to me.  It was real to Marilyn.  She had spoken to me many times about her death, had offered to give me her house (and I had deferred her back to her children), and some other things…

By the time of the funeral, none of the things Marilyn had spoken with me about had been conveyed to me by her children.  I was not in a love relationship with Marilyn for her things, so I refused to address them.  I thought one of the things was written in the will, but nothing was said to me.  When I arrived to the town of the funeral and fellowshipped with the friends around, some other things came to light of places of honor for others in the glaring emptiness for me.

The day of the funeral there were two “Reserved” rows at the funeral.  Two people sat in them.  And I sat with Bill apart from them in the general crowd.  It was a beautiful service and Marilyn was honored for the truly amazing person she is.  It was a privilege and honor to be there.

That night I awoke to Bill getting out of bed around two a.m.  When he didn’t come back to bed, I found him sitting in the dark.  I asked him if he was sick or if something was wrong.  He couldn’t sleep.  He said he was so bothered.  We got on the road and drove the twelve hours home.  And this is what he said to me…

He said he couldn’t sleep because he didn’t feel like I was honored the way Marilyn loved me and honored me.  He was hurt for me.  He knows my pain.  He knew I stood in the foyer of my own mother’s funeral where six hundred people attended and there was standing room only.  I was not seated with the family.  I was not acknowledged as a daughter.  He knows all the grandparents and aunts and uncles who have died and refused to acknowledge me as a daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, niece, etc.  He has seen my pain of being orphaned and abandoned and rejected that I have carried over and over and over, and he thought this time it would be different.  He knew how Marilyn loved me and I her.  He knew the commitments we had made to one another, and this was too much.

He couldn’t understand how her children did not honor me as such.  He wanted to say something to them, but I had forbidden it before.  But now, now that it was over, he wanted to say something.  We both acknowledged they probably simply didn’t know.  They didn’t understand what we had, and if they did, they saw it differently than I obviously did.

I listened.  I heard his pain for me in his voice.  I saw it in his eyes and in the strain on his face.  I said, “It’s okay, Bill.  God knows.”  He couldn’t understand why nothing was extended or offered to me.  To him it was wrong, and he of all people would understand the pain it would cause me.  I prayed.  Finally I said…

“I’m going to need you to kidney stone this.”  Bewildered he said, “What does that mean?”

“You’re hurt because I’m hurt.  You know me so well you know the damage this does to me, the old pains it resurrects, the rejection and abandonment it reiterates.  There’s still not a place for me of honor as a daughter.  And this grieves you for me.  But probably the children didn’t know or understand the conversations we’ve had, the commitments we had made to one another. (There’s no way they could know the rejection of my own mother(s).) If they didn’t know, telling them may cause them pain, feelings of guilt or shame and would change nothing and add burden.  I don’t want to do that.  That’s not helpful.  If they did know, well, I don’t want to know that.  It’s between them and God. 

“Just like you watched me writhe in debilitating pain with a kidney stone, you were helpless to help me.  There was really nothing you could do for me but support me, help me, hold me, carry me to help.  It’s the same here.  You see my pain.  Come along beside me and support me, help me work through the pain.  You can’t fix it and you can’t help it.  Voicing it to those you feel wronged me may make you feel better for a moment but you’ll feel worse after – because what’s been done can’t be changed and you will have dumped possible pain on others who probably did not mean to cause pain.  God has been faithful to heal me every time and this time will be no different.  Just help me carry the burden a little longer, love and support me while I heal.  This too will pass, just like the kidney stone.”

He agreed.

Later that day it hit me.  I think Bill hurt more for me this time than even I hurt for myself.  He was sleepless for the dishonor he thought was done to me.  He was in anguish for the pain he knew such rejection brings to me.  It was not okay to him, and he rose up like the protector he is to try to defend my honor.  Because I saw Bill’s pain at my pain, my own pain was somehow lessened.  He had shouldered that burden for me just by acknowledging and expressing it.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her…

Eph 5:14 NASU

What a demonstration of Christ’s love for us.  See, Christ’s love is perfect.  He sees all and knows all.  He knows the painful disappointments and hurts of our lives and how they have crippled us at times.  He hurts when we hurt.  His love understands all the nuances and variances that impact us, and why. 

But Christ also “kidney stones” it, not because He is powerless, but because He is perfect.  The order of life here on earth is fraught with misunderstandings and mistakes that create the ripple effect, impacting all that overlap with those involved.  Christ knows to respond to everything that hurts us by confrontation to the people the hurt came through may bring damage to the other people, people He loves as well, people who may have misunderstood or been negligent, or simply did not know.  He sees the whole picture.  He responds in love to all of us, all the time.  It just doesn’t always feel like love at the time.

While Bill is human and without the omniscience of God, he lays down his life for me in a myriad of ways almost daily.  But Christ is perfect.  What Bill beautifully attempts to do for me, Christ perfectly does for us. 

So Bill and my new phrase for when we need one another’s love and support but not an action of defense is “Gonna need you to kidney stone this”.  And we’ll have a visual reminder of the one we love in intense pain (physical, mental, emotional, whatever) that cannot be solved by our actions, so we must relent to stand alongside in prayer and love and create a place to heal for the other, relying on the perfect Love of Christ for the situation, so as to not create more damage.

This is a lesson a long time coming for me; one I wish I had known years and years ago.  It has made Christ’s words in Matthew 11:28-30 even more meaningful to me:

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

To be human on this earth is to endure pain and suffering, the only difference is degree and detail.  We are called to bear one another’s burdens to fulfill the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2).  We do this because He does this for us.

There are times wrongs are to be confronted and actions are to be taken, but we must be slow to react and quick to seek the heart of Christ in those situations. 

This particular experience was not that someone set out to wound me or carelessly injure, but it was a simple human misunderstanding and disappointments that the enemy capitalized on because of my past pain.  The enemy of my soul used some circumstances to try to cripple me back to the point of damage from rejection in a very vulnerable area for me.  This is why when I prayed when Bill wanted to engage in action to defend my honor, the Spirit led me to my recent experience (kidney stone) to help me understand. 

If we are serious about being conformed to the image of Christ, we must be serious about allowing the experiences of our lives to be used to help conform us.  If I react inappropriately, I miss the opportunity for me to be conformed into Christ’s image, and I bring potential damage to another child of God.  I have done this in my life more times than I can probably count.  I must be determined to learn what I need to learn. 

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there are times for certain actions, just as there are times for the exact opposite actions.  I must seek God for understanding the appropriate action for my particular situation.  I have failed this so many times.  I pray I begin to succeed in this more in the days and years ahead.

But the beautiful lesson in this for me is that Christ loves us perfectly.  There are times He Himself has risen to my defense, and there are other times He appears immobile and silent.  He sees what we do not see. But He has always loved me through the pain and brought me the healing I need, and He is able to do this without damaging another.


Your life may be a symphony, but mine is one allegory after another. 

A symphony would be nice.  I’d like a symphony.  Some nice strings contending with some pan flutes as the occasion arises for change….a slow rhythmic bass drum in the routine sections of normal living… crescendos to a snare solo leading to some brass as a life situation gets more dramatic, slowing back down to a woodwind melody as it evens out… Yeah, a symphony would be nice.

But my life seems intent on playing out in prophetical allegory.  It probably wouldn’t make a difference if I actually wanted something different.  This seems one of the ways God gets my attention, draws parallels from scenarios to help me understand.  Sometimes it’s pretty cool, like the time my husband bought me a mini cooper and the Spirit indicated a new season of ministry for me by characteristics of the car.  It wasn’t so cool when the rod broke in a flash flood – that was an allegory too. 

When my daughter totaled our new favorite car days before Christmas a few years ago, I resisted the allegory God put in my spirit that our family was totaled by a seeming small thing.  In real life she had my small dog in the car, and she said he distracted her and she swerved into a parked car.  This was a painful lesson on about every front, but the Spirit incessantly whispered, “But your daughter is unharmed.” 

I knew we weren’t out of the woods when we replaced the car.  It seemed like just a fill in for some reason, not as good as the one we delighted in.  Bill was never really content with it and ended up selling it for a loss to our daughter’s boyfriend to help him out.  The car we replaced that one with has been the bane of Bill’s car existence for the duration of this car.  It was in a front end accident and completely refurbished.  On the outside it looked so good – for about a month.  Then we noticed the paint job was shoddy, and the door was bent.  There were paint drips and bubbles we missed at first inspection, and some rust spots on the hood.  The stereo only partially worked, the dash had a small crack that grew larger the longer we had the car.  One of the consoles didn’t always close correctly.  I was endangered when two weeks after buying the car I was stuck in a snow storm in western Colorado and learned while driving through a blizzard that the windshield wiper was disconnected to the reservoir.  That was literally life and death scary. 

Somewhere in the disillusion of the new car that was continually surprising me with weak points, the Spirit indicated it was the current condition of our family.  I didn’t care for that analogy so I ignored it – until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.  My family had been in an accident and the damage was manifesting in a myriad of “lesser” ways as the days turned into months. 

As Bill grumbled about the continuing and increasing car issues, the Spirit quietly paralleled them to our family issues.  The only consolation I received in these times was “but the engine is good”.  All of the flaws on the car were cosmetic and minimal.  They did not impact the cars drive-ability or its road worthiness.  (minus the blizzard drive that one time)  It was crazy low miles on the car, with an engine that was rock solid.  So that is what I would tell Bill as he would complain about something else he discovered.  “It’s okay, dear.  The engine is good.”

This is not a favorite lesson of mine.  I have a feeling we’ll have this car until resolution in our family happens.  That’s just the way my life works.  The allegory God is using to speak to me about a condition in my life exists until I either learn what I need to understand, or the allegory is resolved.

The interesting lesson in this is we bought a used car with crazy low miles.  It was a salvage title and we were told it was because it had some minor repair work.  After owning the car we realized it was a bit more than minor.  There was a front-end collision once upon a time and the damage from that accident lent itself to the current less than optimal “fixes”.  I was unaware of the accident of the car, just as I was unaware of the accident in my family. 

Because of my own childhood and the issues I brought into our marriage and subsequently our family, you could say I was a salvage title.  Because of my state in the early years of our family, before healing and before deliverance, there was damage in our earlier family that somehow was masked with some paint jobs and hastily reconstructed repair work.  Now, years later, it is manifesting in similar ways.

So when my beloved cat uncharacteristically disappeared a few weeks ago and normal efforts at locating him failed, I figured this was another lesson for me.  As the hours turned to days turned to weeks, I countered my husband’s optimism of Hobbes’ return with carefully meted out realism:  Hobbes will not return until I have learned what I need to learn from his disappearance.

I wrote about the time I was attacked by a dog and it was an allegory for a belief system that was dangerous.  Sometimes the allegory speaks louder than the actuality.  I’m not here to argue about whether all of the extra circumstances in one’s life are allegories.  I wouldn’t pretend that God speaks to everyone the same.  I know in fact that He does not.  But over the years, I have learned to pay attention to how God may be speaking to me.  If it’s out of the ordinary, if it doesn’t follow regular routine and my normal circumstances, more times than not God is using it to illustrate a concept to me I may not otherwise receive.

Hobbes’ disappearance was another of these for me.

The way it works for me….

God is so much a personal God that all I can do is tell how it works for me but with the disclaimer that it will be different for you.  But maybe in the telling of my own experience it will help someone seek out how God speaks to them.

I am wired to search for meaning.  I seek understanding and meaning in practically everything.  It’s how I’m wired.  I have a daughter who is wired to see art.  I have another daughter who is wired to see sequence and logic.  If we think for a minute that God is going to show each of them the same thing in the same way, we don’t understand God.  He speaks to us individually.

To the best of my ability, I have submitted my life to God.  It’s a process, but it’s a process that I’m continually growing in.  God knows how I think and process, and He speaks to me through my understanding of my own particular process.  This is how I know when a life circumstance out of the ordinary is an allegory for understanding that God is using to teach or illustrate something to me. 

In the case of Hobbes, here’s my reality that God was using to speak through:  I live on a busy street in the middle of a capital city.  I used to live on a farm.  Because I live on a busy street in a busy city, I did not want an outdoor cat.  I did not want the heartache of it being hit by a car.

A couple Christmases ago, Bill thought I needed a cat and got me an adorable kitten. 

I kept Hobbes inside for the winter, and let him out in the backyard in the spring to acclimate.  But as is the reality for cats, they love to explore.  Hobbes eventually outgrew the backyard and was off about the neighborhood. 

It was too stressful for me to worry about Hobbes’ welfare outside of my property so I had a chat with God.  I told Him I knew Hobbes was more important to God than even to me, and I was trusting that God would care for Hobbes outside of my jurisdiction.  I plead the Blood of Christ over my home, my property, and all that pertains to me daily.  I entrusted Hobbes into God’s care, and that is how I manage to have a cat that I love in the middle of the city.

So when Hobbes disappeared, it was never a question to me that it was an accident.  I knew it was not.  I have deliberately entrusted my cat into the care of my Father.  When Hobbes hadn’t returned in a few days, I began the normal process I normally go through when the routine has been changed:  I asked God what I was supposed to learn or understand. 

There was an immediate parallel my mind drew to some actions of some of my daughters, but I pushed it away because I didn’t like the parallel and I ignored it.  After so many days of this, I was forced to look at it again by my own hard-wiring of seeking understanding and meaning.  I was annoyed and maybe a little angry.  I’ve suffered a lot of loss lately, and the loss of my cat was personal to the inclusion of just me.  I lashed out at God, said something like, “I’m getting a little tired of all these lessons!”  He responded, “Break it down.  What does it [Hobbes’ disappearance/loss] speak to you in its simplest terms?” 

After some thought, I hard-lined it like this:  “I’ve lost something precious to me.”  He let me sit on that a few days and He asked me what that could parallel.  To me, it parallels intimate relationship I’ve lost with my daughter(s).  After a few days, I asked Him what I was supposed to be learning.  (It took me a few days because the pain was so poignant.)  He said, “What could you have done differently to keep Hobbes from leaving?  What do you think you did that caused it?” 

After some thought, I replied, “I don’t know.  I couldn’t have loved him more.  I met all his needs.  He was well loved, well cared for.  I don’t know what I could have done differently.”  And God said, “Exactly.  It wasn’t anything you did or didn’t do.”

Then He said, “I knew you wouldn’t believe it with your daughters so I used your cat.  You didn’t do anything wrong.  They didn’t leave because of you.  It’s not your fault.”

You see, I lost something precious to me, precious relationship with my daughter(s).  And I have believed for a long time it was my fault.  They may even believe it is my fault.  But God says it isn’t.  And I have a choice to believe God or not. 

I usually can’t explain these things to others.  It’s one of those things that I’ve learned over time on how God speaks to me.  I realize it may sound fantastical or over-imaginative to some.  I can’t help that, nor do I want to.  All I know is God is real.  He speaks to me through dozens of things:  songs, nature, my husband, numbers, dreams, and my circumstances, to name a few. 

He knows I seek meaning and look for purpose.  He speaks to me in things I have no control over so I don’t question whether I manipulated (even inadvertently) a situation.  He knows I pay attention to the details and I ask the difficult question.  He knows I get angry or annoyed or confused.  So He takes those things into account.  I knew Hobbes was going to stay missing until I learned what God was trying to show me.

So just past midnight two nights ago, Hobbes showed up.  I asked God for Hobbes to come home on Christmas, but I knew he wouldn’t.  I felt like God wasn’t going to allow him to show up when someone else was here, because it was a lesson just for me.  He showed up just past midnight when I was in bed about to go to sleep.  Bill was at work for another 20 minutes.

Besides thanking God for Hobbes’ safe return, I’ve had a few conversations with Him about what all I’m supposed to be learning.  Here’s what he showed me yesterday:  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.”  (Psalm 24:1)  I entrusted my cat to God’s care, and God can be trusted.  Even more so, I entrusted my children to God’s care.  They could not be in better hands. 

I know the nature of a cat is to explore, and I have not desired for a moment to restrain my cat from its natural instincts.  It’s more important to me that Hobbes is free to come and go, than to restrain him in my home unable to leave.  I am willing to suffer the uncertainty of Hobbes’ return in order for him to be free to operate as he was created.  I have done the same with my children.  It is more important to me that they be free, than carefully restrained in limitations I design for their safety.  I don’t find a life restrained from its original purposes of freedom a fair life, and so I have entrusted all that the Lord has given me to the Lord to keep and preserve.  It may at times have undesirable outcomes for me, but I am not willing to circumvent freedom to change outcomes.

Sometimes it’s hard, these allegories and the realities they represent.  But sometimes it’s redeeming.  Either way, I’m grateful God reaches out to me to help me on this journey of life.  One day we’ll get a new car, an undamaged car.  I’m gonna guess when that happens, our family will be mended quite nicely by then.

The Soothsayer Spirit

Soothsayer…an antiquated term we rarely hear today.  Scripture only translates the original language into the term soothsayer a handful of times. 

Balaam was a soothsayer, and Balaam’s word clearly carried a lot of weight.  He was paid handsomely for the art of soothsaying.  But what is it?  It’s not witchcraft.  Most of the times it is translated as “divination” or a “diviner”. 

In the reference in Joshua about Balaam it comes from the Hebrew “gacam”, meaning “to distribute, that is to determine by lot of magical scroll; to divine, prudent, soothsayer, use divination.”  [Strong’s]

Two other words in the Hebrew have been translated similarly [again, Strong’s]:

“gezar:  to quarry; determine:  cut out, soothsayer”

“Anan:  to cover, to cloud over, to act covertly i.e. practice magic:  enchanter…observer of times…soothsayer, sorcerer”

And once in the New Testament it’s used.

Acts 16:16

 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:

This term comes from the Greek “manteuomai:  to divine, i.e. utter spells under pretense of foretelling, by soothsaying”. 

Eighteen years ago….

Eighteen years ago a stranger stopped me and prophesied over me.  At the end of the prophecy she said this, “God would warn you that a soothsayer will come against you – whether in form or spirit, I don’t know.  This soothsayer will send lies or confusion to you as to make you disbelieve His word and His calling.  He’s warning you ahead of time so you are not deceived or swayed away from Him or His call.”

When I asked her for more understanding, that’s all she had.  She was clear that the word she was given was “soothsayer” and not witchcraft.

I was in my 20s and a young mother.  I had no idea what this meant or what to expect.  It has taken me a long, long time to understand it.  This is what I have learned….

Some time after this I was working with some deliverance ministers and intercessors on personal deliverance.  At one of the sessions one of the gals told me I had a specific thought or emotion as a baby and that I needed to repent of it.  As soon as she told me the emotion I allegedly had as a baby (or small child), my inner being recoiled.  I could not for the life of me understand how I would have had that thought or emotion.  It was well over two decades later and I was not cognizant of ever thinking or feeling what she suggested I thought or felt.   She perceived my reluctance and chided me to accept the revelation of God and respond by asking forgiveness.

I actually had a visceral reaction to this.  I had no problem taking by faith elements of my earliest childhood by inspiration of the Spirit, but I had no inspiration, no confirmation that this was from God.  I had already had several other leadings that were confirmed in me, but this one I had the exact opposite reaction.  I recoiled.  I drew back from the implication and within me immediately pushed back with a resounding no.  No, I did not have that thought or emotion as a baby or small child.

When I questioned her more about it, she refused to move on or answer additional questions and stated she was following the leading of the Spirit.  I implored direction from another intercessor in the session.  That other intercessor did not get a confirmation but instead got a separate word for me that God confirmed and helped me gain deliverance with.

The fallout of that led to a standoff.  The lady declared that I was in rebellion to God by not accepting the word she had brought forth.  She told me we could not continue my sessions until I aligned with that word.  I assured her I would as soon as I got confirmation from the Spirit.  That confirmation never came.  Instead, I was in turmoil and inner conflict as I wrestled over this directive in my own being.  My husband told me to let it go, that she was just a human and could be wrong like anyone else.  He said he did not get a witness to that word.

I prayed over that for days that moved into weeks.  She refused to allow our sessions to go forth.  Because of her position of leadership in the church, no one else would help me.  I turned to self-study through Derek Prince books, prayer and some deliverance conferences.  Nearly a year later I was approached by her to “resume our sessions”.  I was shocked.  The Spirit warned me that same morning that workers of darkness were aligned against me, but I did not know what it meant until I went to that meeting.  She ambushed me by bringing two other people to the meeting to accuse me of things that were blatantly false.  One of the other attendees was a pastor in the church.  I was admonished of being rebellious to spiritual authority and told to submit to their leadership.  I walked away and never went back.  The fallout of that cost me, my children and our family dearly.  My name was slandered and lies were spread about me that took years to expose.

The same woman, in a prominent role of leadership in that church, spread flat out lies about me that would not come to the surface until I was gone.  The damage was done and I moved on.

Fast forward a couple more years.  I had moved on and away from that scene and was in a different church with no overlap of those people.  One of the intercessors from the prior church was powerfully prophetic, and got clear words of knowledge that could not be denied.  She ended up at the same church I was at, and we ministered together in leadership roles for quite a while.

I was the head of a ministry, and in favor with the pastor.  Behind my back this woman went to the pastor and cast seeds of doubt against a program I was running.  She and I had previously had a conversation about that program, and I had gone to the pastor with her stated concerns, and like me, he did not have the same concerns.  So I proceeded with the program.  When she found out, she went behind my back and slurred me to him with unfounded accusations.  When I confronted her, she told me, “I have to obey God, not man.”   Implication:  she was following God to do this.

Again, she was highly prophetic with extremely accurate words of knowledge.  I figured I must’ve missed something, and I moved on.  I didn’t talk with her for a year after that, but circumstances brought us back together.  I looked at her prophetic gift and figured I must’ve been wrong on something, forgave her, and continued in ministry with her.

A couple years later I happenstance ran into the first lady.  ALL of my antennas were up, and I was silently pleading the Blood over myself as she engaged me in small talk.  That night my dog started barking incessantly, pointed in the direction of our alley.  Our back fence was solid metal – you could not see through it.  After fifteen minutes of this barking, I walked out my front door and down the sidewalk to the alley to investigate.  As I was approaching the alley the Spirit warned me to not go down it.  He simply said, “Don’t get off the sidewalk.”  I rarely can see spirits, but there was an enormous ten or twelve foot dark spirit in the alley my dog was barking at.  I knew it was sent through her. 

A couple years later the second lady started coming to the church I was now at, and in a leadership role.  One by one, little things started happening that made no sense.  While I was praying with her, financially assisting her, and ministering with her, she was sowing lies about me in secret conversations.  I felt something off but couldn’t put my finger on it.  And then I found out she wrote a letter to the District Superintendent of our church and told a bold-faced lie about me (that I had been kicked out of six churches).  By this time the damage of her lies had started the demise of many things in that church, and people were being divided and picked off at record rate.

Somewhere along this multi-year journey, the Spirit showed me it was the soothsayer spirit at work against me.  He reminded me of his warning in 2003. 

In my experience, the soothsayer spirit worked through Christians with a strong prophetic gift.  I have no idea whether they are true Christians or not.  I would guess they are, but are being used by the enemy.  I can go back to many words given by some of these highly prophetic people and know they were spot on.  I can go back to many other words given by these same highly prophetic people and know they were dead wrong. 

In my earlier days I had no self confidence.  While I’m prophetic, it has taken me a couple decades to feel confident in the words and revelations God has given me.  I came from a place of brokenness, so I doubted myself regularly.  When those around me with titles and notoriety spoke into my life with their words, I deferred to their experience and reputations. 

One of the common arrows used against me was I was “rebellious”.  Of course I was.  I was raised by a religious spirit of control.  The only way to resist authoritative control is to rebel.  Rebellion was ingrained in me.  It kept me alive.  My adult daughter recently asked my dad why he (my parents) disowned me (when I was sixteen).  He replied, “We couldn’t control her.”  How accurate those words are.  My parents used an iron fist to control me, even down to the clothes I had to wear daily, even down to the emotions on my face and the words out of my mouth.  Personal expression was forbidden, I was punished for laughing even.  The only way to survive for me was to rebel, to push back against their authoritarian control.  Submission was death to my spirit, my inner man.  I would not do so.

Those in the deliverance ministry and with a prophetic gift would have seen that rebellion in me and use it against me, to shame me into submission to more authoritarian control and religious spirits.  It took a prophet from Kenya to prophesy over me (in one of the very churches I was debased and stripped of sovereignty) to free me from the chains they had attempted to put on me. 

So to me the soothsayer spirit is a treacherous spirit that masquerades as prophetic gifting and religious authority.  It did the very thing the prophetic word I was given in 2003 warned me of, “This soothsayer will send lies or confusion to you to make you disbelieve His word and His calling.”  This is exactly what those actions through good Christians did.  The wake of damage from this spirit working against my life has been extensive.  But God. 

There are multiple other examples of how this worked against me for fifteen years, but I don’t have space for all of them.  I tried to pick the bigger more destructive situations it manifested.  So today I am extremely cautious of the prophetic and prophetic words.  I am extremely cautious of those in church authority.  I walk a fine line between honoring those appointed by God and making sure I do not acquiesce to a spirit being used for my destruction.  I err on the side of caution every time.

Soothsayer, by original definition, uses a spirit of divination.  I learned that it can use a prophetic gift most easily, and Christians who have a mixture of flesh and spirit in their walk.  I hope that helps someone else on their journey. 

healing from trauma, part two

Overcoming Trauma

I went to dinner recently with one of my best friends.  He got a call when we were at dinner and the call went long.  So I got up and walked around, made a few phone calls myself and returned.  He was still on the phone.  Eventually he moved out to the parking lot when I was walking around.  I just kept circling the parking lot, walking past shops and stores, waiting for the perpetual call to end.  Since we were in a strange city and I was at the mercy of his transportation, I did not seem to have anywhere to go on my own accord.  I was pretty agitated because I thought it was discourteous.  I said my piece and left it at that.

A few days later I was meeting him at a location in another strange city where I knew no one.  I was still in the parking lot when he went into the building.  I had to deal with some issues in my car, and when I went into the (strange and unfamiliar) building, he wasn’t there.  I cannot explain the rage I felt in that moment.  I had no idea where he was and he didn’t answer his phone when I called him.

Minutes later when he resurfaced, I was furious.  I heard myself yell at him in the elevator, “Stop leaving me alone in parking lots!”  I could tell my rage was disproportionate to the event, but couldn’t figure out why.  I asked God why I was so mad.  An image flashed in my mind’s eye of my sister and me sitting in a pickup in the middle of a pasture.

It was a flashback to when I think I was maybe five or six, and she was six or seven.  My parents were farmers and we had gone to this pasture to do something for farm work.  My mom had told us to sit in the truck and wait for her to return.   It was fine at first, as we busied ourselves with playing.  As time progressed we bickered and picked at each other.  Then as more time progressed we panicked.  We were both sure she wasn’t coming back, and we both began sobbing hysterically.  Shortly after our hysteria hit, our mom showed up and was confused and annoyed with our emotional outburst.

As young as we were, we didn’t realize what prompted it.  We had been adopted at ages four and five, and we had been left by our biological mom at ages two and three.  We didn’t have that memory consciously, but clearly we had it subconsciously and it caused us great angst a few years later when what felt like a similar scenario arose.

So as recent as in this last year, being left in a strange city where I knew no one triggered some of that same anxiety.  How odd that forty years later I could still be triggered, albeit to a lesser degree.  When I saw the flashback to my sister and I in the pickup crying hysterically, afraid we had been abandoned by our second mom, I was able to understand my current anger and frustration and move on without it causing more trouble. 

What if I had not had the insight from God on why I was so upset?  I’m sure I would’ve railed on my best friend, caused a rift in our friendship and who knows what other fallout may have occurred.    

Trauma rewires the brain

The human mind is complex.  Trauma rewires your brain.  The younger you are at the time of trauma, the more difficult it is to discern quickly when it is causing a reaction.  If you don’t have the conscious memory of the traumatic event, and you don’t have an awareness, it’s improbable you will ascertain its impact years later in varying situations. 

I’ve spent most of my life healing from various traumas and learning how to walk in health.  Because of how childhood trauma wired me, I’m particularly careful who I let into my inner circle.  I can count those I’ve let in on one hand.  More on that later…

Another more recent event expounds on this.   I had traveled with a best friend to a strange city.  While there an emergency arose for “Mary”.  Mary had to fly out of the city to the emergency, leaving me alone in the strange city for a day.  She would return late the next night.  She asked if I’d be okay at the hotel without a car for a day and a half.  I assured her I would.  I’m a researcher and writer, so being alone is not a problem.  I had her take me to grab some lunch before she left, knowing I’d be limited on meal options over the next 32 hours or so.  She returned a bit later than we expected and I was famished.  Because it was almost eleven, not many places were open and I opted to just go to bed after driving to try to find food.

Mary left the next day for some meetings that took way longer than expected.  This was day three.  As the day progressed and night fell, I could tell my psyche was struggling but I didn’t know why.  I was hungry.  It was the end of the third day and I still hadn’t had a meal since the original lunch.  I finally opted to go to bed, praying the whole time trying to figure out why I was so bothered.

Mary offered to take me to get food when she returned from her meetings, but again, it was too late for any real food places to be open.  I wasn’t mad at Mary, but I was struggling and didn’t understand why.  I was tearful and wanted to cry the rest of the night.  I prayed a lot, asking God why I was so troubled, but finally opted to go to bed in hopes of waking to a new day. 

When I awoke on day four, I was indifferent.  I determined I would do what I had to do to get a meal and not rely upon Mary (she had the only mode of transportation).  I sought the Lord that morning about why I was so bothered.  I wondered if it was from some of the heavy stuff I was researching and maybe it had settled in more deeply than I realized.  Then I saw an image flash across my mind’s eye.  It was a kitchen stool sitting along a wall.

Then I saw my childhood home and the kitchen dining room area.  The kitchen stool sat along the kitchen wall, and the long table stretched in the adjoining dining area.  One of my punishments in my childhood was sitting on that stool.  For hours.  Often it would be as the family sat and had a meal and I did without.

Now I’m going to get into some details that will take some time, but it’s necessary to help understand the complexities of the human mind and the rewiring trauma does. 

When I was doing deliverance work for myself, I worked with a couple people who specialized in deliverance and intercession.   Because I was adopted, there’s not a lot I know about my birth mother other than what I’ve been able to piece together over time from some interviews and some court records.

During one of my deliverance sessions, one of my intercessors saw me as a little girl, maybe one or two, and I was beside a large tree looking up at the apple hanging down, trying to stretch out my hand to get one but couldn’t reach.  There was a ladder, but the first rung was too high for me to reach.  And she got the scripture, Psalm 145:15:  “The eyes of all look to You, and You give them their food in due time.”

As we prayed the intercessors got that my nutritional needs during early childhood were amiss.  My biological mom had alcohol, drug and sex addictions.  She smoked when she was pregnant with me.  She was in poverty and food was hit and miss in the home (from the state child welfare records).  When we got adopted a few years later, my new mom’s methods of discipline included withholding food.

So there was an early childhood trauma of malnourishment, and it was compounded by a later action of withholding food, punishment from food.  The first trauma rewired the brain, and the second reinforced it.  It’s taken me a lot of years to manage some eating dysfunctions I have (mostly binging, sometimes hoarding food). 

How are these traumas healed?  How are they overcome?

Trauma rewires the brain.  The solution and healing to the trauma is found in God.  The eyes of all look to You and You give them their food in due time.  This is the truth.  God provides even when man fails.

The events of the four days without a meal thing (I had snacks, it’s not like I was starving) created phantom pains for me, reminiscent of earlier traumas.  I’m healed.  I don’t struggle with eating disorders and unhealthy thought patterns about food anymore.  And yet, forty years later, a situation had just enough similarity to trigger a phantom pain or fear. 

Had it not been for the insight I received when I petitioned the Lord for why I was struggling (the flashback of the kitchen stool), I would not have had the awareness that this was just trauma trying to reinsert itself in my thinking and create additional drama in my life.  As soon as I saw the kitchen stool I had an immediate awareness that this was a false affliction. 

What I’m trying to do is two-fold:  address trauma triggers and address solutions. 

Because of how trauma rewires the brain, in future situations that rewiring causes dramatic reactions that otherwise would not be there.  Something gets rewired to assess situations through a trauma filter, and in the future, similar situations can trigger the trauma responses.

The solution is Christ, of course.  But that’s such a pat answer to such a complex condition.  Let’s look at it like this….

Give yourself some grace when you feel triggered.  Try not to react in dramatic measure.  When you feel yourself reacting disproportionately to the circumstances pull back and breathe in deeply.  Recognize something is amiss and give yourself time to work through it.  Don’t berate yourself if your immediate reaction is inappropriate.  It probably will be, because trauma causes that.  Just try to catch it quicker the next time.  You’ll find as time goes by the triggers will come fewer and further between.  Again, give yourself grace.

Give others in the situation grace, understanding they don’t perceive the current situation through a trauma filter.   My friends couldn’t possibly know I was having an uncontrolled reaction based on a trauma stimulus.  Heck, it took me awhile to figure it out.  Give them grace, and don’t feel like you need to explain yourself.  Trauma and trauma responses are vulnerability issues.  I hate being vulnerable to anyone, and I try to keep these things completely between me and God.  Sometimes, however, if it’s someone I love and trust deeply, I will bring them into my trauma circle for a moment.

About ten years ago I was doing dishes and looked out the window and saw the traffic police pull up to radar for a school zone.  I was immediately enraged, like I went from do-ta-do to ARGHH in a split second.  The contempt I had for those cops was off the charts.  After a few minutes I asked God, “Why do I feel like this?  They’re just doing their job!”  He responded, “Because police took you away from your mom when you were two.  You’ve hated police ever since.”

Know this:  I do not have a conscious memory of police taking me away.  I was too young to remember or I repressed it.  But the trauma trigger for me still existed.  I asked God what to do.  He told me to forgive the policeman who took me away, and to forgive police in general.  I did.  That anger left that day and has not returned.  Sometimes I have phantom twinges trying to pull me back into that anger, but I recall the truth (I have forgiven them and they are just doing their job) and I choose to walk in that truth instead.

This leads me back to the Christ answer.  Christ has the answer for each of your traumas.  He knows what was rewired.  He knows what triggers you and why.  Learn to ask Him.  He can and will heal it.  I can already hear some of you, “But I don’t hear God like you do.”  I know.  I know.  It’s not that you don’t hear Him; it’s that you haven’t recognized the way He speaks to you.

Sometimes He answers with a thought in my head, sometimes with a memory recall, sometimes with an image (like the kitchen stool, or the pickup in the empty pasture), and sometimes it takes a few days.  But if you seek Him, you will find Him.  Learn to hear.  Learn to respond.  The more you respond, the easier it becomes to hear.  You’ll eventually stop doubting and start trusting. 

Trauma can be healed.  Trauma can be overcome.  For me, God has been the surest way to do so.

How I’ve learned to hear the Voice of God

I hear God in a variety of ways, so I’m going to touch on a few of them, and what I’ve learned about God along the way.

I’ve learned God is a personal God.  While He has corporate messages for the children of God that come through various mouthpieces He uses, He is also very interested in personal relationships with His children individually.  In fact, He speaks more regularly and directly to His individual children than He gives through corporate messages.  I honestly think everyone has heard the voice of God, but maybe just haven’t recognized it. 

Mostly, His is the still small voice in your head that sounds like your own, but maybe not how you’d say it.  The best illustration I’ve heard of this is the baby in the womb who hears his mother’s voice from the moment his hearing is developed.  For several months he hears this voice and it is familiar to him.  Then when he is born, at some point the baby will turn his head toward the same voice.

People who haven’t recognized the voice of God yet are like the baby in the womb, hearing it, but not identifying it yet.  There is a time we leave the womb (figuratively) and we begin to turn our head to that same voice out of the womb, and we begin to identify it.  We start to get a face and an identity to go with that voice, and we grow in our relationship with that voice.

Trial and Error

Most of the experiences I’ve had with the still small voice have been a process of trial and error.  A thought will come to me that isn’t quite what I was thinking, isn’t quite the way I would think it, and I’ll ask if that was God.  Then I’ll begin a process of discernment.  Does it contradict or align with Scripture?  Does it contradict or align with the character of God?  (That’s a bit trickier because we have some false concepts of God.  More on that in a minute.) 

For me, sometimes the voice comes out of the blue when I’m not even praying or conversing with God, when I’m not necessarily thinking about the thing that is said by God.  These are almost always the voice of God.  [For example, one day I was driving eastward on 21st St. and His voice, that sounded a lot like my own thoughts, said, “Do you know what your problem is, Michelle?”  Well that was undeniably God.  If I had asked the question, I would’ve known the answer.  It came separate from my own thoughts, and caught me by surprise.  – and THAT is a fantastic story of something I learned both about myself and the character of God, but will make this article too long.)

He also speaks to me in prayer or when I’m hammering something out with Him.  Discernment is what enables me to recognize and understand when it’s His voice.  This is the trickier part when it comes during prayer or a conversation.  (We also must learn to cover our prayers with the Blood of Christ, because dark spirits like to interject into our thoughts and pretend to be God or just deceive.)  Through time and trial and error, we’re able to discern His voice in prayer and dialogue with Him.  Just practice and keep practicing.  When you think it may be Him, proceed as though it is and see where it goes.  Sometimes we recognize it later when we think back on something and then realize, oh no, that was the voice of God and I thought it was my own thoughts.  Over time it gets easier and easier.  We will miss it sometimes, but as we practice hearing, we’ll miss it less and less.

God frequently speaks to us via our thoughts.  They sound like our own thoughts, but discernment teaches us how to sift ours from God’s, and the enemy’s (because he inserts himself into our thoughts as well).  The process of trial and error is what sharpens us to more easily and quickly discerning when God is speaking to us.

[False concepts of God – Sidebar]

I only address this because it needs to be said.  We carry a whole lot of false concepts of who God is in our being.  Initially we struggle with transference.  We transfer our dad or mom or our parents’ character onto who or what we think God is.  That’s probably the first false concept we have to shatter.

The longer we’ve been in the institutional church, the more false concepts we’ll have of God.  There’s just too much false teaching, too many feel good doctrines as well as wrath of God doctrines, and we’ll gravitate to what’s most familiar to us.  Then without a lot of introspection, we’ll apply those doctrines to our perspective of God.

We basically have to strip our expectations bare and allow God to reveal who He is to us, without all the filters we insist we don’t have.  Otherwise, we’ll wrongly attribute the voice of the enemy as God’s, because the enemy has been studying you since birth and knows how you think, and you’ll recognize the familiarity and accept it.  Or we’ll discard or reject a word from God because it doesn’t sound like it could possibly be God (our version of who we think God is). 


God spoke to me in dreams a lot when I was going through deliverance from past traumas and abuse.  It was a long season, and I didn’t know who or what to trust.  God, who knitted me together in my mother’s womb, knew I was scared and untrusting.  So He chose to depict scenes and scenarios in my dream life to speak to me separate from my mind.  I’m intellectually driven, and God had to bypass my intellect to reach me in the regions of the soul and spirit.  My intellect would have overridden His leading by the deception it was in, and I was unaware of this at the time.  So it was dreams.  And I had to learn the language of God through dreams.  It circumvented my intellect very well, and He was able to begin a long, thorough process of walking me through healing and deliverance.

Now He does not speak to me in dreams as much.  I’ve learned how to let my spirit follow His Spirit, and my intellect is kept in check (most of the time) to keep me from sabotaging His efforts.  But He will break through to me in dreams when He has a special message or something He wants to show me that doesn’t follow our normal avenues of connection.  I’ve learned how to hear and see Him through His dream messages, and they’re still some of my favorite exchanges with Him.  I love them because I can’t contrive them.  I’ve learned some valuable lessons about dream life, the subconscious, garrisoning the imagination, etc.  Maybe I’ll write more on that later. 

Just like everything else, your dream life needs covered in the Blood of Christ.  The enemy can invade your dream life as well.


This may be one of my favorite ways God communicates with me.  He expresses Himself to me through nature.  From observation of nature, He speaks to me about His character.  He shows me things about human nature and Himself.  His presence is more vivid to me in these times. 

Other People

This is one of the fewest ways God speaks to me.   I’ve been burned too many times by charlatans and forked tongues.  He knows I don’t trust people or their motives (for the most part), so I don’t receive messages very well through other people.  When I do get messages from God via other people, it is usually quite plain.  It’s a phrase He has previously dropped in my spirit.  It’s a topic that He keeps revisiting me with.  It’s an undeniable addressing of something only He would know. 

But He does speak to me through my husband.  I am able to hear Him through my husband, and occasionally another person I dearly love and trust. 

His Word

He speaks to me through His Word.  Sometimes when reading it, He elucidates a point.  Many times I feel His presence and get a “knowing”.  I just know and understand something that bypassed my intellect and normal modes of reasoning.  He simply “downloads” understanding to me.

He then uses His Word throughout my day.  He’ll speak to me in circumstances and show me how to apply His Word.  A Scripture or story from the Bible will come to my thoughts and I’ll see how it applies.  He will impress a particular Scripture on me sometimes when I’m praying for someone, and it will give me better direction on how to pray.


He speaks to me in numbers.  This probably came about for me because of all the dreams in the earlier years.  There would be a number of something (four empty bar stools in the four corners of a room, four rotten eggs, four broken teeth and four exploded cars in four different dreams – many years ago.  Other things like a dollar amount will be stated or written, a clock will be exposed, etc.) in my dreams and I’d have to seek the meaning of the number to understand the interpretation of the dream.

I downloaded and printed out E.W. Bullinger’s “Number in Scripture”, and have a number of dream books with number meanings.  These were my go to for years.

Sometimes God will wake me up in the night, and the time will be a Scripture reference that speaks to me about something God wants me to understand.  For example, one night I woke up at 3:51.  I got up, went downstairs, got something to drink.  Came back upstairs and went to the bathroom, fiddling around.  When I went back to bed, the clock still said 3:51.  This was an “impossibility”.  I asked God what I was supposed to understand.  As I searched for understanding, I discovered there were three books in the Bible with a 51st chapter (Psalm, Isaiah, Jeremiah).  They each dealt with various deliverance issues (personal, corporate and national). 

But yeah, God still speaks to me in numbers in my dreams, the clock, my daily encounters, etc.

And He’s speaking to you

It may be any number of these examples that He talks to you, or a whole different combination.  I know a gal who gets messages from God from license plates.  I’ve tried that.  (correlate the license plate number to a Strong’s number and apply it to the prayer need)  It doesn’t work for me, but it plainly and obviously did for her.  I don’t discount that because it doesn’t really apply to me but does to her.

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that God is personal.  He knows us intimately and He speaks to us personally.  The way I talk to my best friend is different than the way I speak with the checker at the store is different than I speak to my daughter.  And the way I speak to one of my daughters is not necessarily the way I speak to another of my daughters.  I respond to people individually with tailored language that’s based on a myriad of things… our relationship, their personality (and mine), the topic of discussion, our history together, my mood or his/hers, etc. 

The way God talks to me may make another person cry!  (“Do you know what your problem is, Michelle?”)  But He knows me.  He speaks my language.  He knows when He has to circumvent my intellect and when to engage with it.  And as He has painstakingly made His ways known to me as I have sought Him, just as He does and will do for each of His children He calls by name. 

On a separate post I will write up one of my favorite encounters with Him on this.

Healing from Trauma, part one

At about fifteen, I was sitting on our home’s back porch when I saw a memory play out in my mind, like a flash, without solicitation on my part.  But it was the memory of my parents waking me up in the middle of the night and motioning me to stay quiet so as not to wake my siblings, and to put on my robe and come downstairs.  I’m guessing I was around eight, because I put on the pink Strawberry Shortcake robe my grandma had gotten me (around that age) and followed them downstairs to the well-lit kitchen.  My parents were standing there with a large box in the middle of the floor.

They told me to pick out my favorite toys and put them in the box.  I thought it was a game, and hurriedly selected my favorite toys to fill the box.  After a few trips to the box, my mom explained something in my behavior that was particularly displeasing (I can’t recall what), and then told me to put my shoes on.  My dad picked up the box and the three of us walked outside into the night sky, where we walked past the tire swing and the clothes line, down to the fence line.  My dad put the box in the burn barrel and lit it.  I don’t remember the walk back to the house.

I do remember waking up the next morning and wondering if it was a dream or if it had really happened.  I went downstairs and looked for all of those toys I remembered putting in the box, and they weren’t there.

Obviously I had repressed that memory for a number of years.  I don’t know why it came back on that particular day, but I do recall the feelings that came with it, mainly horror, shame and confusion.  I did not know what to do with that memory, and was not comfortable telling anyone, so I put it on a shelf in my mind.

About a decade later, I had my first child and she was just a few months old.  A block down from me was a garage sale, and I put her in the stroller and headed to it.  A box on the floor in the garage caught my eye.  It was full of assorted wall papers.  I was drawn to three rolls, all the same.  I am not a fan of wall paper, but was compelled to buy these three rolls.  I liked the coloring, with a muted antique look.  I bought them and maybe a couple other small things and we rolled back home.

I put my daughter down for a nap and began to unpack the stroller.  I was more curious about these wallpaper rolls and set them on the table.  I rolled one out to see the pattern and was quite startled to see it was a Holly Hobbie print.  Immediately I had a flash memory recall of myself as a four year old, sitting in a child’s rocker in the corner of the living room, cradling a Holly Hobbie doll in my arms, rocking.

I was adopted at four years old the day after Christmas.  My new parents gave me a Holly Hobbie doll.  This was the first time I remembered it was burned with the box of toys.  Silent tears slipped down my face, and I heard the Spirit say, “I will replace everything the enemy has stolen from you.”

This was one of my most poignant encounters with healing from trauma.  I had not sought it out, did not know what to do with the memory recalls or the silent suffering stuffed in the recesses of my fragmented heart. 

I only told my husband about this.  The house we lived in did not have an appropriate room for the wall paper, so it sat in a closet, but still — I had that encounter with the God who sees our suffering.  I knew He cared.  There was a tangible reminder.

About three years later and two kids later, we loaded up our family to visit another family with small children for Christmas.  We were going to sing carols and share a Christmas soup meal together.  We were both on limited budgets with small children and had agreed to no gift exchanges, so I was startled when Catherine pulled me aside and pressed a small box in my hand.  She simply said God had told her to give it to me.

There was a card with it and all it said was, “As near as I can remember, I was eight years old when my parents gave me this.  God asked me to give it to you.”  In the small box was a child’s necklace with a Holly Hobbie pendant. 

This is the God we serve.  This is the God who knows us intimately, who loves us.  He sees our pain and knows our afflictions.  He is keenly acquainted with our sorrows and sufferings.

It would be a few years later and a different house before that wallpaper was hung in a spare bedroom.  By the time it was hung, there was a small collection of Holly Hobbie paraphernalia, including a tattered Holly Hobbie doll, almost all given to me by random people at random times.  It was my reminder that God sees, God knows, God cares. 

I don’t know how God is going to heal your trauma, I just know He wants to.  He knows every part of it, and that includes the emotions that got damaged, the way it rewired your thoughts and made you cautious instead of free-spirited, guarded instead of accepting, and a number of other things I haven’t listed. 

For me, I was able to move through the stages of healing by acknowledging the reality of the experience, but in the presence or company of my loving God who did not wish this for me.  I was able to bear the reawakened pain because He accompanied me in the midst.  It’s not that it didn’t hurt, it’s that I wasn’t alone in the hurt.  He began to teach me, through this and dozens more to come, that He can be trusted to heal even what appears damaged beyond repair.

It just took time, time to feel what you could not handle at the age of the trauma.  Those feelings had to come to the forefront, and I had to acknowledge them.  Then I could give them to Him.  And all the lies that came with the trauma had to be exposed for what they were.  There were lies that told me I was unworthy, undeserving, and unwanted.  One by one, the Spirit of God began to deal with me by replacing the lies with truths, but His Truth. 

I’ll share more of this journey of healing from trauma in the weeks to come.  I just want you to know you do not have to live in the trauma for the rest of your life.  Healing is possible and available.  

Today I am in my third house from that experience.  The Holly Hobbie room was sold with the second house, and the only thing that made the trip to my current house is the Holly Hobbie doll and necklace.  They sit on my bookshelves as quiet reminders that God saw my pain and healed it.  It doesn’t pain me to see them anymore.  It brings me great comfort and joy and reassurance about the One who created me.  That’s available to you and anyone who wants free from the impact and effects of trauma. 

musings on grace

Of particular grief to me is the people I run into who cannot see God as He is because of the errors of His people and even their teachings.  I have been one of those on both ends.  I have been one who could not see God because of His people, and I am one who has hindered others from seeing God because of my mistakes in life and teaching.  The latter grieves me far greater.

Upon reading an excerpt from Michael Heiser’s book The Unseen Realm, I was moved by an experience I had with God fifteen years ago. 

The struggle I was having was an area in my life I was worried I was not in perfect obedience to God.  I worried I was in sin because of a particular scenario I kept being placed in.  I had been crying out to God for months to help me understand where I was, and where I needed to be.

Fifteen years ago, I had the following dream:

I was in a building that I knew to be a church with the name of Grace.  It was a huge complex, and I was wandering around because I wanted to get back to my hotel room.  I thought I could walk through this church (because it took up many city blocks) to get back to my hotel; but the church just kept going and going and going.  I wandered from floor to floor, through corridor after corridor.  I kept thinking I would follow the building around and down the blocks to my hotel, and then get to my hotel so I could get to my room.  But it kept going on and on and I kept walking on and on. 

In one large room there was a group practicing for a drama.  Down a hallway were doors after doors of ministry offices.  There were lobbies and foyers spread throughout and people milling here and there.  Finally, after walking for a long, long time, I was wondering if I’d ever reach the end so I could get out and get to my hotel.  I approached a fellow who was with a handful of other people in a foyer, and asked him if he’d show me how to get out so I could get to my hotel room. I heard myself tell him my room was 411.  He led me to an outside entry door and pointed to a row of buildings before me that looked like warehouse docks.  He pointed directly to one particular building and said, “See that building O?”  And there was an “O” marked on the building by the door.  He said to go through that building and out the opposite doorway.  When I got out, I was to reenter Grace at the nearest entry, and my hotel room was in that door.

The hotel was actually part of the church.

When I awoke, I began talking with God.  I had been telling Him over the past several months (as I was walking through this strange scenario that I was trying to discern), that I felt lost.  He spoke to me as I awoke, and said, “While you’ve felt like you were lost, you were lost in My grace.  You’ve never left My grace, Michelle.”

It was then that I realized God’s grace is vastly larger than anything we can imagine.  It goes on and on.  There are compartments and areas we know nothing about until we stumble upon or into them.  His grace is enormous.  Even when I felt like I had gone outside of the church grounds, I had not. 

Staying in a hotel indicated a temporary place for me.  Even in that temporary place, I was within His grace.  I have never forgotten that dream.  At times when I worry that I’ve strayed, haven’t held the straight and narrow, haven’t been abandoned to my Lord, I am reminded of my dream.  The vastness of His grace is beyond our understanding. 

God often speaks to me in numbers and symbols.  The hotel room being 411 was a message for me.  The building titled “O” was a message for me.  These messages help me understand God’s character, help me understand things in my life or circumstances, etc.  That particular year, and even years after, I had dreams of multiples of four.  I also had numerous encounters with eleven.  And sometimes I had them both together, as 411.  This was a personal message to me.  Numbers can mean different things depending on the context, and I had to seek God for years to understand what He was showing me over and over with this. 

I also knew the O was significant.  The building I was to enter was called O, and the door I was to go through was labeled O.  I searched for six years for the understanding for the O before I found it.  It happened when I was prompted to buy a book that broke up the books of the Bible and aligned them with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  As I was reading this book, six years later, I read the following:

“In the Bible of Alard, the initial Letter of the Song of Songs is the “O” of the Latin phrase OSCVLETVR ME (Let him kiss me). It is drawn much larger than most illuminated Letters, taking up almost the entire width of the text column. The scribe filled the remaining vertical space with the rest of the first two words. Though it is hard to see in the reproduction, the two figures are labeled with the abbreviations XRS (Christus = Christ) and ECCLA (Ecclesia = Church). Christ covers His Bride with His cloak and their cheeks are intimately pressed together at the exact center of the tri-radiant halo so they share the Sign of Deity, suggesting the full presence of Christ in His Church and the fulfillment of God’s promise to make all believers “partakers in the Divine nature” (2 Pet 1:4). I have little doubt the scribe thought it providential the initial “O” naturally accommodated an optimal representation of the union of Christ with His Bride embracing within an unbroken circle like a wedding ring. “

[The Bible of Alard is an illuminated manuscript of the Latin Vulgate from the eleventh century.  Eleventh century caught my attention.]  Here is the accompanying symbol O for the Song of Songs:

This is part of the reason I love God so much.  He weaves the present with the past and even the future, with full knowledge of our inmost being.  He knew I would be in a crucible of sorts in 2006, but would not have the understanding for the O until 2012.  So He gave me what I needed at that point (2006), but then prepared me over the next few years for understanding the building that I was specifically to enter:  the union of Christ with His Bride, and the intimacy of a bridegroom with his bride (let him kiss me…). 

Entering through the door of intimacy would lead me ultimately back to my room:  411, which is a story and message God has been steadily weaving throughout my life for fifteen years now, and of which I have only received parts of the whole. 

I share this because the world and the institutional church have done a grave disservice to the character of God.  We who are children of God, who wrestle against the flesh to achieve unity with Christ, have been misled to think we can somehow lose our position in Christ by mere sin or disobedience.  What a lie!  What a shame that this is something held over us, like a weight encumbering our very liberty of movement. 

Look at what John G. Lake said in his sermon “Reign as Kings”:

“This thing I am teaching you about our union with God is not known in the great body of Christians.  All they have is forgiveness of sin.  There is no actual union with God.  They do not know that the new birth is a real incarnation.  They do not know that they are as much the sons and daughters of God Almighty as Jesus is.  The great body of the Christian Church has no dominion, does not know it.  They have the most befogged concept of what God has done and what God is to them, and what they are to God.”

Nine years after the revelation of the O, God would give me the revelation of the 411.  I’m still sorting through that revelation.

I end quoting Michael Heiser, because it is the full circle for me on the liberating truth of God’s unfathomable grace.  May it set you free as it has me.

“The history of Israel’s kings illustrates the point.  King David was guilty of the worst of crimes against humanity in the incident with Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite (2 Sam 11).  He was clearly in violation of the law and deserving of death.  Nevertheless, his belief in who Yahweh was among all gods never wavered.  God was merciful to him, sparing him from death, though his sin had consequences for the rest of his life.  But there was no doubt that David was ever a believer in Yahweh and never worshiped another.  Yet other kings of Israel and Judah were tossed aside and both kingdoms sent into exile – because they worshiped other gods.  Personal failure, even of the worst kind, did not send the nation into exile.  Choosing other gods did.

“The same is true in the New Testament.  Believe the gospel means believing that Yahweh, the God of Israel, came to earth incarnated as a man, voluntarily died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sin, and rose again on the third day.  That is the content of our faith this side of the cross.  Our believing loyalty is demonstrated by our obedience to “the law of Christ” (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2).  We cannot worship another.  Salvation means believing loyalty to Christ, who was and is the visible Yahweh.  There is no salvation in any other name (Acts 4:12), and faith must remain intact (Rom 11:17-24; Heb 3:19; 10:22, 38-39).  Personal failure is not the same as trading Jesus for another god – and God knows that.”

Our faith in God through Christ is the only prerequisite for being found in His perfect grace.  Trials, circumstances, even sin, do not expunge our position in grace, because it is found in the person of Christ.  If our faith is in Christ and Yahweh, and we have no other gods, we need not fear that we are lost in any capacity.  His Grace is able to keep us.