Moving Forward into 2024

The Obamas collaborated to produce a trending movie on Netflix called “Leave the World Behind.” It’s basically an Armageddon type movie where America is under attack from various angles and the implication is it will be destroyed or fundamentally altered. I won’t get into the details, but you can read a great synopsis of the symbolism in it here.

Why do you suppose the Obamas wanted to produce a movie depicting America under siege and the end of America as we know it? We’ll get back to that in a moment.

Moving forward into 2024…

My husband and I like to read the famous Oswald Chambers devotional My Utmost for His Highest. The December 31st entry seemed especially profound a couple weeks ago for a couple reasons I’d like to elucidate. Here’s the entry:

As I meditated on that in the following days, some of its profoundness really spoke to me. It reminded me of some life journey lessons I’ve learned along the way that speak to some of the topic of foundations I alluded to in my prior article.

Errors in the foundation create future building problems

We have errors in our foundations just like we have errors in our past. Those errors weaken the structure until they are either removed or reinforced with corrective measures. If our foundations are riddled with errors, our structure is weak and the weaker it is, the easier it topples.

When we learn from the errors, we don’t take them into the future as building blocks, but rather as construction signs for future building. We use them to remember what not to do, or what to do differently, or what to avoid, etc.

If we don’t understand or identify the errors, they remain in the foundation and weaken the structure. “God reminds us of the past to protect us from a very shallow security in the present.” Cognizance of our past errors protects us from falling into the same pits in our present.

The more weaknesses we have in our foundations that have not been fixed, the weaker our structure becomes with age. Because when we move forward with errors intact, we build on weak foundations.

I say this because sometimes I’ve realized layers of foundation were laid that I later learned were in error. I can’t always “fix” these errors. Sometimes I have to remove them altogether. That’s an arduous task. Depending on how old those faulty foundational layers are, is the extent of construction I have to go through. If the foundational layer has multiple layers atop of it, I have to take other layers down to remove the bottom level error. This upsets the apple cart, to put it mildly.

Of course, a foundational layer on a wing of my structure won’t cause the same damage as a foundational layer in the building’s bedrock structure. It’s when the foundational layer is embedded in the strength of the foundation that I have serious reconstruction to do that usually starts with demolition.

Sometimes you have to let go of one thing to get hold of another

This is a key to a lot of different things in life. Relationships are a good example. Sometimes we have to let go of past offenses in a relationship (the Bible calls this forgiveness) in order to move forward to a healthier relationship. If I sinned against you, or just made a mistake (innocent or otherwise) that cost you in pain, confusion, misdirection, loss, or any number of things, then if I am in a repentant state, if I have turned from the error of my ways and changed my mind, then you will have to let go of your judgment and perspective of me in my prior state in order to receive me in my present state. If you don’t, and if you hold onto me in the perspective of my past mistake(s), you will never have with me the health of a better relationship. (of course the inverse is as true)

Foundational errors work the same way. If I am presented with a new (to me) truth that contradicts a foundational truth I hold, I must evaluate this new truth apart from the old truth in my personal foundation. If I try to evaluate the presented “new” truth with my current foundation that contradicts it, (most people are not strong enough to do this), I will almost always reject the new truth as error. (whether it is or not)

This is true for almost any category, whether it be your knowledge foundation from your accumulated schools and educational resources of life, or it be your relationship foundation from your accumulated experiences with people in life, or it be your spiritual foundation from your accumulated learning from various teachers and institutions coupled with your personal experiences, etc.

If we don’t acknowledge that our foundations could have errors, we’re unlikely to be liberated from the consequences of those errors. We will continue on in our lives with a host of consequences like being deceived, misunderstanding events in our life and around us, broken relationships, confusion, drawing wrong conclusions, etc.

We have to learn how to let go of foundational truths at least long enough to objectively evaluate new truths. We can do that by examining our own foundation, which is helpful but hard to do objectively because we are so familiar with it that it is inherently correct to our judgment. (Because who purposely builds on error and lies??? We think what we know and have understood is truth, as a general rule.)

And we can do that by setting aside what we know as truth and evaluating new information on its own merit, instead of rejecting it because it produces a conflict within us. (Look up “normalcy bias” to understand this a bit more.) It’s not that we immediately reject our foundational layers any time new information comes, because a portion of our foundation will be good, real and true. It’s that we have to be willing to set it aside long enough to give the new information an honest assessment.

We have to let go of one to take hold of another.

If in the effort of evaluating the new information we find it faulty, we simply reject it and retain our foundation. BUT if we find the conflicting new information has merit, we are in the delicate position of determining if this new truth can co-exist with our foundational truth, and if so, how? And if it not, one has to go. Which one should it be?

Beware of the stronghold that comes with the religious spirit

I taught an extensive class in 2014 that God made me do a whole class just to prepare the class FOR the class I was going to teach. He had me address things that keep us from receiving new teaching, new information, new ideas, etc. One of the (many) things that keeps us from receiving new revelation from God is the religious spirit. He gave me two passages of Scriptures to make two points to show how the religious spirit shuts off revelation.

In Mark 9:30-32 Christ was teaching His disciples and telling them plainly how He was going to die. [He would be delivered to men who would kill Him and then He would rise after three days.] Then the Scripture says this curious thing: “But they did not understand this statement, and they were afraid to ask Him.”

The idea is that sometimes we cannot understand plain concepts, thoughts or teachings from God because our own understanding of what we think about a topic gets in the way of the revelation of truth He’s trying to show us. The disciples could not grasp this plain statement from God because they had their own ideas and thoughts of why Jesus was there and what He was going to do.

My own foundational thoughts about a thing can keep me from new thoughts about the same thing. It will cause me to miss revelation because I can’t let go of the familiar foundation (that is in error) enough to receive the (new) information as truth.

In Mark 8:9-13, Jesus had just fed the four thousand by a miracle. He got in His boat and went to an adjacent area to minister. The Pharisees came out and began arguing with Him, testing Him, asking Him for a sign…. (Remember He just fed four thousand from scraps.) He sighed and said He would not give one and left.

God simply said to me entertaining the religious spirit will cause Jesus to leave without receiving the revelation He was bringing. If God has brought truth to me and I decide to test His package, He may indeed leave without depositing the revelation. The religious spirit rises against the revelation of Christ and we are left empty-handed when we could instead receive from the bounty of God, whether it be healing, revelation, wisdom, deliverance, etc.

I’m going to suggest some difficult theories for current events in the articles to come. Some may be counter-intuitive. Some may contradict the status quo and the common teaching of familiar institutions. I’m not saying I’m right, but I do know it will be hard for some people to even evaluate the possibilities of them because of foundational blocks that may have been already laid. If you want to evaluate them on their own merit, you may have to let go of what you think you know, at least long enough to analyze them.

Back to the movie….

I think the Obamas produced the movie “Leave the World Behind” to raise a collective consciousness to endorse an inevitable end to America. I think that the powers that be that are driving the world to the cliff of a new world order globalist regime, need to sell fear and doubt to the masses in order to achieve their purposes.

Ex-military whistle blower Bill Wood exposed a lot of things about America’s leadership’s agenda. One of his most intriguing reveals was the Project Looking Glass interview, which has been substantiated by a few other sources. It’s basically the concept that shadow government players developed a (sort of) computer program that puts in the data of scenarios and probabilities to predict human response. (I’m base-lining this for brevity. It’s more complicated than this.) It’s kind of like if we do this action, here are the statistical probabilities of these outcomes.

This is a lot more complicated than I’m covering here because it deals in quantum physics and world timelines, etc. But the takeaway is they were able to get the computer to push ahead several years in advance of scenarios.

They put scenarios in of if they do this, people will do that, then they’ll counter-move this, and people will do that, etc. And what they found was an alleged split timeline where it was going to go one way or another: cataclysmic or reformative. The further they pushed in the data, the more they discovered it was not going to end well for the globalist agenda. Every scenario ultimately ended in rejection of the tyranny and a mass global awakening. They continued to put different scenarios in to try to get the outcome they wanted, and each time it ended the same way.

Their Project Looking Glass, their Yellow Cube or Yellow Book (all computer simulations of outcomes of events) originally projected Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election. Imagine their surprise when she didn’t. [You’ll say this was because it was a faulty program. I think it was because of the biases of the programmers more than the program.] From that point on they have been determined to create an event or series of events that puts their globalist agenda back into the reality. The program says it’s past the point of no return. It is not just an improbability, but an impossibility.

It’s now 2017. Enter Q, the voice that entered the arena in the anonymous pages of a crude message board. Strange the timing of the entrance. Q had seeming insider information about a host of things kept hidden in the dark, and Q began an interaction with a growing body of patriots who were sick of the wickedness. You don’t have to “believe in Q” or endorse Q or any sort of agreement whatsoever. I had a handful of people rail against me regarding Q. But maybe Q’s purpose was a vehicle to generate an awakening. Maybe Q’s purpose wasn’t an intended end, just a tool for facilitating the awakening?

Q had a saying that got adopted pretty wide: “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”, later abbreviated to NCSWIC. It became apparent Q’s security clearance was the top of the top. What if Q had access to the Looking Glass findings and Q knew all of the raging to order the world into this dystopic future was for naught ultimately? That would give license for the phrase that ignores present actions for future victory.

I’ll write more on this later, but I think the Obamas and their ilk are trying desperately to create a narrative based on fear in hopes of tilting the alleged inevitable outcome where they lose. I think they think if they can create an atmosphere of hopelessness, of darkness, of depravity, of disasters and cataclysmic events, that they will be able to prevent their ultimate defeat and demise. They have this theory that the collective consciousness can change their outcome if they can get the collective consciousness in fear. (enter pandemics, natural disasters, war, etc.)

Many are warning of an unleashing of difficult scenarios in 2024. I think the solution is refusal to agree with the darkness. I think instead we should heed the wisdom of Oswald Chambers. God “will go before you…. God will send His forces out where we have failed to do so. He will keep watch so that we will not be tripped up again by the same failures… It is true that we have lost opportunities that will never return, but God can transform this destructive anxiety into a constructive thoughtfulness for the future. Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ. Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.”

The future is bright if we know how to look at it and how to align with the purposes of God. We must refuse to align with the agendas of godless people, reject the darkness, and walk fearlessly in the light of God.

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