It’s the Six Moves between that are Worrisome

Today we’ll touch on the cosmic battle, the six moves before checkmate, and personal application. I’ll introduce a couple concepts here and start to fill them in with more detail in the coming weeks. As is always the case, don’t believe me carte blanche. Use my thoughts as a springboard for your own study. There’s a good chance I’m missing some details and maybe some of you can share more insight so we can all get a fuller picture.

The Cosmic Battle

A great place to start to wrap your head around this is to read The Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael Heiser. You can read his book, listen to his lectures on YouTube, and/or his podcasts on The Naked Bible. I’m going to summarize the teaching, but to understand the proof of the essence, you’ll want to study Heiser’s work. He has the receipts of proof.

The essence of Dr. Heiser’s teaching is the (mostly) untaught concept that God created gods in what Psalm 82 calls the Divine Council. The Divine Council is commonly referred to as the “sons of God” in Scripture. There are two references in Genesis 6 (vs. 2 and 4) and three in Job (1:6, 2:1, 38:7). If you want an overview before you get the book (or in lieu of the book), Dr. Heiser has a 23-page overview here.

Some of those sons of God rebelled against God by interfering in human affairs after Creation. That rebellion is casually referenced in Genesis 6, probably because it’s assumed the original readers/listeners of the Genesis account would also be readers and students of Enoch, [who covers that rebellion in great detail]. That rebellion is what led to the great Flood (or Deluge) of Noah’s day.

These “sons of God” are divine beings, not human, and endeavor to corrupt humanity for their own purposes of control that cause the premise of the cosmic battle. Understanding this foundation is absolutely critical to grasping the (diabolical but failing) globalist agenda of today.

Whether or not you agree with this is mostly irrelevant. The globalist elite are absolutely dedicated to this. So whether it’s true or false or partly true/partly false is again almost irrelevant. Those intent on global dominion are 100% sold out to this and have no intention of acquiescing to what they would refer to as stupid minions, or workers, basically the majority of people who they deem worthless and in the way.

I realize some of these concepts are going to be met with a lot of resistance, especially in mainstream Christianity. I’m not here to sell you anything. I’m presenting what I’ve been learning, and you can evaluate its merit and make your own decisions. I have nothing to gain from presenting my understanding, (and actually I have much to lose). But if you’re unwilling to look at the evidence of the claims, don’t bother to write me and tell me how wrong I am. It takes study and an open mind to understand these concepts. I’ll be giving you in short bursts what I’ve been studying for years.

Dr. Heiser teaches that Deuteronomy 32:8-9 reads in the original Dead Sea Scrolls:

When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance (נחל, nchl), when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (האלהיםֹבני, bny h’lhym) But the LORD’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted heritage”. (emphasis mine)

[Modern translations have “according to the number of the sons of Israel”, which is a mis-translation that he proves in chapter fourteen of his book. He also has a 27-page paper breaking it down here.]

This indicates that God gave the nations (that were divided after the tower of Babel) over to the authority of the (lesser) gods of the Divine Council, but set aside Israel as His own. He then set Himself to separate a people who would hopefully be a light to the world, distinguishing between those who walk with God and those who do not. If you evaluate the Mosaic law and instructions to the Israelites after the Exodus in the light of this foundation, I think you’ll see most of the laws were almost specific to contradict the corrupt teachings learned by the people from the gods.

You have to read Enoch to understand the level of corruption the gods had brought to humanity. In the Book of Enoch (Enoch I) and the book of Daniel, those gods of the Divine Council are also called the Watchers. For example, Enoch is instructed (Chapter 16) to tell the Watchers who rebelled and caused rebellion on earth, “You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth.”

This degeneration on the earth (see Enoch 7 and 8) was a thorough corruption. Perhaps those who have studied the secret organizations of the wicked on the earth will understand that those who have set themselves in the highest organizations of power and influence on the earth today are just as Enoch described in 65:6: “…because they have learned all the secrets of the angels and all the violence of the devils, and all their powers – the most secret ones – and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth…”

Chapter 69 goes through the list of the Watchers’ crimes against God and His order, and how they taught this wickedness to the men and women on earth. It’s a sobering list; it’s a list that plainly demonstrates the same wickedness is on the earth today, passed down from those in rebellion to God, whether in flesh or in spirit.

When you understand that this is a cosmic battle of gods in rebellion to the Supreme God…. When you study the origins of the original crimes against humanity… It becomes plain that today is just an extension of an ancient war, and it’s crescendoing to its climax. The same crimes the ancient gods inflicted upon humanity through cunning and deceit and promise of wealth and power, are the same crimes running the world today.

When you realize earth is the battlefield…. The days of Noah and the days of Lot seem even more relevant than ever. Current events corroborate this battle engages the whole of humanity on this plane called Earth.

Remember, this is what THEY believe. Remember that Hillary’s emails include an email with a reference to “sacrifice a chicken to Moloch”? Of course that’s been soundly deciphered as code words for pedophilia and child sacrifice. But the word choice of “Moloch” isn’t random. Moloch is one of those gods they worship. Moloch and Baal and the list goes on. [Look up Bohemian Grove and the reports from infiltrators.] They have pledged their allegiance to these gods, and for the most part, these gods have given them their worldly success and riches and power. They are indebted to these gods.

These gods require sacrifice, the blood of innocent. Survivors and victims of the horrific child trafficking rings tell similar stories of rituals they were made to watch or participate in with blood sacrifices, including human, usually children. They are always in a type of ceremony, almost always with black cloaked people around an altar of sorts.

They worship and have pledged their allegiance to these gods who rebelled against God. They prefer these gods over Creator God. They think they can overthrow God. They are also running on a timeline, and to them, they have to create a set amount of chaos in order to have a chance to throw the timeline back to their agenda. They are panicked and they are desperate because it’s not going as well as they thought. They thought they’d have this in the bag by now. There was an eight year plan that was supposed to be the coup de grâce  — unfurled in 2016. They spent decades building up the under girding for the final unfurl. Their plans were thwarted when Trump was elected (in spite of their best efforts to insulate against that). It set their timeline back considerably, and time is not a luxury they have anymore. They’re working against a ticking clock and they know it.

So it doesn’t matter a great deal whether we believe in these gods they believe in (though there are plenty of Scriptural clues they exist), because the globalist tools DO, and they are acting accordingly.

The frenzy before the climax

If the Project Looking Glass information be correct and ultimately the plans of the globalists will fail and an awakening of sorts will instead happen, then Bill Wood’s analogy of the seven moves until checkmate bears weight for the here and now. For it means the people intent on their seizure of earth and its inhabitants for their own purposes are more desperate than ever to achieve their objective as they feel it slipping through their fingers. They are willing to roll out every action in their playbook in desperation to swing the momentum to their side.

Even now the WHO is projecting a new deadly pandemic (DiseaseX). Experts are predicting a Black Swan economic event. Our border has been purposefully and methodically infiltrated with enemies of the state. We’re allegedly tottering on the brink of any number of wars that could lead to world war. Our skies have never been more polluted, and Americans’ health has never been so poor. There are no shortages of weaknesses; there is no stretch to see the demise of America from enemies without and within, from recklessness and immorality and a host of things that put us on a curse rather than blessing list in God’s Book.

If we would be mindful of the lessons we learned in Covid-19, perhaps we will not allow the same and even more damage than the first round. Their modus operandi is always control through fear. It’s a basic playbook, and should be quite familiar to Christians, as we’re called to faith over fear. We’re supposed to agree with God, not fear. We’re supposed to walk out the Kingdom of God principles, not fall into the traps of man. But for the most part, Christianity in Kingdom power in America is a bit rusty, a little dusty, and a lot asleep.

I don’t know all the evil the world players are going to roll out in the coming passage of time. I know they will, though. And to the extent of agreement we give them is the extent of control they will gain.

The words of the wise heard in quietness are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war…..” (Eccl. 9:17) Do you see that? Wisdom. Oh we need wisdom. Wisdom is heard in quietness. Find the quiet place and seek His face.

Let’s learn from the mistakes of those who have gone before. “In repentance and rest you will be saved. In quietness and trust is your strength.” (Is. 30:15)

In repentance, (shuwbah), returning to Godin rest (Arabic Nachath) descent, moving from a higher level to a lower level…. you will be saved (yasha) safe, free.

Return to God. Move from a place of pride, of self-sufficiency to a place of returning to God, depending upon Him. This will save you and avenge you, it will make you free.

In quietness (shaquat) to repose, rest, lie, a state of calm, freedom from worry…. In trust (bitchah) as in confidence, surenessis your strength (gebuwrah) force, victory.

Recall the rest of that passage! The people rejected this counsel and fled (in fear) and put their faith in a foreign government (Egypt – symbolic of the way of the world) to save or protect them. Yet God said if they would return to God, come down from the place of self-sufficiency and pride, His people would have been saved, avenged, made free. If God’s people will rest, lie in a state of calm, refuse to worry and instead put their confidence in God, they would be strengthened and find victory.

I am quite aware of the armies entering our nation and assembling in designated areas to await their orders. I realize our government has sold us to our enemies. I realize there are biolabs here and abroad concocting a number of deadly toxins. I realize we are being crippled and diseased by malicious “food” practices, compromised “medical” facilities, and continual poisons in our air, food, water, bodies and minds.

At the end of the last article I exhorted you to listen to a message from Jamie Winship. In that message he illustrated the necessity of understanding your God-given identity, why you were created, what your purpose is, and how to hear God’s voice. It had so many practical instructions and illustrations for how we will proceed in the frenzied days ahead. Every answer we need for every problem and threat I’ve listed (and those I haven’t) is found in God and the solutions will be acted upon by His children who know their God and know their identity. The warriors will fight. The educators will teach. The healers will heal. The encouragers will give hope. The intercessors will petition the Throne for strategies. And the list goes on and on.

My Takeaway

So now is the time to return to God, to descend to a place of rest and trust in Him instead of a puffed up place of self-sufficiency, or a panicked state of distrust and fear. As I sought God at the end of 2023 for wisdom for the coming year, He was faithful to give it. He showed me there will be trials and turbulence and even disaster ahead. He plainly showed there will be judgments that will bring punishment and correction. He also plainly showed me I could not go through it without loss, and that instead I was to pull aside to a quiet place. The storms will rage around me outside, but from my place with Him and in Him, I will be safe and saved. He is no respecter of persons. What He will do for me He will do for you, if we just meet the requirements. Remember: repentance, rest, quietness and trust!

One thought on “It’s the Six Moves between that are Worrisome”

  1. I love this Michelle! I have similar thoughts and ideas but I’m not so good at bringing them all together to make sense of them. You help me see things and to understand things better. I love it when you share these ideas with us. I always want more. Thank you so much! Dawn

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