Economic Forecasts for 2020 on….

Basically I don’t know of anyone in the markets and metals sphere that doesn’t think the economy is in for a crash and the dollar is going to fail.  From Jim Sinclair, to Catherine Austin-Fitts, to Bix Weir, Craig Hemke, and Bo Polny, they’re all sort of saying the same things with varying details:  It’s coming.  It’s coming sooner than later.  True insurance will be in a solid form of currency like gold or silver.

Here are my latest notes ….  I’ll jot a summary of my meager opinion at the end. And here are my prior notes from Jim Sinclair.

Notes from Bix Weir (Road to Roota) and Craig Hemke (TF Metals)

Both of these experts basically said the bankers are manipulating the markets (which is illegal), by selling gold and silver they have no way to deliver on.  Bix reported that on August 18, 1.3B ounces of silver were traded on COMEX, with 5k contracts rolled over to December and 500K contracts closed with a loss.  He said they traded 77k contracts on 385M ounces of silver.  Craig said there are 850M ounces of silver available worldwide.  Do the math.  Trading 1.3B ounces when only 850M are in existence is a racket.  They’re basically trading billions in fake silver.

Craig explained that we’re in a period of stagflation (period of inflation and high unemployment, but little consumer and business growth).  He said that while the Fed announced it is keeping interest rates at 0% through 2022, they made an announcement they would let inflation go beyond 2%.  When Bloomberg ran the story on July 17, the metals market shot up.  CNBC reran the same Bloomberg story August 4 and the metals market shot up again.  Craig explained they do this in carefully calculated releases to observe how the markets react. 

Keeping interest rates at zero while letting inflation soar is a recipe for economic failure.  When the inflation adjusted interest rates hit all time lows, gold hit $2100/ounce and silver $30/ounce.  That was with -1.1% off the ten year treasury and CPI [Consumer Price Index].  Just imagine when the rates hit -2.1% and -3.1%.  What will gold and silver hit then??

Craig explained that the March 2020 crash washed out gold and silver, then on March 23 the Fed announced quantitive easing “to infinity”.  (In other words, just keep printing more dollars forever.)

Craig said the Fed not fighting inflation theoretically equates to $18,000/ounce gold.

Craig said this fall will be chaotic, and predicted a more conservative climb in silver and gold than Jim Sinclair and Bo Polny.  He thinks silver will hit somewhere around $35/ounce by the end of the year, and gold somewhere around $2300/ounce.  Sinclair and Bix think higher, and Bo predicts even higher.

Craig said the same thing Bo did, we’re living in historic times. 

Bix and Craig both said the time to buy gold and silver is now.  Bix called silver the Achilles heel of the banking cabal.  Right now silver is affordable for the average American.  Do not put your assets in the bank or the financial system.  They are going to fail.  And don’t buy paper certificates of gold and silver.  You have to have the physical gold or silver in your possession.

[And don’t put it in a bank security box.  The Feds can confiscate it.]

Bix suggests making friends with local (gold/silver and/or coin) dealers.  Set up a working relationship with a couple of them so you have someone you can trust and leverage for bartering.  [e.g.  A John will give me $45/ounce, what will you do? – type of scenario] 

Both Craig and Bo also speak of crypto currency, but that is way out of my realm of comfort, so I’ll direct you to their sites to get more information.

Bix also suggested buying some Theta stock, which is like penny stock right now.  (Last I looked it was 45cents a share.] He thinks it will be a top ten stock in six months or more.  I don’t know anything about it, other than Theta fuel is necessary for block chain and bandwidth – the direction a lot of people see cryptocurrency going.  [Here’s a good article on it.] 

[Bix has a fascinating theory about how a group of people have been working to destroy the corrupt fiat system and replace it with gold backed currency once more.  He even suggests America has been hiding metal assets for the great reset.]

Craig’s site is here:

Bix’s site is here:

Notes from Bo Polny…. Time Cycles and the Metals Market

[Bo’s interview and a brief write up on it can be viewed here:]

The thing about Bo Polny’s assessment and forecast of the economic future of the United States, is he is literally the first person I have heard that has come up with some of the same principles on the cycles of God that I have.  My spirit leapt when I heard him.  [In fact, hearing him is what emboldened me to feel like I could release some of my own studies and findings, like the time was finally right.]

He said things like this:

“Things have been written by God from the beginning and we’re not changing the outcome.  The end is already written from the beginning.  So it’s important to know where we are relative to things that are coming.”

This is both profound and also the same understanding I have come to in my own studies.  He pointed out that cycles precede events – another truth I have learned.  I don’t know Mr. Polny’s analytical process of breaking down and understanding the cycles.  He may come about it differently than I have, and he is probably way more knowledgeable about it than I.  Regardless, here are some of his projections…

Bo said gold will continue its vertical climb into September, and should peak in September with an all time high.

Gold and silver (metals really) are worthwhile investments for a few reasons, but the greatest reason is that metals are a hedge against the government and the dollar. 

The government has sold Americans to the banking system of the elite bankers.  The bankers have in turn stolen and plundered from working Americans for decades, for over a century.  That’s another topic for another day – but the bottom line is while they’ve been manipulating the markets, the fiat currency, and parsing out America and Americans’ wealth, gold and silver holds its value.   [An excellent overview can be found here.]

Keep in mind gold is considered God’s currency….

Metals are also a good barometer of what’s going on in other markets.  As Bo said, if gold is going up, something big is going down.  Remember that; we’ll come back to it again.

Bo explains that we are in what he calls the “Noah’s Ark Cycle”.  [I’m copying Bo’s slides in this article, but the entire slide show can be seen here:]

The Noah’s Ark Cycle

This is a 150 day cycle that began on April 21, 2020 and will end on Sept 18, 2020.  Interestingly, September 18 is Rosh Hashanah.  For those who understand the implications of that, it should get your attention.  The next Hebrew festival is the ten days of awe, occurring Sept 18-28.

Now the beginning of the Noah’s Ark cycle was April 21, 2020.  Bo projected in February what was going to happen in the next couple months.  Do you remember what happened?  Oil plummeted to zero and then went negative.  Bo was following a seven year cycle.  Here’s a chart of the cycle.

From that point (April 21, 2020) until April 26, 2021, Bo says we’re in a cycle of transition, that huge changes are coming and we’re in the midst of the transition right now.

Bo then goes into detail by explaining the Daniel Cycle, which is a fascinating method of dates and numbers that equate to two 1260 day cycles, of which President Trump is integral to.  You’ll see on the chart below that the first cycle started when President Trump was elected on November 8, 2016.  The end of that cycle was April 21, 2020 (when oil plummeted). 

A brief interlude of two smaller cycles was symbolic as he explained:  A thirty day cycle at the end of the 1260 days brought us to May 21, when water broke in Edenville, MI when the Hope Dam failed.  Then ten days later on May 31 was the Hebrew festival of Pentecost – also the date the riots began.

The second 1260 day cycle began on May 31 and will end on October 3, 2023, and the whole complete cycle ends December 17, 2023.  Bo is hypothesizing both of these dates will have historical markers of some sort.

He then explained the seven thousand year cycle, which he said is written from back to front.  I can’t tell you how excited I am about this!  Years ago God told me the keys to the end are found in the beginning.  I have taught and taught on the cycles of God in the Scriptures, and how if we study those [cycles/events] that have happened in the past, we’ll see they repeat in the future.  I have rarely heard anyone else speak on this, and never with as much detail as Bo has given.   I’m not saying all of his or my cycle analysis is correct – things may need tweaked – but the essence is true.

Bo calls it a 4-2-1 cycle.  4+2+1=7  He gave the example of 4000 years being the time of the Jews, 2000 years being the time of the Gentiles, and then the return of Christ for the last 1000 year millennial reign.  [I have a different theory, but there’s no reason both can’t have merit and be true for their own reasons.]

This is also particularly exciting to me, because by my studies and seeking, I’ve come up with Christ’s return being anytime between now and 2038.  I don’t talk about it much because, well, it’s just too controversial and takes a lot of time to explain how I arrived at that.  Most people aren’t interested in studying it out themselves, so I just leave it alone.  But Bo said if there’s a second Daniel cycle it will take us to 2037, and he plainly said Christ has to return by then.  [Which is what my deductions have led me to!]  But He could easily return before then, maybe 2030 (if the first Daniel cycle is the only one). 

I’m going to skip some pretty cool things in an effort to keep this from being a short novel, so here are some of the highlights from Bo’s analysis:

There hasn’t been a bull market in gold yet, but Bo thinks a bull market in gold is coming in 2021.  He thinks gold might pull back in October of this year [might – or it could just plateau], and then it is going to take off and not come back.  Gold has an upcycle, and a multi-year upcycle, and these are things Bo tracks, measures and analyzes.  For example:

While 2020 is supposed to be the start of the gold rush, 2021 is considered the new era of silver.  Bo explains it like silver is the economic security of the average person.  He projects the third and fourth quarter of 2021 to be epic for gold and silver, and as he said earlier, if metals are going up, something else is going down.  Expect the dollar, bonds, and paper assets to start tanking mid to late 2021.

As Bo said, if you can invest in silver (or gold), you can position yourself for what’s coming.  A good position in the economy provides you the ability to obtain choices that otherwise may not be available.  (That’s a friendly suggestion to consider investing in tangible silver and/or gold J.]

Now I’m going to skip some other cool stuff in Bo’s interview and cut to the part where he explains the Trump cycles.  There are some pretty fascinating things Bo goes through about the providence of Trump at this time….

The first Trump cycle started on Election Day (November 8, 2016) and ended with the beginning of the Noah cycle on April 21, 2020. 

The second Trump Cycle started at the start of the Noah’s Ark Cycle and is the mark of the blessing for America.  It’s a pretty big deal, but don’t get too narrow in how you interpret “blessing”.  There are some rough things ahead, but they’re necessary.

Bo projects that hyperinflation will hit by the third and fourth quarters of 2021, the dollar will fall, and a new system backed by gold and silver will begin.  He pretty much said 2021 will be epic, and everything will change from April 2021 on…

In his estimation, President Trump has been appointed to fix the messes.  Consider Donald Trump’s background.  It was all training for this moment in history.  Part of Bo’s methodology is in the 1-2-4 and 4-2-1 cycle.  He has projected eerily accurately stock market crashes, and here’s an example of that…

The stock market crashed on April 21, 2020 from the oil, but that was not the big crash.  That was just a foreshadow of the coming crash.  He said there will be one in May/June of 2021, and possibly again December 2022.

Look at the crash cycles on this chart…

Now he has a lot more things to say, for example he mentions a famine coming in 2024 and we’re to use these next few years as preparatory years.  He and I part ways on his end time scenario, but I’m not saying he’s wrong.  I just don’t really agree with some of it because I haven’t reached the same conclusions – but I could very much be wrong. 

I can discuss the points I differ with him on at another time, and this article is mostly about economic issues.  The gist of the economic message from Bo is to buy gold and silver this year while you can, as the entire economic structure is about to change and that will be insurance for your future.

Bo’s website is here:

How I interpret all of this

Oh there’s the obvious:  invest in silver or gold if you can – even if it’s a little every months so you have something you can leverage if/when the dollar bottoms.  Bullion is of course one way, but there are many other ways.  You can get silver by buying coins from before 1965.  They’re 90% silver and of value.  (I think the rate of a silver quarter right now is just under ten dollars.)  You can also go to pawn shops or watch estate sales for real gold or silver jewelry or coins.

Here is some advice I got from someone who has great knowledge in this field.  I had sent my friend the Craig Hemke video  and she responded like this:

All that said, I try to listen to experts through a God-filter.  What is God saying, what is God doing?  And basically what I get is America has some rough days ahead, politically, nationally, economically and socially.  I really appreciated Bo Polny’s views because it marries the economic with the spiritual.  That’s my worldview as well, so it works for me.

I don’t actually interpret some of the end-time details like Polny does, but I’m open to change.  I just may not have the understanding I need yet.  Regardless, if I take the differences in conclusions I have from Bo’s, and I couple that with Biz, Craig, Sinclair, and Austin-Fitts take on future economics, it still looks like a financial reset is coming to the American economy.  President Trump is the best person at the helm for this, and it’s my understanding merging the Fed into the Treasury is part of the plan for a smoother transition.

The experts all agree a major shift is coming.  Their details vary a bit on those changes, yet they all seem to echo the sentiment of leveraging metals for security against a dollar collapse. 

[I’ve heard of the NESARA theory and it doesn’t sit well with me.  I’ve heard of the Quantum Financial System (allegedly in cooperation or a product of?) the White House National Quantum Coordination Office established in March 2019.  I can’t find a hard link to the banking system in that, but if they’re trying to keep it under wraps until a shift, that wouldn’t be unusual.  I haven’t heard from the Spirit of God on these matters, so I mostly stay silent on them.]

Basically I’d sum up the focus on this excerpt from Greg Hunter on Bo’s overview (from the article linked in the text):

But that doesn’t mean there is not going to be monetary pain.  Polny says, “The time of prosperity is for those who have listened and prepared with gold and silver, and at the same time, it will be a time of scarcity for those unprepared with hyperinflation beginning in quarter three and four of 2021 and sooner for those unprepared.  But it’s going to go into full effect in the latter part of 2021. . . . 2021 will be epic because we will officially be in a new era by the end of April of next year.”

If this is sage counsel, we’re in a season of preparation for a major shift, and there are things we can and should be doing to navigate the waters with more success.  Hyperinflation will be a hardship overall, but especially for those unprepared.  I’m curious what others are seeing and hearing from God, and in their areas of expertise?  Getting debt reduced and eliminated are keys, but also being wise with resources.  There are some very basic Biblical principles we can all apply….

The borrower is a slave to the lender….

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing it to His servants the prophets…

The prudent sees danger and hides himself…

But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps…

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