Will the real U.S. President please come forward? Part One

I operate in theories for the most part, especially when it comes to current events.  There’s no way I have all the facts of any one thing.  So I gather facts, evaluate them against evidence and circumstances, and formulate theories of what I think is going on.  The more facts I have coupled with understanding, the greater probability my theories are correct, partially correct, or at least in the right ball park.

Take for instance the 2020 election.  I was 100% convinced Donald J. Trump would be elected.  And I was right; he was.  But I was 95% convinced the wrong would be righted by the inauguration.  It wasn’t.  I have been stumped ever since.  I have gone back and back on my data to try to see the error and where I missed it. 

I can acknowledge my error(s); I just want to know how I made them.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around how a stolen election can be this obvious and justice so elusive.  There’s no way 83 million people voted for Bejing Biden, which means we (the “dissenters”) are really the majority.  If we’re the majority, we should be able to obtain justice by majority rule.  Unless….

….unless “We the People” don’t really hold the power. 

Ah, we appear unable to hold our government institutions accountable to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.  The highest courts in our land will not even hear the evidence on election fraud in a “free and fair” American election.

By an endless subterfuge of smoke and mirrors, shadows and games, an illusion of an American Republic governed by the U.S. Constitution through the American people has been operating.  But it’s only been an illusion.  Instead of the rule of law and blind justice operating, actors have been acting and the American public has been an audience but not participants.  We don’t really hold the power.  The actors do, and they have been clear to make sure the audience remains merely spectators, helpless to change the ever increasing drama in the script.

Speaking of Theories…..

In my pursuit to see where I miscalculated my deductions of justice being obtained by Jan. 20, I’ve had to evaluate my sources, my knowledge of American law and procedure, and my understanding of processes and players.

While I know there is growing criticism of the mysterious “Q” character, I do think it’s telling that the MSM narrative and political traitors of our Constitution have endeavored to paint Q as “dangerous to our democracy”.  As a rule of thumb, whatever Pelosi, Schumer and the MSM paint as dangerous to our country, the opposite is usually true.  In fact, when you look at the republicans (tongue in cheek) who have come out denouncing Q, well, that may speak louder than the liberals I’ve listed.

But alas, even real patriots have jumped on this diatribe – desperate to distance themselves from being perceived in negative light, or to be branded a “conspiracy theorist”, or even a “domestic terrorist”.  But do you know who has never jumped on that bandwagon?  President Trump.  And he was even given opportunity (finally) to denounce it, but he refused.  Listen to his words closely, [also here the second time].

In that second excerpt you’ll see Cuomo and the propaganda arm really twist some words and make some blatantly false accusations (that Qanon is against Catholics not pedophilia, etc.).  From following Q posts and doing my own research since almost the entrance of Q on the scene in late 2017, I know the MSM is lying.  But this article is not about that, I just want to point out that everyone who has bought the MSM narrative about Q, you might want to ask yourself why you suddenly agree with the dark side….

Personally, I’ve left the door open that I could be wrong on Q.  Was he black hat, white hat or no hat?  The jury’s still out.  But Q was one of my sources for my reached conclusions, so I’ve taken another good hard look at the data again.  In light of that, sometimes I have to work backwards and try to prove or disprove theories from hindsight.  Odd thing Q said quite a bit was “future proves past”…

January 19, 2021, the day before inauguration

The Spirit told me Biden would be inaugurated without incident.  This caught me by surprise, but did mentally prepare me for the alleged inauguration.

The Spirit had also dropped in my spirit for about the two weeks leading up to the inauguration the phrase, “Besides all this it’s the third day…” from Luke 24:21. 

This told me two things….

  1.  I had misread the signs.  (I thought something was supposed to happen a certain way and it didn’t.)
  2. I didn’t have the right understanding.  (Christ called their conclusion foolish and went back to the beginning to explain things to help them understand.)

I’m going to operate on the premise that Q is real and Q’s intel is real until I can no longer believe this, which means I must go back and see what signs I missed and what explanations I need to consider that will help me see the big picture more correctly.

Foreshadowing, and proving the past in the future

Now this is just another theory, but I’m revisiting some things to see where I might have missed somethings.  Less than a month before the election Q posted this.

The first four lines of that post are 100% accurate.  American democracy is an illusion, and our government being for: “we the people” is only an illusion.  President Trump endeavored to change this.  Then Q says this:  “ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED.”

White hat or black hat assets?  Probably both.  Q said “all assets deployed” fourteen times between April and October of 2020. The context of the first thirteen of them was that the black hats had deployed all of their assets through information warfare, election fraud, etc.  This is the only time Q says “All assets deployed” where it could be interpreted for the white hats, and it is roughly one month before the election.

Interestingly, Q also said “Not another four year election” twelve times from December 19, 2018 until June 18, 2020.  The first time he said it was roughly a month or so after mid-terms.  THAT is when Q started pointing out the 2020 elections.  Look at the December 19 post:

“Long term solutions” for what?  To return the power to the people.  I didn’t understand then the gravity of this post.  This was foreshadowing two years in advance of the battle being unfurled precisely now.  This post is coupled with President Trump’s speech laying out his plan in 2016 as he was campaigning.  Listen to it again with fresh ears.  The punch line is actually the first line:

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American people.  The Washington Establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason:  to protect and enrich itself.”

What kind of “new government” is he talking about?

This is part of the reason I’m starting to think this was the plan all along.

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