Will the real U.S. President please come forward? Part Two

This is a great overview of where we were finding ourselves mid-January:

Now I’m not saying I agree with all the points in there, but I do think it demonstrates sound reasoning and deductions, and some data points we can collect for the big picture.  Here’s another one….

Devolution, Granite Shadow and some other military operations….

This is a what if, but it bears considering as a possibility.  The truth is, if I could figure out the plan to restore our Republic, the black hats would have figured it out long before me and engaged in their counter-measures.  For the strategy of restoring the Republic to be successful and most effective, it would have to catch the enemy by surprise with as little collateral damage to our nation and people as possible.

Sun Tzu said, “To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable.  The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy.”

I suggest this is the ambition of the white hats.  Revolution in America would come at an exorbitant cost, both domestically and internationally.  It is to be avoided at all costs.  There are too many million Americans deceived that would be used for collateral damage by the Enemy of the people.  The white hats are trying to avoid that at all costs.  They have waged information warfare for the last four years in an effort to educate and liberate the deceived. 

I believe there are multiple strategies of the white hats, with moves and countermoves in a fluid ever-fluctuating plan.  I do believe winning the election was the desirable outcome, but the countermoves of the enemy redirected the course.  The result is contingency plans and battles. 

Newsweek posted an article last spring about contingency plans of government in the event of a national emergency that removed the acting heads of government.  The premise of the article was about Covid and the impact it may have on our government institutions.  Journalist William Arkin spelled out the process of devolution as derived from underground laws ensuring government continuity in the event that “Constitutional successors are incapacitated”.  A second tier of assigned leadership is pre-delegated through the authority of the POTUS and Attorney General.  But get this, it’s basically running in the background, not in the foreground with common knowledge.

It is secret assignment plans, known only to those in the know:  the U.S. Military.  Thomas Wictor calls it a “clandestine military war” and Michael Froomkin calls it, “…an off-the-shelf plan in place for a military takeover…” where the executive branch drafts “secret plans for a military takeover of government”.  The key in this theory is these are clandestine operations.  If pulled off successfully, the American public will never know the preceding battles fought discreetly.

[What’s very peculiar to me about this is that William Arkin first reported on this September 21, 2005 in the Washington Post, and yet the article cannot be found on WaPo’s website anymore, nor on Global Research’s website which also published it.  The original source has been scrubbed on the internet.  Gratefully other websites posted the article within their text, so you can see it elsewhere.   I was finally able to track down the original story on the Wayback Machine here – give it a minute to load.]

The truth is these programs were initiated post-9/11 for the premise of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) on American soil.  What I’m asking (or suggesting) was did the White Hats flip the script and use the Deep State’s own programs against them?

Arkin spelled out the secret military operations in both articles actually, the WaPo article from 2005 and also the Newsweek article last spring (2020).  Arkin explains that the Granite Shadow plan was formulated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and it is a twin operation of “Power Geyser”. 

These are special operations that stem from CONPLANS 3400, 3500 and 3600.  (CONPLAN is abbreviation for Concept Plans.)  Out of CONPLAN 3600 you get Operations Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – ironically these are contingency plans that are geographically located in D.C., and parts of North Carolina and Maryland.  (Where is the National Guard presently?)  Granite Shadow is the playbook for the missions.  (Arkin has carefully laid out his knowledge of these operations here.)

While these operations are specific to weapons of mass destruction, arguably a biological agent can fit such a category.  I’m only asking out loud if when the Covid narrative was taken out of the hands of POTUS last spring and took on a life of its own for purposes of the Great Reset, if this may have been a counter move of the white hats?  Could they have used the narrative the black hats were driving worldwide of a “pandemic”, linked it to Wuhan’s Lab as a biological agent and instituted a contingency plan for implementation of Granite Shadow?

Then when the election was stolen and the usurper took office, could the operation have been activated because the “Constitutional successors” were incapacitated (in that they were illegally removed from office by fraud and subterfuge)? 

Interestingly, Granite Shadow is run by US NORTHCOM (Northern Command), which is under Homeland Security’s command and it works with SOCOM (Special Operations Command).  The Commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S  NORTHCOM up until the fall of 2020 was General Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, who retired.  Today it is General Glen D. VanHerck.

Interestingly, VanHerck served as Director of the Joint Staff for a year (Aug. 2019-2020), until his current promotion.  The Director of the Joint Staff serves the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so his line of command through the avenues of knowledge of Granite Shadow are plainly laid out during the Trump Administration.

I found this speech given by General VanHerck just last month.  Gen. VanHerck  said this that caught my attention:

As the commander of NORTHCOM and NORAD, I have a couple of missions.  First, is defending North America in my NORAD hat, in my NORTHCOM hat defending the United States of America.  We also provide defense support of civil authorities.  All of those are no-fail missions.

I want to tell is the threat to our homeland is absolutely COVID and that’s what we’re attacking here today.  It’s important to realize that — that it is a threat and we have to take an operational perspective.  That is a no-fail admission.

If we’re talking about a clandestine military operation that operates under the premise of protecting the homeland from weapons of mass destruction, then General VanHerck just plainly painted the picture of such a scenario.  He has clearly identified the threat that enables an operation (Covid) and declares that an operation is taking place.

While the traitor Barack Obama signed the current devolution process plans in 2016 (Presidential Policy Directive 40), did our Commander in Chief and staff take the plans of the enemy to use against them?  (Think Haman and Mordechai.)  According to Arkin’s article in Newsweek, “Devolution may be temporary, or may endure for an extended period,” the directive states. And it further directs that the devolution staff be located at “a geographically dispersed location unaffected by the incident.” 

When President Trump left the White House on January 20, the red carpet was rolled out for him at Andrews Air Force Base, a military 21-gun salute was given, and he was flown to Mar A Lago on Air Force One, settling in there by the time the usurper was being illegally sworn in.  This would qualify as a “geographically dispersed location unaffected by the incident”.  [Ironically, the alleged incoming POTUS was not brought in on Air Force One, neither was a 21-gun salute given him, but the gun salute for a foreign dignitary.]

His final words before he departed were, “We will be back in some form.”  I don’t mean to connect dots where they don’t logically connect, but when we evaluate the earlier speech he gave, he did say, “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American people.”

Could we be in the midst of a clandestine military operation with a clandestine second government  known as a devolution staff?  Now look at an old Q post from the end of 2019.  We’ll see that the White Hats’ plan is to follow the laws in their actions so that their actions cannot be undone.  We are admonished that these painstaking efforts take time, and three election interferences are listed.

Monday, February 22 the SCOTUS ruled to not hear the Pennsylvania election fraud case.  Look who voted with the liberal judges:  Kavanaugh and Barrett.

As much as I hate to say this, it looks like we’re looking at a long-term game plan.  Now look at Q post 2462.  Three questions are asked at the start.  The first two ask us if there is corruption in the DOJ and FBI, and if the SCOTUS does not uphold the Constitution, how can arrests be made?  Elite criminals of establishment crimes will be released by their cronies in high places through one technique or another.

Kavanaugh and Barrett have not proven friends of the Constitution.  The SCOTUS has not proven a voice of justice for the American people.  When our American institutions fail the American people, how does one go about restoring the Republic?

Now look at what Q posted less than a month before the election.

Now look at the definition of insurgency by Wikipedia:

“….when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents.”   Could it be more accurate today?  The media, the entertainment industry, the D.C. political elite are not being recognized as hostile to our Republic, as belligerents.  (Here’s an excellent overview of the current color revolution.)

There was yet another assassination attempt of President Trump as recently as three weeks ago.  Why are they still trying to kill President Trump if he’s not a threat to the Establishment?  There is still an aggressive and dogged agenda to destroy President Trump physically, politically and socially.  And even now there is still a concerted effort to discredit Q, with 60Minutes just last month running a “special” on the “danger” of the Q movement.  Why?  The truth is very dangerous to the lie when the lie is losing its deceptive powers. 

Why is the media even more intent on discrediting Q and the patriot movement they have applied the misnomer of Qanon to?  What possible threat could an anonymous poster who stopped making posts months ago have to their establishment?

The threat of President Trump and the truth must be eliminated in order to fully enact the plans to dismantle our Republic.  There are only two things standing in their way:  President Trump’s leadership to restore the Republic, and We the People.  If there is a clandestine military operation in place, then President Trump is doing his part.  We the People must do ours.  We must resist the tyranny, challenge the usurpers, expose the lies while proclaiming truths, and not rest until our Republic is secure under the rule of law outlined in our U.S. Constitution.

If there is still a working plan by people in places of governmental authority for restoring the Republic, then it is most definitely clandestine at this point.   With the focus primarily off such people now, we the people are left in the darkness of nefarious actors pretending to be patriots sitting in powerful positions of our government, methodically undoing our Constitution and liberties, leading us to a tyrannical globalized new world. 

For me, leadership for true patriots was given by Q.  Recall these posts in the last batch of posts made:

October 22, 2020:  Only the beginning, Padawan.  They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].

October 30, 2020https://tiime.com/collection/great-reset/  This is not about R v D.  This is about preserving our way of life.  If America falls, the World falls.  Patriots on guard.

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to finish what we started?  ‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ is not just a catch-phrase.

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

There are only three Q drops after that one.  On November 12, well after the election, Q asks if we are ready to play a game.  At this time we still think the election fraud is going to be revealed pre-inauguration.  He then asks, “How do you show the public the truth?  How do you safeguard elections post-POTUS?  How do you ‘remove’ foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned Voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?”

At this point we still think the exposed corruption will answer these questions.  But then Q says something I think we took as a here and now statement, but I believe was actually foretelling:  “It had to be this way.  Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.”

The next day Q simply posts:  “Durham.”

And his final post was December 8, and it was this video:  We’re not going to take it

So either the plan failed, or the plan is still going.  Either way it will require the work and sacrifice of patriots.  Failure to restore our Republic is at the peril of our future, our children and our children’s children, and the world. 

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