Four Dimensions for us, and then some more

Science Non-Fiction in America series, part two

I’ve been working through a lot of data from some military files, some quantum physics study, and how I see some applications in our country, world and lives.  I’ll try to label sections so you can find topics easier and skip ones that may not interest you. 

Part One can be found here.

Another key is dimensions

Humanity operates in four dimensions:  length, width, height and time.  According to Euclidian geometries, each dimension has to be perpendicular to the other dimension when they’re independent.  As a brief overview:

  • One dimension is a line  (length)
  • Two dimensions is a plane  (length and width)
  • Three dimensions is volume  (length, width and height)

When they are independent, they are at ninety degree angles from each other.  Time as a fourth dimension is also at a 90 degree angle from the other three, but we can’t see it because we live in the three dimensions we call space.  We simply do not have the capability of seeing the perspective of other dimensions because of our finite limitations of space (length, width, height).

Here’s the crazy thing about our reality, even if we were able to rotate ourselves the ninety degrees necessary to see the fourth dimension, our capabilities would inhibit us.  We would still only see in the three.  (We’ll come back to this in an entirely different way later.)  Briefly look at this diagram to see how from a singular point a direction is given (first image), and none of those directions will intersect.  Then the second image shows us four points and directions giving four dimensions, and the center is labeled “3D spacetime”, which is the Time-Space Dimension we live in, although we don’t see the fourth.  [Now realize there are other dimensions simultaneously that we do not have the capability to see.]

Einstein gave the keys to unlocking this when he calculated time as a fourth dimension equal to length, width and height.  After he set that equation into motion, physicists were able to calculate a ten-dimensional realm with those four dimensions as well as other realms of space (electromagnetism, nuclear forces, gravity, matter, energy) and it led to “force unification”. 

Unification is the concept that under certain conditions matter and energy are interchangeable.  Einstein used unification to add the fourth dimension of time (recognizing it equivalent to length, width and height), and the breakthrough of multi-dimensions was achieved.

I don’t want to spend more time here because it’s over my paygrade and hard to wrap my head around.  This page from QuantumLounge will give a description of what it takes to see four dimensions from a three-dimensional realm.   This very excellent page from FeltMagic will show you the complexities of drawing a four-dimensional object.  This fifteen second video will give you an actual visual of four dimensions.

If you can see how complex four dimensions are to perceive in our three dimensions, then perhaps you can understand how multiple dimensions are practically unperceivable in our 3D realm.  Really what I want to point out is while we operate in a four dimensional realm, really only seeing three dimensions, there are other dimensions that co-exist that we cannot see.  That is a physics reality, not conjecture. 

[If the four dimensions still confound you, here’s a five minute video that demonstrates better than I explain.  TedEd on Flatland]

Back to the CIA papers….

Remember how the human brain’s energy grid processes the three dimensional energy grid produced (Hologram) by the energy frequencies and reduces them down to two dimensions for further processing?  In simplest terms this could be referenced as the brain’s normal “operating system”. 

Well those energy fields that the brain evaluates are either resting or in motion.  Energy fields are oscillating fields.  For something to oscillate, it must reverse direction.   At the point it changes direction, it comes to a brief rest.  (It has to in order to change direction.)  In quantum mechanics there’s a thing called “Planck’s Distance”.  Planck’s Distance is when the oscillation of energy/matter reaches 10-33CM/second.  (So we’re talking about extreme speeds unobservable to the natural eye.)  Remember this; we’ll come back to it shortly.

Energy fields in our four dimensions operate at certain frequencies.  Energy fields in other dimensions operate in other frequencies.  The suggestion is that to observe or partake of other dimensions, frequency must move beyond the four dimensional boundaries.

This four dimensional world we live in can be referred to (by physicists) as the “Time-Space Dimension”.  (i.e. three dimensions of space plus time)  According to McDonnell , “Physicists define time as a measurement of energy or force in motion…a measurement of change.”  But for this time dimension to even qualify as “time” it needs a boundary or parameter that confines it in a vibratory pattern (frequency) in space in a set or specific location.  This boundary distinguishes this frequency from others because of its location in space.

Remember how our space is defined by three dimensions (length, width, height)?  Well time is the dimension that is an energy force in motion but bound by our three dimensional space boundary.  It exists within the physical space it occupies, but is moving. 

Physicists define energy that is not confined by three dimensions, and that is not confined by a limit of form, and is not limited in force as infinity.  Infinity exists outside the dimension of time and space and thus, it is absent of location because it is without boundary.  Look at the description of infinity by McDonnell:

“Energy in infinity is said to be completely at rest, and therefore, cannot generate holograms so long as it remains utterly inactive.  It retains its inherent capacity for consciousness in that it can receive and passively perceive holograms generated by energy in motion out in the various dimensions which make up the created universe but it cannot be perceived by consciousness operating in the active universe.  Energy in this state of inactive infinity is termed by physicists as energy in its absolute state, or simply “the Absolute”.  Between the Absolute and the “material” universe in which we experience our physical existence are various intervening dimensions to which human consciousness in altered states of being may gain access.  Theoretically, human consciousness may continue to expand the horizons of its perceptual capability until it reaches the dimension of the Absolute at which point perception stops because the Absolute generates no holograms of or about itself.”

I believe science has just discovered God.  [Took ‘em awhile.]

Are “infinity” and “the Absolute” synonymous terms for God?

Now I go back to my original question when reading The Invisible Rainbow last year:  is God energy?  It seems that energy is the life force for everything, and that it is recognized by the form it takes.  Resting energy not confined to space boundaries is known as infinity or the Absolute in science.  Now look at this point McDonnell makes:

“Since the Absolute is conscious energy in infinity (i.e. without boundaries), it occupies every dimension to include the time-space dimension in which we have our physical existence but we cannot perceive it.”

How utterly descriptive of God’s nature!  God is omniscient, everywhere at all times, with all power. 

I realize this will sound like I’m adding an experience to qualify my thoughts or theories, but the opposite is actually true.  I had an experience fifteen years ago that I finally have language to help me understand.  My experience preceded my understanding.

Fifteen years ago I was in Lithia, FL at a conference with Ellel Ministries.  It was the last night of the conference and I was flying home in the morning of July 4.  The night before my flight home, I had an encounter with God.  It was a deliverance conference and the last day was particularly rough for me.  I had a splitting headache that nothing would amend, not drugs, not prayer, nothing.  I finally laid down on the couch to sleep before the pre-dawn shuttle several hours away.

My body was positioned on the couch in such a way that while lying on my back I was able to see the clock on the wall near my feet.  I was awakened at exactly one a.m.  God was in the room and it could not be more obvious.  There was no form, no body, but He was unmistakably there.  What I experienced for the next few hours was unlike anything before or since.  The room pulsed.  I’ve told this story a handful of times since then, and I always tell it the same way:  It was like everything was alive – the walls, the furniture, the air – every animate and inanimate object was alive and pulsing.  It all pulsed.  There was nothing, and I mean nothing, in that space that I was occupying that was not “alive”. 

He remained in the room until I left for the airport hours later.  I dared not speak for fear He would leave.  When He woke me at one a.m. I knew it was Him.  When you’re in the presence of God you don’t have to figure out if you are or not.  You know.  It’s undeniable and unmistakable.  I simply said aloud, “If You could just touch my head…”  (It hurt so badly.)  Those were the only words I spoke aloud until I got up later.  I felt a pressure like a fingertip on my forehead and all the pain melted away in a mere second.  I almost immediately fell back asleep.  I awoke on the hour, every hour, until it was time for me to get up to catch the shuttle.  Each time I awoke He was there, pulsing, in unseen form but undeniable presence.  I implored Him not to leave me even as I boarded the plane.  I could even still sense and feel His being as I was flying home.  By the time I landed it was a faint presence, probably a residue, but still discernable.  I finally could not sense it anymore shortly after getting in the car for the drive home.

My experience didn’t match others’ experiences relayed of encountering God, so I just kept it to myself, mostly.   “It occupies every dimension … but we cannot perceive it.”  Exactly.  Omnipresent yet beyond our comprehension and perception.  The only time we can is when He enlarges our capacity, or we do.

Back to Planck’s Distance 10-33CM…

McDonnell provided this diagram of this concept of our consciousness’s energy grid’s oscillating pattern slowing down to the frequency below Planck’s Distance:

As a general (and really a hard) rule, our consciousness oscillates in that frequency between Planck’s Distance, (so fast enough that the points of rest (where the direction changes) are inside our time-space dimension).  It’s when the oscillation exceeds Planck’s Distance that the resting points can touch infinity, or the Absolute.  (or I would call it the spiritual dimension)

In the time-space dimension, energy moves in particle or wave form at specific velocities within those boundaries.  In McDonnell’s presentation on point 20, he explains the principle of subatomic particles and how the oscillation of those energy fields that “click out” (resting points = top/bottom of oscillation that come together so closely they make their own line, so to speak) move at speeds in excess of the speed of light.    He calls the subatomic particles of energy outside the time-space dimension “tachyons”. 

Brief touch on string theories

String theories only make sense in multi-dimensions (beyond 3D), and in essence it’s the theory that fundamental particles can sometimes function as “loops of energy” instead of points.  This stuff is fascinating but too complex for my ability to recreate.  I will quote, however, from PhD Hugh Ross’s chapter “Science Breaks through to New Realms” for greater clarity:

“Though strings are just one-dimensional line elements, they can behave in exotic ways in multiple space dimensions.  Heterotic strings, for example, are closed loops with two types of vibrations.  The clockwise vibration operates in ten dimensions of space, the counterclockwise in twenty-six dimensions (sixteen of which have been compactified).  In a six-dimensional realm, a five-dimensional supermembrane, Type II strings also appear.  In the dimensional realm where these strings operate, electric charges disappear.  In four dimensions of space, solitons* appear.  These particle-like objects include magnets with only one pole (i.e. magnetic monopoles).”

[*solitons are waves that travel without losing energy]

[From:  Beyond the Cosmos, 1996 by Hugh Ross, PhD]

I only mention string theory because it’s a basis for understanding multi-dimensions outside of the four we function in.  [Here’s a good overview for string theory if you want a better explanation.]

Part Three can be found here.

Part Four can be found here.

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