Category Archives: National Issues

Boomer Bashing and Other Stupid Trends in America

Who hasn’t been exposed to the ongoing boomer and millennial bashing?  I’m sure there are insults to other generational demographics, I just can’t think of any right now.  But slamming a “boomer” or a “millennial” is sure trendy today.  And it’s exhausting.  Seriously.

For those of us who have been laboring to bring unity in an ever increasing divided states of America, to say this is counterproductive would be a tragic understatement.  What’s to be gained by this besides more schisms, fractures and dissension?  Generation bashing is the equivalent of racism but in a different demographic.   One has no more control over the time one is born than they do the place or the parents or the culture they are born into. 

And I’m not a boomer, let’s be clear.  But I’m married to one.  And yesterday I was walking past a park where they were taking down a diseased oak tree.  I mentioned it to my husband in case they would be willing to let him pick up the wood.  We parted ways to run errands and when I returned, I found the pickup loaded with these logs that filled up the length of the full size truck bed.

He picked them up himself – all by himself, loaded them into the truck and will soon cut and split them.  Again, he loaded these logs by himself, without complaint or request for assistance.  This boomer does the work of someone half his age on any given day, and hasn’t felt a need to wage war on another generation less inclined.  He came from a background of poverty, got his first job at twelve throwing papers from his bike after school, worked his way through college with a bachelor’s of science in education K-12, and has worked the last 33 years for UPS in daily manual labor because it paid better than teaching.

He has worked 50-60 hour manual labor work weeks for over three decades to provide for his family of six.  He didn’t require his children to get jobs at twelve years old because it was hard for him when he was that age.  He sacrificed to give them what he never had in an effort to make their lives somehow better than his own with better opportunities.  [And just like my boomer husband doesn’t fit the stereotypical assessment of boomers, our millennial daughter doesn’t fit the stereotypical assessment of millennials.]

So when I see statements like this, I’m reminded that ignorance and indoctrination is alive and well in America.  To think someone thinks this a sound argument is a scary barometer for the current climate and culture of America.

It somehow ignores the realities of numerous factors, none of which have anything to do with being a “boomer” or not.  What his statistics prove is the devaluing of the dollar and economic duress of a nation under bad policies.  What it ignores is the responsibility of the individual to his personal commitments.  In most cases, debt is still a choice, especially debt for a secondary “education” (and I use that term with tongue in cheek). 

If the cost of inflation is the qualifier for debt “forgiveness”, then let’s forgive the mortgages and car loans while we’re at it.  But it’s not about offsetting the inflation our politicians caused.  It’s about transferring wealth from the middle class taxpayers.   Let’s be clear, the banks aren’t forgiving the debt and swallowing the losses.  They’re just stealing from working class Americans to pay it back, with interest. 

What is also abhorrent in this argument is that now somehow certain selected individuals who make certain (maybe poor) choices can be bailed out irrespective of contract or commitment.  When did signing names in an agreement between two parties become discretionary to the U.S. Government?  Have we really fallen this far as a nation as to think the U.S. Government has the right to absolve personal responsibilities and put the responsibility upon unrelated individuals?  Are honor and responsibility out of fashion?  Is integrity passé? 

If the U.S. Government wants to take responsibility for its insane “lending” practices, then take the money from the U.S. Government institutions that created the problem, not the taxpayer.  Absolve the IRS’s new 87,000 salaried roles, or the Department of Education, or any other useless U.S. bureaucracy and its inflated budget to pay for their bad policies, but don’t use U.S. taxpayers to “fix” the problem they created. 

But back to the boomer argument.  A nation so entrenched in fighting each other is a nation on the brink of its enemy’s victory.  Divide to conquer is one of the oldest strategies of war.  Take an inventory of the ever-growing schisms of America.  [race, socio-economic classes, religion, sexual orientation, etc.]  If our enemy can keep us consumed with defending our particular life definition, we fail to see the need to defend and protect our neighbor.  This is basic Christianity 101.  Love your neighbor.  This is the premise of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

The raging against a generation of people is misguided rage against a system that has been deployed to destroy the fabric of America.  You’re not mad at boomers, you’re mad at policies from the boomer era that have hamstrung economic progress, and you’ve misapplied them to your neighbors because they use simplistic language to express their own frustrations.  It’s like yelling at the mighty Oz on the screen, but you ought to be mad at the controller behind the curtain.

Boomers are the last generation with the old traditions of America.  They were raised for the most part by two parent families, by the sweat of the brow, at a time moral integrity was still a virtue, and overcoming difficulties was a challenge they took with pride.  They endeavored to make their world a better place for their posterity, and by world I mean family life.  So when they see things in place today in a society they don’t recognize or want, they revert back to what they had to do to overcome.  (hard work, personal sacrifice, refocus on the basics, faith)  They were so busy making a living and building their family life that they didn’t realize their elected officials were selling out to the highest bidder, and that there was a conglomerate intent on dismantling the principles of the land they loved.  They existed at a time the subterfuge was still underground, and they thought America was still wholesome and moral.  They didn’t know what they didn’t know. 

Every generation from the boomers forward has its own set of difficulties or trials, mistakes and failures.  At some point we have to stop blaming people groups and realize how badly we’ve all been duped by the powers that be, and unite for the sake of our future as free people.

The destruction of America has been plotted systematically for generations, and each generation the cabal has made its attack on the institutions that would prevent its end goal.  They’ve made substantial gains at significant times, and to place the brunt of the responsibility on the generation some of the worst gains were accomplished is to turn on your fellow Americans.

I would wager a guess that person for person in each generation would find the boomer generation has the most guns per capita of their generation than any other generation.  They probably have the most patriots who still genuinely care about the nation and would be willing to lay down their lives for it.  Why would you alienate these people because they can be lumped with a time some of the most damage via policies was done?

For the love of America, please stop.  Please stop assuming every millennial is lazy and unmotivated.  Please stop assuming every boomer is archaic, has destroyed our economy, and is out of touch.  Every era has policies we’re still paying for as Americans.  (The Fed was instilled before the boomers were born, and it is one of our nation’s greatest evils and enemies.) 

Every generation has learned things unique to its generation.   Every generation has skills and principles of value as well as liabilities and failures.  We have so much to learn from each other.  Just as there is really just one race, the human race, there is one generation, the living generation.  Let’s not turn on one another and further the divide.  We need one another.  America needs us united.  Its enemies need us divided. 


I’ve gotten a lot of things wrong in my life, and I’d wager I’ve had more wrong than right.  I would have bet a lot of money that Trump was going to be re-elected in 2020.  I held my ground on that long past the election right up to the inauguration.  I gave (and still give) serious merit to the Devolution theory.  I believed Q was a White Hat operation and was for the awakening of the patriots and those seeking good and righteousness. 

I believe Trump did indeed win the election, and have maintained that it was a matter of presenting the evidence.  Eighteen months later now, and I am definitely second guessing myself.  [2000 Mules has come and gone and still no change.  Project Veritas has exposed countless media and corporate deceptions and still no change.  Exposes have been written, documentaries have been produced, witnesses murdered, and still no change.] 

At different points along the way I would hear bits from God, and other times bear witness to what others shared they had heard from God.  Trying to weave together the different bits and pieces into a whole picture sometimes has proved frustrating and even fruitless.  Other times it has helped bring clarity.  What is it Paul says?  Oh yes, we know in part and prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the impartial disappears. 

We are still in the imperfect part.  Especially me.  I know I am still learning bit by bit, and a lot of the time I am unlearning more than I am learning. 

I settled down to rethink everything, took a step back, went back over my notes trying to figure out what I’ve missed and where.  I got waylaid by some family tragedies, some deaths, some betrayals, a lot of questions….

I’ve rethought and reformed my views on eschatology so much they are almost now a complete reformation.  I am giving serious consideration that our world is post-millennial, which strangely answers more questions than it asks.

Which leads me to present day…

The past several months, I feel like God has led me in a direction to engage in our community in a way that brings restoration to broken lives and revival to community and our local economy.  Whether Trump comes back on the scene or not seems almost irrelevant for what I feel I am to be busy with.  I’m not convinced Trump is what our country needs right now, but I certainly know he would be better than what we have. 

There are still many unanswered questions I have about Trump, and I don’t know that they’ll ever be answered.  The point is, our country needs its people not its leaders.  America’s government is wickedly corrupt, and its leaders are incapable and unwilling to lead in righteousness and justice.  It is up to We the People.  If we can bring a course correction without a civil war, we will be fortunate indeed.

I’ve spent some time seeking God, trying to discern His heart, His will, and how to partner with Heaven for my life and my nation.  I don’t know if the things He showed me and I wrote about in January were possibilities or realities.  I thought they were inevitable, but maybe I’m wrong.  Maybe the things I saw can be changed?  And if they can be changed, it won’t be by doing nothing.

There are a lot of “prophetic voices” out there and usually they start to muddy the water for me.  Sometimes it’s a fine line between prophet and profit.  I implore fellow Christians to examine prophetic utterances in this article, and give examples of some current words making the headlines that I have serious questions about. 

That said, I’d like to examine a word from Tim Sheets that does bear witness with me.  On June 19, Tim gave a word to his church with the title and/or instruction:  Proceed.  The essence of the word is that we are entering an intense season of warfare in our nation that will remain fierce up through the midterm elections.  We are told to prepare for escalated warfare in the spiritual and natural realms.

Tim relayed this, “An agitated spirit realm will stir violence in the natural realm.”  He said hell will try to vex Christianity, and has declared open season on Christians.  The ekklesia are to engage in the battle, using their authority to wage war on the powers of darkness on our altars of prayer, decrees and worship.

He said that in this war season the functioning ekklesia will rise to operate in higher realms of authority, and its advance will be very rapid.  Rapid strikes will come against hindering spirits, government tyranny, and cultural systemic evils.

Simultaneously the world will see both the deployment of Heaven’s armies and the fierceness of hell’s battling.  He said the fierceness of hell’s battling of God’s kingdom will be superseded by the fierceness of God’s wrath against their allegiance to Baal.  God’s fierce deployment will engage and intercessors and the angelic will deploy strike missions to break strongholds of darkness and to wither iniquitous roots.

He admonishes us to not fear the war season but to anticipate the victories.  This is a season when the ekklesia of God’s kingdom will elevate in greater levels of the dominion mandate, and an increase in bold authority from believers will be manifest.

God’s word to the ekklesia for this season is this:  “Stop looking at your options.  I am your option.  I am your map.  I am your guide.  I have plans you have not seen yet but now will see.”

In this season, prophetic dreams and visions are connecting to their moment.  Individual destiny is connecting to its moment.  Plans for the time are connecting to their moment.

Tim said God has commissioned Michael to release sufficient warriors from his army to assist God’s ekklesia, and to assist this nation.  We will fuel this angelic warfare which will lead to victories by our decrees of faith.  It’s imperative we understand the Word and will of God, so that we are making righteous, powerful and timely decrees at the right time and place.

We are not to fear the giants in the land, but hunt them.  We have to move into offensive positions against the enemies of God in the spiritual realm (which will often then manifest in the natural realm).

In this season of war, the ekklesia must come into agreement with the plans of God.  How do we come into agreement with the plans of God?  We must position ourselves to see His hand and hear His voice.  Additionally, we must position ourselves firmly in the shelter of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty for our protection as hell and its minions declare open season on Christians.  Our obedience to God and our intimacy with Christ are the guarantees of our protection.  If we lose track of that and lose our positions in Him, we are vulnerable to the violence being waged in the spiritual that will indeed manifest in the natural.

A few months ago, the Spirit began moving me into an offensive position in a specific arena, and has been steadily giving me direction for how I am to proceed.  Mine is not a unique position.  God is doing that with His people all over our land.  We are responsible not for “saving our nation”, but for obeying the direction of God for the realm He has given us authority in.  While we hope and pray America can be saved from the destruction of its wicked rulers, we must focus individually on the battle field God has placed us personally in, and is equipping us for.

I’d encourage believers and disciples of Christ to seek Him about this word about a season of warfare before us, and how we’re to engage.  If you missed the link to the word given by Tim Sheets, you can find it here:

2022: the best and worst of times

You know that scene in the Lord of the Rings when Gandalf is telling Frodo he must leave with the ring because the Ringwraiths are after him and Samwise hears the conversation and Gandalf asks what he heard and Samwise says emphatically he didn’t hear anything, he wasn’t dropping any eaves, all he heard was a great deal about a ring and the end of the world?  That’s kind of how I feel right now.

I’m pretty sure the outlook for 2022 in America (and probably the world) is grim. 

So I have good news and bad news, and I’m going to deliver the bad news first because the good news is what we need to remember and adhere to.

First, the bad news….

The nutshell is some very difficult times are upon us, and they will be times that try men’s souls.  A number of prophetic messages have been sent or forwarded to me that resonate, and they are messages of judgment and sifting, of exposure and trying.  Phrases like:  brace yourself, prepare for impact, and smoldering pressure leading to eruption…  Judgment against wicked people and wicked schemes are prophesied. 

I’ve been seeking the heart of God to substantiate and/or refute these prophecies/claims.  Here are the three things God showed me:

  • Our money will become worthless.
  • Mortal danger, death and disaster have been decreed on a large scale.
  • China is in America and will wage war on America on American soil.

How any of these scenarios are going to play out, I do not know.  I have best guesses and deductions, but I’m not sure that’s helpful.  Timing has always been the tricky part for me, but I think the Spirit showed me they’re coming sooner than later.

Most of these words and others I have read indicate things that are coming are judgments on wickedness, disobedience, and hypocrisy (in both secular and sacred arenas).  As judgments become meted out the vessels of evil (seemingly untouchable organizations and people groups, and very high profile people in very high positions) will retaliate in an effort to unleash their plans they feel are being thwarted.  There will be innocent casualties.  There will be pain and suffering.

Whether the “war” referenced in Barry’s word was literal or figurative, I do not know.  I am quite certain the Spirit has shown me (and others) that Chinese military is a player here in America even now.  How the U.S. Military will be used has not been revealed to me.  [I know of a real person who accidentally found a real closet on a major college campus with .50 caliber ammo stacked from floor to ceiling.  The enemy is within.]

With those scenarios comes a myriad of fallout…supply chains disrupted, crime unchecked, scarcity of necessities, power outages, etc.  (Not to mention any bio warfare that may or may not be released.)  I have no way of knowing what will impact what region.  The Spirit of God is our best and only defense.

Let me be clear, fear will be one of our primary enemies.  We must refuse the inclination to be paralyzed with fear.  Because fear has been unleashed on our nation for the last two years, the spirit of fear is rampant in America.  We must gird ourselves against this.  We must resist and refuse the control of fear.

Last summer the Lord had me camp out in Psalm 91 and commit it to memory.  On August 5th last year, the Spirit undeniably arrested me with Isaiah 43:2.  I didn’t understand its wide spread implications at the time but I felt an urgency.  He has renewed that message to me with increased fervor these past few days.

Isaiah 43:2:  “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.”

Trial and testing, judgment and exposure are coming to America in the coming days.  There is only one real safe space.

Now the good news….

That safe place is under the shadow of the Almighty, in the shelter of the Most High.  There is no one and nothing more powerful than the true God.  If we are in obedience to Him, He will make our paths clear in times of chaos, one step at a time.  He is our first and best defense.  He is our protection, our strategy and our advocate.

I had a dream on Labor Day in 2003 that the Lord has shown me I can draw on for direction, wisdom and encouragement for these times.  Here is the dream.  What’s astounding to me is this dream is over seventeen years old and some of its parts make perfect sense for exactly right now.

Notice in the dream that there’s a place of refuge for believers during the fires of trial, testing and purification.  Notice that instructions are given during the waiting period so we know what to do.  And especially notice that Noah’s ark is a predominant fixture here.

When I was pursuing the Spirit on the recent prophetic words coming out, He said to me that I already knew much of it because He has already shown me, and He brought to my mind several dreams over the past two decades.  This dream I had in 2003 is the one He reminded me of when I heard words about fires on the east coast.  (Mind you I don’t know if those are literal fires or symbolic.)  In my dream, the fire that was driving the believers was from the east.

I don’t have enough time to get into it, but on the same day I had the dream, a horrible tragedy happened on I-35 in Kansas that the Spirit began to speak to me through.  The part I want to focus on is this part of Isaiah 35 that God highlighted, (which I am asking if it is for this time as well.  I don’t have the answer on that yet.)

Really read the whole chapter; it’s only ten verses.  But for the sake of our current topic, focus right now on verse four.

While the bad news may seem fearful, do not fear.  “Encourage the exhausted, and strengthen the feeble.   Say to those with anxious heart, ‘Take courage, fear not.’”

Sharpen your swords, don’t hide in the basement.

Hard times are coming, but a place of refuge is available.  Draw on the encouragement from this dream and posit yourselves to be in that place of safety under the shadow of the Almighty, the shelter of the Most High.  We have an enormous opportunity before us!  The Spirit will take care of the goats.  We just need to be positioned correctly.

It’s not what you look at; it’s what you see.

If you see darkness and despair, human tragedy and chaos, you will be inclined to fear.  You will struggle with hope and purpose, and you’ll slip into survival mode.  Survival is one thing, advancing the Kingdom is quite another.  This is our opportunity to advance the kingdom.  There will be ample opportunities to minister to family, friends and neighbors.  There may be opportunities to speak to larger gatherings. 

If supply lines are broken, if food is scarce, break your bread and ask God for the provision as you feed those who have none.  He can multiply bread in 2022 just as easily as He did in Christ’s day on earth.  I’ve driven two hundred miles on an empty tank of gas.  He can even multiply gas. 

Lay your hands on the sick so that they may recover.  Do not fear the poisons they may be releasing.  It’s our inheritance as a saint to be protected from deadly poison.  Some of us will even raise the dead.  It’s our inheritance.  It’s Christ’s command.  Do not go in to this season of testing in fear and anxiety.  Look at it as opportunity to exhibit faith and share the amazing salvation of the One who saved us! 

Turn the things of devastation into opportunities for hope.  Teach people how to seek God, how to find God, how to walk with God.  I don’t know how God is going to do what He’s going to do; I just know I want to be on His side, demonstrating His heart, an ambassador to a dying world.

Consider Dickens’ words, and realize the conundrum of two realities co-existing at the same point in time.  Determine to take hold of the hand of God and not look back. 

Recall the countless examples of God’s people over time.  Some were spared great tragedy and others walked through the flames.  Determine here and now to be the salt and light this nation so desperately needs.  Remember that those who know their God shall be strong and do mighty exploits.  [Daniel 11:32]

Remember that:  “Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” [Daniel 12:3]

Do not miss that, “Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.”  [Daniel 12:10]

God is doing a work in the land, and we can join Him, learn the lessons we need to learn, let His fires refine us, or we can resist Him, call Him a hard or severe master (Luke 19:25) and let the fires burn us.  We can be lights in the darkness and salt in the time of peril if we choose.  Let us choose to encourage the brethren to keep the faith, and let us honor God with our words and deeds, for the Glory of His perfect Name.

This Sifting Season We’re In

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan [the accuser] has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”  Luke 22:31-32  NASU

And that word translated “demanded permission” can also be translated “obtained by asking” and comes from the Greek root “exaiteomai” which means “to demand for trial”.  Most of us know the rest of that story, that Simon went on to deny Christ at great personal cost to himself, but was later restored and led the disciples in upheaving the world for the Gospel.  [literally the good news of Christ]

The concept of sifting wheat is to remove the chaff from the grain.  The chaff is the inedible part, the worthless part (for use).  Some of the implication we can draw from this is that the enemy is used to separate the worthless from the good.

The season we are in….

This is part of the season we are in; the sifting has started.  The interesting part is it’s going to vary person to person.  The chaff that I need removed from my life is probably not the same chaff you need removed from your life.  God is a personal God, and the powers of darkness are not ignorant to the weaknesses and compromises of humans either corporately or individually.  I don’t think time is going to be wasted taking you through financial hardship if it won’t address the chaff in your life.  Your trial is more likely to come in an area that will put a finger on the sensitive area that will bring the areas of correction needed for you, if you heed the lessons before you.

There are precious few people I know right now that are not going through some sort of direct or indirect (someone they love) trial or tribulation of varying degree.  Our nation as a whole is going through a sifting, and there’s a lot of chaff here.  There are a lot of worthless attitudes, belief systems, demonstrations, etc. that permeate our society and culture.  Do I think they’ll be eradicated by this sifting process?  Some, but not most. 

The purpose of the sifting will be to expose, to lay bare that which is worthless.  Dealing with humanity we still have the reality that choices are still options.  Because a particular music or entertainment “star” is exposed for worthless or vile activity, does not necessarily mean they will be shut down.  What it will do is lay bare their intentions and alliances.  Now we can choose with better information if we want to align with them.  (And believe me, even with exposure, some will still choose the vile.  They will ignore or excuse it, and they will not turn from it.)

So on a national level, industries and organizations, persons and personalities are being sifted.  We should be watching for the chaff that is coming to the surface.  We should be reassessing our own views of these institutions (including the U.S. Government).  We should be breaking alliances and allegiances to things found worthless and vile

It’s a painful process, but a necessary one. 

Sifting is separation. 

What is God separating?  The worthless from the useful or valuable.  We should be grateful God is allowing this sifting season.  If we were to hit the season of judgment before the season of sifting, we’d all fall condemned.  But because He is sifting FIRST, we have the opportunity to be cleansed of what would condemn us.  We have the opportunity to let the sifting process do its work in us that we may be found of value as judgments are released. 

Study Ezekiel 9 to begin to understand the implications of this season.  Here’s an excerpt for emphasis:

The Lord said to him [angelic servant of God], “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” But to the others He said in my hearing, “Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare.  Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary.”

Ezekiel 9:4-6 NASU

During the sifting process, the records of Heaven are taking note.  Are you sighing and groaning over the abominations in our midst?  Or have you turned a blind eye?  Or worse, are you joining with them?  Applauding them?

[Don’t miss that He starts in the sanctuary.  The Church is the first place He begins. (1Peter 4:17)  Watch the idols of the church be exposed.  Watch practicing sin be exposed.]

There’s a marking going on.  Remember Malachi 3:16-18?

Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name.  “They will be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I prepare My own possession, and I will spare them as a man spares his own son who serves him.”  So you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.

God is paying attention to our conversations.  It’s not lost on Him.  A book of remembrance is taken down of those who esteem Him.  He makes plain that there will be a distinction between the righteous and wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.  Those who He has marked will be spared on a future day of calamity and judgment.

I can already hear some of the protests.  But if that’s true, why is evil so prevalent?  Why hasn’t there been an accounting before now?  Why have I suffered for doing good while my neighbor or family member has prospered who is friends with the ways of this world?  Because God has a timetable.

Recall that when God was making His covenant with Abraham, He said there would be a delay for the promise for four hundred years.  Why?  Because the “iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete”.   [See Gen. 15:16]

Last time I checked, God has not revealed His timetable for judgment.  What it takes for the sins of a people to become complete unto judgment has not been disclosed to me.  Why it took four hundred more years for a people group who served other gods to be judged I do not know.  Why America has not been judged for the increasing and prevalent wickedness in its midst, I do not know.  I do know, that his patience is mercy, but there is a time patience is spent and mercy is set aside.  When that time comes, being positioned under the shadow of the Almighty is the only place of protection.

There are two places a sieve (tool for sifting) is used in Scripture.  Notice that both times it is an expression of judgment.

We should posture ourselves correctly during this sifting

Remember what Peter admonished:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;

1 Peter 4:12-13 NASU

This trial, this tribulation you and/or those you love are facing right now, Peter calls a “fiery ordeal”.  I would say the same for the trial my family is under right now, and even those around me in the midst of fiery ordeals and trials.  What did Peter say it is here for?  Your testing

And he should know.

While the national sifting is one thing, our personal sifting is another.  There are areas in each of our lives that will not withstand the winds of judgment.  (and they are coming)  God, in His mercy, has unfurled a season of sifting to get our attention to things that need put under the Sovereignty of God and the Lordship of Christ. 

Learn to seek Him in your trial in a way that isn’t just asking for reprieve or rescue.  Learn to ask what you’re supposed to be learning.  Learn to listen and observe what He is bringing to the forefront in your own thoughts, attitudes, words and actions.  There are clues in them.  They will show areas not submitted to God, areas of pain or anger (or other things) that we’re holding on to that are keeping us bound. 

I thought it was interesting that the words of Christ to Peter warning him of his upcoming trial, the word “sift” was selected as opposed to other word(s) usually associated with trials.  Thayer defined that word as, “to sift, shake in a sieve, by inward agitation to try one’s faith to the verge of overthrow”.

Are you being sifted right now?  Is there a trial in your life that is shaking you?  Do you feel inward agitation?  Do you realize it is designed to try your faith in order to overthrow it?  Get rid of the chaff so that the kernel of value is not lost because you’re holding on to the chaff (which will be burned).  Let the sifting process have its way so the worthless is removed and you can be protected in the shelter of the Most High. 

Let the chaff be separated from you and then…

Lastly, remember what Christ told Peter:  that He prayed for him.  He prayed that Peter’s faith not fail. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you.  Recall Paul’s instruction in Romans 8:26-27…

 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;  and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Then remember Christ’s instruction about what we’re to do when we get through our own trial(s) of faith:  strengthen your brother. 

Take your strengthened faith and reach out to your brothers and sisters still in their trials.  Pray for them, minister to them, encourage them in the faith to hold to the teachings of Christ, to submit to the discipline of the Spirit, to respond with repentance at exposure of sin, wrong thinking, wrong attitudes, disobedience, etc. 

Meditate on Psalms 51 and 91.  Psalm 51 for your cleansing, healing and restoration.  Psalm 91 for your position in Him and for your protection.  Let the sifting prepare you for the days ahead.  Understand the separating is for your benefit (if you submit) and not your harm.  His mercy is available for this process, but will not be as readily available for the next.  Thank Him for His mercies.

How do we get there from here?

Last week I introduced my understanding that the current events in our nation were more about God than our political climate.  I’ve read your emails and will address most of your questions and concerns. 

Ask the Spirit to give you a fresh revelation of God.  This is not to imply that you do not know God and do not have your own revelation(s) of God.  But for this purpose of wanting to see where we are as a nation under attack, ask God for a fresh revelation of “He who sits above the circle of the earth.”  [Is. 40:22]  Ask Him for a fresh revelation of “He who sits in the Heavens and laughs” at the kings and rulers of the earth who have aligned against Him.  [Ps. 2]

Understand that I am presenting under the premise of a cosmic war.

When I was teaching my forty-hour class, the Spirit of the Lord really impressed upon me that the great Exodus from Egypt was a showdown between the God of Israel and the gods of the current world power:  Egypt. 

The great magicians of Egypt were expert diviners.  Balaam and his sons, Jannes and Jambres, (Jasher 79 and 2 Tim. 3:8) led the rebuttal of the shows of power between what the God of Israel and the gods of Egypt could do.  They were able to replicate the first acts of power.  Why?  Because a man can turn water into blood or a rod into a snake?  No.  Because they were given power from their own gods, the gods of Egypt, just as Moses was given power from his God.

It’s really no different today; religion has just sophisticated the battle.  We don’t look at it as gods against God.  We’ve somehow lost the perspective of supernatural deities and relegated them strictly to an institutionalized church with neat little side comments, but no real solid teaching.  We make sidebar mention of cults, but never address the spiritual reality of the truth of the matter.  (Which is part of the reason the institutional church will rise up as an adversary to those who walk this out.)

It’s still a little disconcerting to me that we can look at the symbolism of modern entertainment, whether it be movies or music or even the sports arena, and not see the homage to their gods.  How can we not look at things like the Olympics opening ceremonies and the ceremony for Cern and not realize they are engaged in rituals that draw on the powers of darkness and their gods?  Truly the god of this world has worked overtime to blind the eyes of God’s people.

The fact of the matter is the foreign gods of the uncircumcised nations has infiltrated the nations of the covenant.  (I could write a whole paper on this alone.)

Our patriarchs were no better.  When Levi and Simeon killed the city of Shechem, in order to protect the family of Israel Jacob instructed his family to put away their foreign gods.  Why in the world would Jacob’s family, the heirs of Abraham’s covenant with Yahweh, have foreign gods?  And yet they did.  (Genesis 35)

When God instituted the Passover, He plainly said it was to execute judgment against the gods (elohiym, deities) of Egypt.  (Ex. 12:12)  He didn’t say they were false gods.  He didn’t say they were idols.  He said they were deities.  And the Supreme God posited Himself against these lesser deities as an epic showdown.  Remember that in Exodus 8, Egypt’s magicians could no longer replicate the signs (plagues) of Moses and said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.”  (They used the term for a deity instead of the Name of the Supreme God because they did not know the name of the Supreme God.) 

[Look at Jasher 79:43-47

“And when the king saw this thing [Aaron’s rod swallowed up the magicians’ rods], he ordered the book of records that related to the kings of Egypt, to be brought, and they brought the book of records, the chronicles of the kings of Egypt, in which all the idols of Egypt were inscribed, for they thought of finding therein the name of Jehovah, but they found it not. 44. And Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, Behold I have not found the name of your God written in this book, and his name I know not. 45. And the counsellors and wise men answered the king, We have heard that the God of the Hebrews is a son of the wise, the son of ancient kings. 46. And Pharaoh turned to Moses and Aaron and said to them, I know not the Lord whom you have declared, neither will I send his people. 47. And they answered and said to the king, The Lord God of Gods is his name, and he proclaimed his name over us from the days of our ancestors…”]

No, they do not know the Name of our God.  They didn’t then, and most of them don’t now.

For understanding, use a concordance and look up “gods”, then look at the passages that accompany it.  Look at the song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 and his historical account of the Israelites sacrificing “to demons who were not God, to gods whom they have not known, new gods who came lately whom your fathers did not dread.” [vs. 17] 

Deborah reiterates it in Judges 5:8, “new gods were chosen, then war was in the gates.” 

These are indictments for God’s chosen people aligning with the gods of the other nations, uncircumcised nations without a covenant with the Supreme God.

Consider Judges 10 when God admonishes His people to cry out to the gods they have aligned with. God does not lie.  He wasn’t speaking anecdotally.   Judges 10:6 is explicit in the gods they were serving. 

When Samuel cried out to God for the Israelites, God expressly told Samuel (8:8) that they had rejected Him for the other gods.  Study this out!  Recognize that the gods of other nations didn’t cease to exist.  They didn’t then and they haven’t now.

Both the problem and the solution are clearly presented in the Word of God.  The problem is humanity struggles to adhere to the Creator God and is continually tempted to entertain other gods, lesser gods, but gods nonetheless.  The solution is adherence to the Supreme God and it is found over and over and over again in the Scriptures.

I don’t have time to get into it, but reread the account of David and Goliath.  Look at 1Sam. 17:43 where Goliath cursed David by his gods.  David’s response was plainly to call upon the Name of the true God.  Look at 1Sam. 26:19 where David laments that people have tried to drive him from his inheritance of the true God and cajoled him to “serve other gods”.  These are not mere stories.  These are practical realities both then and now.

Now look at David’s prayer in 2Sam. 7, specifically verse 23 when he acknowledges that God has redeemed His people from Egypt and their gods.  As you walk through the rest of Scripture you will see a people group who struggled to walk with loyalty to the God who created and redeemed them.  Various deliverers were raised at various times to once again establish the unmatched sovereignty of the true God. 

From Gideon to Samson, from Deborah to Josiah, there is no shortage of people raised at different times who put aside the influence of other gods and adhered to the true God, bringing deliverance to God’s people.

Enter Christ.

Enter a better covenant, the new covenant (new testament).  Now the people of Yahweh, Jehovah, the Creator God are not relegated to a boundary in the Middle East.  Now the people of the Supreme God are not relegated to a bloodline or the religious tenets of Judah.  Now the people who want to follow the true God have access through the sacrifice of His Son. 

But you say, America is Babylon.  No, America is not.  (I used to think that.)  America is the seed of Abraham, the people of Manasseh and Ephraim.  The bloodlines have been traced; the migratory patterns of the people are documented.  I can point you to resources to help your understanding, just write me. 

Babylon is not a place, it’s a system.  It roots back to Nimrod’s rule and the tower of Babel where the nations of the earth aligned to overthrow God, and God responded by scattering the nations and removing the Noahite Covenant with them.  He abandoned the nations to the lesser gods (Deut. 32:8).  [See Dr. Heiser’s expose on this here and here.]

God established His covenant with Abraham and Abraham’s seed.  The people of the covenant became the benchmark for finding the true God.  God has never abandoned His covenant with Abraham.  Abraham’s seed were to become nations that blessed the other nations (“and in him all nations on the earth will be blessed.”)  [Gen. 18:18] 

Babylon, the system of the lesser gods was deeply embedded in the world, whether it be socially, economically, religiously or politically, this system has steadily grown through empire after empire, people group after people group.  They have never altered from their course to corrupt mankind, to turn mankind from the Creator.  This system has systematically enslaved humanity to corruption of every kind.  From serving other gods, to polluting humanity’s DNA, from transgressing the commands of God, to establishing wickedness in the upper echelons of society, Mystery Babylon is the religion and system of Nimrod and the nations who serve the lesser gods.  They have polluted even the Church of God with its false teachings and idol worship, its Nicolaitan hierarchy of a pyramid structure of man worship, and yes, even the sexual sins of Balaam.  [Rev. 2:14-16]

America is not Babylon, but it has been compromised by it.

But you say God does not protect the wicked, and America is replete with wickedness from its murderous abortion mills, to its insidious sexual perversions, from its injustice to the weak and poor and righteous, to its underground and undercover satanic perversions and child abductions, rapes and sacrifices.  America has bowed the knee to mammon and its economic structure serves the wicked while treading down the righteous.

Agreed.  You couldn’t be more correct.  God judges sin.  God will not save a nation because it (rightfully) claims to be the seed of Abraham, anymore than he saved the wicked religious population of Christ’s day.  (John 8:39-47)  As John the Baptist said (Luke 3:8), God is able to raise up sons of Abraham from the stones, and the axe is at the root of the trees to cut off the unfruitful.

But you say the sons of Abraham are the believers of Christ.  Agreed.  Galatians 3:7 is not lost on me and is very relevant today: 

Gal 3:7-9  NASU

Therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham.  The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU.”  So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer.

And this is where our victory is, this is what I’m trying to convey.  Because we are the sons of Abraham by both the Abrahamic covenant and the Messianic covenant, we can call on the covenant blessings and protections.  We can save our nation by calling upon the Name of the God of our nation.  We only need to “put away the foreign gods.”  We only need to repent of our sin.

Do you see it yet?  Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Josiah, Peter and Paul and ALL the seed of the covenant that confronted both the people and the deities they were in the midst of called upon the Name of the true God and were delivered.  Were the people in their nations righteous?  Were the nations themselves righteous?  Nope.  None of them were.  Yet God is concerned with His Name.  

In the epic showdown between Baal and Jehovah, the people in Israel were worshipping Baal, NOT Jehovah.  There was a man willing to stand and confront the wickedness of both the King and Queen, AND the god they were endorsing.  Where are our Elijahs????  When the music and entertainment industry endorse their gods, where are our Elijahs???  Who is confronting them by standing on the truth of the Supreme God?

When the political systems and unrighteous political heads oppress their people and enforce tyrannical laws, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God??? 

When the economic system of mammon adulation and enriching the wicked lives by extorting the working and righteous, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God???

When the school boards and county commissions are parading their perversions into our children’s lives and oppressing our communities with their corrupt and wicked rules, who is confronting them with the truth of the Supreme God???  What about the election boards?  What about the attorney generals and judges who continue to pervert justice and reward the wicked?

We do not wring our hands in despair.  We are not to be like Saul’s army where David’s brothers were quaking at the threat of the uncircumcised Philistine army and its giant(s).  We are to be like David who asks who dares to defy the living God with mockery and threats.  It matters not where the battle is, whether in the political realm, the judicial system, the economic constructs or even the pulpit of the institutional church.  If we know our God and we understand our position in Him, we cannot fail.  He desires to make His Name known that the people of the earth will come to Him and abandon their lesser gods.  How will they know His greatness if we do not demonstrate it?  Why would they forsake their gods of perversion and corruption when they pay so well if they cannot see the reward of serving the living God?

Whether Trump is reinstated or not does not leave Americans helpless.  Yes the election fraud should be contested and rectified.  Yes there’s a plan to move America and the world into a global tyranny through covid.  Yes foreign actors have infiltrated our industries and even our soil. 

No I don’t think political leaders are going to represent Christ and call on the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We should not expect them to.  They’ve been infiltrated by the gods of the nations.  WE, every Christian who understands Christ’s covenant with us and God’s covenant with Abraham, must take our places on the battlegrounds before us and call upon the Name that is superior, the Name of the Creator and Supreme God to defend His covenant and His people.

When a tornado is headed for your city you don’t pause to take inventory of how righteous the city is before you address the threat.  You rebuke the destruction.  If the tornado is deterred, you’ve saved the city.  If it skips your home and destroys your neighbors, you’ve saved your family.  This is the attitude we must take, and to do so we must recognize that the gods and their followers have arrayed themselves against THE God and His.  Take your places and be the true sons and daughters of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, through Christ.

It’s not about Trump

I’m going to make some partially true statements.  They are not false, but they are only partially true because they are incomplete statements.  But I need to say them in that way for now.  We’ll revisit them after I explain and I’ll make them complete at the end.

It’s not about Trump.  It’s not about politics.  It’s not even about America.

I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t heard from God on the state of our nation since the theatrical farce of an inauguration on January 20.  What I’ve learned is the Lord wouldn’t bring me discernment on it because my focus would have stayed on that, and that’s not where my focus should be.  And the message I received from Him was:

“It’s not about Trump.  It’s not about politics.  It’s not even about America.  It’s about Me.”

It is about a cosmic war that has been ramping up for millennia.  It is about a promise made.  It is about some names (most of which we cannot pronounce).

At the risk of sounding cliché, the battle over earth is the epic battle of good versus evil.  Whether Trump is reinstated and the election fraud is exposed, or covid is exposed for the deception to gain world power, or a myriad of other very important issues are resolved or even addressed, all are very important.  But these things are secondary.  They are not most important.

The backdrop for my understanding

Josh 24:14-15  (NASU)

 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

This is part of that admonition Joshua gave when he told the Israelites to choose:  God or gods. 

To be clear, “idol(s)” is found over a hundred times in the Old Testament alone, and not once is it translated from a root word for a deity.  Idol is the image created for projecting worship for a deity.  There was a process they went through to figuratively open the mouth of the inanimate object created to represent the deity they were worshipping.  Idols are inanimate objects.  Gods (little g – gods) are deities, breathing spiritual beings from the Heavenly realm.

Idols are the token expression for worship for the deity.  The deity itself is the god.

There’s a reason the first commandment is exclusive to the worship of the Supreme God, and the second commandment is forbidding creation of idols.  They are not the same thing.  Idols and gods are related but not the same.

Exodus 20:2-5  (NASU)

 I am the Lord [Jehovah, self-existent, eternal] your God [elohiym – god(s), deities], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

[First Commandment]:  “You shall have no other gods [elohiym – ordinary gods, deities] before Me.”

[Second Commandment]:  “You shall not make for yourself an idol [pecel – graven image], or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.”

It’s this simple:  There are other deities, other gods.  Don’t worship them.  I, Jehovah, am the Supreme God.  And also, don’t make graven images used to worship other deities.

“Choose this day…” Joshua is not talking about idols here; he’s talking about gods.  These are deities that are worshipped that you and I may call demons or demonic entities.  The god of the Ammonites was/is called Moloch.  Where have we heard that before?  Ah yes, here are a few places….

The martyr Stephen quoted Amos (5:25) when he discoursed the plight of the hardened hearts of the Israelites and how they “carried their pagan gods, the shrine of Moloch, the star of your god Rephan” in Acts 7:43.  According to Stephen, the Israelites worshipped these gods during the forty years in the wilderness.  Joshua addressed this and said:  choose.  Will it be gods of the other nations or God of Israel?

The nations of the world rejected the God of creation in lieu of the sons of God who came down and enticed them to sin against the Creator.  Their corruption of the earth was so great God chose to destroy it, saving only Noah and his family for their righteousness. 

It would only be a short time before the same fate awaited the world again, to borrow from Tolkien, “but the hearts of men are easily corrupted.”  Out of another perverse and corrupt population God would select Abram to create a nation exclusive to Him.  He would use Abram, later named Abraham, to select a bloodline that would become a nation that worshipped God and not the gods.  They would be the example for the world of a people separated unto their Creator.  While it began as a bloodline, any one could join this group of people if they believed the same.

This was such a big deal.  Stay with me, because it’s why God has been silent with me about current national events.  Because of Abraham’s devoted loyalty to the true God, God would covenant with him a promise that we may not be able to fully comprehend this side of Heaven.  God said He would make nations out of Abraham’s seed. 



God said Abraham’s seed would possess the gates of their enemies.  God reiterated that promise to Abraham’s son Isaac, and to Isaac’s son Jacob. 

Surely you know?  Have you not heard?

And from the Pentateuch, to the Book of Jasher and the Book of Jubilee, we are told a story of a people group that defeated armies more vast and numerous than they, more superior in might and strength, larger, stronger, more numerous, and fierce. 

Each time the odds were against them, each time they were surrounded – flanked on all sides with no escape, each time they were ambushed or tricked, they called upon God and were delivered.  Why?  Because He made a promise to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.

Every face-off the sons of Abraham had with a king or pharaoh, they gave fair warning by making known to that king or pharaoh like this:  “Do you not know, O King?  Have you not heard?”  And they would tell of the deeds of their God.  They were near death on countless occasions and yet the God of Israel time and again delivered His people from impossible situations and scenarios.

Abraham took 318 men of his household in pursuit of five kings and their armies and defeated them all to save his nephew from slavery.

Two men, Simeon and Levi, put a whole city to the sword when its prince defiled their sister.  And when the seven Amorite kings with their armies came out to destroy Jacob’s family because of this, the sons of Jacob and their servants strapped on their weapons and went out to meet them.  Judah exhorted his brothers and Jacob called out to God to deliver them.  The kings turned from their ambitions and left Jacob’s family in peace.

But that’s not all!  Genesis does not cover all of the battles Jacob and his sons encountered.  The Book of Jasher, (chapters 37-40), recounts that the kings of Canaan waged war on Jacob and his sons.  They gathered seven kings with their armies to slay the sons of Jacob and the fighting went on for six days of battles.  Jacob and ten of his sons (Benjamin was too young and Joseph was in prison in Egypt) with their 112 servants defeated seven kings and their armies, and destroyed seven cities, putting them all to the sword.  The blood that flowed from the city of Gaash was described as a brook of water and was seen for miles away.

Each battle was different and there were times there was certain defeat and even death for the sons of Jacob, and yet, Jacob would lift up his voice and cry out to God and remind Him of His promise to him and his father and grandfather. 

Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  Surely you know!

The story isn’t over.  The story is still being written.  It has little to do with a flurry of actors calling the shots on planet earth, and everything to do with the God and gods. 

In every generation, at every turn, God moves on behalf of His promises.  He only requires a person to agree with Him. 

I’ve heard the rumors of Chinese armies being raised up against us.  I’ve speculated they’ve already placed them in strategic places and employed mercenaries.  I know about the Russian fleet off the coast of Hawaii.  I know there are no less than a couple dozen very real threats against the United States and our American liberties, from both within and without. 

But we have two things going for us that have nothing to do with the idiots in our government, or the players in motion.  We serve the God of Abraham, and we are co-heirs with THE son of God.  We are recipients of both the Abrahamic covenant and also Christ’s covenant. 

So at the end of the day….

This has nothing to do with Trump or politics or even America.  God has been silent with me to make sure I don’t make it about those things.  Those things have a place and we’ll address that, but it is not primary.

The gods of this world, the demonic entities, the sons of God who defected – however you want to phrase it – have infiltrated just about every aspect of American culture and the world systems.  They worship their gods in their words and deeds, both public and private.  Look at the infiltration of the social constructs.  The entertainment industry has led the way in reversing old standards and bringing in the perverse that their gods require.  It is considered quite cool now to bow at the feet of deities of sexual perversion, gender mutilation, pedophilia, violence, idolatry, selfishness, and everything in 2 Timothy 3.

The gods of this world have taken their places against the Supreme God.  They’ve even infiltrated His own people and the lands He has given them.  They’ve corrupted the leadership and they’ve corrupted the populace.  The symbols of their allegiance are prevalent across our society. 

This is what it’s going to take

And it will be scoffed by a lot of people.  I don’t care.  I know what I know. 

We take it on in every battleground, every community, every home, and every venue. 

We defy the gods of the world and we align with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The coming days, weeks, months and years will be battleground after battleground on issues wide and varied.  So whether we’re facing school boards or county commissions, state or federal legislators, law enforcement authorities, rock stars or movie stars, or whoever, fight with courage and solidarity with God.  Ultimately, we cannot lose.  We represent the Supreme God and His purposes for the earth.

The election matters.  The fraud and corruption matter.  But we don’t tackle it from that angle.  We’ve been trying that for years and how has that worked out for us?

And while I’m a strong advocate for prayer, we don’t just sit home and pray either.  There are giants in our land, and they want our destruction.  We have to fight.  Be forewarned, the institutional church will be one of our larger obstacles, may even become an adversary.  (More on that another day.)

About that promise…

Remember how Daniel was a prophet to Judah?  So his messages were to the Jews?  Well Hosea was a prophet to Israel (the ten tribes of the northern nation), and he prophesied about Israel (NOT Judah) from 750-722 B.C. 

Hosea 1:10 tells us the children of Israel will become “as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured or numbered.”  This is a promise from God to Abraham.  (Gen. 22:17)  Hosea is prophesying that the children of Israel will be as the sands of the sea, a reiteration of the Abrahamic covenant, but still for a future time.

Now look at the rest of Hosea 1:10:  “and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said to them, you are not my people, there it shall be said to them, you are the sons of the living God.”  This is a fascinating prophecy because it tells us two specific things:  the Israelites would become a numerous and vast people, and they would be unknown as Israelites. Regardless, they will be called the sons of God.

In Hosea 2:19-20 God declares this lost and scattered people will become His bride.  He goes on in verse 23 to tell us He is going to sow Israel (scatter) across the earth, and that these people will not be known as His people, and yet they will be His people.

Amos 9:9 reiterates that God will scatter His people Israel among the nations, yet they will not fall.

Recall that Jacob took Joseph’s two sons Ephraim and Manasseh as his own, and he gave them the birthright.  One was to become a “multitude of nations” and the other a great people.  (Gen. 48:19)  However angry God was with Ephraim, and while they would pay the consequences of their waywardness given in Lev. 26 (“I will scatter you among the heathen”), in Hosea 11:8-9, God is unwilling to destroy them. 

Hosea 7:8 tells us Ephraim mixed himself among the people of the earth, and that only half his story had been written (“a cake not turned” is half-baked).  Then Hosea 11:10 tells us the children of Israel will tremble from the west.  (west of the Holy Land)

The woman of Revelation 12 is undisputedly Israel.  Revelation 12 is a historical account of God’s salvation to His people covering a broad range of time and events.  The woman Israel was given two wings of a great eagle to fly into the wilderness (a place away from the commerce of the world) and she would be nourished for a time, times, and a half, which is a 2500 year period.  (Write me if you need me to explain this.)

Even if the 2500 years from Israel’s exile (725-722 B.C.) to America’s independence in 1776 is incidental, the people migrations have already been traced and the namesake tribes of Joseph can be traced to America and England.  America , not known as Israelites, are still known as the children of God (as a Christian nation). 

We are the seed of Abraham dispersed among the nations.  We are the children of God by adoption through Christ.  (Galatians 3:26)  America is a nation from both the Abrahamic Covenant and the Messianic Covenant.  When you know that, it changes everything. 

God will defend His people in the land He gave them because of His promise to Abraham.  It’s not about Trump or American politics.  It’s about God and His promises, and the sooner we realize that and stand on that, the sooner we’ll secure the victory over our enemies.  I will expound on this more in the days to come.

Are American enemies using our ports and borders to invade America?

I’ve got a theory on some circumstantial evidence.  I’ll give you the theory, then the evidence.

Is the CCP and ilk working with American Communists to infiltrate for an invasion?  I think the Chinese have been sending arms over to America through their American communist contacts (or communist sympathizers, aka traitors) and they’re storing them in warehouses scattered in cities across America, waiting for the “go” order.

I’m hypothesizing that the current border migrant flood is actually hired mercenaries for an invasion.  They waited until the Biden administration was in place to flood the border.  They’ve put a gag order on the ICE and CBP agents in order to downplay the extent of invasion, pretending it’s “under control” – to give players time to get in location.  Remember they’re busing and flying these “migrants” to various locations across the U.S.  What if they’re transporting them to the locations of the stored weapons?

The migrant mercenaries then become little armies in cities unsuspecting, waiting for the go order.  They’ll be armed and most likely their leadership is already in place.  Look at the various pics of the migrants being bussed.  They’re well dressed, gold jewelry, high tech phones, and not bedraggled whatsoever. 

While it’s documented the Chinese have been working with BLM and Antifa, supplying and funding them, what if that’s the cover for something more sinister?  (Not that that’s not treason in and of itself.)  [See articles here, here, and here.]

The Chauvin trial of the media spun lie about George Floyd is the pretense for new and upcoming riots.  But this is way bigger than that.  That is just the pretense to throw America off balance.  In the meantime you have (another) aggressive attempt at disarming Americans. 

My theory is that they’ve been putting the arms in place for a couple years (for every caught shipment, how many have not been intercepted?).  Now they’re getting the mercenaries in place.

I think Covid has been one of the covers for getting some of the things done and in motion, (consider Newsome’s laundering “masks” via CCP).  California has some of the most draconian illegal covid mandates in place.  Can Newsome justify multi-million even billion dollar bills with China without the “pandemic crisis”?  They need a ruse to launder the weapons.  They need people afraid of the government and locked down.  What other states have been draconian?  I’d start there for weapons warehouses.  (I’d guess they’re Democrat run states.)

They waited until the border was unprotected with an administration that is actually part of this plan.  (Biden is owned by the CCP and everyone who’s been paying attention knows it.)  Anyone paying any attention can see these people are not walking thousands of miles for “refuge” in America.  These people are clean and well-kept, some overweight (no hunger issue), with high dollar phones, clothes and jewelry.  Many have been spotted with credit cards.  No, someone has organized and paid a lot of people to flood our borders.

I think they’ll use BLM and Antifa “riots” to start the ball rolling (cue Floyd/Chauvin riots), and when chaos ensues, I think they’ll move in for a total disarmament of the American people.  When (if, really – we won’t let that happen but I think that’s their plan) the disarmament of the American people happens, the Communists (in whatever national garb they’re in) will come out and take over, (or maybe the UN will be called to “restore order”?). 

Simply put, we cannot disarm.  Americans organized and armed is the only reason they haven’t done it before now.

In this article we learn that Newsome had made a billion dollar deal with China for “masks” shipped monthly, but the details are not transparent.  I think we have weapons laundering going on here.

In this article (from last summer) we have weapon caches in various California warehouses.  If you don’t read any other article I link, please read this one (and the one at the end).

Assault weapons were seized in Louisville last year, sourced to China, and headed to Florida, article here, here and here.

This story from two summers ago, is gun parts from China were seized in California, article one and two.

This report tells us there was a 30% increase in gun and drug trafficking on our NORTHERN border last year.

Just last month the Biden Administration supported lawless search and seizures of guns without warrants, look here and here.

And yesterday the fool basically started the process of destroying the U.S. Constitution, specifically in relation to the2nd Amendment, but it will have an overall destruction if acted upon.  He is setting up lawless rule (not that we aren’t already under such, but this will make the government’s illegal actions now legal).  Article here.

I honestly think the cure to this communist takeover is:

  1.  Americans organized and armed.
  2. Local sheriffs on board with their Constitutional duty, implementing plans and procedures to nip in the bud any true and real insurgencies, whether they be BLM, Antifa, or other.
  3. Relentless vigilance inward and outward.
  4. Prayer.

Lastly, this is an astounding overview of how the British attempted arms control and confiscation just before the Revolutionary War.  Not much mainstream history likes to expound on the reality that the British tried to disarm the colonists.  There are eerily similar strains from those days to this day.  I can’t recommend this read enough.  It’s full of valuable insight and inspiration.

Will the real U.S. President please come forward? Part Three

Now to circle back (haha), if the Q intel is solid (and I don’t have time or space to get into how there was deliberate disinfo in Q posts because the black hats were watching too), then the answer is the military.  (Some of us just thought it would look different than what it does right now.)  These two posts are critical to the understanding of this:

And to reiterate that this was the keystone (if you will):

Note that these were the 11th and 12th drops, in the very first two days of drops.  This was the key all along:  the military.  Two days later Q says:

What has Arkin suggested?  That the military is running a second command because of the threat of a biological weapon and because the Constitutional successors have been incapacitated.

Who protects and maintains American satellites?  The Space Force.  How was the election stolen?  Satellites through Frankfurt, Germany and Italy.  Does the military know the election is a fraud?  Someone there does.

Who runs the Space Force?  The Air Force.  Who’s the Commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and US Northern Command?  General Glen D. VanHerck, of the U.S. Air Force.  Who runs the ConPlans and Granite Shadow?  General VanHerck.

[As of February 3, the Biden Administration had not visited with the Space Force (remedied shortly thereafter).   And we have that mishap of Biden’s Press Secretary mocking the Space Force…]

Just how an operation like Granite Shadow would enable a restoration of the Republic, I do not know.  This theory is pure speculation.  It seems the intent of these seven plans is the continuity of government where the executive branch is moved to a secure location, the area of the U.S. Capitol is defended by the U.S. military, and domestic missions are put under military control. 

I did find it interesting that deep state players Henry Kissinger and Madeline Albright were removed from the Department of Defense Boards by Chris Miller after Esper’s firing. 

Now let’s consider these points on Space Force:

Space Force, a branch of the US Military, functions in critical information gathering capabilities and specializing in cyber command and security.  Incidentally, it’s also a military branch the incoming alleged POTUS’s press secretary mocked, and never bothered to inquire briefings for.  When we combine the functions of the military in Space Force over cyber warfare with the functions of the military in USNorthCom, it’s not too much of a stretch to realize there are some facets of the US Military over some pretty significant operations (Granite Shadow, cyber security – think satellites, think election).

In this Department of Defense article, we’re reminded:

While Space Command is DOD’s newest combatant command, established just last year, Northcom is not that much older, standing up in October 2002 in response to the attacks of 9/11.

The command is responsible for the defense of the homeland, and at today’s hearing, VanHerck said “no mission is more sacred.”

The command is also the military lead for support to civilian agencies and has provided aid during Hurricane Katrina, fires in the western U.S. and the current response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Immediately we have the knowledge that defense of the homeland is their responsibility, and the “pandemic” qualifies their domain to run operation.  Then catch this explanation from General VanHerck when he was testifying at the Senate Hearing for his confirmation:

“We must remain prepared to meet the threats head on defend our homeland from an increasingly assertive set of peer competitors, rogue nations and nonstate actors, who are committed to creating a new world order and influencing our freedoms and our way of life,” he told the Senate panel.

He was plain that they view globalists attacking American liberty as a threat.

One more thing…. PEADS

Presidential Emergency Action Documents, also known as PEADS, are most likely what President Trump was referring to when he said, “I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”

This rang the alarm bell for ten senators who demanded to see President Trump’s PEADS.  Whether they were written or released is yet to be known, because the very nature of PEADS is they are classified.  According to the Brennan Center:

PEADs are classified “secret,” and no PEAD has ever been declassified or leaked. Indeed, it appears that they are not even subject to congressional oversight. Although the law requires the executive branch to report even the most sensitive covert military and intelligence operations to at least some members of Congress, there is no such disclosure requirement for PEADs, and no evidence that the documents have ever been shared with relevant congressional committees.

[This article also expounds a bit on the wide range of powers that can be exercised by PEADS.]

PEADS are documents that the President can prepare for actions to take in an emergency.  President Trump made the above statement when Covid was declared a national emergency.  As we’ve already learned, Granite Shadow and accompanying operations are in the case of an emergency involving weapons of mass destruction.  Those weapons could also be bioweapons. 

It would be poetic justice if the pandemic the Deep State prepared to bring our country to its knees and into a global new world order (which General VanHerck already acknowledged as a threat to America), was used to liberate us from the very tyrants who set it in motion.

But these are all best guesses.  I have no inside knowledge of anything, other than a dream I had last week with a computer screen in front of me with the word PEADS across the top, and a paragraph of explanation below it.  I read the paragraph twice before I woke up, trying to absorb the data points in it which seemed to explain how President Trump had used this very tool to save our Republic.  But it was just a dream, and I am only speculating.

Will the real U.S. President please come forward? Part Two

This is a great overview of where we were finding ourselves mid-January:

Now I’m not saying I agree with all the points in there, but I do think it demonstrates sound reasoning and deductions, and some data points we can collect for the big picture.  Here’s another one….

Devolution, Granite Shadow and some other military operations….

This is a what if, but it bears considering as a possibility.  The truth is, if I could figure out the plan to restore our Republic, the black hats would have figured it out long before me and engaged in their counter-measures.  For the strategy of restoring the Republic to be successful and most effective, it would have to catch the enemy by surprise with as little collateral damage to our nation and people as possible.

Sun Tzu said, “To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable.  The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy.”

I suggest this is the ambition of the white hats.  Revolution in America would come at an exorbitant cost, both domestically and internationally.  It is to be avoided at all costs.  There are too many million Americans deceived that would be used for collateral damage by the Enemy of the people.  The white hats are trying to avoid that at all costs.  They have waged information warfare for the last four years in an effort to educate and liberate the deceived. 

I believe there are multiple strategies of the white hats, with moves and countermoves in a fluid ever-fluctuating plan.  I do believe winning the election was the desirable outcome, but the countermoves of the enemy redirected the course.  The result is contingency plans and battles. 

Newsweek posted an article last spring about contingency plans of government in the event of a national emergency that removed the acting heads of government.  The premise of the article was about Covid and the impact it may have on our government institutions.  Journalist William Arkin spelled out the process of devolution as derived from underground laws ensuring government continuity in the event that “Constitutional successors are incapacitated”.  A second tier of assigned leadership is pre-delegated through the authority of the POTUS and Attorney General.  But get this, it’s basically running in the background, not in the foreground with common knowledge.

It is secret assignment plans, known only to those in the know:  the U.S. Military.  Thomas Wictor calls it a “clandestine military war” and Michael Froomkin calls it, “…an off-the-shelf plan in place for a military takeover…” where the executive branch drafts “secret plans for a military takeover of government”.  The key in this theory is these are clandestine operations.  If pulled off successfully, the American public will never know the preceding battles fought discreetly.

[What’s very peculiar to me about this is that William Arkin first reported on this September 21, 2005 in the Washington Post, and yet the article cannot be found on WaPo’s website anymore, nor on Global Research’s website which also published it.  The original source has been scrubbed on the internet.  Gratefully other websites posted the article within their text, so you can see it elsewhere.   I was finally able to track down the original story on the Wayback Machine here – give it a minute to load.]

The truth is these programs were initiated post-9/11 for the premise of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) on American soil.  What I’m asking (or suggesting) was did the White Hats flip the script and use the Deep State’s own programs against them?

Arkin spelled out the secret military operations in both articles actually, the WaPo article from 2005 and also the Newsweek article last spring (2020).  Arkin explains that the Granite Shadow plan was formulated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and it is a twin operation of “Power Geyser”. 

These are special operations that stem from CONPLANS 3400, 3500 and 3600.  (CONPLAN is abbreviation for Concept Plans.)  Out of CONPLAN 3600 you get Operations Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – ironically these are contingency plans that are geographically located in D.C., and parts of North Carolina and Maryland.  (Where is the National Guard presently?)  Granite Shadow is the playbook for the missions.  (Arkin has carefully laid out his knowledge of these operations here.)

While these operations are specific to weapons of mass destruction, arguably a biological agent can fit such a category.  I’m only asking out loud if when the Covid narrative was taken out of the hands of POTUS last spring and took on a life of its own for purposes of the Great Reset, if this may have been a counter move of the white hats?  Could they have used the narrative the black hats were driving worldwide of a “pandemic”, linked it to Wuhan’s Lab as a biological agent and instituted a contingency plan for implementation of Granite Shadow?

Then when the election was stolen and the usurper took office, could the operation have been activated because the “Constitutional successors” were incapacitated (in that they were illegally removed from office by fraud and subterfuge)? 

Interestingly, Granite Shadow is run by US NORTHCOM (Northern Command), which is under Homeland Security’s command and it works with SOCOM (Special Operations Command).  The Commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S  NORTHCOM up until the fall of 2020 was General Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy, who retired.  Today it is General Glen D. VanHerck.

Interestingly, VanHerck served as Director of the Joint Staff for a year (Aug. 2019-2020), until his current promotion.  The Director of the Joint Staff serves the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so his line of command through the avenues of knowledge of Granite Shadow are plainly laid out during the Trump Administration.

I found this speech given by General VanHerck just last month.  Gen. VanHerck  said this that caught my attention:

As the commander of NORTHCOM and NORAD, I have a couple of missions.  First, is defending North America in my NORAD hat, in my NORTHCOM hat defending the United States of America.  We also provide defense support of civil authorities.  All of those are no-fail missions.

I want to tell is the threat to our homeland is absolutely COVID and that’s what we’re attacking here today.  It’s important to realize that — that it is a threat and we have to take an operational perspective.  That is a no-fail admission.

If we’re talking about a clandestine military operation that operates under the premise of protecting the homeland from weapons of mass destruction, then General VanHerck just plainly painted the picture of such a scenario.  He has clearly identified the threat that enables an operation (Covid) and declares that an operation is taking place.

While the traitor Barack Obama signed the current devolution process plans in 2016 (Presidential Policy Directive 40), did our Commander in Chief and staff take the plans of the enemy to use against them?  (Think Haman and Mordechai.)  According to Arkin’s article in Newsweek, “Devolution may be temporary, or may endure for an extended period,” the directive states. And it further directs that the devolution staff be located at “a geographically dispersed location unaffected by the incident.” 

When President Trump left the White House on January 20, the red carpet was rolled out for him at Andrews Air Force Base, a military 21-gun salute was given, and he was flown to Mar A Lago on Air Force One, settling in there by the time the usurper was being illegally sworn in.  This would qualify as a “geographically dispersed location unaffected by the incident”.  [Ironically, the alleged incoming POTUS was not brought in on Air Force One, neither was a 21-gun salute given him, but the gun salute for a foreign dignitary.]

His final words before he departed were, “We will be back in some form.”  I don’t mean to connect dots where they don’t logically connect, but when we evaluate the earlier speech he gave, he did say, “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American people.”

Could we be in the midst of a clandestine military operation with a clandestine second government  known as a devolution staff?  Now look at an old Q post from the end of 2019.  We’ll see that the White Hats’ plan is to follow the laws in their actions so that their actions cannot be undone.  We are admonished that these painstaking efforts take time, and three election interferences are listed.

Monday, February 22 the SCOTUS ruled to not hear the Pennsylvania election fraud case.  Look who voted with the liberal judges:  Kavanaugh and Barrett.

As much as I hate to say this, it looks like we’re looking at a long-term game plan.  Now look at Q post 2462.  Three questions are asked at the start.  The first two ask us if there is corruption in the DOJ and FBI, and if the SCOTUS does not uphold the Constitution, how can arrests be made?  Elite criminals of establishment crimes will be released by their cronies in high places through one technique or another.

Kavanaugh and Barrett have not proven friends of the Constitution.  The SCOTUS has not proven a voice of justice for the American people.  When our American institutions fail the American people, how does one go about restoring the Republic?

Now look at what Q posted less than a month before the election.

Now look at the definition of insurgency by Wikipedia:

“….when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents.”   Could it be more accurate today?  The media, the entertainment industry, the D.C. political elite are not being recognized as hostile to our Republic, as belligerents.  (Here’s an excellent overview of the current color revolution.)

There was yet another assassination attempt of President Trump as recently as three weeks ago.  Why are they still trying to kill President Trump if he’s not a threat to the Establishment?  There is still an aggressive and dogged agenda to destroy President Trump physically, politically and socially.  And even now there is still a concerted effort to discredit Q, with 60Minutes just last month running a “special” on the “danger” of the Q movement.  Why?  The truth is very dangerous to the lie when the lie is losing its deceptive powers. 

Why is the media even more intent on discrediting Q and the patriot movement they have applied the misnomer of Qanon to?  What possible threat could an anonymous poster who stopped making posts months ago have to their establishment?

The threat of President Trump and the truth must be eliminated in order to fully enact the plans to dismantle our Republic.  There are only two things standing in their way:  President Trump’s leadership to restore the Republic, and We the People.  If there is a clandestine military operation in place, then President Trump is doing his part.  We the People must do ours.  We must resist the tyranny, challenge the usurpers, expose the lies while proclaiming truths, and not rest until our Republic is secure under the rule of law outlined in our U.S. Constitution.

If there is still a working plan by people in places of governmental authority for restoring the Republic, then it is most definitely clandestine at this point.   With the focus primarily off such people now, we the people are left in the darkness of nefarious actors pretending to be patriots sitting in powerful positions of our government, methodically undoing our Constitution and liberties, leading us to a tyrannical globalized new world. 

For me, leadership for true patriots was given by Q.  Recall these posts in the last batch of posts made:

October 22, 2020:  Only the beginning, Padawan.  They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].

October 30, 2020  This is not about R v D.  This is about preserving our way of life.  If America falls, the World falls.  Patriots on guard.

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to finish what we started?  ‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ is not just a catch-phrase.

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?

October 31, 2020:  Are you ready to take back control of this Country?

There are only three Q drops after that one.  On November 12, well after the election, Q asks if we are ready to play a game.  At this time we still think the election fraud is going to be revealed pre-inauguration.  He then asks, “How do you show the public the truth?  How do you safeguard elections post-POTUS?  How do you ‘remove’ foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned Voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?”

At this point we still think the exposed corruption will answer these questions.  But then Q says something I think we took as a here and now statement, but I believe was actually foretelling:  “It had to be this way.  Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.”

The next day Q simply posts:  “Durham.”

And his final post was December 8, and it was this video:  We’re not going to take it

So either the plan failed, or the plan is still going.  Either way it will require the work and sacrifice of patriots.  Failure to restore our Republic is at the peril of our future, our children and our children’s children, and the world. 

Will the real U.S. President please come forward? Part One

I operate in theories for the most part, especially when it comes to current events.  There’s no way I have all the facts of any one thing.  So I gather facts, evaluate them against evidence and circumstances, and formulate theories of what I think is going on.  The more facts I have coupled with understanding, the greater probability my theories are correct, partially correct, or at least in the right ball park.

Take for instance the 2020 election.  I was 100% convinced Donald J. Trump would be elected.  And I was right; he was.  But I was 95% convinced the wrong would be righted by the inauguration.  It wasn’t.  I have been stumped ever since.  I have gone back and back on my data to try to see the error and where I missed it. 

I can acknowledge my error(s); I just want to know how I made them.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around how a stolen election can be this obvious and justice so elusive.  There’s no way 83 million people voted for Bejing Biden, which means we (the “dissenters”) are really the majority.  If we’re the majority, we should be able to obtain justice by majority rule.  Unless….

….unless “We the People” don’t really hold the power. 

Ah, we appear unable to hold our government institutions accountable to the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.  The highest courts in our land will not even hear the evidence on election fraud in a “free and fair” American election.

By an endless subterfuge of smoke and mirrors, shadows and games, an illusion of an American Republic governed by the U.S. Constitution through the American people has been operating.  But it’s only been an illusion.  Instead of the rule of law and blind justice operating, actors have been acting and the American public has been an audience but not participants.  We don’t really hold the power.  The actors do, and they have been clear to make sure the audience remains merely spectators, helpless to change the ever increasing drama in the script.

Speaking of Theories…..

In my pursuit to see where I miscalculated my deductions of justice being obtained by Jan. 20, I’ve had to evaluate my sources, my knowledge of American law and procedure, and my understanding of processes and players.

While I know there is growing criticism of the mysterious “Q” character, I do think it’s telling that the MSM narrative and political traitors of our Constitution have endeavored to paint Q as “dangerous to our democracy”.  As a rule of thumb, whatever Pelosi, Schumer and the MSM paint as dangerous to our country, the opposite is usually true.  In fact, when you look at the republicans (tongue in cheek) who have come out denouncing Q, well, that may speak louder than the liberals I’ve listed.

But alas, even real patriots have jumped on this diatribe – desperate to distance themselves from being perceived in negative light, or to be branded a “conspiracy theorist”, or even a “domestic terrorist”.  But do you know who has never jumped on that bandwagon?  President Trump.  And he was even given opportunity (finally) to denounce it, but he refused.  Listen to his words closely, [also here the second time].

In that second excerpt you’ll see Cuomo and the propaganda arm really twist some words and make some blatantly false accusations (that Qanon is against Catholics not pedophilia, etc.).  From following Q posts and doing my own research since almost the entrance of Q on the scene in late 2017, I know the MSM is lying.  But this article is not about that, I just want to point out that everyone who has bought the MSM narrative about Q, you might want to ask yourself why you suddenly agree with the dark side….

Personally, I’ve left the door open that I could be wrong on Q.  Was he black hat, white hat or no hat?  The jury’s still out.  But Q was one of my sources for my reached conclusions, so I’ve taken another good hard look at the data again.  In light of that, sometimes I have to work backwards and try to prove or disprove theories from hindsight.  Odd thing Q said quite a bit was “future proves past”…

January 19, 2021, the day before inauguration

The Spirit told me Biden would be inaugurated without incident.  This caught me by surprise, but did mentally prepare me for the alleged inauguration.

The Spirit had also dropped in my spirit for about the two weeks leading up to the inauguration the phrase, “Besides all this it’s the third day…” from Luke 24:21. 

This told me two things….

  1.  I had misread the signs.  (I thought something was supposed to happen a certain way and it didn’t.)
  2. I didn’t have the right understanding.  (Christ called their conclusion foolish and went back to the beginning to explain things to help them understand.)

I’m going to operate on the premise that Q is real and Q’s intel is real until I can no longer believe this, which means I must go back and see what signs I missed and what explanations I need to consider that will help me see the big picture more correctly.

Foreshadowing, and proving the past in the future

Now this is just another theory, but I’m revisiting some things to see where I might have missed somethings.  Less than a month before the election Q posted this.

The first four lines of that post are 100% accurate.  American democracy is an illusion, and our government being for: “we the people” is only an illusion.  President Trump endeavored to change this.  Then Q says this:  “ALL ASSETS DEPLOYED.”

White hat or black hat assets?  Probably both.  Q said “all assets deployed” fourteen times between April and October of 2020. The context of the first thirteen of them was that the black hats had deployed all of their assets through information warfare, election fraud, etc.  This is the only time Q says “All assets deployed” where it could be interpreted for the white hats, and it is roughly one month before the election.

Interestingly, Q also said “Not another four year election” twelve times from December 19, 2018 until June 18, 2020.  The first time he said it was roughly a month or so after mid-terms.  THAT is when Q started pointing out the 2020 elections.  Look at the December 19 post:

“Long term solutions” for what?  To return the power to the people.  I didn’t understand then the gravity of this post.  This was foreshadowing two years in advance of the battle being unfurled precisely now.  This post is coupled with President Trump’s speech laying out his plan in 2016 as he was campaigning.  Listen to it again with fresh ears.  The punch line is actually the first line:

“Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you the American people.  The Washington Establishment and the financial and media corporations that fund it exist for only one reason:  to protect and enrich itself.”

What kind of “new government” is he talking about?

This is part of the reason I’m starting to think this was the plan all along.