
the dreams

In the first dream it was a Sunday morning and our family was in our living room.  My husband was telling me we should visit a church.  [in real life we had been out of a church home for 3+ years]  I was reluctant but submitted.  Then he decided we should go to the small town church I was baptized in when I was sixteen, in my childhood town [of which I do not visit or revisit, in fact, avoid].  I was uncomfortable, but still submitted.  The sanctuary was different in the dream than in real life.  In the dream it was U shaped with the pulpit in the center of the U and all of the chairs wrapped around its sides and front.  My husband and I did not sit together.  He was in a row facing the pulpit, while I was in a row with our children to the left of the pulpit.  My husband started talking aloud to the congregation and they were intently listening.  He was speaking to them about church and referenced me out loud, suggesting aloud that I share my thoughts and studies on the subject.  I was hugely uncomfortable and wasn’t even sure what he was wanting me to share.  He kept talking but looking over at me.  I then saw a note sheet of paper with my handwritten notes on “eklesia” on the paper, sitting on my lap.  I then realized what he wanted me to share.  He referenced me again to share.  I was extremely uncomfortable but I stood up and asked the crowd if they knew the original Greek word for what the translators now call “church”.  No one did.  I then explained it was “eklesia” and then asked if anyone knew the actual literal translation.  There were a few guesses like “fellowship” and “assembly”, so I explained that it literally translates “called out ones”.  The Board Chairman of the church when I was there was actually in the pulpit and he began praying.  His last name is Fischer.  In his prayers he said, “and thank you, Lord for bringing Michelle to us to teach us these things….”  I was startled, not thinking anyone knew or cared who I am.  I woke up, pondered it a moment, then fell back asleep and had the following dream…

Again, our family was at home and it was a Sunday morning.  It felt present day like it was really happening right then.  Only our home in the dream wasn’t our current residence.  It was a nice yet modest home on a hill on several acres.  I knew no one knew where we lived or how to get there.  I had the understanding in the dream that some friends of ours had been given a huge amount of land and they gave us a parcel of 5-10 acres out of it.  We had built this house on that parcel, and it was situated way out in the middle of nowhere, not on a main road, but on a hill with winding country roads for miles before getting there.  Our whole family of six plus a couple other of our boys were in the living room and we were having a grand time just talking and laughing, wrestling and telling stories.  It felt like it was around 11:30am or so because we realized the Chiefs game started soon and we hadn’t figured out lunch yet.  I must’ve heard something or maybe got up to go to the kitchen while we were throwing out lunch ideas.  One of the boys said, “we should get a pizza!”  The entire atmosphere was warm and fun and happy.

I walked into the kitchen which apparently housed the exterior door.  I was surprised to see our St. Bernard in protective mode outside of the door.  Behind our dog was a couple from a church that we worship at a couple times a month, but don’t belong to.  I only know them by face and first name, have never really talked with them.  I was extremely surprised because I knew no one knew where we lived and no one would know how to get to our home.  They were looking at me with imploring, almost apologetic eyes.  They said they had been looking for my house and would I show them around?  Would I show them where I sit to get my ideas and thoughts?  I was taken aback and somewhat bewildered.

I had come outside to greet them and we began walking the land we lived on.  We came upon a sitting area with a chair under a tree and some rock landscape.  The woman sat in the chair and asked, “is this where you think?  Is this where you get most of your ideas?”  As she’s asking, two people start walking up to where we are that I have never seen before.  I have the same startled reaction of who are they?  How did they find me?  What do they want?  They have the same look in their eyes and ask the exact same questions, will I show them where I think, where I sit, where I get my ideas?  We start walking more and come to another sitting area and the same scenario unfolds, with two more people coming up that I haven’t met asking the same questions, and I have the exact same startled reaction when I see them.  This seems to go on a dozen times with quite a group building and walking with us across our land.

At one juncture I came came upon a man leaning back in a chair with a cowboy hat and boots on, looked much like a farm hand.  He indicated he had come to inquire of my assistance for a court matter in which he was being sued by a man for fault of an accident and subsequent damages.  He pulled out a smart phone and began showing me and the group that was with me a video from the court hearing.  As I watched the testimonies and the evidence given, it seemed apparent to me that he was at fault in the accident, but I kept silent.  He must have perceived my doubt of his innocence and said that he had actual footage of the accident itself from a street camera. He pulled the film up on his phone and it showed him sitting at a stop sign at an intersection in an old VW van with a vanity plate on the front that read some sort of quip about “cowboys”.  The intersecting street had no stop lights or signs, and a four door sedan with a front license plate that read “CHEESE” was traveling down the road.  The cowboy in the VW van was fiddling with something in his vehicle and failed to pay attention as he pulled out and t-boned the oncoming sedan.  I didn’t actually say anything to this man but I didn’t think I could not and would not do anything for him because he was clearly in the wrong, even though it was just a mistake.

The dream went on with more and more people coming that I didn’t know asking me about where I got my thoughts and ideas and wandering our land, asking me to share with them.  Another group of people were asking me more pointed questions like about eschatology and specifics.  They almost apologetically said they knew I was busy with my commitments right now, but maybe when I was done could I teach them?  I instantly knew what “commitment” they were referring to, but to be clear I asked them what they were referring to.  They answered “NFL” and I knew it had to do with how I carve out time to watch NFL a lot during its season and pause on other commitments, taking the NFL season as a break.  We began talking about how I could teach.  I mentioned Randy had suggested we video me so people could access it when they want.  We also spoke of me just writing things down to read, and teaching lecture style.  This was the interaction going on when my phone rang and woke me up.

I prayed about these dreams for a few days, and asked an intercessor to pray for me about them, without telling her the actual dreams.  She got two scriptures to help me with the interpretation of the dreams.  2 Kings 11:4 is what she got for the first dream.  It reads:

Now in the 7th year Jehoida (the priest) sent and brought the captains of hundreds of the Carites and of the guard and brought them to him in the house of the Lord.  Then he made a covenant with them and put them under oath in the house of the Lord and showed them the king’s son (who had been hidden).

From this I understood the Lord was telling me it was time to come out of hiding and back into the house of the Lord (church); that I was to teach believers.  (something I have shied away from because of a long history of church abuses and relationship abuses in the church)

The second scripture she got was for the second dream.  It was Hebrews 2:4, which reads:

God also testified (bore witness) to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His will.

When we prayed about how to understand that scripture in relation to the second dream, we understood God to say He would confirm this calling of mine to teach these people seeking truth and wisdom in the mysteries of God, that have been searching and looking for help with a sign or a wonder.  I understood Him to mean I have been tucked away in my home with my family and am perfectly happy in that condition, and I have not wanted anyone to know who or where I am, but there are people so hungry and are seeking.  When we asked what the sign or wonder would be, He showed us it was the cowboy’s accident.  One of my passions is NFL football.  That scene in the dream was an accident between two cars.  Cars represent ministries, occupations, or businesses.  The cowboy ran into the sedan with CHEESE on its plate.  Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers.  We got that God was going to confirm to me that He was calling me to this by a Cowboys/Packers game in which the Cowboys were going to lose to the Packers on an error by the Cowboys.  I was dumbfounded.  I didn’t even know if the Cowboys and Packers were playing last season.  I jumped online and saw that the Cowboys and Packers were playing on December 15 at Dallas.  I told three or four other people and then waited…for two months.

Dallas had home field advantage, and the Packers were on a losing streak with star quarterback Aaron Rodgers out with a broken collarbone.  I was watching the Chiefs game and they highlighted the scores at halftime.  At halftime Dallas was up 26-3.  I looked to my friends and family around me and said, “well if my dream is right, Green Bay is going to come back and win by an error on Dallas’s part.”  You can read about the amazing comeback and win that made it the game of the week on many sports shows here:

Dallas quarterback Tony Romo threw an interception to Shields of Green Bay, breaking the way open for a Green Bay win.  My dream was from God, and He confirmed it with a sign or wonder two months before it was to happen, something I could never predict.  I didn’t even know they were playing and would have never bet on Green Bay with Rodgers out.

And that is pretty much the entire reason for this website and Eternal Issues classes and teachings.  May God receive all the glory and may His great Name be renown.