On the topic of Israel….

Part One

I started this series on Facebook, because there was interest. I can’t publish it on NewsWithViews because they have a strict “no criticism of Israel” policy. I was told straight from the publisher of NWV that I could write on anything I want EXCEPT Israel.

So here’s the first post I made, trying to lay some groundwork to introduce the topic gently. I made it on October 17, 2023.

I know I can get long-winded, so I’m going to break this up into several posts instead of one small novel. 😂 This first post will lay some groundwork on how my views evolved and why I mostly stay away from this topic in a public forum.

My background is only relevant to my perspective, but to help you understand where I’m coming from let me tell you a couple things about me. I’ve been a serious disciple of Christ for over three decades, have read the Bible through from cover to cover a few times (probably 10-12), and read and studied in depth several portions far more times than that. I only say this so you realize I’m not a baby Christian who is unfamiliar with the Word. That said, I’d say one could study the Word of God for the entirety of one’s life and not fully grasp its mysteries. So my knowledge is only on a very wide and varied scale.

I have not attended a western Church regularly for about seven years. When in the western Church I was mostly a teacher, a drama instructor, a youth leader, and a speaker. Without going into detail, I’ll just say I frequently incurred the religious spirit – and it has many, many faces.

My personal background is I was raised by an astute religious spirit (but not in a religious setting, the religious spirit operates everywhere, not just a church), and in hindsight recognize I was trained by circumstance by such a spirit, and thus operated quite heavily in the religious spirit. It would be years before I could recognize it in myself. It would be a few years before I found deliverance from it and could break free. That said, I am usually able to discern an operating religious spirit pretty quickly. I am pretty experienced with it from both within and without.

Enough about me.

Steven Collins wrote a four-part series of books on the lost tribes of Israel, documenting migratory patterns and historical records in great detail, with an extensive bibliography. It was in reading this series that my eyes were opened to one of the fallacies or weaknesses of the western institutional church: they don’t teach the foundation of the faith correctly, or completely. So many things began to make sense when I moved through this book series. The Bible came alive.

Steve Collins’ website

Arthur Koestler wrote a book called the Thirteenth Tribe, detailing the reality of modern day Jews, that there is a whole people group who have adopted the Jewish label who have no bloodline connection to it whatsoever, the Khazarians. The “synagogue of Satan” from Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 began to make sense to me finally.

I studied for quite some time under Avi ben Mordechai, a Messianic Jew who broke open Hebrew idioms and cultural traditions that breathed new life into the Word for me. God overlapped that with a profound experience in my personal life (I found a blood brother who we’d been separated from birth), and God showed me some differences in roots from bloodline to adoption that really helped me grasp some spiritual concepts. Through another experience I met a Messianic Rabbi from a city a couple hours away that reinforced some of the learnings I was starting to grasp. He and I exchanged emails for a couple years, and he sent me personal studies he had written to help me understand deeper some concepts of Hebrew words and certain topics. I invited him to our town twice to hold Passover Seders. I love the Hebraic roots of Scripture. Some of these studies have been some of my most enriching ones.


I studied the book of Revelation and Daniel for years. I embarked on a serious study that took over my dining room for quite some time. I labored to understand the prophecies. Each time I thought I was grasping them, I had to return to the drawing board when I hit inconsistencies. Sometime in this season God gave me two vivid dreams that He reinforced with a literal sign – it was quite supernatural. He called me to teach it to whoever would listen. I asked Him how, as I had been out of organized church for a couple years. A pastor of a local church came to me and offered me his church to teach in, said he’d give me a key and I could just pick the evening/time, and I could have it. I sent out an email to see if anyone was interested, and had a small showing of people for a several month 19-lesson class.

a picture Bill snapped of me in my dining room season

The dreams are here: https://www.eternalissues.com/?post_format=link

I studied under Ellis Skolfield (not to be confused with the Scofield of the annotated Bible who has done serious disservice to the Word of God here in America and abroad). I actually talked with Mr. Skolfield on the phone once, and was saddened when this WWII veteran died a few years ago. His teachings helped me step almost completely away from any residue left from the western church on eschatology.


Through my writings at NewsWithViews, I get a lot of emails and meet some really interesting people. I was approached by a man out of the country who asked me to edit a book he was writing. We had exchanged emails before and he had previously asked me to read and review an earlier book he had written on evolution, which I did. When he asked me to edit this other book and told me the topic and title, I told him I probably wasn’t the best choice because I didn’t agree with his stance on eschatology. He said that was precisely why he wanted me. He said I’d be able to find the holes in his presentation, and he wanted to shore up anything unclear. I reluctantly agreed. Through the editing of that book, I was finally able to see some things I had stubbornly held onto but couldn’t really solidly prove. There’s more to this story, but for brevity will say I had been having a recurring themed dream for two-plus years up until this time that had me troubled deeply for its implications. As I was slowly able to lay down my stubbornly held beliefs and consider I may be wrong, the Spirit showed me the danger in my long-held beliefs which were allegorical to the recurring dreams I’d had for the prior two-plus years.

the book I edited

I didn’t know what to do with this. It meant twenty years of my teaching were in error. I take very seriously James 3:1, that teachers will be held in stricter judgment. I withdrew to reexamine my learning, my understanding, my beliefs. I literally took every eschatological belief I had and put it on a shelf or in the trash, and mourned. I mourned for the fact that I may have led anyone astray. I asked the Lord what I was to do now. Mind you, this was AFTER I had taught a 19-week class with errant teaching.

And I withdrew from any sort of public teaching or expounding. I went back to the Scriptures with new(er) eyes, went back to the drawing board, and waited. I held nothing tightly in my hands and left myself open to the possibility that I may need to unlearn everything AGAIN and start over. I considered just laying it all down and withdrawing from the study and definitely the teaching. Perhaps my mind was not going to understand. Perhaps it was above my pay grade. Perhaps I am not meant to “get it” and I should relegate back to the experts and theologians and Bible scholars. I even sent apologies to a couple people I felt I should and recanted my prior statements.

Some time later I read Michael Heiser’s Unseen Realm. So many things fell into place for me. Things I had wondered about, things I had theorized, things I had been turning around in my head started to come together. I was beginning to back away from the details and see the bigger picture in a new way and it was illuminating. I took Psalm 82:1 to my son and asked him to read it. He read it aloud and I told him it was the wrong translation, to look at it in the English Standard Version. He read it and I watched his eyes change as he looked up at me and said, “Mom, this changes everything!” Yes. Yes it does.


I watched Ewar’s several hour documentary on the hidden history of earth. I saw the free energy centers spread across the earth, the meticulous geometry and perfect mathematics, the enormous buildings built with perfect precision. I marveled at the buildings that we can neither afford now nor do we seem competent enough to recreate with all the modern technological advances we have. I realized that with such an environment, there had to have been a semblance of peace and unity on the earth. There had to be a cooperation among peoples. There had to be advanced thought and behavior beyond anything demonstrated on earth presently or in official historical records.

I listened to the questions about the masses of orphans, the influx of small children moved across America and Europe. I explored the early 1900s movies and books and the recurring themes they presented that asked more questions than they answered.

I watched the twelve hour documentary Europa and wept at its implications. I revisited World Wars one and two and bought some non-narrative accounts of them to pore through. I bought Mein Kampf (back before they banned it again in America) and read Hitler’s words for myself. I looked at some old headlines; I listened to some old speeches. I dug into the Church Committee findings in the mid-1970s and its damning findings.

I traced the Khazarian king who converted his people to Talmudic Judaism to the line of Magog of the bloodline of Japheth (NOT Shem). I remembered that there are only four places in Scripture that name is listed: in the genealogy of Japheth in Genesis 10 and 1 Chronicles 1, in the prophecy of Gog in Ezekiel 38-39, and in the final battle of Revelation 20. I studied the Khazarians and how their homeland is modern day Ukraine. I noted that the current Ukrainian flag bears the Khazarian crest, and I surmised that perhaps Revelation 20:8 was coded language for the Khazarian bloodline. Revelation 20:8 doesn’t make good grammatical sense and it has always read like a cryptic symbol to me. What if the Gog and Magog of Revelation 20:8 is the Khazarian bloodline who are bent on worldwide conquest and dominion? It’s not only plausible and possible, but it plays into modern day current events perfectly.

I learned that renown historians Josephus and Tacitus recorded the return of a heavenly army over Jerusalem in 70 A.D. – a well established fact the institutional church has neglected to teach or even present as evidence. I know that the false teaching of the rapture can be traced to a little girl’s vision from England, not the Word of God, and that there was no such teaching in the church for eighteen hundred years before her “vision” that Scofield ran with. I know the “seven year tribulation” can be traced to two Jesuit priests employed by the Pope to take the heat off the RCC and put a so-called “anti Christ” off into an unknown future.


But now this is getting long, so I’ll wrap it for now and just finish like this: It’s hard for me to succinctly present my current events theories that are so counter-narrative both secularly and religiously because they cover so much ground that is not widely understood. Where do you start? If you give the punch line first, you are ridiculed or mocked as some absurd fringe theory. Most people don’t want to take the time to study some of the history out, to evaluate some of the prolific lies the world is entrenched in, or to lay down deeply held indoctrinations.

So I mostly keep silent, or drop little hints or suggestions that all is not as it seems. If anyone is still interested after poring through this, I will make a post of my theory as a summary from these studies (and others I haven’t mentioned for brevity).

I’ve linked some my resources in the text above, but can provide more if interested.

2 thoughts on “On the topic of Israel….”

  1. I continue to be astounded by the parallel nature of your journey with mine. Seeing and sharing what Western Cultural Christianity refuses to entertain, having the Holy Spirit literally break me out of the “accepted” historical doctrines that are lies. Feeling as if I speak amongst a people only acquainted with the Khoisan language.

    The Spirit asked me in 2018, “How much of this existence labeled as life is an outright lie”?
    Most of what I had been told, the interpretations of scripture [much of which you cite in part 1] were laid out on the table for the purpose of Him walking me through dissection.

    Joel 2:28
    2 Thes 2:10-11

    I love the Spirit of TRUTH more than anything. John 16:33
    He is the treasure of my heart, though I see through a veil dimly.

    1. Hello David! Thank you for sharing. It’s nice to hear of fellow sojourners and their journeys. It’s also cool, in reading your own thoughts, to see how God and His Spirit interacts with each of us personally at the place we’re at. He is truly amazing and I continue to stand in awe of Him. Thank you for reaffirming His unconventional ways through your own testimony. God bless!

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